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Synge J.L., Griffith B.A. — Principles of Mechanics
Synge J.L., Griffith B.A. — Principles of Mechanics

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Íàçâàíèå: Principles of Mechanics

Àâòîðû: Synge J.L., Griffith B.A.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìåõàíèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1949

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 517

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 05.05.2013

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Object point      395
Observer in relativity      477
Optics, electron      see "Charged particle"
Orbit, central      166—184 185 186
Orbit, circular      174—176
Orbit, elliptical      169 179—182 185 374 see
Orbit, hyperbolic or parabolic      179 185
Ordered triad      247
Orthogonal triad      23
Oscillation, center of      201
Oscillations, damped      163—168 185
Oscillations, deadbeat      166 185
Oscillations, forced      166—168 185
Oscillations, harmonic      160—162 184 see "Vibration"
Oscillator, harmonic      159—168
Osculating plane      264
Over-rigid frame      106
Pappus, theorems of      80 114
Parabola in suspension bridge      100 114
Parabolic orbit      179 185
Parabolic trajectory of projectile      151—154 184
Parallel axes, theorem of      191—193 222
Parallel forces      270 271
Parallelepiped      see "Cuboid"
Parallelogram law, for couples      268
Parallelogram law, for infinitesimal rotations      282
Parallelogram of forces      32 33 36
Particle      8 9 35
Particle, angular momentum of      128 129 146 329 333 341 360
Particle, charged      176 381—403 412 413
Particle, dynamics of      127—131 146 151—184—186 212—214 337—343 360 364—411—414 459—462 491—498 499
Particle, equilibrium of      39 40 69 70 262 301
Particle, free      32 489 490 498
Particle, in a plane      64—66 118—121 126 127—131 146 151—184—186 212—214 217 218 370—372 459—462
Particle, in relativity      477 489—498 499
Particle, in rotating frame      142 143 147 347—351 361
Particle, in space      305—308 329 332 333 337—343 346—351 360 373—411—414
Particle, kinematics of      118—121 125 305—308 332 485—495 498
Particle, kinetic energy of      129 146 333 460
Particle, Lagrange's equations for      459—462
Particle, linear momentum of      128 337 495 496
Particle, on rotating earth      144—146 403—411 414
Particle, on stretched string      511
Particle, potential energy of      65—67
Particle, principle of energy for      129—131 146 311 342 360 382 496 497 499
Particle, under central force      128 168—184 185 462
Particles, on stretched string      208—212
Past and future, determination of      339 340
Pendulum, ballistic      235 236
Pendulum, compound      198—201 223 370
Pendulum, conical      374 375
Pendulum, Equivalent simple      200 223
Pendulum, Foucault's      408—411 414
Pendulum, simple      159—161 184 370—372 412
Pendulum, spherical      373—381 412
Percussion, center of      239
Perihelion      180
Period      see "Periodic time"
Periodic solutions of a differential equation      364—367
Periodic time      161
Periodic time of simple pendulum      161 184 372 412
Periodic time, normal      211—213 223 468 409
Periodic time, of compound pendulum      200 201 223 370
Periodic time, of harmonic oscillator      162 163 166 168
Periodic time, of planet      180—182 185
Perpendicular axes, theorem of      193 222
Phase of oscillator      162
Philosophical ideas      3—8
Physical laws and dimensions      508—512
Physical truth      7
Physical way of thinking      3—5 508
Physicists' equations      506 507
Pitch, of screw displacement      284 285
Pitch, of wrench      269 270 285
Pitching moment      272
Plane dynamics, applications in      151—184—186 189—222 223
Plane dynamics, methods of      127—146 147
Plane equipollence      48
Plane impulsive motion      227—238 239
Plane kinematics      118—125
Plane mechanics defined      39
Plane statics, applications in      74—113 115
Plane statics, methods of      38—69 70
Plane, fundamental      39
Plane, inclined      202—204
Plane, invariable      420 453
Plane, of symmetry      78 321
Plane, osculating      264
Planetary orbit      176—184 185
Planetary orbit, constants of      179 180 185
Planetary orbit, Kepler's laws for      181 182
Planetary orbit, periodic time of      180 181 185
Plumb line on rotating earth      145 146 403 405
Poinsot ellipsoid      420 421 425 453
Poinsot, method of      419—421 425—429 453
Polhode cone      309
Polygon of forces      40
Poschl, Th.      88
Position vector      24 36 305
Positive rotation      247
potential energy      64—67 70 85 114 130 294—297 299 300 302
Potential energy, a minimum for stability      214—221 223 296
Potential energy, for inverse square law of attraction      83 178
Potential, electric      381
Potential, gravitational      83
Potential, magnetic      382
Pound      13
Poundal      34
Power      54
Prandtl, L.      88
Precession      429—432 438 442—444 453 454
Principal axes and moments of inertia      316—326 333
Principal normal      264
Principal planes of inertia      318
Principle for particle      128 129 146 341 360
Principle for system      135 147 344 345 360
Principle of angular momentum, in impulsive motion      230 231 238 357 358 361
Principle of energy, for particle      129—131 146 341 342 360 382
Principle of energy, for rigid body      196 201 223 352 356 360 361
Principle of energy, for system      136 137 147 346 360
Principle of energy, in relativity      496 497 499
Principle of equivalence      480 481
Principle of linear momentum, for particle      337 496
Principle of linear momentum, for system      132 146 343 360
Principle of linear momentum, in impulsive motion      229 230 238 357 358 361
Principle of virtual work      57—60 70 295 296 301
Principle, for rigid body      196 202—204 223 352 355 360 361
Principle, relative to mass center      136 147 202 223 345 360 361
Procedure in theoretical mechanics      6 7
Products of inertia      313—316 333
Products of vectors      245—257
Products of vectors, mixed triple      250 251 267
Products of vectors, scalar      245 246 257
Products of vectors, vector      247—250 257
Products of vectors, vector triple      252 257
Projectile, on rotating earth      407 408 414
Projectile, stability of      440 441
Projectile, with resistance      154—159 184
Projectile, without resistance      151—154 184
propeller      312 313 321 322
Proper energy      497
Proper mass      495
Proper time      491 492 498
quantum mechanics      7 8 177 340 341
Radial components of velocity and acceleration      120 125
Radius, of curvature      119 264
Radius, of gyration      189
Radius, of torsion      264
Range of projectile      153 154
Rate, of change of vector      347 348 361
Rate, of growth      348
Rate, of transport      348
Rawlings, A.L.      445
Reaction, at rough contact      86—88 114
Reaction, at smooth contact      54 55 57 70
Reaction, in beam      92—94 114 272 273
Reaction, in rigid body      56 57 70
Reaction, in rotating rod      206 207
Reaction, normal      87
Reaction, workless      54—57 70
Reactions of constraint      57—59 295
Rectangular cuboid, moments of inertia of      324
Rectangular plate, moments of inertia of      190 222 324
Reduction, of displacement, to screw      284 285
Reduction, of general force system      266—273 301
Reduction, of plane force system      50—52 70
Reduction, of system of parallel forces      270 271
Reduction, to translation and rotation      61 62 280 281 302
Relative energy      495 497 499
Relative force      495—499
Relative mass      495
Relative momentum      495 496
Relativistic contraction of moving rod      486 487 490
Relativistic slowing down of moving clock      487 490
Relativity, fundamental concepts of      475—480
Relativity, general theory of      7 177 476 477
Relativity, measurement of time in      475—480 483 487 490 492 493 498
Relativity, motion of a particle in      489—498 499
Relativity, Special Theory of      475—498 499
Representative lamina      61
Resistance of air      151 154—159 184
Resistance of air, varying as the square of the velocity      157—159 184
Resistance of air, varying directly as the velocity      159 184
Resonance      163 168
Rest      14
Rest energy      497
Restitution      233 234
Restitution, coefficient of      232—234 239
Resultant, of finite rotations      20 282
Resultant, of forces      32 36
Resultant, of infinitesimal displacements      281—283 302
Reversed effective force      138 147
Right-handed triad      247
Rigid body      10 11 36
Rigid body with a fixed point, angular momentum of      330—333
Rigid body with a fixed point, angular velocity of      308—310 332
Rigid body with a fixed point, displacement of      279—282 290 301 302
Rigid body with a fixed point, dynamics of      351—355 360 418—444 453 454
Rigid body with a fixed point, equations of motion of      352 360
Rigid body with a fixed point, Euler's theorem for      279 280 301
Rigid body with a fixed point, Eulerian angles for      288—290 309 310
Rigid body with a fixed point, kinematics of      308—310 332
Rigid body with a fixed point, kinetic energy of      327 328 333
Rigid body with a fixed point, mounting of      418
Rigid body with a fixed point, under no forces      418—429 453 see "Top"
Rigid body, angular momentum of      193 194 222 223 330—332 333
Rigid body, angular velocity of      122 125 308—311 332
Rigid body, displacement of      61 62 70 278—285 301 302
Rigid body, dynamics of      189—207 221—223 351—356 360 361 418—453 454
Rigid body, equilibrium of      62—64 70 273—278 301
Rigid body, free      290
Rigid body, in relativity      477
Rigid body, internal reactions in      56 57 70 206 207
Rigid body, kinematics of      121—124 125 308—313 332
Rigid body, kinetic energy of      193—196 222 223 327—329 333
Rigid body, motion in space      351—356 360 361 418—453 454
Rigid body, motion parallel to a plane      121—124 125 189—207 221—223
Rigid body, rotating about fixed axis      196—201 223
Rigid body, work done by forces acting on      63 70 292 293 302
Rod, moment of inertia of      190 222
Rolling contact      55—57 70 123 124
Rolling disk      450—453 454
Rotating frame of reference      142 143 147 347—351 361
Rotating rod      206 207
Rotation, about fixed axis      196—201 223
Rotation, about fixed point      279—282 301 302 308—310 332
Rotation, in a plane      61 62 121—125
Rotation, instantaneous axis of      308
Rotation, of the Earth      13 143—146 403—411 414
Rotation, positive      247
Rotations, finite, resultant of      20 282
Rotations, infinitesimal, resultant of      281 282 302
Rough contact      86—88 114
Routh's rule      325
Russell, H.N.      13 429
scalar      18
Scalar field      28
Scalar product      245 246 249 250 257
Scalar, multiplied by a vector      19 20
Screw displacement      284 285
second      13 14
Sections, method of      110 111 115
Semicircular plate and wire, mass centers of      80
Separation in space-time      489 498
Shearing force      92—97 114 272 273
Shell      see "Projectile"
Significant figures      508
Silberstein, L.      481
Simple frame      111
simple harmonic motion      160—162 184
Simple pendulum, equivalent      200 223
Simple pendulum, finite oscillations of      161 200 370—372 412
Simple pendulum, small oscillations of      159—161 184
Sleeping top      438—440 453
Sliding vector      18
Slowing down of moving clock      487 490
Small displacement      see "Infinitesimal displacement"
Smooth contact      54 55 57 70
sn x      367—370 411 412
Solar system, dynamics of      182
Solar system, mass center of      134
Sommerville, D.M.Y.      320
Space centrode      124 125 309
Space cone      309 421 425 427 453
Space-time      487—491 498
Space-time, vectors in      494 495
Special theory of relativity      see "Relativity"
Speed      27
Speed, of approach      232 233 239
Speed, of light      27 479—481 483 485 496
Speed, of separation      232 233 239
Sphere, mass center of      78
Sphere, moment of inertia of      191 222 324
Spheres, collision of      231—235
Spherical pendulum      373—381 412
Spherical pendulum, apse of      378—381
Spherical pendulum, general motion of      375—378 412
Spherical pendulum, small oscillations of      373 374 378—381 412
spherical polar coordinates      467 468
Spherical shell, attraction of      83 84
Spherical shell, moment of inertia of      326
Spin of top or gyroscope      430 433 442—444 453 454
Spinning top      see "Top"
Stability, of circular orbit      174—176
Stability, of equilibrium      214—221 223 296
Stability, of gyroscope      441 442 454
Stability, of rolling disk      450—453 454
Stability, of sleeping top      438—440 453
Stability, of spinning projectile      440 441
Statically determinate problems for beams      94 95
Statically indeterminate problems      68 69 90 278
Statics, in space      259—301 302
Statics, plane, applications in      74—113—115
Statics, plane, methods of      38—69 70
Stewart, J.Q.      13 429
Stress, in bar of frame      108
Stress, in beam      92 93 114 272 273
String      see "Cable"
Subtraction of vectors      21
Sufficient conditions of equilibrium      39 40 59 60 62 63 69 70 273—275 301
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