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Marchette D.J. — Random Graphs for Statistical Pattern Recognition |
Предметный указатель |
Graph, planar 107
Graph, proximity 130
Graph, random 7 132
Graph, random neighborhood 128
Graph, rectangular influence 114
Graph, relative neighborhood 105—109 128 211
Graph, representation 74 211
Graph, self-complementary 5
Graph, size 2
Graph, spanning subgraph 3
Graph, sphere-of-attraction 123—124 132
Graph, sphere-of-influence 122—123 126 128 132
Graph, storage 211
Graph, subgraph 3
Graph, tolerance sphere-of-influence 123
Graph, tree 4 19
Graph, trivial 2
Graph, vertex pairs 211
Graph, vertex random 132
Graphical model x
Gray, R.M. 177 192 217 218
Greedy algorithm 51 152 207 209
Green, J. 68 221
Grid compatible 93
Gries, D. 34 218
Groenen, P. 17 97 98 215
Gross, J. 2 33 218
Guibas, L. 123 218
Guidry, R. 68 221
Gutin, G. 33 214
Gyoerfi, L. ix 13 15 33 67 128 214 216
Hand, D.J. 33 218
Harary, F. 122 218
Hart, P.E. ix 14 17 33 175 216 218
Hartigan, J.A. 33 218
Hastie, T. 14 17 33 128 180 183 203 218
Haykin, S. 183 218
Haynes, T.W. 3 34 133 218
Healy, Jr.D.M. 34 61 223
Hedetniemi, S.T. 3 34 133 218
Heijmans, H.J.A.M. 74 219
Hellinger distance 66
Hero, A.O. 67 68 219
Hitczenko, P. 123 215 219
Ho, T.K. 60 219
Holm, T.S. 123 219
Huard, C. 32 218
Ichino, M. 108 111 114 219
Ihaka, R. xi 219
Image segmentation 68
Incidence matrix 211
incident 2
Independence number 3
Independent components 14
Independent set 3 146
Independent set, maximum 3
Infinum 74
Inter-point distance 17 50 97—99 102 104 171 188
Irwin, V.I. 68 225
isolate 2
Isolated vertex 2
Isomap 97—104
Jacobson, M.S. 122 218
Jahn, H. 183 219
Jain, A.K. 16 33 61 219 224
James, L.F. 67 219
Janson, S. ix 2 34 123 219
Jaromczyk, J.W. 105 220
Johnson, R.A. 14 220
juggling 34
Jungnickel, D. 34 220
Jurs, P.C. 34 214
k-nearest neighbor 80
K-partition 58
K-ply neighborhood system 124
Kainen, P.C. 16 34 220
Kanade, T. 181 214
Karonski, M. 8 10 132 220
Kauer, J.S. 28 34 216 227
Kauffman, G.W. 34 214
Kd-trees 203—210
Keil, M. 58 214
Kent, J.T. 14 17 97 98 221
Kim, S. 60 220
Kirkpatrick, D.G. 45 216
Kissing number 78
Knuth, D.E. 220
Koebe, P. 124 220
Kolchin, V.F. 34 220
Kriegman, D.J. 180 220
Krishnan, T. 13 221
Kronecker, L. 1
Kruskal's algorithm 51
Kulkarni, S.R. 33 220
Kullback-Leibler divergence 66
Kwon, S. 60 220
Ladner, R. 177 215
Langford, J.C. 97 98 226
Lankford, P.M. 74 220
Latent class 158
Latent subclass 14
Lattice 74
Lattice, complete 74
Lattice, operator 74
Lattice, sup-generating family 75
LaValle, S.M. 128 227
Leaf 4
Leahy, R.M. 128 225
Lebourgeois, F. 183 217
Lee, D.T. 108 220
Lee, M.S. 211 222
Left vertex 151
Lesniak, L. 2 6 33 215
Levine, E. 32 217
Lipman, M.J. 122 123 218 220
Loh, M.L. 32 218
Luczak, T. ix 2 34 219
Lugosi, G. ix 13 15 33 128 216 220
Lune 51 105 107
Ma, B. 68 219
Machine learning 211
Maeewongvatana, S. 211 221
Maehara, H. 130 221
Mahalanobis distance 14 199
Malamatos, T. 211 213
Mandal, D.P. 53 221
Mao, J. 16 33 61 219
Marchette, D.J. 10 11 34 61 67 68 132 137 139 154 156 163 177 180 181 184 216 219 221 223 224 225
Mardia, K.V. 14 17 97 98 221
Martinez, A.R. 33 221
Martinez, W.L. 33 221
Mathematical morphology 74
Mathematical morphology, adjunction 75
Mathematical morphology, dilation 74
Mathematical morphology, erosion 74
Mathematical morphology, impulsive function 75
Mathematical morphology, structuring function 75
Matousek, J. 34 221
Matula, D.W. 111 221
Maximum spanning tree 58 68
McKee, T.A. 128 184 221
McLachlan, G.J. 13 28 221
McMorris, F.R. 122 123 124 128 184 218 221 222
Merris, R. 33 222
Mesirov, J.P. 32 218
Michael, T.S. 123 222
Michel, O.J.J. 67 68 219
Middle ones square property 150
Mielke, Jr.P.W. 69 222
Minimum spanning tree 50—70 77
| Minimum spanning tree, k minimum 83
Minimum spanning tree, Kruskal's algorithm 51
Minimum spanning tree, Prim's algorithm 51
Mixture density 13
Mixture model 13 14 18 177 181 211
Moore, A. 205 211 222
Morphological operators 74
Mount, D.M. 207 211 213 214 221
Multidimensional scaling 17 60 97—99 101—103 105 125 171
Murthy, C.A. 53 221
Murty, M.N. 175 216
Nanda, S. 105 222
Nearest-neighbor 35 37 39 73 77 128 199 203 204 206 207 210
Nearest-neighbor, condensing 119
Nearest-neighbor, editing 118
Nemhauser, G.L. 132 217
Nesetril, J. 34 221
Netanyahu, N.S. 211 214
Neuheisel, J.D. 180 181 225
Neuhoff, D.L. 177 192 218
Newman, C.M. 105 222
O'Rourke, J. 35 70 108 114 222
Okabe, A. 37 38 40 42 222
Olman, V. 71 227
Olshen, R.A. 203 215
Omohundro, S.M. 205 222
Overmars, M. 35 70 215
Pach, J. 123 124 218 222
Paliwal, K.K. 211 224
Pardo, J.A. 68 222
Pardo, M.C. 68 222
Paterson, M.S. 78 216 223
Path 4
Pattern recognition 11 33 34
Pattern recognition, classification 12
Pattern recognition, supervised 12
Pattern recognition, unsupervised 12
Peel, D. 13 221
Pendant vertex 4
Penrose, M.D. 42 126 127 223
Pink Floyd 28
Pink Oz 28
Pla, F. 120 225
Pointed set 129
Poisson process 42
Polster, B. 34 223
Polynomial boundedness 126
Pordt, A. 105 223
Preclassifier 154
Preparata, F.P. 35 70 210 223
Priebe, C.E. 34 61 67 128 132 137 139 154 156 163 177 180 181 184 213 215 216 219 221 223 224 225
Prim's algorithm 51
Principal components 14 17 125
Prisner, E. 130 135 184 224
Probability density, kernel estimator 14
Probability density, mixture model 13
Probability of misclassification 12
Projection, linear 17
Projection, nonlinear 154
Projection, pursuit 14 17
Qian, Y. 125 224
Quint, T. 123 222
Quiroz, A.J. 93 94 95 215
R Development Core Team xi 224
Radcliff, J. 123 215
Radius of stabilization 127
Radke, J.D. 115 224
Rafsky, L.C. 60 69 83 89 217
Ramasubramanian, V. 211 224
Random graphs 7
Ranganathan, K. 33 214
Raudys, S.J. 33 224
Reach vertex 151
Region of influence 74
Reilly, D.L. 181 224
Reisz, T. 105 223
Renyi divergence 66—68
Renyi entropy 68
Resubstitution 15
Right vertex 150
Ripley, B.D. 17 28 33 183 224 226
Riskin, E.A. 177 215
Rogers, G.W. 68 225
Rowley, H. 181 214
Roy, A.B. 132 225
Rucinriski, A. ix 2 34 219
Ruehr, O.G. 123 215
Sanchez, J.S. 120 225
Scale dimension 154—156 176
Scaling of a set 126
Scanlon, J. 68 69 225
Schapire, R. 180 217
Scheinerman, E. 8 10 132 220
Schneider, F.B. 34 218
Schwarzkopf, O. 35 70 215
Scott, D.W. 16 225
Seber, G.A.F. 14 17 98 225
Sedgewick, R. 34 70 225
Segregation 69
Seidel, R. 45 216
Sen, M. 132 225
Separable 15
Sequence of windows 126
Serra, J. 76 225
Set cover problem 132
Shamos, M.I. 35 70 210 223
Sharir, M. 123 218
Shattuck, D.W. 128 225
Shawe-Taylor, J. 132 175 215
Silverman, B.W. 14 225
Silverman, R. 211 214
Singer, K. 8 10 132 220
Sklansky, J. 14 33 108 111 114 219 225
Slade, S.R. 123 225
Slater, P.J. 3 34 133 218
Slonim, D.K. 32 218
Small, C.G. 71 225
Smith, D.M. 28 226
Socolinsky, D.A. 177 180 181 184 216 223 225
Sokal, R.R. 110 111 217 221
Solka, J.L. 68 156 221 224 225
Spanning tree 50
Spanning tree, maximum 58 68
Spanning tree, minimum 50—70
Spinrad, J.P. 211 212 226
Statistical pattern recognition 11
Stitzel, S.S. 34 214
Stoica, I. 71 213
Stone, C.J. 203 215
Stork, D.G. ix 14 17 33 216
Streaming data 203
Strongly stabilizing 127
Sugihara, K. 37 38 40 42 222
Sultan, F. 71 213
Support 93
Supremum 74
Tamayo, P. 32 218
Tenenbaum, J.B. 97 98 226
Teng, S.H. 124 226
Tessellation 37
Test data 15
Tibshirani, R. 14 17 28 33 125 128 180 183 203 216 218 226
Tournament 6
Toussaint, G.T. 61 105 106 107 114 220 222 226
Training data 9 12—15 17 30
Transversals 132
Travolta, John 29
Trichloroethylene 29
Trunk, G.V. 16 61 226
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