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Semadini Z. — Banach Spaces of Continuous Functions. Vol. 1 |
Предметный указатель |
Ideal of negligible sets, maximal ideal 232
Ideal of negligible sets, principal ideal 282
Identification 88
Identity 22 24 160 162
Iliadis, S. 243 449 518
Image 23
Increasing function 37 40
Independent elements of a Boolean algebra 469
Independent elements of a Boolean algebra, stochastically independent 470 471 472
Induced operator 76 311
Induced preorder 33
Induced topology 84
Infimum 34
Infimum, essential infimum 255
Infinite Boolean join [meet] 285
Infinitely divisible measure 413
Infinity (for a locally compact space) 112
Ingelstam, L. 234 518
Initial object 171
Injection 24
Injective envelope 445
Injective envelope of a Banach space 451
Injective object 430 441
Input 203
Input-preserving functor 224
integral 288 290 329
Integral representation of linear operators 323
Interior mapping principle 48
Interior of a set 43
Interpolation property 39 444
Intersection 19 25 206
interval 38 134
Interval topology 134
Invariant mean 319
Invariant measure 422
Inverse 22 167 249
Inverse function 25
Inverse limit 210
Inverse map 25
Inverse system 210
Inversely continuous functor 213
Involution 50
Ionescu-Tulcea, A. 84 518
Irreducible continuous surjection 108 433 446
Isbell, J.R. 81 92 97 106 119 140 179 197 209 214 243 245 375 446 449 453 454 518 519
Iseki, K. 125 332 519
Isiwata, T. 97 445 519
Isolated point 43
Isometrically isomorphic Banach spaces 375
Isometrically isomorphic measure algebras 297
Isometry 46
Isomorphic Banach spaces 375
Isomorphic Boolean algebras 271
Isomorphic categories 175
Isomorphism in a category 167
Isomorphism of structures 237
Istratescu, I. 119 519
Ito, T. 158 445 519
Ivanovskii, L.N. 144 519
Jacobs, K. 424 519
James, R.C. 453 519
Jameson, G.J.O. 84 232 519 558
Jellett, P. 424 520
Jensen, G.A. 232 520
Jerison, M. 76 81 232 245 320 428 449 488 511 516 520
Jessen, B. 295
Jewett, R.I. 119 520
Johansen, J. 414 520
Johnson, D.G. 449 520 528
Johnson, K.G. 267 277 293 520
Johnson, William B. 367 558
Join (Boolean) 272
Join, infinite Boolean join 285
Jonac, M.L. 397 488 558
Jordan decomposition of a measure 292
Jordan measure 288
Jordan — Riesz decomposition of a linear functional 60
Kaczmarz, S. 144 147 158 520
Kadison, R.V. 69 232 407 520
Kakutani, S. 68 84 118 127 132 231 232 242 246 253 277 285 295 314 320 323 328 361 363 366 466 480 496 521 534
Kaltenbom, H.S. 314 521
Kamowitz, H. 111 521
Kan theorem 217 221
Kan, D.M. 162 189 207 215 217 220 521
Kantorovic, L.V. 53 65 246 293 374 508 521
Kaplan, S. 260 267 449 483 521 558
Kaplansky theorem 129
Kaplansky, I. 84 92 119 132 141 158 234 488 492 521
Kappos, D.A. 469 522
Karlin, S. 81 496 522
Karlovitz, L.A. 466 558
Karoubi, M. 111 522
Kasahara, S. 332 522
Katetov, M. 103 140 372 522
Katz, M. 314 509 522 557
Katznelson, Y. 119 234 522
Kaufman, R. 453 522
Keldys, M.V. 428 522
Kelley, J.L. 28 44 53 84 88 90 96 97 110 125 132 215 232 234 243 326 337 385 404 464 480 484 487 492 507 523
Kelly, G.M. 352 523
Kendall, D.G. 413 423 523
Kennison, J.F. 245 523
Kernel of a set 150
Kernel of an operator 48
Khanh, B.D. 110 428 583
Klee, V.L., Jr. 81 496 500 523
Klimov, V.S. 118 523 524
Knaster, B. 150 156 523
Knowles, J.D. 314 523
Koenig, D. 136 513 524
Koethe, G. 303 383 487 488 524
Kohls, C.W. 215 366 524
Kohn, J. 424 558
Kolmogoroff, A.N. 122 132 242 413 510 511 524
Komura, Y. 234 524
Kondo, M. 260 524
Korovkin system 451
Korovkin, P.P. 118 524
Krasnoselskii, M.A. 118 451 524
Krein — Milman theorem 109
Krein, M.G. 55 81 84 110 127 132 136 158 231 232 332 413 423 466 480 483 524 525
Krein, S.G. 84 127 132 231 232 397 466 480 483 496 525 550 556
Kripke, B.R. 125 525
Krylov, N.M. 424 496 525 556
Kuelbs, J. 314 525
Kugler, L.D. 254 559
Kultze, R. 253 525
Kuratowski — Zorn maximum principle 36
Kuratowski, K. 20 37 81 151 525
Kuzminov, V. 144 525
L-pseudonorm 465
L-space 457 464 478 483
L-unit 72 458
Lacey, H.E. 151 158 337 342 339 449 454 488 495 501 514 515 525 559
Lakser, H. 449 559
Lambek, J. 207 215 449 464 498 508 525
Lardy, L.J. 366 525
Lattice 35
Lattice boundary 399
Lattice homomorphism 37
Lattice, vector lattice 51
Lazar, A.J. 81 424 441 488 526 559
Leader, S. 293 526
Lebesgue singular function 142
Lebesgue, H. 143 293
Leduc, M. 133 526
Leger, C. 413 424 526 559
Levi, P.W. 260 267 526
Levin, V.L. 361 526
Levy, P. 361 526
| Lexicographic sum [product] 42 152
Lifsic, E.A. 118 451 524 526
Light map 140
Limit at infinity 112
Limit inferior [superior] 40 97
Limit inferior, essential limit inferior [superior] 256
Lindenstrauss, J. 84 232 304 367 384 388 413 423 453 454 457 488 496 497 501 527 559
Linear extension operator 364
Linton, F.E.J. 277 281 352 445 478 480 527
Lipschitz function 46 81
Lloyd, S.P. 84 295 323 326 385 397 424 483 527
Lnmer, G. 132 234 528
Localization of properties 257
Localization point 261
Localization property 258
Localization property, strong localization property 258 335
Locally compact space 111
Locally finite cover 352
Loeb, P. 401 527
Lomnicki, A. 247 528
Loomis — Sikorski theorem 286
Loomis, L.H. 234 253 286 295 319 390 413 528
Lorch, E.R. 244 295 512 528
Lorentz, G.G. 118 528
Los, J. 248 528
Lowdenslager, D.B. 480 528
Lower regularization 98 256
Lower semibounded set 34
Lower semicontinuous function 97
Lozanovskii, G.Ja. 10 453 559
Lusin theorem 333
Luxemburg, W.A.J. 53 248 528
M-pseudonorm 239
M-space 229 478
M.H. Stone's theorem on self-adjoint subalgebras of 122
Maak, W. 253 528
Mack, J. 449 483 528
MacLane, S. 22 162 163 165 166 168 171 176 179 183 188 189 193 207 215 217 220 436 506 528 559
MacNeille, H.M. 448 529
Maharam theorem 467
Maharam, D. 469 529
Mallios, A. 361 529
Maltese, G. 414 499 529
Mandl, P. 314 529
Manheim, J.H. 75 529
MAP 24
Marcinkiewicz, J. 147 529
Marcus, S. 267 529
Marczewski, E. 37 144 260 363 469 484 529
Mardesic, S. 136 141 144 215 529 530
Marik, J. 232 332 334 480 530
Markoff, A. 314 530
Martchenko, V. 125 530
Martin, R.S. 414 424 530
Martineau, A. 383 530
Mass 309
Maurice, M.A. 136 630
Maximal C-ideal 119
Maximal element 36
Maximal ideal in a Banach algebra 232
Maximal ideal in a Boolean algebra 284
Maximal ring of quotients 464
Maximum principle for affine functions 403
Maximum principle for bocofoids 427
Mayer, R.D. 156 530
Mayrhofer, E. 289 530
Mazur — Gelfand theorem 233
Mazur — Ulam theorem 130
Mazur, S. 95 125 246 374 466 493 530
Mazurkiewicz — Sierpinski theorem 155
Mazurkiewicz, S. 156 530
McCarthy, C. 375 531
McDowell, R.H. 129 132 234 244 531
McWilliams, R.D. 382 384 531
Meager set 254 267
Mean 292
Mean, invariant mean 319
Measurable element 298
Measurable function 304 329
Measurable simple function 274
Measure 287
Measure algebra 297 466
Measure, absolutely continuous measure 327
Measure, atomic measure 337
Measure, atomless measure 337
Measure, Baire [Borel] measure 306
Measure, Dirac measure 306
Measure, ergodic measure 423
Measure, Haar measure 319
Measure, harmonic measure 326
Measure, invariant measure 422
Measure, Jordan measure 288
Measure, measure orthogonal to a subspace 370
Measure, order-continuous measure 341 483
Measure, outer measure 298
Measure, product measure 362
Measure, Radon measure 309 322
Measure, regular measure 307
Meet in a Boolean algebra 272
Meet in a Boolean algebra, infinite Boolean meet 285
Merklen, H. 361 531
Metas, N. 454 531
Metric space 45
Metrizable space 45
Meyer, P.A. 413 423 499 500 531
Meyer, P.R. 119 151 531
MI-space 229
Mibu, Y. 119 484 531
Michael, E. 81 232 260 366 367 371 388 397 488 531 532
Milgram, A.N. 132 133 532
Miljutin lemma 376
Miljutin Theorem 379
Miljutin, A.A. 380 381 532
Miller, J.B. 385 557
Milman theorem 427
Milman — Choquet boundary 426
Milman, D.P. 81 110 234 390 395 413 424 427 428 480 525 532
Minimal element 36
Mioduszewski, R. 449 532
Mitchell, B. 32 163 165 179 181 189 207 209 217 226 227 436 446 532
Mitjagin, B.S. 215 351 382 532
Miyanaga, Y. 125 519 532
Mochizuki, N. 428 533
Module over 110
Mokobodzki, G. 424
Monic, monomorphism 169
Monk, J.D. 445 533
Monotone continuous map 137
Monotone function on a preordered space 37
Monteiro, A. 445 533
Morita, K. 372 533
Morphism 159 160
Morphism transformation of a functor 174
Morris, P. 84 151 158 339 525 533 559
Mostert, P.S. 254 517 533
Mostowski, A. 156 533
Mrowka, S. 119 122 314 533
Mullins, R.E. 119 234 533 560
Multiplicative map 51
Myers, S.B. 132 232 533
Nachbin, L. 55 81 103 119 136 232 319 453 454 457 533
Nagami, K. 372 534
Nagata, J. 99 132 140 534
Naimark, M. 232 234 295 319 390 414 510 534
Nakahara, I. 234 524 534
Nakamoto, R. 118 534
Nakamura, M. 118 122 246 285 320 323 385 484 534
Nakano, H. 53 59 232 304 445 464 484 514 535
Nakayama, T. 232 535 553
Namioka, I. 53 65 68 84 136 215 232 404 423 428 480 484 501 523 535 560
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