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Lambert J.B., Mazzola E.P. — Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Lambert J.B., Mazzola E.P. — Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

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Название: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Авторы: Lambert J.B., Mazzola E.P.


This book offers complete coverage of classic (one-dimensional) NMR as well as up-to-date coverage of two-dimensional NMR and other modern methods. This book focuses on all aspects of NMR including classic methods, modern techniques, practical advice for execution of the NMR experiment, theory, and more. For practicing NMR spectroscopists who want a better understanding of their subject, professors who want a wider knowledge of NMR, preparative (synthetic) organic chemists in industry who want to have more information about how to prove the structures of the compounds they make, and analytical chemists in industry who actually carry out the experiments and want a better understanding of what they are doing.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 341

Добавлена в каталог: 21.03.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$11\ \beta$-Hydroxyprogesterone, NOE      205—206
$AB_{2}$ spectrum      115 312—313
$AX_{2}$ spectrum      15 17 100 115 312—313
$AX_{4}$ spectrum      17
$AX_{6}$ spectrum      17
$A_{2}$ spectrum      306—308 310
$A_{2}B_{2}$ spectrum      339
$A_{2}X$ spectrum      see "$AX_{2}$ spectrum"
$A_{2}X_{2}$ spectrum      100 116—117 118 339
$A_{2}X_{3}$ spectrum      16 17 103
$B_{0}$ (static magnetic field)      31 36 295
$B_{0}$ (static magnetic field), effects of inhomogeneity on spectra      37—38
$B_{0}$ (static magnetic field), homogeneity      see "Magnetic-field homogeneity"
$B_{0}$ (static magnetic field), optimizing homogeneity      37
$B_{1}$ (radiofrequency magnetic field), calibration      58—60
$B_{1}$ (radiofrequency magnetic field), transmitter      31—32
$B_{2}$ (double resonance magnetic field), calibration      60—61
$B_{2}$ (double resonance magnetic field), decoupler      32
$T_{1}$      see "Spin-lattice relaxation time"
$t_{1}$ noise      180 250 254 259—260 263—264
$T_{2}$      see "Spin-spin relaxation time"
$T_{2}^{*}$      see "Effective spin-spin relaxation time"
$\alpha$, $\beta$-Unsaturated ketones, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      86
$\alpha$-Thujene      103
$\beta$-Chloroacrylic acid      175—176
$\beta$-Chloroacrylic acid, COSY spectrum      175
$\beta$-Methylglutaric acid      117
$\beta$-Quinolmethanol clathrate      26
$\gamma$-Anti effect      83—84
$\gamma$-Gauche effect      83
1,1,2-Trichloroethane, $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      15
1,1-Difluoroethene      99—101 109
1,1-Dimethylallene, long-range coupling      113
1,2-Dichlorobenzene, $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      101—102 123
1,3-Butadiene, long-range coupling      113—114
1,3-Cyclohexadicne, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      72
1,3-Cyclohexadicne, HCCH coupling      112
1,3-Cyclopentadiene, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      72
1,3-Cyclopentadiene, HCCH coupling      112
1,3-Dioxane      123
1,4-Cyclohexadiene, homoallylic coupling      113
1,4-Dioxane, isotope effects      79
1-Butene, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      86
1-Chloro-2-fluorobenzene      69
1-Chloro-4-nitrobenzene, $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      13—14
1-Decanol      168
1-Dehydrotestosterone, $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      145
2,3-Dibromopropionic acid, COSY spectra      181
2-Butyne, long-range coupling      113
2-Chloroethanol, $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      102 316
2-Methylacryloin, allylic coupling      113
3,4-Homotropilidine      140
3-Fluorocamphor      211—212
3-Hydroxybutyric acid      12—13
3-Hydroxybutyric acid, $ ^{13}C$ spectrum      18 146
3-Methylcyclopropene      100
4-Chlorobenzaldenyde      74
AA'BB' spectrum      101—102 116—117 136—137 315—316 339
AA'XX' spectrum      100—102 106 115—117 315—316 339
AB spectrum      98—99 115 144 302—303 308—314
ABC spectrum      111 116 314
Absolute-intensity representation      59 234
Absolute-value representation      183 244 246 250 252
Absorption mode      52—53 183—185 247 300—301 330 see
ABX spectrum      103 105—106 111 116—117 182 313—314
Accordion excitation      275 see modification"
Acetaldehyde, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      84 88
Acetaldehyde, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      71 73
Acetaldehyde, diethyl acetal      103
Acetaldehyde, HCC coupling      108
Acetamide, $ ^{1}H^{15}N$ coupling constant      106
Acetic acid, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      88
Acetic acid, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      71 75
Acetone      12—13 17 26
Acetone, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      84 88
Acetone, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      71
Acetone, HCC coupling      108
Acetone, HCH coupling      107
Acetonitrile, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      86
Acetonitrile, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      71
Acetonitrile, $ ^{1}H- ^{15}N$ coupling constant      106
Acetonitrile, HCH coupling      107
Acetonitrile, NH coupling      167
Acetonitrile, solvent effect      77—78
Acetonitrile, vicinal coupling      111
Acetyl chloride $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      71
acetylene      see "Ethyne"
Acid chlorides, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      88
Acquisition parameters, 1D      39—48
Acquisition parameters, 2D      241—243
Acquisition time, 1D      42
Acquisition time, 2D      242
Acrolein, dimethyl acetal      194—195
Acrylonitrile, $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      111
Active coupling      182 246 254
Adiabatic relaxation      320
Alcohols, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      84
Alcohols, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      70 75
Aldehydes, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      88
Aldehydes, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      73
Aldehydes, shielding      68
Aliasing      40—41 see
Aliasing, folded signals      41
Aliasing, noise      46
Alkanes, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      82 85—86 89 90
Alkanes, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      69—73
Alkanes, vicinal coupling      111—112
Alkynes, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      86
Alkynes, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      71
Alkynic coupling      113
Allene, long-range coupling      113
Allenes, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      81 88
Allowed transitions      304—307
Allylic coupling      112—114 282 287—288
Alpha effect, on $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      82—85
Amide bond rotation      137
Amides, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      88
Amides, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      70 76
Amine inversion      139—140
Amines, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      84
Amines, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      70 76
Amines, HCN coupling      108
Ammonium ion, $ ^{14}N$ splitting      136
Ammonium ion, $ ^{1}H-N^{15}$ coupling constant      106
Ammonium salts, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      70 76
AMX spectrum      103 106 111 115 182 185—186
Angular frequency      3
Angular frequency, methyl group      124
Angular frequency, momentum      1—2 80—81 296
Anhydrides, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      88
Aniline, $ ^{14}N$ line width      167
Anilines, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      76
Anisochronous      334 339—341
Anisole      63 74
Anisotropic rotation      134—135
Antiecho experiment      331
Antiphase      156 158 160 163 184 187 189
Antiphase, component      325—331
Antisymmetric wave function      310—312
Apodization      50—51 166 244 246 248
apt      see "Attached proton test"
Aromatic solvent-induced shifts      77—79
Aromatics, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      87 90
Aromatics, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      73—75
Aromatics, ortho coupling      111
Artifacts, 2D      196—197 248 250—252 254 259 262 268 269
ASIS      see "Aromatic solvent-induced shifts"
Atomic inversion      139—140
Atomic inversion, mass      1—2
Attached proton test      155 161 235—236
Attached proton test, optimizing sensitivity      235
Autogain feature      45
Average energy of excitation      80
AX spectrum      13—14 17 98—99 115 148—149 162 174—175 187 303—304 308 310 312
Axial peaks      180 see
Axial peaks, position      66—67 83—84 110 291—292
Axial peaks, protons, relaxation      134
Axial-equatorial interchange      137
Aziridines, nitrogen inversion      139
Barbaralone      141
Baseline correction      54 58
Baseline correction, noise      250
Baseline correction, roll      250
Benzaldehyde, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      88
Benzene, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      81 86
Benzene, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      64 73
Benzene, $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      4 17
Benzene, $ ^{1}H- ^{13}C$ coupling constant      105
Benzene, long-range coupling      113—114
Benzene, shielding of      64—65 72
Benzene, solvent effect      77—78
Benzoquinones      117
Benzylic coupling      113—114
Beta effect on $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      82—85
Biphenyl rotation      138
Bird      189—192 258—261 265
Bismethylene      315—316
Biuret      136
Bloch equations      297—301 322
Bloch size      45 243 see
Bloch — Siegert shift      146
Boltzmann population      148 151 158
Boltzmann's law      3
Bond anisotropy      67 71
Bond anisotropy, order      81 112
Bond anisotropy, shifts      141—142
Boron-11 couplings      106
Branching effect      83—84
Broadband decoupling      35 47 146 164 204 242
Bromine relaxation      320—321
Bromochloromethane      99—100
Bromoethane      99
Brucine, $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      204
Buildup rate      see "NOE"
Bullvalene      141
BURP      166
Butyroacetone      101—102
calibrations      58—61 237
Calibrations, decoupler pulses      60—61
Calibrations, pulse widths      58—60
Calicene      138
CAMELSPIN      198
Camphor, HMQC spectrum      189—190
Carbocations, shielding      80
Carbon disulfide, solvent effect      77—78
Carbon tetrachloride $ ^{35}Cl$ line width      136
Carbon-13 couplings      105—106 108 119 121 123 162—163 192—194 199—200
Carbonyl group, shielding      67 72 80
Carbonyl groups, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      88 91
Carboxylic acid, derivatives, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      88
Carboxylic acids, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shifts      68 75
Chair conformation      110 291
Chemical equivalence      99—103 106 117—118 334—335 337
Chemical exchange      136—143
Chemical exchange in 2D      195—196 198—199
Chemical shielding anisotropy      25
Chemical shielding anisotropy, relaxation      132 320
Chemical shift      5—8 56 62—88 302—303
Chemical-shift criterion      102
Chemical-shift difference, AB spectrum      309
Chlorobenzene, relaxation time measurement      133
Chloroform      14
Chloroform, $ ^{13}C$ spectrum      159—160
Chloroform, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      63
Chloroform, INEPT spectrum      159—160
Chloroform, isotope effects      79
Cholestane      215
Cholesteryl acetate, $ ^{13}C$ spectrum      155
Cholesteryl acetate, APT spectrum      155
cis-1,2-Dichlorocyclopropane      104
Cleaning of NMR tubes      33
Closely coupled nuclei      185—186 see
Coalescence temperature      142—143
Coherence      9 326
Coherence, order      204 326—333
Coherence, selection      165 204
Coherence-level diagram      327—333
COLOC      192—193 264—266
Combination line      115 312
Complete line shape analysis      142—143
Composite pulses      148—165
Conformation      335—340
Conformation, anti      335 337—339
Conformation, gauche      335 337—339
Conformation, population effects      335—336 338—339
Conjugated coupling      113
Conjugation      see "Resonance effects"
Connectivity      199 203
Contact shifts      321
Continuous-wave operation      7 31 35
Contour Plot      176 250—251
Cope rearrangement      140—141
COSY      172—186 196—198 207 208—212 217 219 222—232 252—253 281—285 328—332
COSY, gradient version      252 see "Phase-sensitive
COSY45      181—182 207 211—212 252—253
Coupling constant      13—19 56 98—130 302—303 305
Coupling constant, mechanism      104—105
Coupling constant, relative signs      105
Coupling constant, residual      60—61
Coupling constant, sign      104—105
Coupling, between equivalent nuclei      98 101 107 118—119
Coupling-constant criterion      102 122
Cross peaks      176 330—333
Cross polarization      27 185
Cross sections, in spectral analysis      250 see "Contour
Crotonaldehyde, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      72
Cubane, $ ^{1}H- ^{13}C$ coupling constant      105
CW      see "Continuous wave"
Cyclobutane, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      83
Cyclobutane, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      63 69
Cycloheptatriene      124
Cycloheptatrienyltin      142—143
Cyclohexane      104
Cyclohexane ring, shielding      66
Cyclohexane, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      83
Cyclohexane, dynamic $ ^{1}H$ spectrum      24—25
Cyclohexane, HCH coupling      107
Cyclohexane, isotope effects      79
Cyclohexane, ring reversal      137
Cyclohexanes, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shifts      83—84 89
Cyclohexanes, long-range coupling      114
Cyclohexanes, vicinal couplings      110
Cyclohexanone $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      88
Cyclohexene, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      86
Cyclohexene, HCCH coupling      112
Cyclooctane, conformation      139
Cyclooctatetraene, bond shifts      141—142
Cyclooctatetraene, ring reversal      139
Cyclooctatetreneiron tricarbonyl      142
Cyclopentanol, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      85—86
Cyclopropane, $ ^{13}C$ chemical shift      83
Cyclopropane, $ ^{1}H$ chemical shift      69
Cyclopropane, $ ^{1}H- ^{13}C$ coupling constant      105
Cyclopropane, HCH coupling      107
Cyclopropane, shielding      67
Cyclopropanes, vicinal couplings      110—111
Cyclopropene      100 118—119
Cyclopropene, HCCH coupling      112
Cyclops      45 165 180
Dante      166
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