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Ryser H.J. — Combinatorial Mathematics |
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-factorial 6
-set 4
-combination 7
-permutation 5
-sample 5
-selection 7
-subset 4
-width 77
-width, and finite planes 126 127
-width, maximal 77 127
-width, minimal 77
-width, of matrix 77
( , , , , )-configuration 96ff.
( , , , , )-configuration, complement of 98
( , , , , )-configuration, Fisher inequality for 99
( , , , , )-configuration, incidence matrix of 97
( , , , , )-configuration, isomorphic 98
( , , , , )-configuration, necessary conditions for 97
( ) repartition 10
( , , )-configuration 102ff.
( , , )-configuration, and integral representations 118ff.
( , , )-configuration, and maximal determinants 125
( , , )-configuration, and permanents 124
( , , )-configuration, conjectures on 111 124
( , , )-configuration, incidence matrix of 102
( , , )-configuration, nonexistence theorem for 111
Albert, A. A. 127
Array see Rectangular array
Asymptotic formula 36
Bachet 1
Balanced incomplete block design see (
Baumert, L. 127
Berge, C. 59
bernoulli 19
Binomial coefficient 8
Binomial theorem 14
Block design see (
Bose, R. C. 85 94 95 127 128
Brauer, A. 127 128
Bruck — Ryser Theorem 93 94 115
Bruck, R. H. 93 94 95 127 128 141
Bussey, W. H. 94 95
Chowla, S. 127 128
Circulant 123
Circulant, and difference sets 131
Circulant, conjecture on Hadamard 134
Circulant, in class ( , ) 125
Class ( , ) 77
Class ( , ), circulants in 125
Class ( , ), maximal permanent in 77
Class ( , ), minimal permanent in 77 124
Class ( , ) 61ff.
Class ( , ), existence theorem for 63
Class ( , ), interchange theorem for 68
Class ( , ), normalized 69
Class ( , ), number of matrices in 65
Collineation 123
Collineation, conjecture on 123
Column sum vector 61
Column sum vector, monotone 61
Combination 7
Combinatorial mathematics 2
Common representatives see System of common representatives
Complement of ( , , , , )-configuration 98
Complement of (0, 1)-matrix 98
Complete set 80
Complete set, and finite planes 92
Complete set, existence theorem for 81
Congruence of matrices 108
Congruence, of polynomials 136
Congruence, of quadratic forms 109
Conjecture of Euler 84ff.
Conjecture of van der Waerden 59 77 124
Conjecture on ( , , )-configurations 111
Conjecture on collineations 123
Conjecture on convex -gons 44
Conjecture on cyclic planes 132
Conjecture on distinct permanents 124
Conjecture on finite planes 94 123
Conjecture on Hadamard circulants 134
Conjecture on Hadamard matrices 106 115 122
Conjecture on integral representations 122
Conjecture on minimal permanents 124
Conjecture on multipliers 139
Connor, W. S. 128
Convex -gon 43
Convex -gon, conjecture on 44
Convex polygon 43
Coset 51
Coxeter, H. S. M. 130
Cyclic plane 132
Cyclic plane, conjectures on 132
Cyclic plane, of order 10 140
Da Silva 19
Dade, E. C. 127 128
Dance Problem 58
Degenerate submatrix 72
Degree of symmetric group 6
Derangement 22ff.
Desarguesian plane 132
Determinant 26
Determinant, Hadamard inequality on 105
Determinant, maximal 125
Dickson, L. E. 16 37
Difference set see Perfect difference set
Direct product 106
Direct product, of Hadamard matrices 106
Direct sum 109
Disjoint sets 4
Distinct representatives see System of distinct representatives
Dominoes 3
Doubly stochastic matrix 58
Doubly stochastic matrix, fundamental theorem on 58
Doubly stochastic matrix, van der Waerden conjecture on 59 77 124
Duality 90
Dulmage, A. L. 60 78
Eddington 7
Element 3
Enumeration problems 3
Eratosthenes 22
Erd s, P. 36 37 46
Essential 1 71
Euler -function 20
Euler 36 officers problem 1 84
Euler conjecture 84ff.
Euler derangement recurrence 30
Euler square see Orthogonal Latin Euler squares
Evans, T. 78
Evans, T. A. 141
Everett, C. J. 59
Existence problems 2
Extension of Latin rectangle 52 66
Ezra, Rabbi Ben 1
Feller, W. 16 28
Fibonacci number 30
Finite field 80
Finite projective plane 91ff.
Finite projective plane, and complete sets 92
Finite projective plane, and o-widths 126 127
Finite projective plane, Bruck — Ryser theorem on 93 94 115
Finite projective plane, conjecture on collineations of 123
Finite projective plane, conjecture on existence of 94
Finite projective plane, conjecture on uniqueness of 123
Finite projective plane, conjectures on cyclic 132
Finite projective plane, cyclic 132
Finite projective plane, cyclic of order 10 140
Finite projective plane, Desarguesian 132
Finite projective plane, equivalent postulates for 91
| Finite projective plane, existence theorem for 93
Finite projective plane, nonexistence theorem for 93 94 115
Finite projective plane, number of 104
Finite projective plane, of order 10 94
Finite projective plane, order of 91
Finite projective plane, smallest 92
Finite set 4
Fisher inequality 99
Fisher, R. A. 128
Fixing of difference set 139
Ford, L. R., Jr 59 78
Fort, M. K., Jr 127 128
Four-square theorem 110
Fulkerson, D. R. 59 78
GaIois field 80
Gale, D. 78
Generalized rule of product 5
Generalized rule of sum 4
Gleason, A. M. 46
Goldberg, K 127 128
Goldhaber, J. K 127 128
Golomb, S. W. 127
Goodman, A. W. 46
Gordon, B. 141
Gordon, W. R. 127 129
Graeco-Latin square see Orthogonal Latin squares
Greatest common divisor 19
Greenwood, R. E. 46
Group 6
Group, and coset decomposition 51
Group, as Latin square 36
Group, multiplier 136
Group, order of 7
Group, symmetric 6
Gruner, W. 127 128
Haber, R. M. 78
Hadamard configuration 107
Hadamard configuration, and difference sets 133
Hadamard inequality 105
Hadamard matrix 104ff.
Hadamard matrix, and integral representations 120 122
Hadamard matrix, conjecture on 106 115 122
Hadamard matrix, conjecture on circulants 134
Hadamard matrix, direct product of 106
Hadamard matrix, normalized 105
Hall, M., Jr 59 95 127 128 136 141
Hall, P. 48 59
Halmos, P. R. 59
Hanani, H. 127 128
Hardy, G. H. 28
Hedlund, G. A. 127 128
Higgins, P. J. 60
Hoffman, A. J. 60 129 141
Hughes, D. R. 129 141
Ideal line 93
Ideal point 93
Image 6
Incidence matrix 53ff.
Incidence matrix, of ( , , , , )-configuration 97
Incidence matrix, of ( , , )-configuration 102
Incidence matrix, permanent of 54 124
Incidence relation 89
Inclusion and exclusion formula 18
Integral representation 118ff.
Integral representation, and ( , , )-configurations 118ff.
Integral representation, and Hadamard matrices 120 122
Integral representation, conjecture on 122
Integral representation, unsolved problem on 118
Interchange 67
Interchange theorem 68
Interchange, minimal number of 68
Interchange, theorem on 68
Intermediate term rank 70
Intersection of sets 4
Invariant 1, theorem on 69
Invariant o 69
Isbell, J. R. 129
Isomorphism of ( , , , , )-configurations 98
Isomorphism of difference sets 135
Johnsen, E, C. 127 129
Jones, B. W. 127 129
K nig, D 59 60
Kaplansky, I. 33 36 37
Kirkman triple system 101
Kirkman triple system, order of 101
Kirkman’s schoolgirls problem 1 101
Kleinfeld, E. 129
Kuhn, H. W. 60
Lagrange 110
Laplace expansion 26
Latin rectangle 35
Latin rectangle, asymptotic formula for 36
Latin rectangle, extension of 52 66
Latin rectangle, lower bound for 52 53
Latin rectangle, normalized 35
Latin rectangle, number of 36 37
Latin rectangle, square 36
Latin square 36
Latin square, order of 36
Latin square, orthogonal 79ff.
Latin square, unsolved problem on 67
Left coset decomposition 51
Legendre equation 114
Legendre theorem 114
Lehmer, E. 141
Line, ideal 93
Line, of matrix 55
Line, of projective plane 89
Line, ordinary 93
Lucas 32
M nage number 32ff.
M bius function 21
MacNeish, H. F. 94 95
Magic square 1
Main diagonal 25
Majorization 62
Majumdar, K. N. 129
Mann, H. B. 59 60 94 95 129 141
Mapping 6
Mapping, image under 6
Mapping, into 6
Mapping, one to one 6
Mapping, onto 6
Mapping, product of 6
Marcus, M. 59 60 127 129
Matrix 25ff.
Matrix, circulant 123
Matrix, congruence of 108
Matrix, direct product of 106
Matrix, direct sum of 109
Matrix, doubly stochastic 58
Matrix, Hadamard 104ff.
Matrix, incidence 53ff.
Matrix, integral representation of 118
Matrix, maximal 62
Matrix, normal 103
Matrix, permutation 54
Matrix, quadratic form of 108
Matrix, zero-one 27 53ff. 61ff.
Maximal -width 77 127
Maximal determinant 125
Maximal matrix 62
Maximal permanent 77
Maximal term rank 70ff.
Maximal trace 76
Meaner, D. M. 128
Mendelsohn, N. S. 60 78
Mills, W. H 141
Mine, H. 60
Minimal -width 77
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