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Harris J., Morrison I — Moduli of curves |
Предметный указатель |
Dualizing sheaf, relative 84
Eisenbud, David 245 330
Elliptic tail 54 128
Enriques, F. 62
Equigeneric deformation 94
Equisingular deformation 93
Extrinsic pathologies, double space lines 24
Extrinsic pathologies, Mumford’s example 19
F(Y) 226
Faber, Card 68—70 138
Fan 17
Fibered category 40
Fine moduli space 2 35
Fine moduli space, obstructions to existence of 36
First-order deformation 13
First-order Schiffer variation 91
Fitting ideal 102
Flag curves 247
Flag curves, limit linear series on 274—285
Flag curves, limit linear series on, = 0, with 276
Flag curves, limit linear series on, canonical 276
Flag curves, limit linear series on, inequalities for 274
Flag curves, schematic diagram 247
Flat completion 138
Flat family 6
Flat limit, examples 138
Flexes 134
Formulas, genus 81
Formulas, Grothendieck — Riemann — Roch 154
Formulas, Hirzebruch — Riemann — Roch 154
Formulas, Porteous’ 161 (see also “Porteous’ formula”)
Fourfold point 136
Franchetta, A. 62
Fulton, Bill 76 262 268 288
Functor of points 2
G.I.T. 46
G.I.T., alternatives to 238
G.I.T., linearization 195
G.I.T., plane cubics, of 204
G.I.T., plane curves, of 202—206
G.I.T., problem 193
G.I.T., quotient map 194
G.I.T., quotient map, base locus 197
G.I.T., quotient map, fibers 198
G.I.T., simplifying assumptions 193 197
G.I.T., strategy 193
General curves, historical overview of theorems about 241—247
Generalized Severi variety see “Severi variety generalized”
Genus formula 81
Geometric invariant theory see “G.I.T.”
Geometrically reductive 196
Gieseker — Petri theorem 240 (see also “Brill — Noether”)
Gieseker — Petri theorem, proof 280—285
Gieseker, David 191 211 215 220 223 240 243 285
Gieseker’s criterion 215
Gieseker’s criterion, application 216—219
Gonality 185
Gorenstein singularity 82
Gotzmann, G. 9
Griffiths, Phil 243
Gromov — Witten invariant 79
Gromov, M. 79
Grothendieck duality 85
Grothendieck group, coherent sheaves, of 151
Grothendieck group, vector bundles, of 151
Grothendieck — Riemann — Roch, applications 154—160
Grothendieck — Riemann — Roch, formula 154
Grothendieck — Riemann — Roch, setup for 151
Grothendieck, Alexandre 6 40 154
Haboush, Bill 195
Halphen, G. H. 24
Harer, John 44 58 60
Harris, Joe 30 66 243 245 304 312 328 330
Hartshorne, Robin 17 23
Hartshorne’s Connectedness, theorem 17
Hilbert function 17
Hilbert functor, representability 6
Hilbert number 26
Hilbert point, smooth curve, of a stability 216
Hilbert polynomial 6
Hilbert polynomial, characterization of 18
Hilbert scheme 5 6
Hilbert scheme, cohomology of 64
Hilbert scheme, cohomology of nonstandard classes 64 65
Hilbert scheme, cohomology of standard classes 64
Hilbert scheme, complete subvarieties of 57
Hilbert scheme, connectedness of 17
Hilbert scheme, construction of 5—9
Hilbert scheme, curves 26
Hilbert scheme, dimension 26
Hilbert scheme, dimension at nonspedal curve 27
Hilbert scheme, dimension inequality 26
Hilbert scheme, dimension, open questions 28
Hilbert scheme, divisor classes on 166
Hilbert scheme, equations of 8
Hilbert scheme, examples, elliptic normal curves 14
Hilbert scheme, examples, lines in 9
Hilbert scheme, examples, plane curves 9
Hilbert scheme, examples, rational normal curves 14
Hilbert scheme, examples, twisted cubics 14 15 58
Hilbert scheme, exceptional component 27
Hilbert scheme, general component 27
Hilbert scheme, Murphy’s Law of 18
Hilbert scheme, relative 11
Hilbert scheme, restricted 17
Hilbert scheme, tangent space 12—14
Hilbert scheme, variants, bundles, of 11
Hilbert scheme, variants, maps, of 11
Hilbert scheme, variants, relative 11
Hilbert scheme, variants, subschemes, of 11
Hilbert stable 210
Hilbert — Mumford numerical criterion see “Numerical criterion”
Hirzebruch — Riemann — Roch, formula 154
Hodge bundle 61 155
Hodge bundle, Chern classes 155—158
Hodge bundle, Chern classes, over 158
Hodge bundle, Chern classes, over 156
Hubert, David 195 196 201
Hurwitz scheme 32 52 175
Hurwitz scheme, cohomology of standard classes 65
Hurwitz scheme, rational Heard group 302
Hurwitz, A. 34
Hyperelliptic curve 53 134
Hyperelliptic curve, characterizations of 162
Hyperelliptic curve, universal family of 39
Hyperelliptic locus 293—303
Hyperelliptic locus in , rational Picard group 302
Hyperelliptic locus, class in 68
Hyperelliptic locus, class in 188
Hyperelliptic locus, class in 164
Hyperelliptic locus, closure of in 185
Hyperelliptic locus, general curve in 295
Hyperelliptic locus, general curve in, degree of Hodge bundle 300
Hyperelliptic locus, general curve in, degrees of boundary classes 297
Hyperelliptic locus, general curve in, relative dualizing sheaf 299
Hyperelliptic locus, in , rational Picard group 302
Hyperelliptic locus, inequalities for and on 294 301
Hyperelliptic locus, Picard group 303
Hyperelliptic locus, rational Heard group, relations to 303
Hyperelliptic locus, smoothness of along 53
Hyperelliptic locus, universal family over 39
Hyperelliptic stable curve 169
Hyperflex 189
Hyperstall 167
Inflection point see “Ramification point”
Invariants, finite generation of 195
Invariants, separation by 196
Jacobian bundle 41
Jacobian ideal 97
Jacobian of a nodal curve 249
| k-gonal 185
Karu, Kalle 150 238
Kempf, George 241 262
Kleiman, Steve 241 243 262
Klein, Felix 34
Knudsen, Finn 177 223
Kodaira — Serre duality 83
Kodaira — Spencer map 106
Kodaira — Spencer map at a point 107
Kodaira — Spencer map, global 107
Kodaira, Kunihiko 56 87 106
Kodaira’s construction 56
Kollar, Janos 10 87 142 238 329
Kontsevich, Maxim 44 71 76
Korteweg-deVries 74
Kouvidakis, Alexis 310
Kuranishi 87
Kuranishi family 87
Laksov, Dan 241 262
Lang, Serge 343
Lazarsfeld, Rob 247 262
Lefshetz, Solomon 97
Level n structure 38
Level structures 37
Lexicographical ideal 8
Liaison formula 21
Limit linear series 263 253—272
Limit linear series, aspects 255
Limit linear series, aspects, relations amongst 255
Limit linear series, canonical 269—272
Limit linear series, dimensionally proper 264
Limit linear series, flag curves, on 274—285
Limit linear series, flag curves, on, = 0, with 276
Limit linear series, flag curves, on, canonical 276
Limit linear series, flag curves, on, inequalities for 274
Limit linear series, refined 263
Limit linear series, simplest example 253
Limit linear series, smoothing 266
Limit linear series, smoothing of 268
Line bundle, limits of 251—252
Line bundle, Poincare 63
Line bundle, stable curve, on a 247—251
Looijenga, E. 68
Luroth, J. 34
Macaulay, F. S. 17
Marked point 37
Mestrano, Nicole 62 63
Miller, Ed 60
Modular 4
Moduli functor 2
Moduli problem 1
Moduli problem, rigidified 37
Moduli space see “
Moduli space, elementary examples, j-line 4 36
Moduli space, elementary examples, lines in 4
Moduli space, elementary examples, plane conies 4
Moduli space, versus parameter space 5
Moduli stable 47
Moduli stack see “Stack moduli”
Moishezon, Boris 34
Monodromy of branched covers 33 52 176 292
Monodromy of cubic surfaces 19
Monodromy of nodes of plane curves 314
Monodromy of subcanonical line bundles 63
Monomial basis 208
Mordell, L 343
Morrison, Ian 211 330
Mumford, David 6 18 40 48 60 68 191 198 201 328 332
Mumford’s example 19
Nagata, M. 195 196
Nodal curve, genus formula 81
Nodal reduction 119
Node, general 310
Node, special 310
Noether, Max 97 242
Nonsemistable 197
Normal sheaf 96
Numerical criterion, asymptotic 210
Numerical criterion, general statement 201
Numerical criterion, Hilbert points, for 208
Numerical criterion, plane curves, for 203
Openness of nodality 102
Openness of versality 105 144
P 6
Palamodov, V. 87
Pandharipande, Rahul 76
Parameter space, versus moduli space 5
Pathologies 19
Period matrix 44
Petri divisors 332
Petri, K. 240 285
Picard variety of a nodal curve 249
Piene, Ragne 15
Pigtail 122 175
Planar singularity 98
Poincare line bundle 63
Pointed stable curve 47
Popp, H. 142
Porteous, I. R 161
Porteous’ formula 161
Porteous’ formula, applications 162—168
Potential stability theorem 225
Potential stability theorem, first basic estimate 228
Potential stability theorem, second basic estimate 228
Potentially stable 224
Potentially stable curve 224
Pseudo-admissible covers 186
Quantum cohomology ring 79
Quotient map 194
Quotient map, base locus 197
Quotient map, fibers 198
Ramanan, S. 63
Ramification index 257
Ramification index, Plucker formula for 257
Ramification point 167
Ramification sequence 256
Ramification sequence, basic inequality for 260
Ran, Ziv 57 329
Rational action 195
Rational divisor class on 140
Rational divisor class on a moduli stack 140—148
Rational divisor class, associated to 145—147
Rational divisor class, associated to a hypersurface in 144
Rational normal scroll 25
Rational numerical polynomial 18
Regeneration theorem 268
Relative cotangent bundle of , over , Todd class 158
Relative cotangent bundle of y over B, Chern character 158
Relative dualizing sheaf 59 60 62 64 68 84 102 155
Relative dualizing sheaf, ampleness 309
Relative dualizing sheaf, hyperelliptic curves 298
Representable functor 2
Restricted Hubert scheme 17
Reynolds operator 195
ribbon 24
Riemann — Roch formula 150
Rigid curves 29
Rigidifying 37
Rigidifying, 67
Rigidifying, , Looijenga’s theorem for 68
Rigidifying, approaches, level structures 37
Rigidifying, approaches, marked points 37
Rigidifying, approaches, Weierstrass points 38
Satake compactification 45
Satake, I. 45
Schiffer variation 91
Schiffer variation, first-order 91
Schiffer variation, versality of 92
Schlessinger, Michael 15
Schreyer, Frank-Olaf 329
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