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David A. Mooney — Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer |
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Radiation, solar 417
Rankine cycle 179—191
Rankine cycle efficiency 183
Rankine cycle influence of exhaust pressure 187
Rankine cycle influence of initial temperature 186
Rankine cycle influence of pressure 185
Rankine cycle initial pressure limited by temperature 194 195
Rankine temperature 29 95
Reaction stage velocity diagram 298
Reaction stage, hypothetical reversible 299
Reaction stage, hypothetical reversible, efficiency 300
Reaction stage, turbine 296—301
Reaction, chemical, constant pressure 225
Reaction, chemical, constant volume 222
Reaction, chemical, energy equation 220
Reaction, chemical, enthalpy of 224 226
Reaction, chemical, heat of 226
Reaction, chemical, internal energy of 222 226
Reaction, chemical, material balance 215—219
Reciprocating compressor 312—321
Reciprocating compressor flow capacity 314
Reese, H.R. 305
Reflectivity 369
Refractory brick, properties 412
Refrigerant, desirable properties 327
Refrigeration 324—336
Refrigeration absorption cycle 327
Refrigeration capacity, vapor cycle 329
Refrigeration effect of irreversible heat transfer 331
Refrigeration gas 332—335
Refrigeration power consumption 330
Refrigeration standard conditions 330
Refrigeration ton 329
Refrigeration vapor compression 325—332
Refrigerator 324
Refuse, combustion product 220
Regenerative gas cycle 251
Regenerative steam cycle 198—205
Regenerative steam cycle energy and flow analysis 203 204
Regenerative steam cycle heat balance 203 204
Regenerative steam cycle, comparison with Carnot cycle 200
Regenerative steam cycle, practical process 201
Regenerator in Brayton cycle (gas turbine plant) 251
Reheat cycle comparison with Rankine cycle 195—197
Reheat cycle efficiency and steam rate 192 193
Reheat cycle steam 192—198
Reheat cycle, gas 257
Reheater 193
Relative humidity 166 167
Relative pressure, Gas Tables 153
Relative velocity 288—291 294 299
Relative volume, Gas Tables 153
Resistance, fouling 355
Resistance, heat transfer 339 341
Resuperheating 192
Reversed heat engine 88 324 334 335
Reversibility 84—86 102
Reversible adiabatic process 97 see "Apparatus"
Reversible adiabatic process, Gas Tables 153
Reversible adiabatic process, perfect gas 148
Reversible cycle 92—94 see
Reversible nozzle 268—273
Reversible system 85
Reynolds number 357 360
Rightmire, B.G. 305
Rohsenow, W.M. 177
Salisbury, J.K. 305
Saturated air 164 170
Saturated mixture 164
Saturation curve 115 116
Saturation states 114
Saturation states in tables 126
Saturation, adiabatic 170
Schiller station 210
Sears, F.W. 40 125
Second law 80—90 123 185 190 192 350
Second Law applications 92—108
Second Law problems, examples 103
Second Law, Clausius form of 89
Second Law, Kelvin — Planck form of 83
Separation, flow, in diverging duct 278
Shaft work 67
Shapiro, A.H. 305
Shock loss in turbine 295
Sink 82
Skrotzki, B.G.A. 213
Smith, C.W. 305
Smithsonian Physical Tables 139
Society of Automotive Engineers 381 417
Solar radiation, absorptivity for 417
Sound, velocity of 272 274
Source 82
Spark-ignition engine 238
Specific heat 32—35 38 52 54
Specific heat at constant pressure 54
Specific heat at constant volume 52
Specific heat data 386 387 389 391 393 408
Specific heat of liquids, data 389 408
Specific heat of mixtures 162
Specific heat of perfect gas 144
Specific heat of solids 389 408 412
Specific heat ratio data 386 387 391 393
Specific heat ratio of a perfect gas 145
Specific heat, polytropic 152
Specific heat, variable 152
Specific humidity 166 167
Spectrum, radiation 368 369
Spiers, H.M. 140
Stage, compressor 317
Stage, turbine 293
Staged compression, gas turbine plant 256
Staged feed water heating 201
Stagnation enthalpy 266
Stagnation pressure and temperature 207
Standard refrigeration cycle conditions 330
Stanton number 360
Static pressure and temperature 267
Stationary system 11
Stationary system, applications of the First Law 55
Steady flow 66
Steady flow energy equation 70
Steady flow equations, applications 72—77
Steam rate 183
Steam rate, actual 189
| Steam tables 126—138 396—403 409
Stefan — Boltzmann constant 368
Stefan — Boltzmann law 368
Stodola, A. 305
Sub-sonic 272 278
Subcooled vapor 280
Sublimation 35 118
Sulfur 36 214 216 388 389
Sulfur, dioxide 386 387
Super-sonic 272 278
Superheat 131
Superheat effect on Rankine cycle 186 195
Superheat effect on steam turbine 194
Superheated vapor 116
Superheated vapor tables 131 see
Supersaturation 279
Surroundings, temperature of 100
symbols 384 385
system 2
System, reversible 85
System, stationary 11
Tail pipe 261
Taps, pressure 284
Taylor, C.F. 264
Taylor, E.S. 264
Temperature 24
Temperature bulk 360
Temperature constant see "Isothermal"
Temperature difference correction factor 355 356
Temperature difference in refrigeration cycle 331
Temperature difference, logarithmic mean 350
Temperature film 361
Temperature gradient 340
Temperature of combustion products 229—232
Temperature scales 26
Temperature, absolute 27
Temperature, absolute, thermodynamic 94
Temperature-entropy plot 97—99
Theoretical air 215 217
thermal conductivity 342
Thermal conductivity data 409-413
Thermal power plants and ideal cycles 178
Thermometer 25
Thermometer, gas 27
Thin-plate orifice flow meter 284
Thomas, R. 413
Three-stage compression 321
Throat, nozzle, properties at 273
Throttle flow 204
Throttling process 120 326 333
Ton, refrigeration 329
Total pressure and temperature 267
Touloukian, Y.S. 409
Transfer units, number 357
Transmissivity 369
Triple point 118
Tubes, size data 415
Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Assoc. 381
Turbine 284—301 see "Nozzle" "Impulse" "Reaction"
Turbine expansion, refrigeration 334
Turbine flow path nomenclature 288
Turbine stage 293
Turbo-prop engine 261
Turbulent flow 357
Two-stage compression, work analysis 319
U.S. Dept, of Commerce, Bureau of Standards 133 140 386 388 390 404
Ultimate analysis 214
Unavailable energy 100
Units conversion table 390
Valve loss 313
Valves 312
Van der Waals constants 387
Vapor 114
Vapor cycles 178—210
Vapor cycles working fluid, desirable properties 208
Vapor cycles, actual processes 187
Vapor cycles, more efficient cycles 191
Vapor dome 116
Vapor, subcooled or supersaturated 280
Vaporization, latent heat of 35 55 389
Velocity characteristic, for a turbine stage 292
Velocity Coefficient, bucket 289
Velocity coefficient, nozzle 273
Velocity components 289
Velocity diagram, turbine 288
Velocity distribution in duct flow 358
Velocity in a nozzle 268
Velocity, absolute 288
Velocity, relative 288
Venturi meter 280
View factor for radiation 370 371
viscosity 359
Viscosity gases, data 409
Viscosity liquids, data 414
Volume, partial 160 161
Volume, relative, Gas Tables 153
Volume, specific 4 see
Volumetric efficiency 314
Volumetric efficiency effect of clearance 315
Volumetric efficiency effect of pressure ratio 316
Vopat, W.A. 213
Warner, C.F. 40
Warren, G.B. 305
Water feed 179
Water properties 112 116—118 386 387 393 396—403 409 413 414 see
Water, liquid and vapor in combustion products 218 228
Wein’s displacement law 368
Wet bulb 168—170
Wile, D.D. 177
Wilkes, G.B. 381
Work 8—23 see "Cycle" "Apparatus"
Work graphical representation 12
Work indicator diagram 16
Work of compression 307 312
Work on a turbine bucket 287
Work, back 253
Work, engine 81
Work, flow 70
Work, paddle-wheel 12 83
Work, pump 81
Working fluid, desirable properties, refrigeration cycle 327
Working fluid, desirable properties, vapor power cycle 208
Y coefficient, flow meter 282
Zemansky, M.W. 2 40 83 86 96 125 159
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