Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Eisenbud D., Harris J. — The geometry of schemes (textbook draft) |
Предметный указатель |
Strict transform 168
Structure 9 11 19
Structure sheaf 9 11 19
Subfunctor 254
Subfunctor, closed 255
Subfunctor, open 254
Subscheme 165 172
Subscheme, Cartier 165 167 168 175 176 178 182
Subscheme, closed 23 24 71 100 211
Subscheme, degree of 125
Subscheme, diagonal 93
Subscheme, locally closed 26
Subscheme, open 23
Subscheme, regular 165 172
Subsheaf 16
Support 21 58 220
Support of a sheaf 220
Supported at a point 58 62—65 77 88
Swan, Richard G. 18
Sylvester, determinant 224 235
Sylvester, matrix 226
Symmetric algebra 102 105 122 173
Syzygy 79
Tacnode 156 239
Tangent, cone 106—110 171 178 190 192 203 204
Tangent, developable 109
Tangent, projective 152
Tangent, projectivized 107
Tautological 119
Tautological, family 276
Tautological, sheaf 119
| Tensor product of algebras 37
Terminal object 31
Theorem 128
Total transform 168
transform 168
Twist 119
Union of schemes 24
Universal of pairs of polynomials 226
Universal, bundle 206
Universal, conic 207 208
Universal, cubic 203 204
Universal, curve 155
Universal, family 123 222 263 276
Universally closed 95
Upper-semicontinuous 73
Vakil, Ravi 5
Vanishes on subscheme 25
Veronese, map 101 109
Veronese, subring 100
Veronese, subsheaf 102
Vistoli, Angelo 277
Vogel, Wolfgang 148
Walker, Robert J. 52
Wedderburn theorems 206
Weil, conjectures 1
Yoneda’s Lemma 251 252 258 263
Zariski, base for 11
Zariski, cotangent space 27
Zariski, Oskar 27 28
Zariski, tangent space 27 28 73 78 88 104 105 107 108 256 260 271
Zariski, topology 9—11 48 70 93 130 230 259—261
Zero-dimensional, scheme 27 28 64—66 72
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