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David A. Mooney — Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer |
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Force on turbine bucket 287
Force to accelerate a fluid stream 286
Formation see "Reaction"
Fouling resistance 355
Four stroke cycle 239
Fourier’s law of heat conduction 342
Friction 85
Friction factor in pipe flow 79 362
Fuels 214 388 389
Fusion, latent heat of 35 55
Gaffert, G.A. 213 305
Gas 114 141—157
Gas compression 306—323
Gas constant 141
Gas cooling cycle 334
Gas cycles 237—264
Gas fuels 389
Gas laws 141
Gas properties 141—157 386—389 391—395 409 413
Gas Tables 152—154
Gas Tables, abridged air table 394—395
Gas Tables, entropy change from 153
Gas Tables, reversible adiabatic process 153
Gas turbine plant 249—261
Gas, cooling 332
Gas, perfect 141—157
Gas, universal 142
Gas-water vapor mixtures 163—175
Gasoline 389 414
Geometric mean 347
Gibbs — Dalton law 159
Gibbs’s theorem 159
Gradient, temperature 340
Grashof number 365
Gray body 369
Green, F.H. 362
Griswold, John 236 389
Hawkins, L.A. 4
Heat 30—32 44
Heat engine cycles 81
Heat engine cycles maximum efficiency of 92—94
Heat engine, limit of efficiency 95
Heat engine, reversed 88 324 334 335
Heat exchanger, in Brayton cycle 250
Heat exchanger, two-pass, correction factor 356
Heat exchangers 348—357 375
Heat meter 376
Heat of combustion 226
Heat of combustion data 388 389
Heat of reaction 226
Heat pump 89 335
Heat rate 183
Heat transfer coefficient 339
Heat transfer data 409—417
Heat transfer mechanisms 338
Heat transmission 338—381
Heater, feed water 201
Heating of a substance at constant pressure 112—114
Heating value 226
Heating value choice of for efficiency basis 234
Heating value data for fuels 388—389
Heating value, higher and lower 228
Heilman, R.H. 417
Helium, properties 386 387 409
Hero’s turbine 285
Hilsenrath, J. 409
Hirshfeld, C.F. 213 236
Horsepower per ton, refrigeration 330
Hot-air engine 237
Hottel, H.C. 140 370 374 375
Humidifying process 171
Humidity relations 167
Humidity relative 166 167
Humidity, specific 166 167
Hunsaker, J.C. 305
Hydraulic equation for flow meters 282
Hydraulic radius 363
Hydrocarbons, properties for combustion calculations 388 389
Hydrogen 214 216 386—388 393 409
Hypothetical reversible impulse stage 293
Hypothetical reversible reaction stage 296
Ideal cycles 178
Impulse turbine stage 293
Impulse turbine stage diagrams 294
Impulse turbine stage, hypothetical reversible 295
Impulse turbine stage, reversible, efficiency 295
Indicator diagram 16
Indicator diagram, reciprocating machine, analysis 312—314
Indicator diagram,compressor 312
Insulating materials, thermal conductivity 413
Intensive properties 128
Interchange factor, radiation 374
Intercooler effectiveness 323
Intercooling in compressors 318
Intercooling in gas turbine plant 256
Internal combustion engine approximation by cycle 238
Internal combustion engine efficiency 242
Internal combustion power plants 238 257
Internal combustion power plants, turbine plant 257
Internal energy 41 48—52 see "Substances"
Internal energy of a mixture 162
Internal energy of a perfect gas 144
Internal energy of a pure substance 51 120
Internal energy of reaction 222 226
Internal energy, kinetic 50
Internal energy, molecular and atomic 44 51
Internal energy, potential 50
International Critical Tables 139
Irreversibility, mechanical 85
Irreversibility, thermal 85
Irreversible heat transfer 102 105
Irreversible heat transfer effect on refrigerating plant 331
Irreversible processes 85
Isentropic enthalpy drop 292
Isentropic process 97 see
Isolated system entropy of 102
Isolated system internal energy of 103
Isothermal process 87
Isothermal process compression 307 308
Isothermal process, reversible, on t-s plot 99
Jackets, cooling water 312 318
Jakob, M. 381
Jet propulsion plant 261
Jet pump 279
Jet velocity 288
Johnson, D.W. 355 357
Jordan, R.C. 177 337
Joule — Kelvin see "Joule — Thomson"
Joule — Thomson experiment 120
Joule, J.P., experiments on energy conservation 45
Joule’s law 144
Karig, H.E. 177
Kaye, J. 52 125 139 152 264 386 391 392 393 394 395
Kays, W.M. 354 357
Keenan, J.H. 40 52 96 112 124 125 126 139 152 264 275 305 386 391 392 393 394 395 397 399 401 403
Keller, C. 264
Kelvin temperature scale 29 95
Kelvin, Lord (Sir William Thomson) 83 95
Kerosine 389 413 414
Keyes, F.G. 52 112 124 125 126 139 386 397 399 401 403
kinetic energy 50 69 72 83 273 277 292
King, L.S. 362
King, W.J. 417
Knocking 243
Knowlton, P.H. 305
Kraft, H. 275
Laminar flow 357
Laminar sublayer 358
Latent heat 35 55
Latent heat of fusion 35
| Latent heat of vaporization 35 389
Laval see "DeLaval"
Lichty, L.C. 264
Limited-pressure cycle 246
Lindsay, D.C. 170
Liquid, compressed, table 132
Liquid-vapor mixtures see also "Substance"
Liquid-vapor mixtures, use of tables 128
Liquids, thermal conductivity 413
Liquids, viscosity 414
Logarithmic mean area 347
Logarithmic mean radius 347
Logarithmic mean temperature difference 350
London, A.L. 354 357
Macintire, H.J. 337
Mackey, C.O. 133
Makeup water 179
Marks, L.S. 408 411 413 416
Material balance, steady flow 67 71
Material balance, steady flow, combustion 215—219
McAdams, W.H. 338 354 355 359 362 364 365 375 381
Mean effective pressure 19
Mercury vapor cycle 207—210
Messersmith, C.W. 40
Metals, thermal conductivity 410
Metastable state 280
Meter, flow 280
Methane, properties 386—388
Mixed cycle 246
Mixing process, adiabatic 163
Mixture enthalpy 162
Mixture entropy 163
Mixture gases and water vapor 163—174
Mixture internal energy 162
Mixture liquid-vapor, use of tables 128—131
Mixture properties 158
Mixture specific heats 162
Mixture, equivalent molecular weight 160
Mixture, gas constant 160
Mixture, gaseous 158—174
Mixture, perfect gas, p, V, T relations 159—161
Mixture, saturated 164
Moisture fraction 129
Mol 142
Mol fraction 161
Mol volume 142
Mol volume data 387
Molecular weights, data 386—388
Molecules 2 44 51 160
Mollier chart 133
Morse, F.T. 213
Moss, S.A. 4 305
Mueller, A.C. 356
Multistage compression 316—321 329
Nagle, W.M. 356
Napier’s formula for steam flow 303
Natural convection 355 356
Newton’s Law of Cooling 340
Nitrogen, properties 386 387 391 392 409
Non-circular ducts 362
Non-condensing steam power plant 179
Norton, C.L., Jr. 412
Nozzle analysis, assumptions 265
Nozzle angle, turbine 288
Nozzle bucket efficiency 292
Nozzle coefficients 273
Nozzle computations 275
Nozzle converging 270 274
Nozzle converging, pressure variation in 274
Nozzle converging-diverging 270 274
Nozzle converging-diverging, pressure variation in 275
Nozzle efficiency 273
Nozzle flow meter 280
Nozzle, reversible 268
Nozzle, reversible, cross-sectional area 270
nozzles 265—284
NTU, number of transfer units 357
Nusselt number 360
octane 217 229 388 389
Oil fuel 389
One-dimensional flow 265 342
Open cycle 257
Operating characteristics and design characteristics 295
Orifice flow meter 283
Orsat gas analysis 220
Otto cycle 238
Otto cycle efficiency 241
Otto cycle, variable specific heat 242
Overall coefficient of heat transfer 341
Oxygen, properties 386 387 391 392 409
Palmatier, E.P. 177
Parallel flow 348 349 352
Part by mass 161
Part by volume 161
Partial pressure 159 161
Partial volume 160 161
PATH function 42
Perfect gas 141 see
Perfect gas mixtures 158 see
Perpetual motion machine 84
Perry, J.H. 381
Phase diagram, pressure-volume 119
Phase diagram, temperature-entropy 121
Phases 112 220
Pipe friction 75 79 358 362
Pipe lines, actual, in steam cycle 187
Pipes, size data 415
Piston 10 16
Piston displacement 315 329
Pitot-static tube 267 284
Planck, Max 83 96 369
Point functions and path functions 42
Polytropic compression 307 308
Polytropic process, perfect gas 150
Polytropic specific heat 152
Porous plug 120
Positive displacement machines 306
potential energy 64 69 85
Potential energy due to surface tension, electricity, and magnetism 51
Prandtl number 360
Prandtl number data 409
Pressure 5 11
Pressure, mean effective 19
Pressure, partial 159 161
Pressure, relative, Gas Tables 153
Priester, G.B. 177 337
Process 3 see
Products analysis, combustion 219 388
Products temperature, combustion 229—232
Propane, properties 388 389
Properties 3 41—44 see
Properties charts of 133 Appendix
Properties gases 386—388 391—395 409
Property relations, general, pure substance 122 123
Psychrometer 169
Psychrometric chart 170
Pump efficiency 191
Pump jet 279
Pump work in Rankine cycle 184
Pump, actual, in steam cycle 191
Pure substance 51 111—123 158
Quality 129
Quality of steam, measurement 134—138
Radial flow turbine 291
Radiant heat transfer between black bodies 369—371
Radiant heat transfer between non-black bodies 371—374
Radiation 339 366—375
Radiation spectrum 368 369
Radiation, black body 366—369
Radiation, gas 375
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