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McShane E.J., Botts T.A. — Real Analysis |
Предметный указатель |
-tuple 5
-space 40
-algebra 173
-ring of sets 173
Absolute continuity 102ff 108 109 177ff 188
Absolute convergence 136 145
Absolute value 15
Absolutely continuous functions 102ff
Absolutely continuous functions, of intervals 108 109
Absolutely continuous functions, of sets 177ff
Accumulation point 51
Additive function, of intervals 105
Additive function, of sets 174
Algebras, of sets 173
Almost everywhere 138
Antisymmetric relation 27
Antitone function 58
Approximately continuous function 189
Arc wise connected set 72
Archimedean property 20
Ascoli, G., Ascoli’s theorem 92ff
Associative laws 9 12 13
Axiom of Choice 29ff 230ff
Baire functions 147ff 158 242
Banach, Banach space 204
Banach, Banach — Steinhaus theorem 73
Banach, Hahn — Baoach theorem 214
Basic neighborhood 32 39
Basic neighborhood, deleted 32
Bernstein polynomials 88 243
Bessel, F. W., Bessel’s inequality 228
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem 53
Boole, Q., Boolean algebra, -algebra 173
Boole, Q., Boolean ring, -ring 173
Borel, E., Borel set 154 158 159
Borel, E., Heine — Borel theorem 53
Bound 20 28
Bound, of linear functional 210
Bounded linear function 210
Bounded operator 241ff
Bounded set 20 53
Bounded variation 99ff 106
Buniakowski, V., Cauchy — Buniakowaki — Schwars inequality 162
Cardinality 5
Cardinally equivalent sets 4
Cartesian product 2 43
Cauchy, A., Cauchy — Buniakowski — Schwarz inequality 162
Cauchy, A., Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 59
Cauchy, A., criterion 37 61
Cauchy, A., directed function 61
Cauchy, A., sequence 61
Chain 29 30
Chain, rule 120
Character, finite 28
Characteristic function of set 77
Choice, axiom of 29 255ff
Choice, function 29 255ff
Closed interval 27
Closed set 46ff 83
Closed under operation 11
Closure 46
Cluster point, of a directed function 42 50
Cluster point, of a set 51
Commutative group 9
Commutative laws 13
Compact sets 50ff
Compact sets, image of 70
Compact sets, topological product of 52
Compactification, one-point 80
Complement, orthogonal 224
Complete lattice 28
Complete metric space 81 204 206
Complete ordered field 20ff
Complete orthonormal set 227
Component 43
Composite function 67ff 120
Composite product 13
Composite sum 12
Connected, arcwise 72
Continuity 67ff
Continuity, absolute 102ff 108 109 177ff
Continuity, approximate 189
Continuity, interval of 107
Continuity, modulus of 78
Continuity, of linear functionals 210
Continuity, uniform 77ff 97
Convergence 33ff
Convergence, almost everywhere 140
Convergence, at infinity 79
Convergence, dominated 140
Convergence, in 62ff
Convergence, in norm 225
Convergence, monotone 137
Convergence, order 54
Convergence, pointwise 50
Convergence, regular 188
Convergence, strong 225
Convergence, unconditional 34ff
Convergence, uniform 82 84ff 225
Convergence, weak 225
Convergent directed function 33
Convergent sequence 34
Convergent Series 34
Convex set 222
Convolution 200 201
Countable set 5
Countably additive function 174
Countably infinite set 5
Covering, open 50
Cramer’s Rule 122
Criterion of Cauchy 61
Daniell, P. J. 127 133
Darboux, J. O., Darboux property 71 72
Darboux, J. O., upper and lower Darboux — Stieltjes integral 168
Decomposition, Hahn 175ff
Decomposition, Lebesgue 178ff
Deleted basic neighborhood 32
Deleted relative neighborhood 68
Dense set 21 47
Density, metric 188
Denumerably infinite set 5
Derivate 110 183
Derivate, of absolutely continuous functions 188
Derivate, of functions of bounded variation 191
Derivative 110ff
Derivative, first 117
Derivative, left 111
Derivative, of composite function 120 125
Derivative, of integral with respect to parameter 140
Derivative, of Lebesgue integral 183ff
Derivative, of order 117
Derivative, partial 118
Derivative, regular 184
Derivative, right 111
Determinant 121ff
Determinant, function 122
Diagonal matrix 241
Diameter 61
Difference, first 105
Difference, of two sets 2
Differentiability of the Lebesgue integral 183ff
Differentiable function 110 118
Differential 118
Differentiation under integral sign 140
Dini’s theorem 85
Directed function 33 50
Directed set 28 86
Directed set of functions 128
Direction 33 50
Distance function 59
| Distributive law 10 13
Domain of a function 8
Dominated Convergence Theorem 140
Double limit 80ff
Downwardly directed set 28 33 128
Egoroff, D. F., Egoroff’s theorem 159
Elementary function (= step-function) 126 135
Elementary integral 128
Equicontinuity 83 92
Equivalence, classes 205
Equivalence, of functions 139
Equivalence, of topologies 40
Essential supremum 203
Essential upper bound 203
Essentially bounded function 203
Exponential function 230
Extended real number system 26
Extension of a function 94
Fatou, P., lemma of 140
Fields 10ff
Fields, complete ordered 20ff
Fields, isomorphism of 18
Fields, ordered 14ff
Finite additivity 174
Finite character 28 30
Finite set 4
First difference 105
Fischer, E., Riesz — Fischer theorem 232
Fourier, J., Fourier coefficients 230
Fourier, J., Fourier series 227ff
Fourier, J., Fourier transform 233ff
Fubini, G., Fubini’s theorem 143ff
Function 3
Function, - 126
Function, - 126
Function, absolutely continuous 102ff 108 177ff
Function, additive 105
Function, antitone 58
Function, Baire 147ff 242
Function, bounded linear 210
Function, characteristic 77
Function, choice 29
Function, composite 67
Function, countably additive 174
Function, determinant 122
Function, differentiate 110
Function, directed 33
Function, distance 59
Function, elementary 126
Function, equicontinuous family of 183
Function, essentially bounded 203
Function, exponential 230
Function, extension of a 94
Function, implicit 121
Function, inhomogeneous-linear 90
Function, inverse 4
Function, isotone 58
Function, linear 90
Function, Lipschitzian 77 78 80 97 103 112 113 210
Function, lower semicontinuous 74
Function, measurable 146ff 161
Function, monomial 72
Function, monotone 58 98ff
Function, nowhere differentiable 118
Function, of bounded variation 99ff
Function, of intervals 105ff
Function, polynomial 72
Function, quadratic 224ff
Function, semicontinuous 74
Function, simple 212
Function, singular 178
Function, spaces 202ff
Function, step 126
Function, strictly antitone 198
Function, strictly isotone 198
Function, subdirected 37 38
Function, summable 133 161
Function, uniformly continuous 78
Function, upper semicontinuous 74
Functional, linear 209ff
Functional, positive linear 216
Functional, quadratic 224
Generated ring, algebra, etc 173
Graph of a function 3
Greatest lower bound 20 28
Group 9
Group, commutative 9
H lder, O., H lder condition 78 97
H lder, O., H lder inequality 163
Hahn, H., Hahn decomposition 175
Hahn, H., Hahn — Banach theorem 214
Hausdorff, F., Hausdorff maximality principle 30 251ff
Hausdorff, F., Hausdorff space 40 41
Hausdorff, F., normal Hausdorff space 95
Heine — Borel theorem 53
Hermite, C., Hermitian matrix 241
Hermite, C., Hermitian operator 223
Hilbert, D., Hilbert space 219ff
Hilbert, D., operators on 241ff
Homeomorphism 72
Identity element of a group 10
Identity mapping 41
Implicit ftmctions theorem 121ff
Inductive definition 7 254
Inductive proof 6 253
Inequality, Bessel 228
Inequality, Cauchy — Buniakowski — Schwarz 59 162
Inequality, H lder 163
Inequality, Minkowski 59 164
Inequality, triangle 59
Infimum 20 28
Infinite (countably or denumerably) 5
infinity 26
Infinity, limit of function st 79
Infinity, vanishing at 79
Inhomogeneous linear function 90
Inner produet 219
Integral, Daniell — Stieltjes 133
Integral, defined from measure 160ff
Integral, differentiability of 183ff
Integral, elementary 128 135
Integral, iterated 143
Integral, Lebesgue and Lebesgue — Stieltjes 126ff
Integral, Radon — Stieltjes 133
Integral, Riemann and Riemann — Stielljes 165ff
Integration, by parts 191ff
Integration, of Fourier series 231
Interior 45
Interior, point 44
Intermediate-value theorem 71 72
Intersection 2
Intervals 27
Intervals, closed 27
Intervals, function of 105ff
Intervals, half open 27
Intervals, nonoverlapping 108
Intervals, of continuity 107 135 141
Intervals, open 27 32
Intervals, volume of 108
Inverse element 9
Inverse function 4
Isomorphism 18ff
Isotone function 58
Iterated integral 143
Iterated limit 80 81
Jacobi, C. G. J., Jacobian 196
L-function 126ff
Lattice 28
Lattice, complete 28
Least upper bound 20 28
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