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Domb C., Lebowitz J.L. — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19)
Domb C., Lebowitz J.L. — Phase Transitions  and  Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19)

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Íàçâàíèå: Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19)

Àâòîðû: Domb C., Lebowitz J.L.


This series of publications was first planned by Domb and Green in 1970. During the previous decade the research literature on phase transitions and critical phenomena had grown rapidly and, because of the interdisciplinary nature of the field, it was scattered among physical, chemical, mathematical and other journals. Much of this literature was of ephemeral value, and was rapidly rendered obsolete. However, a body of established results had accumulated, and the aim was to produce articles that would present a coherent account of all that was definitely known about phase transitions and critical phenomena, and that could serve as a
standard reference, particularly for graduate students.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 498

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.03.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Renormalization, criteria      333—334 381 387
Renormalization, disorder      397—399
Renormalization, dynamic      381—385
Renormalization, factors      see Z factors
Renormalization, generalization to N colours      420—421
Renormalization, group, $\beta$ function      446 464
Renormalization, group, analysis      377—378
Renormalization, group, approach      13 70—71 72 104 256
Renormalization, group, calculations      206
Renormalization, group, critical phenomena      5
Renormalization, group, equations      392—393 456—457
Renormalization, group, factors      298
Renormalization, group, flow      402 403 404 431—432 434
Renormalization, group, functions      290 302 342—343 347 358 424 439
Renormalization, group, polymers      412—419
Renormalization, O(N) model      414—418
Renormalization, one-group order      298—303
Renormalization, perturbative      318—340
Renormalization, self-avoidance      356
Renormalization, strategy      297—298
Reparametrization invariance      458
Reptation      8—10 43 217—219
Reptons      9 215 216 217 218
Reservoir coupled systems      88—89 100 103 125—126 148 153—154 see
Reshetikin relation      52
Residue extraction      310—313 399—402 425 449—450
Response, fields      378—379 388
Response, function      379—380 383 394
Resummation procedures      256 349 446—447
Reverse Coleman — Weinberg mechanism      260 430 431 432
Reversibility (time—reversal symmetry)      58—59
Rooted union and subtraction      325
Rotational symmetry, breaking      431
Roughness exponent      271 272—273 403
Rouse model      259 377 385 386 387 388
Rubenstein — Duke model      215 216 220
Saddle point methods      436 437 438
Scaling and self-similarity      3
Scaling, arguments      377—378
Scaling, autocorrelation function      385
Scaling, behaviour      101 403 456
Scaling, exponents      65 357 360 439 446 457 464 see
Scaling, function      210 347—348 367 417
Scaling, invariance      72
Scaling, limit      446
Scaling, radius of gyration      391
Scaling, relation      428
Scaling, theory, Widom      230
Scaling, time dependent correlation function      142—143
Scaling, variables      87
Scattering amplitude      86 87 101 111 115 166
Schroedinger equation      5 19 21 315
Schwinger formulation      318
Second virial coefficient      449
Self-avoiding systems, interaction      314
Self-avoiding systems, membranes, and phantom membrane      434
Self-avoiding systems, membranes, flat phase      356
Self-avoiding systems, membranes, grand canonical ensemble      458
Self-avoiding systems, membranes, large orders and instantons      435—439
Self-avoiding systems, membranes, modelling      264
Self-avoiding systems, membranes, numerical simulations      276—278
Self-avoiding systems, membranes, phases      386
Self-avoiding systems, membranes, two-loop extrapolation      355—356
Self-avoiding systems, physical information      347—356
Self-avoiding systems, polymers      256 263
Self-avoiding systems, renormalization      356
Self-avoiding systems, restricted      277
Self-avoiding systems, summing over      411
Self-avoiding systems, tethered membranes      258—259
Self-duality      81 104—110
Self-enantiodromy      74—75 81n 82 108—110 113 211
Self-energy      361
Self-similarity      3
Semi-infinite systems      98 100
Shear and domain growth      389
Shear, modulus      267 269 272
Shock as domain wall      144—145
Shock in biopolymerization      12
Shock in traffic models      155
Shock, ASEP      12
Shock, branching and coalescence      150—151 152
Shock, diffusion and coalescence      117—123
Shock, distribution      118 119 120 121 173
Shock, dynamics      6 127
Shock, evolution      195
Shock, formation      104
Shock, multiple      159—160
Shock, random walk      173
Shock, stability      124—125
Shock, structure      52
Shock, velocity      118 123 143 172
Short-range interactions and long-range order      54
Short-range interactions, correlations      391 404 407—408
Short-range interactions, disorder      388 406
Short-range interactions, N-component spins      255
Short-range interactions, repulsive      256 368
Sierpinsky gasket      264 278
Similarity transformations      72—74 167—168 175 176 178
Similarity transformations in free fermion models      175 176 178
Similarity transformations, annihilation-fusion process      206
Similarity transformations, density profile      167—168
Similarity transformations, diagonal      105
Similarity transformations, equivalence and enantiodromy      72—74
Similarity transformations, factorized      101 189 191
Similarity transformations, stochastic      74 185
Similarity transformations, typical results      5—6
Single-site basis vectors      239
Singularities      430 431 449
Site exclusion      194
Six-vertex model      5 35 52 160
SLAC approach      71
Smoluchowski theory      4 13 196—197 209—210 212
Sociological behaviour      3
Solid membranes      see Tethered membranes
Solids, one-dimensional      33
Solitons      104
Space-time anisotropy      68
Spanning tree, construction      329—330
Spatial correlation length      142
Spatial distribution function, normalized      60
Specific heat exponent      354 431
Spectral properties      62 68 72
Spectrin, in red blood cells      257 273 274
Spin, -spin correlation, nearest neighbours      206
Spin, antiparallel      36 188
Spin, configuration, Ising model      32 33
Spin, decoupling      427
Spin, flip, and pair creation-annihilation      188
Spin, flip, events      189
Spin, flip, Glauber dynamics      48 49—50 76 77 213 214
Spin, flip, in free fermion systems      186
Spin, flip, Kawasaki dynamics      43 68 108
Spin, flip, rates      212
Spin, flip, symmetry      76
Spin, flip, term, ladder operators      35—36
Spin, flip, times      49—50 69
Spin, flip, transformation      179
Spin, interaction      36
Spin, matrices      42
Spin, operators      107
Spin, orientation      32
Spin, parallel      188
Spin, relaxation      3 108 162—164 212
Spin, systems, and particle systems      24 27 30
Spin, systems, classical and quantum      30 53
Spin, systems, two-state      20 21 23
Spin, systems, wave      37—38 81—82
Spin-(1/2) operators      108 175
Spring and bead model      263 279
Stationary algebra      92
Stationary distribution, ASEP      117
Stationary distribution, exponential      66
Stationary distribution, grand canonical      62
Stationary distribution, limiting      54
Stationary states, and SU(2) symmetry      79—80
Stationary states, classification      79—80
Stationary states, construction      137—138
Stationary states, exclusion process      95—97
Stationary states, free fermion systems      191
Stationary states, Heisenberg chain      80
Stationary states, infinite time limit      53—54
Stationary states, nonequilibrium systems      53
Stationary states, obtaining      5—6
Stationary states, perturbation      59—60
Stationary vector      53—54
Statistical mechanics      3 5
Statistical rotationally invariant force field      390
Steady state selection      125 144—148
Step function      107—108 117—118 135 158
Stochastic processes      6 72—78
Stochasticity conditions      178—180
String expectation values      164 166—167 183
String theory      256 257 260 262 408
Strong coupling      404
SU(2) symmetry and particle injections and absorption      88
SU(2) symmetry and scaling behaviour      101
SU(2) symmetry and stationary states      79—80
SU(2) symmetry, breaking      90
SU(2) symmetry, Heisenberg quantum spin system      34 35 42
Subdivergences      346—347
Subdominant operators      259
Submanifold      162 164—165
Subtraction scheme      409
Surface, configurations      431
Surface, growth      3
Surface, phase transitions      230
Symmetric exclusion process      43 79—102 217 see Symmetric
Symmetric Hamiltonian, Hermitian      58
Symmetric simple exclusion process (SSEP)      10
Symmetry, breaking, phase transitions      255
Symmetry, breaking, rotational      431
Symmetry, breaking, spontaneous      16 32 68—69 375
Symmetry, non-Abelian      80 82
Symmetry, quantum algebra      51
Symmetry, time reversal      58—59
Tableau formalism      318 324—327 335—340
Tagged particle process      44—45 50 52 214
Taylor expansion      321 322 333 409
Temperature, increase      389
Temperley — Lieb algebra      50 159 188 211 213 220
Tensor product notation      239—240
Tensorial structure      23—26 294
Tethered membranes, anisotropy      375
Tethered membranes, critical behaviour      259
Tethered membranes, dynamics      377—388
Tethered membranes, experimental realizations      262—265 273—276
Tethered membranes, field theoretical treatment      279—305
Tethered membranes, generalized O(N) model      421—426
Tethered membranes, grand canonical ensemble      457
Tethered membranes, isotropically polymerized      374
Tethered membranes, long-range interaction      304—305
Tethered membranes, renormalization      318 417
Tethered membranes, structure      258 263
Tethered polymerized surfaces      256
Tetramethylammonium manganese trichloride (TMMC)      13 176 196 223 see
Thermodynamic limit      67 110 119 120 131—134 138—139 212
Three-state systems      363 365—366 370—371
Three-state systems, exact solution      29
Time, evolution      76
Time, evolution, density profile      99 117—118 122
Time, evolution, effect of driving      203
Time, evolution, operator      18 22 56 69—70 83 86 109
Time, evolution, shock distribution      119 121
Time, evolution, spectral properties      6 72
Time, evolution, TASEP      136
Time, reversibility      58—59
Time, scale separation      69—70 223
Time, translation operator      5
TMMC      see Tetramethylammonium manganese trichloride
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), as biopolymerization model      221
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), collective velocity      147
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), density profile      139
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), exact results      148 150
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), maximal current principle      144
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), phase transitions      147
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), physics      145 146
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), with open boundaries      125—126
Tracer diffusion      44—45 89 101 220
Traffic models      3 12 118 122 123—124 148 154—157 160
Transfer matrices in two-dimensional vertex model      225—226 227 229
Transfer matrices, conserved charges      35
Transfer matrices, energy gap      69
Transfer matrices, equivalent      72
Transfer matrices, formalism      30 31 32 225—226
Transfer matrices, statistical mechanics models      5
Transfer matrices, vertex models      6
Transformation      73—74 179 182 189
Transition, amplitudes      166
Transition, matrices      45—46
Transition, probabilities      17 199—200 226 255 408
Translation invariance      128 291
Transverse disorder      see Disorder nonpotential
Transverse projector      391 454—456
Trapping      389
Tricritical point      259 363—371 464—466
Tricritical state      263 273
Trilocal operator      365
Truncation of series      349 350n
Tubular phase, membrane      374—377
Two-body interaction      363 364 366 370—371
Two-loop order      259 340—347 349—350 355—356
Two-membrane contact operator      358
Two-particle transition probability      166 199—200
U/(l) symmetry      34 35 90
Ultraviolet (UV), convergence      294 322 334 381 423
Ultraviolet (UV), cutoff      272 280
Ultraviolet (UV), divergence      280 284 285 292 299 321 340 397 414 418 423 428 465
Ultraviolet (UV), finite property      281 301 438
Unbinding transition      371—374
Uniqueness      54—55 56
Universality, exclusion process      199
Universality, field theoretical formulation of O(N) model      414
Universality, interface fluctuations      230—236
Universality, large order behaviour, perturbation      437
Universality, nonequilibrium systems      3
Universality, physical systems      7 255
UV      see Ultraviolet
Vacancy excitation      193
Vacuum state      200 202 203 441—442
Van der Waals forces      363
Variational approximations      352—354 442—444 445—449
Vector representation, particle (spin) configuration      24
Velocity, collective      61—62 123 125 147
Velocity, pattern      388
Vertex models      51 225—229
viscosity      see Drift velocity
Voter model      49 162—163
Voter model, biased      163—164 185
Wave function      37 39 84 354 439
Wetting      371
Wick theorem      214
Widom scaling theory      230
Wilson — Fisher $\epsilon$-expansion      446
World line, summing over      255 408
Wulff shape      230
XY model      6 266
Z factors and R-operation      318
Z factors and renormalizability      384
Z factors and variational approximation      351—352
Z factors at one-loop order      298 301—303
1 2 3 4 5 6
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