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Bethe H., de Hoffmann F. — Mesons and fields. Volume 2. Mesons |
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State vector (see Tamm-Dancoff method)
Strange particles (see Cunous particles)
Strong coupling theory (see Particular applications of theory and Old strong coupling theory)
Suppression of virtual pair terms (sec Pair term suppression
Symmetric theory 49—52 61 169
Symmetric theory and coupling constant 18—19
Symmetric theory, interaction Hamiltonian 50
Tamm — Dancoff method and perturbation theory 203—4
Tamm — Dancoff method, applied to Coulomb interaction 206
Tamm — Dancoff method, bare vacuum state vector 240
Tamm — Dancoff method, convergence 202 207
Tamm — Dancoff method, Dyson’s theory 199 249—51 406
Tamm — Dancoff method, emission-absorption symmetry 262—65
Tamm — Dancoff method, expansion coefficients 200
Tamm — Dancoff method, interaction between two nucleons 204—7
Tamm — Dancoff method, Klein's theory 251
Tamm — Dancoff method, missing particles 250
Tamm — Dancoff method, new 199 249—51 406
Tamm — Dancoff method, principle of method 199—20
Tamm — Dancoff method, self-energy of a nucleon 202—4
Tamm — Dancoff method, state vector of system 199
Tamm — Dancoff method, true vacuum state vector 249
Tau meson 374 376 380—82
Tau meson, negative 374 381
Tau meson, neutral 381 382
| Tau meson, positive 374 380—81
Tensor force (see Nuclear forces)
Theta particle 374 375 383 386—87 391—94
Theta particle, charged 374 383
Theta particle, neutral 374 375 386 87 391 393—94
Thomson scattering (see Scattering of quanta)
Two-meson diagram 255 303—6
Units of and c xiii
Universal interaction 45 367—70
V events 373—75 382—83 387—88
Vacuum state function (see Tamm — Dancoff method)
Vertex operator 254 266
Vertex operator, corrections 259—62 309
Virtual pair terms (see Pair term suppression
Ward's identity 261 265 266
Weak coupling theory (see also Specific applications of theory)
Weak coupling theory, general xii 192
Weak coupling theory, history 192
Weak coupling theory, magnetic moment 291
Weak coupling theory, meson scattering 21—25
Weak coupling theory, photoproduction 133—38
Weizsaecker — Williams method 407
Y group of particle's (see Hyperons)
Yang-Fermi ambiguity (see Phase shifts for meson-nucleon scattering)
Yukawa potential 206 300—301 307
Zero-meson diagram 255
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