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Harris J., Morrison I — Moduli of curves |
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Semistable 47 48 197
Semistable reduction 51 118
Semistable, characterization by invariants 198
Sernesi, Edoardo 329
Serre, Jean-Pierre 8
Seshadri, C 223
Severi conjecture see “Severi variety irreducibility”
Severi variety 11 30 52 108
Severi variety, cohomology of standard classes 65
Severi variety, density of nodal curves 30 110
Severi variety, dimension 30 110
Severi variety, dimension estimate 108
Severi variety, generalized 113
Severi variety, generalized, dimension estimates 114 117
Severi variety, generalized, local description 114
Severi variety, irreducibility 30
Severi variety, open problems 31
Severi, F. 30 242 314
Sheaves, normal 96
Shepherd-Barron, Nick 329
Shriek operator 154
Siegel upper halfspace 44
Singularity, Gorenstein 82
Singularity, planar 98
Singularity, terminal 332
Slope conjecture 333
Spencer, D. 106
Stability theorem 58
Stable 197
Stable cohomology ring 59
Stable curve 47
Stable curve, compact type 250
Stable curve, Deligne — Mumford 47
Stable curve, divisors, Abel — Jacobi theorem for 251
Stable curve, divisors, linear equivalence of 251
Stable curve, families, ampleness of relative to 309
Stable curve, families, basic inequality for standard classes 309
Stable curve, families, line bundles on 251—252
Stable curve, genus formula 81
Stable curve, line bundles on 247—251
Stable curve, moduli 47
Stable curve, pointed 47
Stable hyperelliptic curve 185
Stable limit 51
Stable map 76
Stable map, genus g with n marked points of 76
Stable map, moduli space of 76
Stable reduction 118
Stable reduction over general bases 150
Stable reduction, examples 120—138
Stable reduction, examples, glueing transverse sections 120
Stable reduction, examples, smoothing of cusp 122
Stable reduction, examples, smoothing of double conic 133
Stable reduction, examples, smoothing of double cubic 135
Stable reduction, examples, smoothing of quadruple point 136
Stable reduction, examples, smoothing of triple conic 135
Stable reduction, examples, smoothing of triple point 131
Stable reduction, practical considerations 124
Stable, characterization by invariants 198
Stable, Hilbert 210
Stably equivalent 185
Stack, algebraic 40
Stack, moduli 139
Stack, moduli, canonical class of 159
Stack, moduli, rational divisor class on 140—148
Standard, cohomology classes 59
Standard, cohomology classes, relations amongst 165
Standard, cohomology subring 60
Standard, conjectures 59 60
State 200
Stratifications, Arbarello’s 289
Stratifications, Diaz’ 291 292
Strictly semistable points 198
String equation 72
Subcanonical point 164
Symmetric product, tangent space to 94
Symplectic basis 37
Tacnode 82 98 232 326—327
Tangent spaces, Hilbert scheme 14
Tangent vectors, addition of 12
Tautological classes 59
Tautological families 142 148
td() 153
Teichmuller space 43
Terminal singularity 332
Test curves 170
Test curves, contained in 172—175 186—188
Theorems, additivity of adjusted, Brill — Noether number 264 _
Theorems, ample cone of 312
Theorems, ampleness of relative 309
Theorems, aspects, nonvanishing sections 260
Theorems, aspects, relations between 261
Theorems, aspects, special bases 260
Theorems, asymptotic numerical criterion 210
Theorems, basic properties of 221
Theorems, basic ramification/vanishing sequence 260
Theorems, Bers 43
Theorems, Brill — Noether 240
Theorems, Brill — Noether ray 332
Theorems, Brill — Noether, converse of 268
Theorems, Brill — Noether, first proof 261
Theorems, Brill — Noether, flag curves, via 246
Theorems, Brill — Noether, generalized 265
Theorems, Brill — Noether, Gieseker’s approach 243
Theorems, Brill — Noether, Griffiths-Harris’s argument 243
| Theorems, Brill — Noether, Lazarsfeld’s approach 247
Theorems, Brill — Noether, second proof 265
Theorems, Brill — Noether, Severi’s argument 242—243
Theorems, Brill — Noether, third proof 275
Theorems, Chang — Ran 57
Theorems, characterization of k-gonality 185
Theorems, comparing divisor class, relations in families and on 145
Theorems, connectedness of 34
Theorems, Cornalba — Harris inequality 304
Theorems, degree inequality, general stable families 305
Theorems, degree inequality, hyperelliptic families 301
Theorems, Diaz’ 57 288—293
Theorems, dimension estimate for 117
Theorems, dimension of the Severi variety 110
Theorems, divisors on disjoint from certain loci 334
Theorems, equations defining the 8
Theorems, existence of 181
Theorems, existence of 48 222
Theorems, existence of complete, subvarieties of 56
Theorems, Gieseker — Petri 240 (see also “Brill — Noether”)
Theorems, Gieseker — Petri, proof 280—285
Theorems, Gieseker’s criterion 215
Theorems, Grothendieck — Riemann — Roch 154
Theorems, Grothendieck’s 6
Theorems, Harer’s 58
Theorems, Harer’s stability 58
Theorems, Harris — Mumford 328 (see also “ Kodaira
Theorems, Harris’ see “Severi variety irreducibility”
Theorems, Hartshorne’s 17
Theorems, Hilbert — Mumford numerical criterion 201
Theorems, Hilbert — Nagata 196
Theorems, Hilbert — Weyl — Haboush 195
Theorems, Hurwitz’ 33
Theorems, innnitesimal description of 101
Theorems, irreducibility of 223_
Theorems, isomorphism and 141
Theorems, Kontsevich’, KdV form 74
Theorems, Kontsevich’, Lie form 75
Theorems, Kouvidakis’ 42
Theorems, limits of canonical series 277
Theorems, local description of $V^{\beta}_{d,g} 114
Theorems, Looijenga’s theorem on 68
Theorems, Macaulay’s 18
Theorems, multiplicity in of classes in 144
Theorems, nodal reduction 119
Theorems, Noether — Lefschetz 97
Theorems, numerical criterion for Hilbert points 209
Theorems, open Diaz strata 292
Theorems, openness of nodality 102
Theorems, Plucker formula 257
Theorems, potential stability theorem 225
Theorems, projectivity of 223
Theorems, reducedness of automorphisms of a stable curve 86
Theorems, regeneration 268
Theorems, relation of to 147
Theorems, Reynolds lemma 196
Theorems, semistable reduction 118
Theorems, smoothness of 103
Theorems, stability of smooth curves of large degree 216
Theorems, stable reduction 118
Theorems, stable reduction over general bases 150
Theorems, subloci disjoint from, Brill — Noether divisors 335
Theorems, tautological families over 142
Theorems, theta characteristics 134 190 342
Theorems, Uniform m lemma 7
Theorems, Weierstrass points, existence of 273
Theorems, Weierstrass points, limits of 271
Todd class 153
Todd class, expansion formula 153
Todd class, multiplicativity 154
Torsion-free sheaves 243
Total Chern class 152
Treelike curves 265
Trigonal 185 189
Triple point 82 98 131—132 232
Uniform position principle 314
Uniform to lemma 7
Universal, curve 41
Universal, curve, relative Todd class over 158
Universal, family 2 38
Vanishing sequence 256
Vanishing sequence, basic inequalities for 260
Versality 87
Viehweg, Eckhard 6 238
Virasoro algebra 75
Vistoli, Angelo 87 89
Weierstrass points 38 135 164 187 189
Weierstrass points, class of 342
Weierstrass points, existence of 273
Weierstrass points, gap sequence 272
Weierstrass points, limits of 271
Weierstrass points, proper 272
Weierstrass points, semigroup 272
Weierstrass stratification 272
Weight 200
Weighted basis 207
Weighted basis, compatible with weighted, filtration 208
Weighted filtration 208
Weighted filtration, induced by a surjection 208
Weighted filtration, normalized 216
Weyl, Hermann 195
Whitney product formula 152
Witten, Ed 71 76 79
Y 106
Zagier, Don 70
Zariski, Oscar 30 94
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