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Diestel R. — Graph Theory
Diestel R. — Graph Theory

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Название: Graph Theory

Автор: Diestel R.


Graph Theory can be used both as a reliable textbook for an introductory course and as a graduate text: on each topic it covers all the basic material in full detail, and adds one or two deeper results (again with detailed proofs) to illustrate the more advanced methods of that field.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 322

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Edge-chromatic number      (see Chromatic index)
Edge-connectivity      11 55 58
Edge-disjoint spanning trees      58—61
Edge-maximal      4
Edge-maximal vs. extremal      149 182
Edge-maximal without $MK^{5}$      183
Edge-maximal without $TK^{4}$      182
Edge-maximal without $TK^{5}, TK_{3, 3}$      84
Edge-maximal without $TK_{3, 3}$      185
Edmonds, J.      42 282
Embedding in $S^{2}$      69—70 77
Embedding in surface      74 92 274—276 280 281— 282
Embedding in the plane      76 80—93
Embedding of bipartite graphs      202—204
Empty graph      2
End of edge      2 25
End of path      6
Endpoints of arc      68
Endvertex      2 25
Endvertex, terminal vertex      25
Equivalence in quasi-order      277
Equivalence of planar embeddings      76—80 79 90
Equivalence of points in $R^{2}$      68
Erdos — Sos conjecture      152 166 167
Erdos, P.      101 121 151 152 163 166 167 187 197 208 209 210 215 228 232 235—237 243 249 295
Euler, characteristic      276
Euler, formula      7 75 89 90 289
Euler, L.      18—19 74
Euler, tour      19 20 291
Eulerian graph      19
Even, degree      19 33
Even, graph      133 135 145
Event      231
Evolution of random graphs      241 249
Exceptional set      153
Excluded minors      (see Forbidden minors)
Existence proof, probabilistic      121 229 233 235—237
Expanding a vertex      113
Expectation      233 234 242
Exterior face      (see Outer face)
Externally k-cormcctcd      264 280
Extremal vs. edge-maximal      149 182
Extremal without $MK^{5}$      183
Extremal without $TK^{4}$      182
Extremal without $TK^{5}$      184
Extremal without $TK_{3, 3}$      185
Extremal, bipartite graph      165
Extremal, graph      1 9—150
Extremal, graph theory      147 151 160 166
Face      70
Factor      29
Factor, 1-factor      29 38
Factor, 1-factor theorem      35 42 66
Factor, 2-factor      33
Factor, k-factor      29
Factor-critical      36 285
Fajtlowicz, S.      187
Fan      55
Fan-version of Menger’s theorem      55
Finite graph      2
First order sentence      239
First point on frontier      68
Five colour theorem      96 121 141
Five colour theorem, list version      106 121
Five-flow conjecture      140 141
Fleischner, H.      218 295
Flow      123—146 125—126
Flow in plane graphs      136—139
Flow, 2-flow, low      133
Flow, 3-low      133—134 141
Flow, 4-low      134—135 140—141
Flow, 6-low theorem      141 143
Flow, conjectures      140—141
Flow, group-valued      128—133 144
Flow, H- flow      128—133
Flow, integral      126 128
Flow, k-flow      131—134 140—143 145
Flow, network flow      125—128 291
Flow, number      131 134 140 144
Flow, polynomial      130 146
Flow, total value of      126
Flow-colouring duality      136—139 291
Forbidden minors and chromatic number      181 185
Forbidden minors and tree-width      263—274
Forbidden minors, expressed by      263 274—277
Forbidden minors, minimal set of      274 280 281
Forbidden minors, planar      264
Forcibly hamiltonian      (see Hamiltonian sequence)
Forcing, $MK^{r}$      179—184 186
Forcing, $TK^{5}$      184 187
Forcing, $TK^{r}$      61 170—178 186
Forcing, high connectivity      11
Forcing, induced trees      178
Forcing, large chromatic number      101—103
Forcing, linkability      62—63 66 171—174
Forcing, long cycles      8 26 118 213—228
Forcing, long paths      8 166
Forcing, minor with large minimum degree      174 179
Forcing, short cycles      179—180 237
Forcing, subgraph      13 147—167
Forcing, tree      13 178
Forcing, triangle      119 209
Ford, L.R. Jr.      127 145
Forest      12
Forest, minor      281
Forest, partitions      60—61
Four colour problem      120 186
Four colour theorem      96 141 145 181 183 185 215 227
Four colour theorem, history      120—121
Four-flow conjecture      140—141
Frank, A.      65 145
Frobenius, F.G      42
From ... to      6
Frontier      68
Fulkerson, D.R.      122 127 145
Gallai — Edmonds matching theorem      36 38 42
Gallai, T.      39 42 66 167
Galvin, F.      109
Gasparian, G.S.      122
Genus and colouring      121
Genus of a graph      90 280
Genus of a surface      276
Geometric dual      (see Plane dual)
Gibbons, A.      145
Gilmore, P.C.      120
girth      7
Girth and average degree      237
Girth and chromatic number      101 121 235—237
Girth and connectivity      237
Girth and diameter      8
Girth and minimum degree      8 179—180 237
Girth and minors      179—180
Girth and planarity      89
Girth and topological minors      178
Godsil, C.      28
Golumbic, M.C.      122
Good, characterization      274 282
Good, pair      252
Good, sequence      252
Gorbunov, K.Yu.      281
Goring, F.      66
Graham, R.L.      210
Graph      2 4 25 26
Graph, invariant      3
Graph, minor theorem      251 274 277 215
Graph, partition      60
Graph, plane      70—76 87—89 96—97 106—108 136—139
Graph, process      250
Graph, property      238
Graph, simple      26
Graph-theoretical isomorphism      77—78
Graphic sequence      (see Degree sequence)
Greedy algorithm      98 108 117
grid      90 184 258
Grid, minor      260 264 274
Grid, theorem      264
Grid, tree-width of      260 278 281
Griinwald, T.      66
Grotzsch, H.      97 141 145
Group-valued flow      128—133
Guthrie, F.      120
Gyarfas, A.      178 185
Hadwiger, H.      181 186 187
Hadwiger, H., conjecture      169—170 181—183 185 186—187
Hajnal, A.      197 210
Hajos, G.      102 187
Hajos, G., construction      101—102
Haken, W.      121
Halin, R.      65—66 227 280—281
Hall, P.      31 42
Hamilton closure      226
Hamilton cycle      213 228
Hamilton cycle and 4—flows      144 215
Hamilton cycle and degree sequence      216—218 226
Hamilton cycle and minimum degree      214
Hamilton cycle and the four colour theorem      215
Hamilton cycle in $G^{2}$      218—226
Hamilton cycle in $G^{3}$      227
Hamilton cycle in almost all graphs      241
Hamilton cycle in planar graphs      215
Hamilton cycle, power of      226
Hamilton cycle, sufficient conditions      213—218
Hamilton path      213 218
Hamilton, W.R.      227
Hamiltonian, graph      213
Hamiltonian, sequence      216
Harant, J.      66
head      (see Terminal vertex)
Heawood, P.J.      121 145
Heesch, H.      121
Hereditary graph property      263 274—277
Hereditary graph property, algorithmic decidability      276—277
Higman, D.G.      252 280
Hoffman, A.J.      120
Hypergraph      25
In (a graph)      7
incidence      2
Incidence, encoding of planar embedding      (see Combinatorial isomorphism)
Incidence, map      25 26
Incidence, matrix      24
incident      2 72
Increasing property      241 248
Independence number      110—117
Independence number and connectivity      214—215
Independence number and Hamilton cycles      215
Independence number and long cycles      118
Independence number and path cover      39
Independence number of random graph      232 248
Independent, edges      3 29—38
Independent, events      231
Independent, paths      7 55 56—57 283
Independent, vertices      3 39 110 232
Indicator random variable      234 295
Induced subgraph      3 111 116—117 290
Induced subgraph in Ramsey theory      196—206
Induced subgraph in random graph      232 249
Induced subgraph of all imperfect graphs      116—117 120
Induced subgraph of all large connected graphs      207
Induced subgraph of almost all graphs      238 248
Induced subgraph, cycle      7—8 21 47 75 86 111 117 290
Induced subgraph, tree      178
Infinite graphs      ix 2 28 41 166 209 248 280
Infinity lemma      192 210 294
Initial vertex      25
Inner face      70
Inner vertex      6
Integral, flow      126 128
Integral, function      126
Integral, random variable      242
Interior of a path, P      6—7
Interior of an arc      68
Internally disjoint      (see Independent)
Intersection      3
Intersection, graph      279
Interval graph      120 279
INTO      255
Intuition      70 231
Invariant      3
Irreducible graph      219
Isolated vertex      5 248
Isomorphic      3
Isomorphism      3
Isomorphism of plane graphs      76—80
Isthmus      (see Bridge)
Jaeger, F.      146
Janson, S.      249
Jensen, T.R.      120 146 281
Johnson, D.      282
Join      2
Jordan, C.      68 70
Jung, H.A.      62 186
k-choosable      105
k-chromatic      95
k-colourable      95
k-constructible      101—102 118
k-mesh      265
k-set      1
Kahn, J.      122
Karoriski, M.      249
Kempe, A.B.      121 227
Kernel of directed graph      108—109 119
Kernel of incidence matrix      24
Kirchhoff’s law      123 124
Klein four-group      135
Kleitman, D.J.      121
Knot theory      146
Knotless graph      211
Kohayakawa, Y.      167
Kollar, J.      167
Komlos, J.      167 110 186 210 226
Konig, D.      30 42 52 103 119 192 210
Konig, D., duality theorem      30 39 111
Konig, D., infinity lemma      192 210 294
Konigsberg bridges      19
Kostochka, A.V.      119
Kruskal, J.A.      253 280 296
Kuratowski, C.      80—84 274
Kuratowski-type characterization      90 274—275 281—282
Larman, D.G.      62
Latin square      119
Leaf      12 27
Lean tree-decomposition      261
Length of a cycle      7
Length of a path      6 8
Length of a walk      9
Line (edge)      2
Line (edge), graph      4 96 185
Linear algebra      20—25 47—49 85—86 116
Linear programming      145
Linked by a path      6
Linked by an arc      68
Linked k-linked      61—63 66
Linked vs. k-connected      62 65
Linked, set      110
Linked, tree-decomposition      261
Linked, vertices      6 68
List, bipartite graphs      108—110 119
List, Brooks’s theorem      121
List, colouring      105—110 121—122
List, conjecture      108 119 122
1 2 3 4
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