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Lambert J.B., Mazzola E.P. — Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Lambert J.B., Mazzola E.P. — Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

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Íàçâàíèå: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Àâòîðû: Lambert J.B., Mazzola E.P.


This book offers complete coverage of classic (one-dimensional) NMR as well as up-to-date coverage of two-dimensional NMR and other modern methods. This book focuses on all aspects of NMR including classic methods, modern techniques, practical advice for execution of the NMR experiment, theory, and more. For practicing NMR spectroscopists who want a better understanding of their subject, professors who want a wider knowledge of NMR, preparative (synthetic) organic chemists in industry who want to have more information about how to prove the structures of the compounds they make, and analytical chemists in industry who actually carry out the experiments and want a better understanding of what they are doing.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 341

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.03.2006

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Data points, for 1D spectral description (np/2)      49—52
Data points, for first ($\nu_{2}$) dimension spectral acquisition      241 247 251
Data points, for second ($\nu_{1}$) dimension spectral acquisition      247 251
Data points, number (np) for 1D spectral acquisition      41 49—51
Data sets, imaginary      247
Data sets, real      247
Data-processing parameters      243—250
DAVINS      116 314
Decalins      124
Decane, carbon relaxation      135
Deceptive simplicity      116—117 315
Decoupler, calibration      60—61
Decoupler, field strength      47 60
Decoupler, modulation frequency      58 61
Decoupler, offset      47
Decoupler, sample heating effects      243 258 260
Decoupler, status      47
Decoupling      18 25 46—47 80 105 136 144—146 150 152 155 158—160 189 see "Heteronuclear "Double
Degassing      34
Delay time      132
Dephasing      203—204
DEPT      156—157 161—162 204 207 220 221—222 225—226 229—231 236—237 280—282
Depth gauge      34
Deuterated solvents for locking      33 35
Deuterated solvents, chemical shifts      55
Diamagnetic anisotropy      64—69 71—74 81 86
Diamagnetic anisotropy, shielding      62 68 80
Diamagnetic anisotropy, susceptibility      65—66
Diamagnetic anisotropy, susceptibility, bulk      77
Diastereotopic groups      103—104 138 140 146 179—180 182 189 193 261—262 279 334—335 339—341
Dichloroethene, HCC coupling      108
Dichlorophenols, $ ^{1}H$ spectra      125—126
dielectric constant      77—78
Dienes, vicinal couplings      112
Diethyl ether, $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      16
Difference decoupling      145
Difference NOE      151
Difference spectra      237 see
Difluoromethane      99—100
Digital resolution, in 1D spectra      50—52 180
Digital resolution, in the first ($\nu_{2}$) dimension in 2D spectra      246—247
Digital resolution, in the second ($\nu_{1}$) dimension in 2D spectra      246—247
Digital resolution, optimizing      247
Digital signal filtration      46
Dihedral angle      283 285—286 291 293
Dimensionless spin      295 298
Dimethyl sulfoxide, nonexchanging solvent      75
Diphenylketimine, $ ^{1}H- ^{15}N$ coupling constant      106
Dipolar decoupling      25 27
Dipole-dipole coupling      25—26 267
Dipole-dipole coupling, relaxation      131—132 150 152 195—196 198 205 317—321 331—332
DIPSI-2      256 see
Dirac notation      303
Direct coupling (D)      105
Dispersion mode      53 183—184 247 300—301 330 see
Dispersive tails, in phase-sensitive COSY spectra      252
Dispersive tails, with absolute-value data      246 see phase-twisted"
Disulfides, hindered rotation      138
DNMR3      142
Double bond, shielding      67—68
Double irradiation      26 see
Double quantum coherence      162—163 165 183 189 199 204 326—332
Double quantum filtration      183—185
Double quantum transition      304
Double resonance      18 131 136 143—155 160
Doublet of doublets      20
DPFGSE      205
DPFGSE-NOE      240 268 see
DQF-COSY      183—184 207 214—216 221 246 253—257 332
Dreiding model      291
Dummy scans      see "Steady-state scans"
Dwell time      40
Dynamic effects      23—25
Dynamic effects, NMR      136—143
EBURP      166
Echo experiment      331
Effective correlation time      132 135 198 317—319
Effective correlation time, nuclear charge      106
Effective correlation time, spin-lattice relaxation time      233
Effective correlation time, spin-spin relaxation time      241 248
Electric-field effect      77—79
Electric-field effect, shielding      69
Electromagnets      31 36—37
Electron density      80
Electron density, spin relaxation      321
Electron spin resonance      183
Electronegativity      6 62—63 81
Electronegativity and vicinal couplings      111 see
Empirical correlations, for $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      82—88 92
Empirical correlations, for $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      71—76 91
Enantiotopic groups      99—100 103 279 334—335 337—341
Energy-level diagram      304—310
Enol ethers, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      86
Epoxides, vicinal coupling      111
Equatorial position      66—67 83—84 110 291—292
Equatorial position, protons, relaxation      134
Ernst angle      43
Esters, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      88
Esters, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      70
Ethane, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      81—82
Ethane, $ ^{13}C- ^{13}C$ coupling constant      106
Ethane, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      63 66 69—70
Ethane, HCC coupling      108
Ethanol      68
Ethene, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      81
Ethene, $ ^{13}C- ^{13}C$ coupling constant      106
Ethene, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      63—64 66 71
Ethene, $ ^{1}H- ^{13}C$ coupling constant      105
Ethene, HCC coupling      108
Ethene, HCH coupling      107
Ethers, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      84
Ethers, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      70
Ethyl trans-crotonate      144
Ethyl trans-crotonate, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      63
Ethyl trans-crotonate, $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      19—20
Ethylbenzene      102—103
Ethyne, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      81
Ethyne, $ ^{13}C- ^{13}C$ coupling constant      106
Ethyne, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      63 66 71
Ethyne, $ ^{1}H- ^{13}C$ coupling constant      105
Ethyne, HCC coupling      108
Evolution period      173 192
EXAN II      318
Exchangeable protons      75
Excitation sculpting      205
Exponential weighting      48—49
EXSY      196 198—199 207 232 268—269 331—332
EXSY, phase-sensitive      199
Extreme narrowing condition      318—321
Extreme narrowing condition, limit      132 149—151 197
F,F-COSY      187
False peaks      180
Fast exchange      23—24 137 143 198
FDM      see "Filter diagonalization method"
Fermi contact mechanism      104—105
FID      see "Free induction decay"
Field sweep      7
Filter bandwidth      42 57
Filter diagonalization method      250
Filtering of sample solutions      33—34
Filters, analog      42 46
Filters, digital      46
First-order spectra      13 56 98—99 101—102 115 123 125 145 303—305
First-order spectra, pseudo      56
Flip angle, 1D      43—45
Flip angle, 2D      242 see
Flip-flop mechanism      134
Flock      192—193 264—266
FLOCK, BIRD pulse functions      265—266
Fluorine couplings      109 114—115 119
Fluoromethane      5
Fluxional molecules      140—142
Folding      180 see
Forbidden transitions      304
Formaldehyde, HCH coupling      107
Four-dimensional NMR      203
Fourier analysis      12
Fourier transformation      13 49 172 174 183 201 330
Fourier transformation, number      50 56
Fourier transformation, spectrometer operation      31—32
Free-induction decay      11—13 36 172 174 187
Frequency domain      13
ft      see "Fourier transformation"
Full width at half maximum      52 see
FWHM      see "Full width at half maximum"
Gamma effect, on $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      82—85
GARP      258—259 see
Gated decoupling      48 151—152 158
Geminal coupling      17 105—109 120 123 176 182 189 207 315
Gentamycin, DEPT spectra      156—157
Glycine      177—178 180
Gradient coils      39
Gradient coils, echo      204—205
Gradient coils, pulse      203 see
Gyromagnetic ratio ($\gamma$)      2—4 22 106—107 132 146 149—150 153 159 193 295 319 321
Half-chair conformation      291
Haloalkanes, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      80—81 84—85
Haloalkanes, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      62—63 68 71
Haloalkanes, hindered rotation      138
Halogenated alkanes      138
Hamiltonian matrix      304—305 307—309
Hamiltonian matrix, operator      302—304 322—324
Hard pulses      165
Hartmann — Hahn condition      27 185
Heavy atom effect      81
Heisenberg uncertainty principle      22
Heptamethylbenzenium ion      198
HETCOR      187—189 193—195 203 207 216—217 220 222—232 261—262
Heterocycles, ring reversal      139
Heteronuclear correlation      187—195
Heteronuclear correlation, decoupling      146—148 151 164—165
Heteronuclear correlation, multiple quantum coherence      161
Heterotopic groups      340
Hindered rotation      137—139
HMBC      193—194 207 262—264 284
HMBC, $ ^{2}J$, $ ^{3}J$-HMBC modification      274—276
HMBC, gradient version      263—264
HMBC, nongradient version      263—264
HMQC      189—190 193 201—202 204 207 258—259
HMQC, gradient version      258
HOHAHA      185 198
Homoallylic coupling      113 282 287
Homogeneity      see "Magnetic-field homogeneity"
Homomorphic groups      340
Homonuclear decoupling      146 151
Homotopic groups      99—100 335—337
HSQC      192—193 258—261 281—282
HSQC, gradient version      259—261
HSQC, multiplicity-edited      271—273
HSQC-TOCSY      266—267
hybridization      63 66—68
Hybridization and coupling      105—106
Hydride shifts      141
Hydrogen bonding      78
Hydrogen-bonding effects, on $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      68 75
Hydroxyl protons      75
Hydroxyl protons, resonance      23
Hypercomplex Fourier transform      241
Hyperconjugation      107 113
Imaginary part      49 183 299—300
Imaginary part, spectrum      50 see
Imines, HCN coupling      108
INADEQUATE      106 162—163 165 183 189 204
INADEQUATE, 2D      199—200 207 213 232 332—333
Increments      see "Time increments"
Indene, allylic coupling      113
Inductive effect      63 68—70 72—74 80 84—85 112 182 193 see
INEPT      156—162 187 192 325
Inhomogeneity effects      37—38
Integration      19 21 57—58
Interleaved acquisition      237 243 see
Inverse detection      189—190
Inverse-gated decoupling      48
Inversion recovery      133 135 163—165 168 234 327—328
Isobutane, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      83
Isobutylene, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      86
Isobutylene, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      71
Isochronous      102 334—336 338
Isomontanolide      213
Isonitrile      167
Isopropyl group      17 103
Isotope effects, on chemical shifts      79 118
Isotropic groups      63—64
Isotropic mixing sequences, DIPSI-2      256
Isotropic mixing sequences, GARP      258—259
Isotropic mixing sequences, MLEV-17      256
Isotropic mixing sequences, WALTZ-16      256 258 262 266
Isotropic mixing sequences, WURST      258—259
J-filter, in HMBC experiment      262
J-resolved spectroscopy      186—187 207
Jeener experiment      172 176
Karplus equation      76 109—112 193 285 324
Ketones, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      88
Laboratory time scale      136
Lactones, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      88
Lanthanide shift reagents      116
LAOCN      3 116 314
Larmor frequency      3—4 8—10 12 131 143 148 162 187 190 203 296 317—318 321 323—324 328 333
Leucine      177—180
Line broadening      48 238 240
Line broadening, functions      48—49
Line broadening, parameter      58—61
Line shape      36
Line shape, absorption mode      52
Line shape, phase-twisted      246 252
line width      10 12 302
Line width at half-height      see "Full width at half maximum"
Linear prediction      247—250
Linear prediction, backward      250
Linear prediction, extensions      248 251 258 260
Liquid crystal solvent      105
Local electron currents      62—63
Lock, external      35
Lock, internal      35
Lock, optimizing      36
Lock, phase      35—36
Lock, receiver      35
Lock, saturation      35 37 237—238
Lock, signal      33 35—36
Lock, transmitter      35
Locking, automatic      35
Locking, field/frequency      35—36
Lone pair, shielding      63—68
Long-range COSY      182—183 207 253
Long-range COSY, coupling      105 112—115 124 177 182—183 192—193 207
Longitudinal relaxation      see "Spin-lattice relaxation"
Lowering operator      306
Lutidines, $ ^{1}H$ spectra      124—125
Lysine      184—185
Magic angle      65
Magic-angle spinning      26 32
Magnetic equivalence      99—104 106 115 117 122 334 336—339
Magnetic equivalence, moment      1 3 5 14 131 144 295 298 302 321
Magnetic equivalence, resonance imaging      203
Magnetic-field homogeneity      36 52
Magnetic-field homogeneity, optimizing      37
magnetization      8—12 131 134 158—159 161 163 172—173 175 180 184—185 187 189—190 192 195—197 203—204 297—301 322—331
Magnetization, transfer      143 146 175—176 181—183 185 187 196—199 see
Magnetogyric ratio      2 see
1 2 3 4
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