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Bethe H., de Hoffmann F. — Mesons and fields. Volume 2. Mesons |
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particle 384 385 388 393
particle 393
particle 373 383—84 392
particle 374 384—86
particle 374
Absorption (see Capture)
Annihilation operator 59 200 249 50
Antipartacies 46—47 250 369 390
Antipartacies, aiitmeutrino 369
Antipartacies, anti-electron 369
Antipartacies, antihyperon 390
Antipartacies, antimuon 369
Antipartacies, antineutron 45 393
Antipartacies, antiproton 45 390
Baryon 390
Beta decay 367—69
Bethe — Salpeter equation 312
Capture of mesons 366 369—70
Capture of mesons in heavy elements 13 15
Capture of in deuterium 3 8 13 48
Capture of in deuterium 3 13—17 103 339
Capture of in hydrogen 3 17—18 99—101
Cascade production (see Plural meson production)
Catastrophic transition (see Photo-production of mesons)
Center-of-mass relations 132—33
Center-of-mass relations, relativistic transformation 402—4
Center-of-mass tables, energy of -nucleon 353 401
Center-of-mass tables, energy of nucleon-nucleon 353 402
Center-of-mass tables, momentum of 396—400
Center-of-mass tables, wave length of 32 113 115 396—400
Central force (see Nuclear forces)
Channel (see Reaction channel)
Charge definition 265
Charge independence 17 35—37 43 49 61 114 321 332—34
Charge of it mesons 3
Charge quantum number for meson-nucleon system 58—59
Charge quantum number, definition 41
Charge symmetry 35—37 43 47—49 61 114 332
Charge symmetry and -deuterium scattering 48—49 114
Charge symmetry and -nucleon interaction 47—48
Charge wave function (see Isotopic spin wave
Charge-exchange capture (see Scattering of from protons)
Chew’s cutoff theory (see Scattering of mesons Chew’s
Chi particle (see particles
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients 14
Compton scattering (see Scattering of quanta)
Compton wave length of meson 133
Compton wave length of nucleon 190
Conservation of electric charge 47 390
Conservation of heavy particles 46—47 392
Conservation of isotopic spin 53—55 390
Constant of motion, isotopic spin 54—55
Constant of motion, momentum 54
Contact interaction 98 302
Coulomb scattering (see also Scattering of from protons Scattering
Coulomb scattering, mesons from nucleons 371
Coulomb scattering, interference with nuclear scattering 70—71 82—83
Coupling (see Old strong coupling theory Strong Weak
Coupling constant renormalization (see Renormalization)
Coupling of Deser et al 267—70
Coupling parameter 211
Coupling renormalized 252 263
Coupling scattering type 26 70
Coupling, ambiguity of definition 259 265 66
Coupling, between and neutron 18—19 50—51
Coupling, between and proton 18—19 50—51
Coupling, definition of xiii
Coupling, derived from meson scattering 20 234 256
Coupling, derived from nuclear forces 19 20 186 311
Coupling, derived from photoproductlon 278—79
Coupling, effective 252
Creation operator 58—59 200 249—50
Curious particles 373—95 (see also Specific particles such as
Curious particles and isotopic spin 391—92
Curious particles and large spins 390
Curious particles and low energy phenomena 394 95
Curious particles, excitation funotion for production 387—89
Curious particles, Gell — Mann — Pais theory 390—94
Curious particles, Goldhaber hypothesis 394
Curious particles, interaction with nuclear matter 389—90
Curious particles, long lifetime of 374 389
Curious particles, nomenclature 373
Curious particles, production from on hydrogen 386—87
Curious particles, production from nucleoi 38 7—89
Curious particles, production in pairs 386 39
Curious particles, summary 374
Curious particles, theory 389—94
Cutoff momentum (or energy) 195—96 232
Cutoff theory (see Scattering of mesons Chew’s
Decay schema (see also Under specific particles)
Decay schema of niesons 365—69
Decay schema of charged mesons 5
Decay schema of curious particles 374
Decay schema of neutral mesons 3 4
Decay schema of neutron 45
Decay schema of positronium 13
Decay schema of protoh 367 369
Decay schema, rare decay modes of mesons 3 6 333 367 369
Delta function interaction (see Nuclear forces)
Deser-Thirring-Goldberger theory (see Scattering of mesons low
Destruction operator (see Annihilation operator)
Deuteron, D state percentage 311 316 319
Deuteron, ground state 311 316
Deuteron, quttdhlpole moment 311 316 319
Dineutron 16—17
Dirac magnetic moment 290 296
Disintegration energy of 384
Disintegration energy of 385
Disintegration energy of 374 377
Disintegration energy of charged 27 374 378
Disintegration energy of charged 374 380
Divergences, spurious in new Tamm — Dancoff method 252 406
Dressed nucleon 269
Effective range 17 36 231 311 316 319
Effective range, singlet state 17 36 311 319
Effective range, triplet state 311 319
Electric quadrupole (see Photoproduction Radiative Scattering)
Electron showers (see Showers)
Electron-neutron interaction (see Neutron-electron interaction)
Eleotric dipole (see Photoproduction Radiative Scattering)
Eleotron production of pions 407
Energy in center-of-mass system (see Center-of-mass relations Center-of-mass
Energy momentum relations 132—33
Energy of disintegration (see Disintegration energy)
Energy shell 197
Equivalence theorem 20 22 134 188
Evaporation model 348
Excited states of nucleon (see Isobar nucleon states Phase Photoproduction Scattering)
Expansion coefficients (see Tamm — Danooff method)
Fermi multiple production theory (see Multiple meson production)
Fermi universal interaction (see Universal interaction)
Fermi-Yang ambiguity (see Phase shifts for meson-nucleon scattering)
Feynman notation xii
Foldy — Dyson transformation 271 304 315
Foldy’s interaction 298
Four-vector notation xii
Fredholm approximation 232—33
Gamma matrix 44
Gauge invariance 259 265—66
Heavy particles (see also Baryon law of conservation)
Hyperon-nucleus system 379—80
Hyperons 7 373 74 377—80 404
I-spin (see Isotopic spin)
Integral equation for njeson-nucleon scattering (see Relativistic integral equation Scattering Chew’s Tamm
Iso-spin (see Isotopic spin)
Isobar nucleon states 188
Isobaric spin (see Isotopic spin)
Isotopic multiplet 42—43
Isotopic singlet 42
Isotopic triplet 42
| Isptopic spin (see Nuclear forces Old
Isptopic spin and angular momentum 64
Isptopic spin and curious particles 391—92
Isptopic spin for A nucleons 40—43
Isptopic spin for nucleon-meson system 57—59
Isptopic spin for two nucleons 39—43
Isptopic spin in field theory 44—45
Isptopic spin in nucleon-nucleon collisions 335 38
Isptopic spin of mesons 55—57
Isptopic spin, conservation of 53—55 61
Isptopic spin, energy levels and 42—43
Isptopic spin, general 35—62
Isptopic spin, matrix 39
Isptopic spin, notation xii 334 336
Isptopic spin, operators 38—39 40 223
Isptopic spin, quantum numbers 40—41
Isptopic spin, rotations 54
Isptopic spin, symmetry of 39—40
Isptopic spin, wave function of mesons 56
Isptopic spin, wave function of nucleon 38
Isptopic spin, wave function of nucleon-meson system 59—61
K group of mesons 373 376 387 388 390—95 K and
K group of mesons and decays 367
K group of mesons, frequency in showers 385
K particles (see meson
Kappa particle (see K particles
Kemmer theory (see Nuclear forces Symmetric
Lamb effect (see Vertex operator corrections)
Lamb shift 206
Lambda particle 47 373—74 377—79 386—95
Lennard-Jones perturbation theory 199
Levy’s theory (see Nuclear forces)
Lifetime of 374
Lifetime of 374 377
Lifetime of 365
Lifetime of 374
Lifetime of 404
Lifetime of 374 378
Lifetime of charged 374 382 383
Lifetime of positronium 13
Lorentz transformation 4
Loreutz contraction 346 349
Low’s scattering theory 406—7
Magnetic moment and Coulomb scattering 83
Magnetic moment and nuclear potential 37
Magnetic moment, anomalous pact 290
Magnetic moment, effect on photoproduction 138—39
Magnetic moment, exact nucleon propagation function 295
Magnetic moment, Foldy’s interaction 298
Magnetic moment, higher order corrections 293—94
Magnetic moment, historical 289—91
Magnetic moment, old strong couplings 189 290 91
Magnetic moment, perturbation theory 291—93
Magnetic moment, phenomenological theory of Sachs 295—97
Magnetic moment, suppression of negative intermediate states 294
Magnetic moment, weak coupling 291
Magnetic, dipole (see Photoproduction Radiative Scattering)
Mass difference of charged and neutral mesons 4 5 82
Mass difference of proton and neutron 5 297
Mass of 374 383
Mass of charged 374 380
Mesic atoms xii 14 15 103—8 365 372—73
Mesic atoms, formation 14
Mesic atoms, meson capture by nucleus 14 103
Mesic atoms, nuclear interaction in S states 103—8 372
Mesic atoms, nuclear size from 72
Mesic atoms, transition to ground state 14 15
Mesic atoms, vacuum polarization 108 365 372—73
Meson theory history 192—99
Meson-meson interaction 245
Meson-nucleon collision giving, meson production, 1.4 Bev on neutrons 361 1 4
Meson-nucleon collision giving, meson production, 1.4 Bev on protons 359—62 500
Meson-nucleon collision giving, meson production, 500 Mev on protons 363—64
Meson-nucleon collision giving, multiple production 360—61
Meson-nucleon collision giving, Tamm — Dancoff theory 362—63
Mirror nuclei 36 42
Mirror theorem 295
Moller interaction 206
Moller — Roseufeld mixture (see Nuclear forces mixture
Mu meson and decay 367—70 (see also Mesic atoms)
Mu meson and electromagnetic interaction 371
Mu meson and nuclear forces 186
Mu meson in cosmic rays 365
Mu meson, capture 369—70
Mu meson, decay and Fermi interaction 367 69
Mu meson, decay electron spectrum 365 367 68
Mu meson, decay scheme 365 367—69
Mu meson, interaction with other particles xi 186 371—72
Mu meson, lifetime 365
Mu meson, mass 365
Mu meson, production 366
Mu meson, spin 365—66
Multiple meson production (see also Meson-nucleon collisions giving meson production)
Multiple meson production and phase, shift, analysis 118 126
Multiple meson production from protons on beryllium 355—59
Multiple meson production from protons on beryllium, to ratio 336 357—59
Multiple meson production from protons on beryllium, pion momentum spectrum 355 57
Multiple meson production from protons on hydrogen 356
Multiple meson production in N-P Collisions 349—55
Multiple meson production, angular distribution 357
Multiple meson production, center-of-mass energies 353
Multiple meson production, data at 1.2 to 2.2 Bev 351
Multiple meson production, enhancement dug to deuteron formation 354
Multiple meson production, exoited state 353—54
Multiple meson production, Fermi’s statistical theory 346—49 350 2 354
Multiple meson production, Fermi’s statistical theory angular distribution 348
Multiple meson production, Fermi’s statistical theory nucleon pairs 348
Multiple meson production, Kraushaar-Marks statistical theory 348—49
Multiple meson production, low energy region 362—64
Multiple meson production, meson energy distribution 357
Multiple meson production, theories 345—49
Multiple meson production, turbulence model 346
Multiple meson production, versus plural production 344—45
N particles (in cosmic radiation) 344
Neutrino 366—70
Neutron operator 44
Neutron-electron interaction 207—99
Neutron-neutron interaction 16—17
Neutron-proton scattering 36 308 321
Neutronic charge 47
Notation xii xiii
Nuclear forces (see also Pair term Renormalization Repulsive Symmetric Tamim
Nuclear forces and Tamm — Dancoff approximation 194
Nuclear forces, function interaction 194 302 303 306—7
Nuclear forces, Bethe — Salpeter equation (see there)
Nuclear forces, between neutron and proton 308
Nuclear forces, between two neutrons 53
Nuclear forces, between two protons 53 308 311 12
Nuclear forces, Brueokner — Watson theory 315—19 321
Nuclear forces, Brueokner — Watson theory, numerical results 319
Nuclear forces, central force 301—2 310 313 316 3
Nuclear forces, change-independent interaction 49—52
Nuclear forces, charge-symmetry theory 300—302
Nuclear forces, classical theory 299—302
Nuclear forces, effective range (see there)
Nuclear forces, exohange type 43 52
Nuclear forces, general description 193—94
Nuclear forces, heavy meson influence 309 394 95
Nuclear forces, Henley — Ruderman theory 313 319—20
Nuclear forces, high energy interaction 320—21
Nuclear forces, higher orders 306 3
Nuclear forces, isotopio spin 36 43 321
Nuclear forces, Klein’s theory 270—71 305 312 15
Nuclear forces, Levy’s thedry 193 94 304—12
Nuclear forces, mixture theories 302—3
Nuclear forces, numerical fit 309—12
Nuclear forces, repulsive core 194 306—9
Nuclear forces, tensor force 43 301—2 307 310 311 313
Nuclear forces, through neutral meson 52
Nuclear forces, through oharged meson 52
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