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Marchette D.J. — Random Graphs for Statistical Pattern Recognition |
Предметный указатель |
-separable 177
A Civil Action 29
Abdel-Wahab, H. 71
Abrams, L. 128 213
Adaptive mixtures 181
Add one cost 127
Adjacency matrix 2 150 151 211 212
Adjacency matrix, augmented 2 150
Adjacency matrix, consecutive ones property 150
Adjacency matrix, middle ones square property 150
Agarwal, P.K. 124 222
Aggregation 69
Ahuja, N. 180 220
Albert, K.J. 34 214
Alenderfer, M. 33 213
Algorithm, fast dominating set 208 209
Algorithm, fast near dominating set 210
Algorithm, greedy by-radius 134
Algorithm, greedy dominating set 133 193
Algorithm, greedy K-S 194
Algorithm, k-means 19
Algorithm, Kruskal's 51
Algorithm, minimum dominating set 134
Algorithm, nearest-neighbor editing 118
Algorithm, prims's 53
Algorithm, proximity editing 122
Algorithm, random walk dominating set 179
Algorithm, relative neighborhood graph 109
Alpha hull 43—50 53—56 115
Alpha shape 43
Anderson, E. 61 213
Anderson, I. 34 213
Applications, aggregation 69
Applications, artificial nose 28 64—67 90—93 98—106 171 173—176
Applications, brain imaging 128
Applications, breast lesion analysis 128
Applications, dimensionality reduction 61 97
Applications, face detection 180
Applications, fracture lines 76
Applications, gene expression 31 156—162
Applications, hyperspectral image analysis 30 61 63—65 175
Applications, image analysis 75
Applications, image processing 74
Applications, image recognition 68
Applications, image segmentation 68
Applications, imagery geo-registration 68
Applications, measures of association 81
Applications, mine detection 163
Applications, nearest-neighbor prototypes 118
Applications, outlier detection 93
Applications, path planning 128
Applications, Renyi divergence 66
Applications, segregation 69
Applications, user profiling 9
Applications, wood pulp analysis 76
Arya, S. 207 211 213 214
Asano, T. 58 214
Bakken, G.A. 34 214
Balakrishnan, R. 33 214
Balakrishnan, V.K. 34 214
Balanced spheres 130
Baluja, S. 181 214
Bang-Jensen, J. 33 214
Barrera, J. 74 75 76 214
Base point 129
BasseviJle, M. 67 214
Basu, M. 60 219
Bayes optimal 12 118 177
Bayes rule 12
Bayesian network x 211
Beir)ant, J. 67 214
Bell ringing 34
Bellman, R.E. 14 34 61 214
Beltrami, C.A. 128 214
Bentley, J.L. 203 214 217
Berry, K.J. 69 222
Bhattacharya, B. 58 214
Bi-partition 58
Bi-root 78
Bibby, J.M. 14 17 97 98 221
Binary tree 19
Bishop, C.M. 183 214
Blashfield, R. 33 213
Bogart, K.P. 123 219
Bollobas, B. ix 2 33 34 214 215
Boots, B. 37 38 40 42 222
Borchers, D.L. 10 215
Borg, I. 17 97 98 215
Botstein, D. 125 226
Breiman, L. 203 215
Brito, M.R. 93 94 95 215
Brown, P. 125 226
Buckland, S.T. 10 215
Caligiuri, M.A. 32 218
Canetti, E. 215
Cannon, A. 132 176 215
Ceyhan, E. 184 215
Chalker, T.K. 123 215
Chartrand, G. 2 6 33 215
Chaudhuri, B.B. 60 215
Chaudhuri, D. 60 215
Chavez, E.L. 93 94 95 215
Chiu, S.N. 37 38 40 42 222
Clark, T. 156 224
Class cover 131—132
Class cover, catch digraph 131—181 207—209
Class cover, constrained 132
Class cover, homogeneous 132 175—177
Class cover, inhomogeneous 132
Class cover, problem 131—133 176 177 181
Class cover, proper 131 162 175 176
Class cover, pure 131 132 162 175 176
Class cover, unconstrained 132
Classification 3 9 12—16 131 158 163—175
Classification tree x 182
Classifier 12
Classifier, boosting 180
Classifier, k-nearest-neighbor 15 118
Classifier, nearest-neighbor 14 15 61 63—67 73 118 132 169—171 175 177 203
Classifier, normal mixtures 181
Classifier, one-class 180
Classifier, performance estimation 15
Classifier, RCE neural network 181
Classifier, reduced nearest-neighbor 149 177
Classifier, reduced nearest-neighbor classifier 132
Classifier, support vector machine 132
Classifier, tree 180 181
CLIQUE 3 162
Cluster, catch digraph 210
Clustering 3 9 12 18—26 33 158 185—200
Clustering, complete linkage 20 49
Clustering, hierarchical 19 49 156
Clustering, K-means 18—19 49 56 60
Clustering, single linkage 20 49
Cohn, D. 177 215
Coller, H. 32 218
Complete spatial randomness 42 186 188
complexity 13
Computational complexity 135
Computational statistics 33 34
Condensing 119
Consecutive ones property 150
Consistency 13
Convex hull 38 41 45 47 48
Cook, D. 60 220
Cooper, L.N. 181 224
Cover 3
Cover, edge 3
Cover, vertex 3
Covering sets 132
| Cowen, L.C. 132 176 215
Cressie, N. 42 215
Cristianini, N. 132 175 215
Cross-validation 15
Curse of dimensionality 14 16—18 34 61
Dalgaard, P. 28 215
Dark Side of the Moon 28
Das, S. 132 225
David, H.A. 138 143 215
de Alencar Lotufo, R. 74 75 76 214
de Assis Zampirolli, F. 74 75 76 214
de Berg, M. 35 70 215
de Silva, V. 97 98 226
Degree 2
Delaunay triangularization 37—43 51 52 78 105 107—109 113 115 118 120 128 210 211
Della Mea, V. 128 214
Dendrogram 19—21 26
Deo, N. 68 69 225
Devi, V.S. 175 216
DeVinney, J.G. 133 137 139 140 151 152 153 163 177 180 181 184 216 223 225
Devroye, L. ix 13 15 33 128 216
Dickinson, T.A. 28 34 216 227
Diestel, R. 33 216
Digraph 6 132
Digraph, adjacency matrix 6 7 130 131 150
Digraph, arc 6
Digraph, asymmetric 6
Digraph, bidirected arc 6
Digraph, catch 130
Digraph, catch digraph 184
Digraph, characterization 130 150—151 153—154
Digraph, class cover catch 129—185
Digraph, cluster catch 185—200
Digraph, complete 6
Digraph, complete symmetric 6 141
Digraph, cycle 6
Digraph, degree 6
Digraph, directed cycle 6
Digraph, in degree 6
Digraph, incident to/from 6
Digraph, induced subdigraph 6
Digraph, intersection 132
Digraph, interval catch 130 135
Digraph, k-nearest-neighbor 80
Digraph, labeled 7
Digraph, nearest-neighbor 8 77 78
Digraph, out degree 6
Digraph, realization 141
Digraph, representation 141
Digraph, simple cycle 6
Digraph, sink 7
Digraph, source 7
Digraph, sphere 130
Digraph, sphere digraph 130—131
Digraph, subdigraph 6
Digraph, underlying graph 6
Dissimilarity measure 19 30 68 131
Distance function 131
Domany, E. 32 217
Dominance region 41
Dominating set 3 133—135 192—196
Dominating set, minimal 3
Dominating set, minimum 3 133—137 146 148 149 151 158 159 161 177 207 208
Domination number 3 135 150 151 153 154
Donoho, D.L. 34 216
Downing, J.R. 32 218
Duda, R.O. ix 14 17 33 216
Dudewicz, E.J. 67 214
Duin, R.P.W. 16 33 61 219
Dwyer, R.A. 123 216
Edelsbrunner, H. 45 216
Edge adjacency list 211
Efron, B. 28 216
Elbaum, C. 181 224
EM algorithm 13 211
End vertex 4
Eppstein, D. 78 216
Everitt, B.S. 33 216
Feature vector 12
Ferri, F.J. 120 225
Finato, N. 128 214
Finkel, R.A. 203 217
Fisher's Iris data 61
Fisher's linear discriminant 14 17
Fisher, R.A. 61 216
Fishkind, D.E. 128 213
Fleuret, F. 180 217
Forest 4
Foulds, L.R. 2 33 217
Frelicot, C. 183 217
Freund, Y. 180 217
Friedman, J.H. 14 17 33 60 69 83 89 128 180 183 203 215 217 218
Fu, H.Y. 211 213
Fueredi, Z. 123 217
Fukunaga, K. ix 14 17 33 217
Gaasenbeek, M. 32 218
Gabriel, K.R. 110 217
Garfinkel, R.S. 132 217
Geman, D. 180 217
Gentleman, R. xi 128 217 219
Gersho, A. 177 192 217
Getz, G. 32 217
Gibson, W. 217
Godbole, A. 123 225
Godbole, A.R. 123 215
Golub, T.R. 32 218
Gordon, A.D. 33 218
Gorman, J. 68 219
Graph 2
Graph, -overlap 124
Graph, -skeleton 114
Graph, acyclic 4
Graph, adjacency matrix 2 5 211
Graph, adjacent vertices 2
Graph, binomial 8
Graph, binomial, data random graph 9
Graph, binomial, edge random graph 8
Graph, binomial, intersection graph 8
Graph, binomial, uniform 8
Graph, binomial, vertex random graph 8
Graph, closed path 4
Graph, closed sphere-of-influence 122
Graph, coin 124
Graph, complete graph 2
Graph, connected component 4
Graph, cycle 4
Graph, data random 212
Graph, edge adjacency list 211
Graph, empty graph 2
Graph, Gabriel 110—120 128
Graph, incidence matrix 211
Graph, induced subgraph 3
Graph, intersection 129
Graph, interval 212
Graph, isomorphic 4
Graph, k-nearest-neighbor 80—104 124 128
Graph, labeled 4
Graph, labeling 5
Graph, large 211
Graph, least squares adjacency 110
Graph, minimum spanning tree 107
Graph, mutual fc-nearest-neighbor 80 82 83 93
Graph, nearest-neighbor 77—104
Graph, neighbor 2
Graph, neighborhood 73—128 132
Graph, neighborhood, realization 74
Graph, neighborhood, representation 74
Graph, neighborhood, skeleton 74
Graph, order 2
Graph, path 4
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