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David A. Mooney — Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer |
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Absolute temperature 27
Absolute thermodynamic temperature 94
Absolute velocity 288
Absorption refrigeration 327
Absorptivity 369
Absorptivity data 417
Acceleration force on a fluid stream 280
Acetylene, properties 386—389
Adiabatic compression 306 308
Adiabatic machine, efficiency 310
Adiabatic process 32
Adiabatic process, mixing 163
Adiabatic process, reversible 87 179
Adiabatic process, reversible, on t-s plot 99
Adiabatic process, reversible, with perfect gas 148
Adiabatic saturation 169
Air excess 219 220
Air expansion cooling plant 335
Air properties 386 387 391 392 394 395 409
Air table 394 395
Air, dry 215
Air-standard cycles 237
Air-water vapor mixtures 164
American Institute of Physics 40
American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers 140 177 340 381
American Society of Mechanical Engineers 305 355 356 357 362 409 417
American Society of Refrigerating Engineers 134 140 177 337 381
Ammonia tables 404—407
Analysis, ultimate 214
Annulus 363
Approach, temperature 379
Area, annular 363
Area, mean 346 347
Argon, properties 386 387 409
Atoms and molecules 44 51
Availability 99
Availability, loss of 102
Avogadro’s law 142
Axial flow turbine 291
Back work in Brayton cycle or gas turbine plant 253
Barnard, W.N. 213 236
Base temperature, combustion process 222
Benzene (benzol), properties 388 389 408 413 414
Binary vapor cycle 207
Binder, R.C. 305
Black body 366
Black body radiation 366—369
Boelter, L.M.K. 381
Boiler, steam 179 233
Boiling liquids 354 364
Bomb calorimeter 222
Bowman, R.A. 356
Brake thermal efficiency 242
Brayton cycle 247
Brayton cycle effect of pressure ratio 255
Brayton cycle effect of regenerator 252
Brayton cycle efficiency 249
Brayton cycle efficiency and capacity characteristics 254
Brayton cycle examples 253
Brayton cycle, reversed 334
Brayton, George B. 247
Brick, refractory, properties 412
Bucket row, linear 288
Buffer layer 358
Bulk temperature 360
Butane, properties 386—389
By-product power 205
Calorimeter bomb, or fuel 222
Calorimeter separating 134
Calorimeter steam, use of 137
Calorimeter throttling 135
Capacity of a cycle 179
Carbon 214 216 388 389
Carbon dioxide, properties 386 387 391 392 409
Carbon monoxide, properties 386 387 391 392 409
Carlson, J.R. 305
Carnet cycle 86—88 99
Carnot, N.L.S. 83
Carrier, W.H. 170 177
Carslaw, H.S. 381
Cascade refrigerating plant 329
Characteristic velocity for a turbine stage 292
Charts of properties 133 Appendix
Chemical equilibrium 231
Chemical process see "Reaction"
Chemical reaction see "Reaction"
Choking flow 274
Church, A.H. 323
Clausius, R., Second Law statement 89
Cleanliness factor 357
Clearance 313
Clearance effect on volumetric efficiency 315
Clearance fluid 313
Clearance volume 312
Closed cycle gas turbine plant 249
Coal 389
Coefficient, discharge of a nozzle 273
Coefficient, film 340 354
Coefficient, flow meter 282 284
Coefficient, heat transfer 339
Coefficient, heat transfer, overall 341
Coefficient, performance 325 330
Coefficient, velocity, of a nozzle 273
Colburn factor 360
Combustion data 388 389
Combustion energy equation 220
Combustion in air 216
Combustion in oxygen 215
Combustion material balance 215
Combustion processes 214
Combustion processes efficiency 232
Combustion reaction see "Reaction"
Combustion turbine plant 257—261
Combustion, heat of 226
Combustion, incomplete 216 219
Components of velocity 289
Compressed Air and Gas Institute 323
Compressed liquid table 132
Compression 306 313
Compression processes 306
Compression ratio, Diesel cycle 244
Compression ratio, Otto cycle 241
Compression, three-stage 321
Compression, two-stage, work analysis 319
Compression, work of 307 312
Compression-ignition engine 243
Compressor 306 312 317
Compressor efficiency 310
Compressor indicator diagram 312 313
Compressor reciprocating, illustration 312 317
Compressor reciprocating, illustration, work analysis 312
Compressor refrigeration 327
Compressor, adiabatic, efficiency of 310
condensate 78 180
Condenser 78 180 353 364
Condenser refrigeration 327
Condensing steam power plant 180
Condensing vapors, heat transfer 354 364
Conduction 338
Conduction in solids 342
Conduction through cylindrical walls 345
Conductivity, thermal 342
Conductivity, thermal, data 409—413
Constant-pressure reaction 225
Constant-volume reaction 221—224
Continuity, equation of 69
Control surface 65
Control volume 65
Control volume moving 291
Convection 339
| Convection, forced 357—363
Convection, forced inside tubes, formulas 359—362
Convection, forced mechanism 357—359
Convection, forced outside tubes, formulas 363
Convection, natural 365 366
Converging nozzle 270 274
Converging-diverging nozzle 270 274
Conversion of units; table 390
Correction factor, temperature difference 355 356
Counter flow 348 349 356
Critical pressure 116
Critical pressure ratio in nozzle flow 271 274
Critical radius of insulation 377
Critical state 116
Critical state data 387
Critical temperature 116
Cross flow 352 356 363
Cut-off ratio, Diesel cycle 245
CYCLE 3 see "Diesel" "Otto" "Rankine" "Regenerative" "Reheat" "Fluid"
Cycle gas 237—264
Cycle heat engine 81 82
Cycle refrigeration 324—337
Cycle vapor 178—213
Cycle, Carnot 86—88
Cycle, Carnot on t-s plot 99
Cycle, reversible, efficiency of 92
Cylindrical wall, conduction through 345
Dalton’s law 158
de Lorenzi, O. 236 389
De-humidifying process 172—175
DeLaval nozzle see "Converging-diverging nozzle"
DeLaval turbine 285
density 4
Design characteristics and operating characteristics 295
Detonation 243
Dew-point 164
Dew-point of flue gas, example 218
Diesel cycle 243
Diesel cycle efficiency 244
Diesel cycle, variable specific heat 245
Diffuser 274 277
Diffuser efficiency 278
Dimensionless groups 360
Discharge coefficient, nozzle 273 274
Dissociation see "Chemical equilibrium"
Divergence angle, diffuser 278
Dorsey, N.E. 139
Drop, enthalpy 292
Dry bulb 168
Dry ice 118 124
Dusinberre, G.M. 381
Eckert, E.R.G. 381
Economizer 209
Eddy conductivity 358
Effectiveness heat exchanger or regenerator 252 357
Effectiveness intercooler 323
Efficiency see also "Cycle" "Apparatus"
Efficiency pump 191
Efficiency, adiabatic, of a compressor 310
Efficiency, brake 242
Efficiency, combustion process 232
Efficiency, engine 188
Efficiency, heat engine or cycle 82
Efficiency, isothermal, of a compressor 310
Efficiency, nozzle 273
Efficiency, nozzle-bucket 292
Efficiency, thermal 82
Efficiency, volumetric 314
Ejector 278 279 302
Ellenwood, F.O. 133 139 213 236
Elston, C.W. 305
Emissive power 367 368
Emissivity 369
Emissivity data 416 417
Emissivity factor 372
End state of actual engine or turbine process 189
Energy 1 46
Energy equation for chemical reaction 220
Energy equation, steady flow 67—77
Energy units 47
Energy, hypothesis of 46
Energy, internal 48 see
Energy, kinetic 50 64 69 72 85
Energy, molecular and atomic 44 51
Energy, potential 64 69 85
Energy, potential, due to surface tension, electricity, and magnetism 51
Engine see also "Expansion engine" "Hot-air "Heat "Internal
Engine efficiency 188
Engine, actual 188
Enthalpy 53
Enthalpy drop 292
Enthalpy of a perfect gas 144
Enthalpy of a pure substance 120
Enthalpy of mixtures 162
Enthalpy of reaction 224 226 see "Heat
Enthalpy-entropy chart 133
entropy 42 96
Entropy of a perfect gas 147
Entropy of a pure substance 121
Entropy of mixture 163
Entropy relation to 97
Entropy, change of, from Gas Tables 153
Entropy, principle of increase of 103
equation see also "Name of equation"
Equation of state 111 141 142 159
Equation, chemical 215—217
Equation, combustion 215—217
Equation, continuity 69
Equation, energy, steady flow 67—77
Equilibrium between phases 116
Equilibrium diagram for water 117 118
Equilibrium, chemical 231
Equilibrium, lack of 85
Eshbach, O.W. 386
Ethane, properties 386—388
Evans, J.E., Jr. 410
Evaporator, refrigeration 327
Excess air 219
Exchanger see "Heat exchanger"
Exhaust steam 179 205
Exhaust, gasoline engine 239
Exit-angle, bucket 289
Expansion engine, refrigeration 332—335
Expansion factor Y for flow meter 282
Expansion process in steam cycle, actual 189
Expansion ratio of a nozzle 275
Expansion ratio, Diesel cycle 245
Expansion valve in gas cooling 333
Expansion valve, refrigeration 327
Extended surface 352 354
Extensive properties 128
Extraction cycle 200
Fanning friction factor 361
Feed water 179
Feed water heater 201
Film coefficient 340 354
Film temperature 361
Firebrick, properties 412
First law of thermodynamics 47 45—63
Fliegner’s formula for air flow 303
Flow 64—79 265—305
Flow processes 64
Flow work 70
Flow, fluid 313
Flow, meters 280 284
Flow, nozzle 280
Flue gas 220
Foote, W.R. 305
Force and mass 4
Force on fluid in a curved passage 286
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