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Semadini Z. — Banach Spaces of Continuous Functions. Vol. 1 |
Предметный указатель |
Cover, locally finite cover 352
Cover, open cover 106
Crenshaw, J.A. 84 502
Crossnorm 347
Csaszar, A. 232 556
Cube, Cantor cube 88 109 141
Cube, Hilbert cube 88
Cube, Tychonoff cube 88 109
Cunningham, F., Jr. 232 466 488 502 556
Curtis, P.C., Jr. 158 234 434 493 502
Daigneault, A. 449 556
Darboux integral 265
Darst, R.B. 293 339 502
Dauns, J. 111 119 556
Davies, E.B. 423 424 428 502
Davis, C. 385 502
Davis, P.J. 118 502
Day, G.W. 151 277 502
Day, J.M. 76 503
Day, M.M. 42 320 367 453 466 469 502
de Branges, L. 119 498
de Groot, J. 156 512
de Leeuv, K. 253 395 413 428 496 526
Dean, D.W. 375 384 397 454 466 484 503
Deckard, D. 133 503
Decomposition of a set 26
Decomposition of an element of a Boolean algebra 272
Decomposition, Jordan decomposition 292
Decomposition, Jordan — Riesz decomposition of linear operators 60
Decreasing function 37 40
Dedekind closure 267
Dedekind, R. 59
Degenerate Boolean algebra 271
Dekker, J.C.E. 248 503
Dellaeherie, C. 122 503
Dense set 43
Dense-in-itself 147 277
Density character 105
Denumerable class 28
Denumerable family 29
Derivative of a measure 330
Derived set 147 283
Determinative structure type 235 237
DeZur, R.S. 133 503
Dhombres, J. 385 503
Diagram 30 161 188
Diagram scheme 30 188
Diameter 45
Dieudonne — Mibu theorem 117
Dieudonne, J. 103 119 215 264 328 355 371 480 503
Difference of elements of a Boolean algebra 19 272
Difference of elements of a Boolean algebra, symmetric difference 272
Dikanova, Z.T. 464 503
Dilworth, P.R. 99 260 448 503
Dimension of a topological space 140
Dimension of a vector space 49
Dimension of a vector space, 0-dimensional 138
Dini Theorem 118 331
Dini, U. 332
Dirac measure 306
Direct decomposition of a vector space 67
Direct limit 210
Direct object 437
Direct system 210
Directly continuous functor 213
Discontinuity, point of 264
Discrete category 162
Discrete preorder 34
Discrete topology 42
Disjoint elements of a Boolean algebra 272
Disjoint elements of a vector lattice 66
Dispersed set 150
Distance in a metric space 45
Distance of measures 296
Distributive lattice 271
Ditor, S.Z. 381 385 388 397 556
Dixmier's theorem on order continuous measures 341
Dixmier, J. 234 342 464 484 504 557
Doctor, H.P. 281 504
Dodziuk, J. 247 504
Domain 22 23 24 161
Dominated Convergence Theorem 329
Dominated extension property 367
Donoghue, W.F., Jr. 158 504
Douglas, R.G. 125 413 504
Dowker, C.H. 371 504
Dual category 165
Dual definition 166
Dual preorder 33
Dubins, L.E. 328 557
Dudley, R.H. 81 504
Dugundji, J. 44 88 188 215 366 504
Dunford, N. (without [DS I], [DS II]) 119 277 326 478 480 504 505
Dwinger, P. 281 445 505
Dyadic decomposition 145
Dyadic number 145
Dyadic space 144
Echigo, M. 118 500 505
Eckmann, B. 203 207 446 505
Edwards, D.A. 119 401 423 424 426 428 484 505 557
Edwards, R.E. 215 333 337 413 414 505
Eells, J., Jr. 81 492 505
Effros, E.G. 232 424 488 505 557
Efimov, B.A. 144 434 505 506
Ehresmann, C. 165 238 506
Eidelheit, M. 125 133 506
Eilenberg — MacLane program 183
Eilenberg, S. 81 92 132 133 141 162 168 176 179 183 188 189 207 215 244 352 395 499 506
Elliott, G. 454 506
Ellis, A.J. 84 424 506 555
Ellis, H.W. 480 506
Ellis, Robert 253 506
Embedding 24 175
Empty set 20
Empty transformation 23
Engelking, R. 106 119 144 434 506 507
Envelope 445
Envelope of a Banach space 449
Epic, epimorphism 169
Equalizer 200
Equivalence relation 27
Equivalent categories 227
Ergodic measure 423
Esenin-Volpin, A.S. 144 507
Essential infimum [supremum] 255
Essential limit inferior [superior] 256
Est, W.T. 97 122 507
Exave 385
Expansion constant 454
Extension operator 364
Extension property 367 452
Extension property, dominated extension property 367
Extremal point 80 412
Extremally disconnected space 431
Face 423
Factor 372
Fakhoury, H. 424 557
Family 23
Fan, Ky 110 125 132 232 507
Farrell, R.H. 119 507
Fell, J.M.G. 413 464 469 499 507
Fenstad, J.E. 119 232 243 490 507
Fiber 111
Fichtenholz, G. 246 293 326 374 507 508
Field of sets 26 272
Figiel, T. 395 508
Fillmore, P.A. 484 508
Filter 284
Filtering set 39 334
Fine, N.J. 144 215 449 464 508
| Finer topology 43
Finitely additive measure 322
First category of Baire 271
First-countable space 43
Fischer, C.A. 313 508
Fishel, B. 342 508
Flachsmeyer, J. 119 141 332 508
Fleischer, I. 232 508
Flomin, A.M. 119 557
Floyd, E.E. 274 508
Foias, C. 147 383 508
Fomin, S. 243 449 508 518
Ford, J.W.M. 234 561
Forgetful functor 175
Fraenkel, A.A. 22 495 508
Franklin, S.P. 76 503 508
Frechet, M. 75 81 110 313 509
Free Banach space 198 468 487
Free bocofoid 408
Free Boolean algebra 280
Free compact convex set 425
Free compact space 246 276
Free convex set 416
Free object 197
Freud, G. 260 509
Freudenthal, H. 53 97 122 214 466 507 509
Freyd, P. 163 181 203 207 209 217 226 245 436 446 509
Friedman, N.A. 314 509 557
Frink, O., Jr. 110 136 267 500 509
Frolik, Z. 245 509
Fuchs, L. 53 55 119 232 509
Full subcategory 161
Fullerton, R.E. 81 232 466 509
Function 23
Functional 47
Functionally closed [open] set 104
Functionally separated sets 102
functor 174
Fundamental subset of a vector lattice 460
Gaifman, H. 488 510
Gamelin, T.W. 371 510
Gamlen, J.L.B. 385 557
Garling, D.J.H. 454 557
Geba, K. 125 397 401 434 510
Gelbaum, B.R. 111 557
Gelfand functor 178
Gelfand — Kolmogorov theorem 130
Gelfand — Naimark theorem 233
Gelfand, I.M. 106 118 122 127 132 232 234 242 244 326 390 480 510
Generating cone 51
Generator in a category 434
Gil de Lamadrid, J. 478 510
Gillespie, D.C. 333 510
Gillman, L. 215 245 434 449 464 508 510 511
Gleason, A.M. 274 434 445 448 511
Gleit, A. 424 557
Glickfeld, B.W. 234 511
Glicksberg, I. 119 151 234 245 253 254 511 526 557
Glimm, J. 119 511
Gluskin, L.M. 254 511
Gnedenko, B.V. 413 511
Goedel, K. 20 28 511
Goldberg, S. 383 511
Goldhaber, J.K. 122 511
Gonshor, H. 449 558
Goodner, D.B. 81 381 453 454 512
Gordon, H. 295 339 483 501 512
Gorin, E.A. 234 512
Gould, G.G. 314 512
Goullet de Rugy, A. 424 558
Graham, C.C. 361 558
Grossman, M.W. 428 512
Grothendieck's characterization of L-spaces 485
Grothendieck's theorem on 357
Grothendieck's theorem on projective Banach spaces 487
Grothendieck, A. 32 162 189 215 220 227 232 304 334 348 361 436 445 453 478 484 487 512
Gruenbaum, B. 383 457 513
Gulick, S.L. 428 483 513
Gunther, N. 313 513
Gurarii, V.I. 380 454 488 513
Haar functions 147
Haar measure 319
Haar — Koenig — Frink theorem 134
Haar, A. 136 513
Hadamard, J. 75 313 513
Hager, A.W. 119 361 513 558
Hahn — Banach theorem 48
Hahn, H. 90 103 295 363 371 513 514
Haimo, F. 281 514
Halmos, P. 143 274 277 323 442 445 466 469 514
Halperin, I. 304 454 506 514
Halpern, J.D. 248 514
Hammer, P.C. 339 514 546
Hanner, O. 457 514
Hardy, J. 339 514
Harmonic function 235
Harmonic measure 326
Harrell, R.E. 466 558
Hashimoto, H. 260 514
Hasumi, M. 453 454 514
Hausdorff maximum principle 36
Hausdorff space 44
Hausdorff, F. 37 99 103 110 138 143 246 314 514
Hausner, A. 119 129 515
Havinson, S.Ja. 371 515
Hayden, T.L. 454 515
Hebert, D.J. 337 449 515
Heider, L.J. 232 323 466 515
Helemskii, A.Ja. 111 122 558
Helly, E. 313 515
Helmberg, G. 332 515
Henkin, G.M. 382 515 558
Henkin, Leon 215 515
Henriksen, M. 246 449 457 511 516
Herrlich, H. 245 516
Herve, M. 413 516
Hewitt, E. 96 105 119 132 156 242 245 246 293 295 304 323 328 516 553
Higman, G. 243 516
Hilbert cube 88
Hildebrandt, T.H. 293 314 516 517
Hilton, P.J. 203 207 517
Hinrichsen, D. 391 428 517
Hirsberg, B. 371 555
Hoffman, Kenneth 234 391 517
Hofmann, Karl Heinrich 111 119 254 517 556
Holladay, J.C. 119 361 517
Holm, P. 253 491 517
Holmes, R.B. 125 517 525
Holsztynski, W. 81 132 141 395 517
Home, J.G., Jr. 133 518
Homeomorphism 44 84
Homogeneous measure algebra 466
Homomorphism, Boolean 273
Hopf, H. 110 125 127 138 490 517
Horn, A. 293 449 518
Hu, Sze-Tsen 133 518
Hulanicki, A. 361 518
Hurewicz, W. 140 214 215 518
Hurwitz, W.A. 333 510 518
Husek, M. 245 518
Hustad, O. 413 518
Hwang, Leou-nan 140 558
Hyers, D.H. 132 518
Hyperplane 49
Hyperplane functor 416
Ideal in a Banach algebra 254 282 466
Ideal in a Boolean algebra 232
Ideal in a vector lattice 66 129
Ideal of negligible sets 254
Ideal of negligible sets, -ideal 254
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