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Domb C., Lebowitz J.L. — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19)
Domb C., Lebowitz J.L. — Phase Transitions  and  Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19)

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Íàçâàíèå: Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19)

Àâòîðû: Domb C., Lebowitz J.L.


This series of publications was first planned by Domb and Green in 1970. During the previous decade the research literature on phase transitions and critical phenomena had grown rapidly and, because of the interdisciplinary nature of the field, it was scattered among physical, chemical, mathematical and other journals. Much of this literature was of ephemeral value, and was rapidly rendered obsolete. However, a body of established results had accumulated, and the aim was to produce articles that would present a coherent account of all that was definitely known about phase transitions and critical phenomena, and that could serve as a
standard reference, particularly for graduate students.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 498

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.03.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$U_q[SU(2)]$ symmetry      108 109 119
$Z_2$ symmetry      181 186
$\beta$-function, derivation      416 446
$\beta$-function, fixed point      302 347 357 373 464 466
$\beta$-function, incomplete      142
$\beta$-function, one loop order      367 417 419 447
$\beta$-function, renormalization      307 402 403 446 464
$\beta$-function, zeros      304
$\delta$ distribution      452 463
$\delta$ interactions      371 372
$\epsilon$-expansion and variational estimates      446—447
$\epsilon$-expansion, divergences      360
$\epsilon$-expansion, double      364—368
$\epsilon$-expansion, extrapolation      349 350 429 446—447
$\epsilon$-expansion, numerical predictions      264
$\epsilon$-expansion, renormalization      393 439
$\epsilon$-expansion, technical convenience      256
$\epsilon$-expansion, Wilson—Fisher      446
$\Gamma$-function      402 444
$\phi^4$-theory in renormalization      417
$\phi^4$-theory, correlation function      316
$\phi^4$-theory, independent scaling exponent      360 363
$\phi^4$-theory, Landau — Ginzburg — Wilson      440
$\phi^4$-theory, limit behaviour      427
$\phi^4$-theory, N-component      316 317
$\phi^4$-theory, perturbation expansion      256
$\phi^4$-theory, renormalized Hamiltonian      286
$\phi^4$-theory, scalar      264
$\phi^4$-theory, variational approximation      354
$\theta$ point      363 364 369—370
Absorbing subset      56—57
actin filaments      10
Algebraic decay      63 67 68 74 99
Aluminium foil, crumpled, fractal dimension      275—276
Anharmonicity of elastic terms      376
Anisotropy, cubic      430 431 433
Anisotropy, tethered membranes      375
Annihilation process      6 49—50 72 195 210 see Pair Random annihilating
Annihilation-creation process      6 26—27 84
Annihilation-exclusion process      173
Annihilation-fusion process      206
Anticommutation relations      175 177 200 202
Anticorrelations      196—197
Antiferromagnetism      32 156
Antiperiodic boundary conditions      178 179
Approximation methods      5 see e.g.
ASEP      see Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP)
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) on a ring      110—114 160
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), applications      52
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), boundary conditions      11 44
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), empty interval probabilities      237—238
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), exact solution      125—135
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), finite size behaviour      111—114
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), generalizations      159
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), master equation      114
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), nearest-neighbour jumps      43
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), randomness      160
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), self-duality      104—110
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), self-enantiodromy      108—110
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), shocks      12 117—123
Asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP), stationary distributions      117
Asymptotic behaviour, ASEP      112 113
Asymptotic behaviour, nonequilibrium systems      53—71
Asymptotic behaviour, particle systems      59—69
Asymptotic behaviour, scattering amplitude      101
Autocorrelation function      99 385
Band collapse      215
Baxterization      50
Bead and tether model      276—277
Bending rigidity, crumpling transition      276—277
Bending rigidity, entropic      258
Bending rigidity, flat phase      268 271 272
Bending rigidity, fluid membranes      261—262 265—267
Bending rigidity, self-avoiding membranes      356
Bending rigidity, spectrin in red blood cells      274
Bessel functions      64 98 121 169 170
Bethe ansatz equations (BAE)      40 110 111—112
Bethe ansatz methods, anisotropic Heisenberg chain      114—117
Bethe ansatz methods, asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP)      111
Bethe ansatz methods, coordinate      90
Bethe ansatz methods, correlations      51 99—100
Bethe ansatz methods, current fluctuation      158—159
Bethe ansatz methods, formalism      24
Bethe ansatz methods, history      34
Bethe ansatz methods, infinite system      114—117
Bethe ansatz methods, integrability      52 79
Bethe ansatz methods, polymers      220 223
Bethe ansatz methods, solution      35—41 84—88
Bethe ansatz methods, typical results      5—6
Bethe ansatz methods, wave function      97 99—100 101
Bethe wave function ($\psi$)      86 101 111 166 175
Bethe, Hans      32 34
Bilinear property      212—213
Bilocal operator      365 397—399
Binding centre      372
Binomial coefficients      107 129 130
Biological systems, fluid membranes      257
Biological systems, growth      3 163—164
Biopolymerization      10—12 43 104 148 220—222
Blockage      160
Boltzmann weights      225 227 377 431
Borel methods      260 349 446
Boundary conditions and bulk state      125
Boundary conditions, antiperiodic      178 179 213
Boundary conditions, exclusion interaction      86 114—115
Boundary conditions, free fermion system      213
Boundary conditions, Glauber dynamics      213
Boundary conditions, Neumann      362
Boundary conditions, nonequilibrium systems      103
Boundary conditions, open      89 125—126 211—212 226
Boundary conditions, periodic      38—40 63 110—114 178 179 182 194 213
Boundary conditions, polymers      220
Boundary conditions, reflecting      66 67 104 105 111
Boundary conditions, two-particle      93
Boundary conditions, types      44
Boundary conditions, wave function      37
Boundary densities      96 151
Boundary effects, critical behaviour      361—363
Boundary effects, phase transitions      52 103 104 126 143—154 157
Boundary effects, relaxational behaviour      98
Boundary effects, reservoir-coupled systems      88—89
Boundary effects, shock distributions      120
Boundary fields      44 97—98
Boundary operators      360 363
Boundary terms, master equation      91
Bra-ket notation      24 295 454
Branching processes      47 150—151 152 172
Branching ratio      206
Branching-fusion process      184 185
Brownian motion      9 23 65 411 439
bubbles      431
Bulk, contact exponent      357—359
Bulk, correlator      362
Bulk, density      125—128 138 139
Bulk, dynamics, deterministic      136 160
Bulk, equation      66
Bulk, Hamiltonian      90
Bulk, hopping rate      145
Bulk, phases      126
Bulk, scheme O(N) system      425
Bulk, state, and boundary conditions      125
Burgers equation, lattice realization      104
Canham — Helfrich Hamiltonian      261—262
Canonical dimension      365 366 407 456 465
Canonical distributions      62 108
cells      see Biological systems
Characteristic function      321 361
Chemical annihilation      194 199
Chemical annihilation-creation reaction      6
chemical potential      156 373 412 413 414 421 423 428 457
Chemical reactions, diffusion limitation      6 194—197 222—223
Coagulation      47
Coalescence, shocks      47 117—123 150—151 152
Coexistence line      134
Combinatorial factor      420
Commutation relations      141 177
Commuting transfer matrices      31 39
Compact phase      256 259
Complex systems in nature      3—4
Complex systems, modelling      6—13
conditional probabilities      67 79 84—85 86—88
Configuration space      394
Confining tube      8 10 217
Conformal field theory      451
Conformal mapping of sectors      311—313
Connected components and molecules      319 320
Conservation laws      31 32 35 99
Conservation of probability      92—93 181 183 189
Contact exponent, bulk      357—359
Continuous and discrete time processes      13—16 28 30
Contraction, dipoles      293—297 300—301 352 353 360 382 462
Contraction, divergent      365
Contraction, interaction      383—384
Convection      388
Correlation/correlators and canonical distributions      108
Correlation/correlators and pair annihilation      195
Correlation/correlators and perturbations      99
Correlation/correlators and response function      383 394
Correlation/correlators, $\phi^4$ model      316
Correlation/correlators, additive      313—314
Correlation/correlators, amplitude      143
Correlation/correlators, Bethe ansatz method      99—100
Correlation/correlators, calculation      197—198 209 214
Correlation/correlators, canonical dimension      456
Correlation/correlators, decoupling      222
Correlation/correlators, density      108
Correlation/correlators, derivation      452
Correlation/correlators, divergences      297
Correlation/correlators, driving effects      203
Correlation/correlators, energy-energy      257 408
Correlation/correlators, equal time      140
Correlation/correlators, equations of motion      164—165
Correlation/correlators, exponential decay      168
Correlation/correlators, higher order      96 164
Correlation/correlators, Laplace transformed      315—316
Correlation/correlators, large-scale/limit behaviour      88 199 456
Correlation/correlators, lower order      165
Correlation/correlators, multipoint      141
Correlation/correlators, polymers      315 412
Correlation/correlators, random force field      390—391
Correlation/correlators, static      377
Correlation/correlators, stationary      140—141
Correlation/correlators, three point      117
Correlation/correlators, time derivative      380
Correlation/correlators, time-delayed      58 59 141
Correlation/correlators, time-dependent      6 25 74 84 91 136 141 142—143 174
Correlation/correlators, two-point      117 140 141 166
Coulomb energy      283 285 380—381
Coulomb potential      283
Counterterms      298 299 341 382 383
Coupling, constant      302 342 366 435
Coupling, constant, canonical dimension      365 366 465
Coupling, constant, renormalization      354 382 420 447
Coupling, physical interpretation      368
Coupling, renormalized      301 302 393
Critical behaviour and nonleading terms      259
Critical behaviour, boundary effect      361—363
Critical behaviour, modelling      4
Critical behaviour, N-component spins      256
Critical behaviour, reaction-diffusion systems      70—71
Critical behaviour, renormalization group      5
Critical behaviour, tethered membranes      259
Critical dimensions, phase separators      364
Critical exponents      351 421 426
Critical points      369 370 see
Critical theory      428
Crossover      66 116 197 199 218 305 407—408
Crumpled phase      265 275
Crumpled swollen phase      257—258 259
Crumpling transition      263 265—267 273 276—277 356
Cumulant function      204—205
Curie temperature      32
Current fluctuation, Bethe ansatz methods      158—159
Current maxima and minima      111 144 149—154 161
Current maximal      133—134 143 144 146 155 157
Current nonvanishing      59
Current stationary      66 104
Current-density relation and parallel updating      137—138
Current-density relation and phase diagram      144 153
Current-density relation, exact results      148 150
Current-density relation, point of inflection      125
Current-density relation, stationary      111
Current-density relation, traffic models      155—156 157
Decoagulation      47 see
Decoupling, correlators      222—223
Decoupling, equations of motion      164—167
Defects, in polymers      8 9
Deformation, energy      268
Deformation, matrix      267—268 278
Deformed harmonic oscillator algebra      97
Density, asymptotic behaviour      53
Density, correlation function      93
Density, decay      72 141 171 195 198 205
Density, expectation value      168
Density, finite      101 117
Density, fluctuations      167—169 203—208
Density, functional theories      230
Density, matrix renormalization method (DMRG)      71
Density, nonconstant      161
Density, perturbation, local      59
Density, profile, constituent profiles      140 143
Density, profile, diffusion limited pair annihilation (DLPA)      209
Density, profile, exact results      100 128—134 132
Density, profile, field induced oscillations      167—169
Density, profile, Gaussian distribution      67
Density, profile, lattice derivative      130—131
Density, profile, relaxation      97
Density, profile, shape      134 143
Density, profile, single particle      64
Density, profile, stationary      126 128 148—149
Density, profile, TASEP      139 149
Density, profile, thermodynamic limit      131—134
Density, profile, time evolution      62 99 117—118 122
Density, relaxation      59—61 97—99 165—166 167 169 185
Density, stationary      137 168
Density, time dependent      208
Detailed balance      57—59 62 103 104—105 110
Determinant representation      158 159
Diffusion of reconstituting dimers      101
Diffusion, coefficient      23 82—83 124 148 169
Diffusion, collective      116
Diffusion, constant      60 116 149 197
Diffusion, discrete—time dynamics      97
Diffusion, in inhomogeneous media      42
Diffusion, limitation      4
Diffusion, master equation      63
Diffusion, perturbation      124
Diffusion, propagator, probability conserving      314
Diffusion, shocks      117—123
Diffusion, tracer      44—45
Diffusion-limited annihilation      49—50 195
Diffusion-limited branching-fusion      74 167
Diffusion-limited chemical reactions      6 194—197 222—223
Diffusion-limited fusion      163 164 168—169 181
Diffusion-limited pair annihilation (DLPA)      49—50 193—210
Diffusion-limited pair annihilation (DLPA) and DLFPA      77
Diffusion-limited pair annihilation (DLPA) and Glauber dynamics      74 163
Diffusion-limited pair annihilation (DLPA), density      205 209
Diffusion-limited pair annihilation (DLPA), dynamics      193—211
Diffusion-limited pair annihilation (DLPA), Hamiltonian      73 181
1 2 3 4 5 6
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