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Domb C., Lebowitz J.L. — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19)
Domb C., Lebowitz J.L. — Phase Transitions  and  Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19)

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Íàçâàíèå: Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19)

Àâòîðû: Domb C., Lebowitz J.L.


This series of publications was first planned by Domb and Green in 1970. During the previous decade the research literature on phase transitions and critical phenomena had grown rapidly and, because of the interdisciplinary nature of the field, it was scattered among physical, chemical, mathematical and other journals. Much of this literature was of ephemeral value, and was rapidly rendered obsolete. However, a body of established results had accumulated, and the aim was to produce articles that would present a coherent account of all that was definitely known about phase transitions and critical phenomena, and that could serve as a
standard reference, particularly for graduate students.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 498

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.03.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Glauber dynamics, zero temperature      163 193 206—207 213 264
Global rescaling, and equations of motion      305—307
Global symmetries, typical results      5—6
Grand canonical distribution      62 80 105 108 123
grand canonical ensemble      457 458
graphite      256 274
Graphite oxide      275
Gravitational field      104
Green function, derivation      459—461
Gregorshin theorem      54
Ground state energy      439
Hamiltonian, anisotropic transverse XY model      6
Hamiltonian, Canham — Helfrich      261—262
Hamiltonian, counterterms      298 299
Hamiltonian, diffusion-limited pair annihilation      73
Hamiltonian, driven and undriven systems      197
Hamiltonian, effective      269 270 279 436
Hamiltonian, equivalent      72
Hamiltonian, exclusion process      41—45
Hamiltonian, free energy      279
Hamiltonian, free fermion approach      178 180 189 194
Hamiltonian, free, integration by parts      306—307
Hamiltonian, Heisenberg      34—35 165
Hamiltonian, integral counterterms      298
Hamiltonian, membrane      278
Hamiltonian, modifed      297
Hamiltonian, nonstochastic      178—180
Hamiltonian, quantum spin model      5 33—34
Hamiltonian, renormalized      341
Hamiltonian, rescaled      436
Hamiltonian, static      377
Hamiltonian, stochastic      104 178—180
Hamiltonian, trial Gaussian      442—444
Hamiltonian, two-membrane model      358
Hard core, constraint      84
Hard core, interaction      79 96 103—104
Hard core, repulsion (site exclusion)      149—150 155 194 363
Harris criterion      433 434
Hartree — Fock approximation      442 443
Hecke algebra      50 63 68 188 211 213
Heisenberg fixed point      365 369 404 432 433
Heisenberg quantum chain, anisotropic      11 34—35 43 114—117 165 175
Heisenberg quantum chain, Hamiltonian      34—35 43 83 163 165 216
Heisenberg quantum chain, integrability      35 101 220
Heisenberg quantum chain, isotropic      111 163 216
Heisenberg quantum chain, properties      104
Heisenberg quantum chain, representation      23 33—35
Heisenberg quantum chain, stationary states      80
Heisenberg quantum chain, SU(2) symmetry      35
Heisenberg quantum chain, wave function      97
Heisenberg quantum chain, zero-field      43
Heisenberg quantum ferromagnet      6 10 34—35 41—42 89
Heisenberg, Paul      33
Helmholtz fluctuation theory      230
Hepp sectors      318 323 325—326
Hermitian, symmetric Hamiltonian      58
Hexatic membranes      264—265
High-density phase      132 133 138 139 140 142 145 146 172
High-temperature expansion, Ising model      257 408 431
High-temperature expansion, O(N) model      260 409—412 421
Holder’s Inequality      362
Homogenous factorized transformations      179
Hopf — Cole transformation      158
Hopping, asymmetry      104 183 197 203 212
Hopping, biased      66
Hopping, matrices      42 43 50 91 110 158 220
Hopping, nearest neighbour      84 85
Hopping, rate      9 19 27 57 103 145
Hopping, time      217
Hydrodynamic divergenceless flow      388
Hydrodynamic interaction      387
Hydrodynamic limit      62 124—125
Hydrodynamics, Zimm model      259 385—388
Hypergeometric function      238
Impurity-like interactions      463—464
Infinite membranes      417 418 456
Infinite systems and dynamical scaling      63—65
Infinite systems, Betheansatz      114—117
Infinite systems, density relaxation      98—99
Infinite systems, exponential decay      65
Infinite systems, hard-core interaction      103—104
Infinite systems, late time behaviour      159
Infinite time limit      53—54
Infinite volume limit      63 64
Infrared (IR), convergence      285 299
Infrared (IR), cutoff      272 321 419
Infrared (IR), divergences      280 282 284
Infrared (IR), finite observable      281 366—367
Infrared (IR), fixed point      305 354 357 358 368 369—370 426 446 457 464 466
Initial conditions, random      202 203
Injection rate, overfeeding      135
Instanton methods      260 434 435—439 441—442 443
Integrability and matrix representation      50 101
Integrability, checking      52
Integrability, concept      4—6
Integrability, consequences and practical applications      31
Integrability, multi-species processes      51
Integrability, scattering amplitude      101
Integrable systems, algebraic properties      50—51
Integrable systems, nearest neighbour processes      47
Integrable systems, quantum spin models      51
Integrable systems, relaxation times      63
Integrable systems, stochastic processes      6 30—52
Integral counterterms      298 299 341
Integral representation, energy expression      86
Integration measure, analytical continuation      309—310
Integration measure, normalization      286 378 379 451—452
Interacting particle systems, free fermion nature      199—200
Interacting particle systems, quantum Hamiltonian formalism      41—50
Interacting particle systems, stochastic dynamics      3—4
interactions      see also Long-range interactions Short-range
Interactions on site      6
Interactions, attractive      199 441—442
Interactions, contraction      383—384
Interactions, exclusion      86 114—115 116
Interactions, local      68—69
Interactions, repulsive      84 368 435
Interactions, time-ordered disorder      392
Interface, dynamics      76 231
Interface, fluctuations      79
Interface, growth      104 158
Interparticle distribution function      184
Ionic conductors, modelling      159
IR      see Infrared
Ising energy      36
Ising energy, spin configuration      32
Ising fixed point      432 433
Ising model      32—35 47
Ising model, bond disorder      433
Ising model, energy function      48
Ising model, geometrical description      430—431
Ising model, high-temperature expansion      257 408 431
Ising model, Kawasaki dynamics      68
Ising model, kinetic      76 185 186 187
Ising model, low-temperature expansion      256 408 431
Ising model, one-dimensional      13 154 156 162 191
Ising model, partition function      431
Ising model, planar      230
Ising model, random bond      260 430 433
Ising model, singularities      430 431
Ising model, spin configuration      33
Ising model, two-phase      231
Ito (prepoint) discretization      377 387 392
Jordan — Wigner transformation      175 177—178
Kardar — Parisi — Zhang (KPZ) equation      52 158
Kawasaki spin-flip dynamics      43 68 108
Ladder operators      20 35—36 107
Lame coefficients      268
Landau — Ginzburg — Wilson theory      440 442 445 446
Langevin approach      4 234 235 236 377—380 385 390—391 394
Laplace, equation      412 422 452
Laplace, transform      315
Large canonical ensemble      80
Late time behaviour      see Asymptotic behaviour
Lattice, Brownian motion      9
Lattice, Burgers equation      104
Lattice, derivative, density profile      130—131
Lattice, diffusion, with absorbing boundary      170
Lattice, equation, solution      173
Lattice, gas, as model system      8—9 13
Lattice, gas, collective velocity      147
Lattice, gas, diffusive      157—158
Lattice, gas, driven      3 103—161 171
Lattice, gas, hardcore      41—45
Lattice, gas, multi-species      16 97
Lattice, gas, one-dimensional      8—10
Lattice, gas, particle number conservation      55
Lattice, gas, shock      124—125
Lattice, gauge theory      256 408
Lattice, random walk      23 82 412
Lattice, sawtooth configuration      231 232 235
Lattice, sites, finite number of particles      6
Lattice, spacing, vanishing      62
Laurent expansion      299 342 343—344
Length scales, separate      131 149 171
Lenz, W.      32
Lie algebra      34 158
Light, cone      141—142
Light, scattering methods      385
Lipid bilayers      261 262 see
Local current, time evolution      158
Local divergences      282—284 380—381 395—396
Local field theory      317
Localization lengths      145 149 173 174
Long-range interactions and fractal phase      277
Long-range interactions and phase transitions      125
Long-range interactions in membranes      272
Long-range interactions, competition      363
Long-range interactions, correlated disorder      404 407—408
Long-range interactions, hydrodynamic      387
Long-range interactions, nonrenormalization      303—305
Long-range interactions, one-dimensional systems      54
Long-range interactions, physical importance      305
Long-range interactions, tethered membranes      304—305
Longitudinal projectors, Fourier representation      454—456
Low-density phase      134 135 139 140 142 145 146 171
Low-dimensional systems      4
Low-temperature expansion, Ising model      256 408 431
Macroscopic mechanisms      6 7
magnetic susceptibility      32
magnetization      5 230 233
Magnons      36—37
Manifold, closed compact      421
Manifold, compact      422
Manifold, free Gaussian      435
Manifold, generalized model      430
Manifold, integrals      459—460
Manifold, isotropic      404
Manifold, single noninteracting      428
Manifold, size      427
Manifold, theory      408—409
Many body systems, conservation laws      32
Many body systems, exact solutions      30—31 33 34
Many body systems, master equation      5
Many body systems, modelling      3—4 23—27
Many body systems, tensor basis      23—26
Markov process, generator      18
Markov property      5 17
Massive      see Bulk
Master equation and conditional probability      84—85
Master equation, ASEP      114
Master equation, biased single-particle diffusion      63
Master equation, boundary terms      91
Master equation, determinant representation      158
Master equation, formulation      4 102
Master equation, Markov property      5
Master equation, quantum Hamiltonian formulation      17—29
Master equation, stationary form      59
Master equation, symmetric simple exclusion process (SSEP)      10
Master equation, three-particle      117
Master equation, two-particle      85 117
Master equation, vector form      21
Matrix algebra      96 101 159 160
Matrix product ansatz      52 90 137 159 161
Matrix representation      50 53 97
Matrix, time-dependent      91
Maximal current      133—134 143 144 146 155 157
Maximal transport capacity      135 147
Mean field analysis and variational approximation      354
Mean field analysis, continuum limit      172
Mean field analysis, diffusion-limited pair annihilation      195—197
Mean field analysis, domain wall dynamics      135
Mean field analysis, limitations      4
Mean field analysis, membranes      265—267
Mean field analysis, pertubative expansion      348—349
Mean field analysis, phase diagram      126 127
Mean field analysis, tubular phase      375
Membranes      see also Fluid membranes
Membranes of arbitrary dimension      258
Membranes with intrinsic disorder      278—279
Membranes, 6-expansion      256 349
Membranes, characteristic function      361
Membranes, density      422 423 425 427
Membranes, fluctuations      267
Membranes, Hamiltonian      278
Membranes, local field theory      317
Membranes, mean field description      265—267
Membranes, N-coloured      408—434
Membranes, O(N) model generalization      421—426
Membranes, partition function      359—361
Membranes, properties      261—279
Membranes, self-avoiding      319
Membranes, self-energy      361
Membranes, tethered (polymerized)      262—265
Membranes, tricritical point      363
Membranes, tubular phase      374—377
Membranes, two-loop calculations      350
Mermin — Wagner theorem      272
Messenger RNA      see Biopolymerization
Minimal current phase      144 152 153
Minimal sensitivity      350 354—355
Minimal subtraction (MS)      299 340—342
Model A      259 377
Modelling      3—4 6—13 43 47 104 215—223 258—261
Molecular dynamics algorithm      377
Molybdenum disulphide, folded phase      274
Momentum space formulation      95 459
Monte Carlo methods in modelling      5
Monte Carlo methods, equilibrium systems      57
Monte Carlo methods, gel electrophoresis      216
Monte Carlo methods, phase transitions      151 152 153 154
Monte Carlo methods, taking averages      28
Monte Carlo methods, TASEP      144
Monte Carlo methods, traffic models      157
Monte Carlo methods, two-loop diagrams      347
MOPE      see Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE)
Multi-time correlation functions      74
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE) in renormalization      419
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE) in Taylor expansion      321—322
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), coefficients in renormalization      298—299
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), coefficients, evaluation      292—297 372 461—463 464
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), coefficients, factorization      334 345—346 372—373
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), coefficients, integral      341
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), coefficients, Laurent series      343—344
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), coefficients, residue extraction      310—313
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), definition      291—292
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), dipole contraction      360
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), dipole divergence      418
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), disordered system      395—396
Multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), dynamic case      381—385
1 2 3 4 5 6
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