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Synge J.L., Griffith B.A. — Principles of Mechanics |
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Finite displacement of rigid body 278—282 301 302
Flexible cable see "Cable"
Flywheel 196—198
Focal length, of electromagnetic lens 403
Foot 13
force 15—17 36
Force of gravity 82—86 144—146 404 509
Force of gravity, impulsive 228—238 357—359 361 470—472
Force of gravity, in relativity 479 495—499
Force of gravity, reversed effective 138 147
Force of gravity, shearing 92—97 114 272 273
Force of gravity, total 259 285 301
Force of gravity, transmissibility of 64
Force of gravity, unit of 16 34 502
Force system, general 259—261
Force system, invariants of 269 270 285
Force system, reduction of 50—52 70 266—273 301
Force systems, equipollent 47—52 70 260 261 266—273 293 301
Force systems, equivalent 47 63 64
Force, absolute 495
Force, applied 58 295
Force, central 128 168—186 462
Force, centrifugal 143—147 349 350 406
Force, Coriolis 143 144 147 349 406
Force, effective 138
Force, external and internal 41 42
Force, fictitious 138 139 141—144 147 347—351 406
Force, field of 66 67
Force, generalized 293—301 302 462 464—467 472
Force, of friction 87 88
Force, on charged particle 176 382
Forced oscillations 166—168 185
Forces, parallelogram of 32 33 36
Forces, polygon of 40
Forces, triangle of 40
Forces, which do no work 54—57 70
Foucault's pendulum 408—411 414
Foundations of mechanics 3—35 36
Frame of reference 11 12 35 477
Frame of reference, astronomical 31 33 141 143
Frame of reference, Galilean 478 479
Frame of reference, in relative motion in relativity 480—491
Frame of reference, moving 139—146 147 346—351 361
Frame of reference, Newtonian 32—34 132 134 147
Frame of reference, reduced to rest 141—143 147 347 349 350
Frame of reference, rotating 142 143 147 347—351 361
frames 106—113 115
Frames, analytical and graphical methods 113
Frames, critical forms 113
Frames, just-rigid and over-rigid 106 107
Frames, simple and complex 111 112
Frames, summary of methods 115
Frazer, R.A. 316
Free particle, in Newtonian mechanics 32
Free particle, in relativity 489 490 498
Free vector 18 19
Freedom, degrees of 207 208 287
Frenet — Serret formulas 264
Frequencies, normal 211—214 223 468 469
Frequency of harmonic oscillator 162 163 see
Friction 86—92 114
Friction, angle of 87 88 114
Friction, coefficient of 87 88 114
Friction, cone of 87
Friction, limiting 88
Function defined by differential equations 364
Fundamental plane 39
Future and past, determination of 340 341
G 85 86 114 144—146 405
Galilean frame of reference 478 479
General theory of relativity see "Relativity"
Generalized coordinates 285—292 302 462—472
Generalized forces 293—301 302 462 464—467 472
Generalized impulsive forces 470—472
Geodesic 265 266 339
Gradient vector 28—31 35 36
Gram 13
Gravitation in relativity 477
Gravitational attraction 82—86 114 144—146 176—177 404 405 509
Gravitational constant (G) 82—84 176 509 510
Gravity, center of 84—86 114 271
Growth of vector 348
Gyration, radius of 189
Gyrocompass 444—447 454
Gyroscope 429 441—447 454
Gyroscopic couple 442—444 454
Gyroscopic effect of rotary engine 444
Gyrostat see "Gyroscope"
Hamilton, W.R. 33
harmonic oscillator 159—168 184 185
Harmonic oscillator with constant disturbing force 162 184
Harmonic oscillator, damped 163—168 185
Harmonic oscillator, forced oscillations of 166—168 185
Hemisphere, mass center of 78 81
Hemispherical shell, mass center of 81 82
Herpolhode cone 309
Heterogeneous body 76
Hodograph 120 121 125 156 184
Holonomic system 287
Homogeneous body 76
Hooke's joint 297 298
Hooke's law 96 114
Hoop, moment of inertia of 190 222
Horizontal plane 85
Horizontal plane or rotating earth 145 403
Horsepower 54
Hyperbolic orbit 179 185
Image plane 395 413
Image point 395
Image, formed by electromagnetic lens 391 395—403 413
Impulse 227 357
Impulsive couple 229
Impulsive force 228—238 357—359 361 470—472
Impulsive moment 230 231 238 358 361
Impulsive motion 227—238 239 356—359 361 470—472
Ince, E.L. 393
Inclined plane 202—204
Indeterminate problems 68 69 90 278
Infinitesimal displacement of rigid body 61 62 70 281—285 290 302
Ingredients, of mechanics 8—17 35
Ingredients, of relativity 476—478
Instability see "Stability"
Instantaneous axis 308
Instantaneous center 123—125
Integration of equations of motion in power series 339 340
Intensity of wrench 269
Internal forces 41 42
Internal reactions, in beam 92 93 114 272 273
Internal reactions, in flexible cable 98
Internal reactions, in rigid body 56 57 70 206 207
Intrinsic equation of catenary 102
Intrinsic equations of motion 338
Invariable line 419
Invariable plane 420 453
Invariant element in space-time 489
Invariants, of force system 269 270 285
Invariants, of infinitesimal displacement 285
Inverse square law 176—186
Isotropy of Galilean frame 478 479
Jacobian elliptic functions 364—370 411 412
Jahnke, E. 370
Joints, in a frame 106 107
Joints, method of 108—110 115
Just-rigid frame 106 107
Kaufmann, method of 387
Kelvin's theorem 363
Kepler's laws 181 182
Kinematics, in space 305—313 332
Kinematics, of particle 118—121 125 305—308 332
Kinematics, of particle, in relativity 485—495 498
| Kinematics, of rigid body 121—125 308—313 332
Kinematics, plane 118—126
Kinetic energy, of mass center 195
Kinetic energy, of particle 129 146 333 460
Kinetic energy, of rigid body 193—196 222 223 327—329 333
Kinetic energy, of system 136 137 147 463
Konig, theorem of 195
Lagrange's equations 458—472
Lagrange's equations, applications of 467—472
Lagrange's equations, for general system 466 467 472
Lagrange's equations, for impulsive motion 470—472
Lagrange's equations, for particle in a plane 459—462
Lagrange's equations, for system with two degrees of freedom 463—466
Lamb, H. 16 113 281 445
Lamina, representative 61
Lamy's theorem 40
Laplace's equation 381 382
Latitude, astronomical 145 403
Law, of action and reaction 32 36
Law, of motion 32 33 36 140—143 147 347 349 350
Law, of the inverse square 176—185
Law, of the parallelogram of forces 32 33 36
Laws, of friction 87 88
Laws, of Newtonian mechanics 31—34 36
Left-handed triad 247
Length 11
Length, unit of 11 13 14 501 502
Lens, electric 403
Lens, electromagnetic 392—403 413
Lens, magnetic 403 see "Magnetostatic
Level surface 29
Lift 272 512 513
Light, in relativity 479—481 483 485 489 496 498
Light, speed of 27 483
Limiting velocity 159
Line density 77
Linear moment 74
Linear momentum, in impulsive motion 229 230 238 357 358 361
Linear momentum, of particle 128 337 495 496
Linear momentum, of system 132—134 146 147 343 360
Linked rods 236—238 471 472
Loaded string, vibrations of 208—212 511 512
Logarithmic decrement 166
Lorentz transformation 480—491 498
Luneberg, R.K. 388
Mach, E. 16
Magnetic field, axially symmetric 387 388 390—392 397
Magnetic field, uniform 383—387 412
Magnetic lens, focal length of 403 see
Magnetic potential 382
Magnetic vector 382
Magnetostatic field 381—388 390—392 397 412
Magnetostatic lens 398 413
Mass 9 10
Mass center 74—82 113 114
Mass center, angular momentum relative to 135 136 147 330 345 355 360 361
Mass center, found by integration 77 81 82 114
Mass center, found by symmetry and decomposition 77—79 114
Mass center, kinetic energy of 195
Mass center, motion of 132—134 147 230 238 343 360 361
Mass center, motion relative to 134—136 147 234 235 238 344 345 360 361
Mass center, of solar system 134
Mass in relativity 495
Mass of electron 386 387
Mass, unit of 10 13 14 501 502
Mathematical models 5 6
Mathematical truth 7
Mathematical way of thinking 4 5 508
Mathematicians' equations 506 507
Matrix 316
Mean anomaly 187
Measuring rod or scale 11 477 501 502
Measuring rod or scale, relativistic contraction of 486 487 490
Mechanical equivalence of bodies 9 10
Mechanics, foundations of 3—35 36
Mercury 7 31 379
Metacenter 225
Methods, of dynamics in space 337—359 360 361
Methods, of plane dynamics 127—146 147
Methods, of plane statics 38—69 70
Michelson — Morley experiment 481
Michelson, A.A. 481
Milne-Thomson, L.M. 370
Minimum of potential energy 214 220 223 296
Mixed triple product 250 251 257
Model, mathematical 5—7
Model, used for prediction of full-scale phenomena 512 513
Modes of vibration, normal 207—214 223
Modulus, compression 186
Modulus, of elliptic functions 367
Modulus, Young's 96 114
Moment, bending 92—98 114 272 273
Moment, impulsive 230 231 238 358 361
Moment, linear 74
Moment, of couple 49 50 267
Moment, of momentum 128 see
Moment, of vector, about line 43—45 255—257
Moment, of vector, about point 252—255 257
Moment, of vector, in plane mechanics 44 70
Moment, pitching 272
Moment, total 259 285 301
Momental ellipse 322 323
Momental ellipsoid 315 316 318 321 322 333
Moments of inertia 189—193 222 313—326 333
Moments of inertia, found by decomposition and differentiation 325 326
Moments of inertia, of simple bodies 190—193 222 323—325
Moments of inertia, principal 316 318—320 322—325 333
Momentum see "Angular momentum" "Linear
Morley, E.W. 481
Motion, defined 14
Motion, of charged particle 381—403 412 413
Motion, of mass center 132—134 147 230 238 343 360 361
Motion, of particle, determined by initial conditions 339 340
Motion, of particle, in plane 118—121 125 127—131 146 151—184—186 212—214 459—462
Motion, of particle, in relativity 489—498 499
Motion, of particle, in space 305—308 337—343 360 364—411—414
Motion, of particle, relative to moving frame of references 139—143 147 346—351
Motion, of particle, under central force 168—184 185 462
Motion, of rigid body, general 310—313 332 355 356 361 447—453 454
Motion, of rigid body, parallel to fixed plane 121—124 125 189—222 223
Motion, of rigid body, with fixed point 308—310 332 351—355 360 418—444 453 454
Motion, of system 131—139 146 147 189—222 223 343—346 360
Motion, relative to mass center 134—136 147 234 235 238 344 345 360 361
Moving constraints 474
Moving frames of reference 139—146 147 346—351 361
Moving rod, contraction of 486 487 490
Multiplication, of vector and scalar 19 20
Multiplication, of vectors 245—257
Murnaghan, F.D. 16
Myers, L.M. 392
n-gonal symmetry 322
Necessary conditions of equilibrium 39 40 42 43 45—47 59 60 69 70 262 263 273—275 296 301
Neutral equilibrium 216
Newton, I. 32 82 176 475
Newtonian frame of reference 32—34 132 134 147
Newtonian law of gravitational attraction 82
Newtonian mechanics, laws of 31—35 36
Newtonian unit of time 12
Non-holonomic system 287 466
Normal components of velocity and acceleration 118 119 125 305 306 332
Normal frequencies and periods 211—214 223 468 469
Normal modes of vibration 207—214 223
Normal reaction 87
Normal vector, principal 264
Notation, dimensional 503
Notation, for vectors 19
Null lines in space-time 489
Null planes and lines in statics 304
Nutation of top 432
Object plane 395
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