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Eisenbud D., Harris J. — The geometry of schemes (textbook draft)
Eisenbud D., Harris J. — The geometry of schemes (textbook draft)

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Название: The geometry of schemes (textbook draft)

Авторы: Eisenbud D., Harris J.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Количество страниц: 299

Добавлена в каталог: 06.10.2012

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Предметный указатель
Invariants of projective scheme      124
Inverse of a sheaf      117
Inverse, image      (see Preimage)
Inverse, limit      17 53
Invertible, module      113
Invertible, sheaf      112 116 117
Irreducible scheme      25
Irreducible scheme, absolutely      56
Irrelevant ideal      96
Isolated component      67 68
J-function      184
J-invariant      185 205 275 276
Jacobian      230 231
Jeremias, Ana      5
Join      147
Kahler differentials      230
Kempf, George R.      33
Kleiman, Steven      118 230
Knorrer, Horst      52
Knutson, Donald      262
Kollar, Janos      1 179 263
Koszul complex      143 144 173
Kresch, A.      277
Krull dimension      27 39 65
Krull, Wolfgang      28
Lang, Serge      234
Lazarsfeld, Robert      130
Leading term      107
Lee, Alex      5
Lefschetz hyperplane theorem      124
Length of component      68
Length of module      68
Length of ring      66
Length of scheme      66
Levy, Silvio      5
Lie group      161
Limit of one-parameter family of schemes      71
Limit, direct      14
Limit, flat      77
Limit, inverse      17 53
Little, John      229
Local of a scheme      22 27
Local, homomorphism      30
Local, ring      30 51 65
Local, ringed space      22
Local, scheme      50
Locally, affine      21
Locally, closed subscheme      26
Locally, complete intersection subschemes      146
Locally, free module      112
Locally, induced      16
Locally, Noetherian      253
Manifold      8
MAP      (see Morphism)
Matsumura, Hideyuki      75—77 79 128
Maximal, ideal      9—11 27 30 31
Mederer, Kurt      5
Minimal prime      25 26
Minors, ideal of      219
Module, flat      75
Module, length of      68
Moduli space      274 276
Monodromy group      143
Mordell, conjecture      1
Mori, Shigefumi      1 179
Morphism      40
Morphism of schemes      28 29
Morphism of schemes over S      40
Morphism of sheaves      15
Morphism to projective space      110 5
Morphism, dominant      211
Morphism, image of      209
Morphism, projective      97 101
Morphism, proper      95
Morrison, David      1
Multiple, component      242
Multiple, components      156
Multiple, line      80
Multiple, point      62 182
Multiplicity      107
Mumford, David      1 5 78 192 263 270 277
Mustata, Mircea      5
Nagata, Masayoshi      56
Nakayama’s Lemma      62 126 128 166 171 217 218
Nash manifold      8
Nilpotent-free      (see also Reduced)
Nilradical of a ring      25
Nilradical of a scheme      25
Node      57 156 239
Noetherian, algebra      81
Noetherian, ring      19 26 28 67 130 172 253
Noetherian, scheme      26—28 183 210 231
Nonaffine scheme      22 33
Nonalgebraically closed      53 57 65 84 142 152 191 193 195 201 241
Nonclosed point      42 48 51 56 85 87 114
Nonreduced scheme      57 180
Nonsingular, curves, functor of      274
Nonsingular, scheme      28
Normal sheaf      268
Northcott, D. G.      67
Nullstellensatz      48 54
Number field      82
Ogus, Arthur      5
Open, covering, of a functor      255
Open, subfunctor      254
Open, subscheme      23
Opposite category      30
Order (in a number field)      84 188
Ordinary, double point      178
Ordinary, node or tacnode      239
Over K, scheme      39
Over something, scheme      40
Parameter spaces      262
Parameters, equations with      70
Pardue, Keith      5
Partition of unity      20
Peeva, Irena      5
Pell’s equation      205
Pencil of cubics      184 204
Pencil of plane curves      185
Pencil of quadrics      201
Plane curve      123 152
Pliicker, coordinates      207
Pliicker, equations      120 121
Pliicker, formulas      156 242
Pliicker, ideal      122
Pliicker, relations      121
Power series      14 52 53 71
Preimage      38 49 52
Presheaf      11
Presheaf of modules      12
Primary, affine scheme      68
Primary, component      67 68
Primary, decomposition      67 68
Primary, ideal      67
Prime      9
Prime, associated      67
Prime, ideal sheaf      41
Prime, minimal      25
Product of graded ring      95
Product, fibered      35 254
Projective, bundle      103
Projective, dual      103
Projective, invariants of      124
Projective, module      113
Projective, morphism      97 101
Projective, scheme      91 95
Projective, space      34 35 96
Projective, space, morphisms to      110
Projective, tangent      152
Projective, tangent space      104 105
Projectivization      103
Projectivization of coherent sheaf      103
Proper, map of Hausdorff spaces      95
Proper, morphism      95
Proper, transform      168
Properness      19
Pullback      35
Push-pull property      209 210
Pushforward      18
Quadratic form      53
Quadric, cone      197—199
Quadric, degeneration      199
Quadric, lines on      195
Quadric, surface      191
Quadric, universal      202
Quasicoherent sheaf      24 25
Quasicoherent sheaf of graded algebras      101
Quasicompactness      19 93
Quaternions      206
Radical      67
Ramification      83
Rational, function      20 52
Rational, over K      45 256
Raynaud, Michel      77
Reduced, algebra      47 50 53
Reduced, image      222
Reduced, ring      26
Reduced, scheme      25 47 53 68
Rees algebra      172 173
Regular, function      10 22
Regular, global      22
Regularity      251
Reid, Miles      5
Relative, cotangent sheaf      230 231
Relative, dimension      231
Relative, Hilbert scheme      266
Relative, scheme      35
Relevant ideal      96
Representable, functor      44
Representable, scheme      252
Residue field      9
Resolution, free      127 128 133 134
Resolution, small      179
Restriction      11 13
Resultant      213 219 222—224
Riemann, sphere      15
Riemann, surface      83 129
Ring      8
Ring (i.e., commutative ring with identity)      7
Ring of integers in a number field      82
Ring, Artinian      65 78
Ring, homomorphism and morphism of affine schemes      30
Ring, length of      66
Ring, local      51 65
Ring, map of      30
Ring, multiplicity of      66
Ring, Noetherian      26 67 172
Ring, spectrum of      9
Ringed space      21 22
Rings and affine schemes      36
Samuel, Pierre      125
Saturation      101
Scheme      28 230 231
Scheme as a set      9
Scheme as a topological space      10
Scheme of flexes      152
Scheme of left ideals      206
Scheme, affine      7 8 21 30
Scheme, arithmetic      81 110 162 180 185 188 245 249
Scheme, associated      68
Scheme, associated to vector space      105
Scheme, containment of schemes      23
Scheme, curvilinear      65
Scheme, degree of      62 65
Scheme, dimension of -s      27
Scheme, discriminant      231
Scheme, Family of schemes      70
Scheme, Fano      120 193—205 266 273
Scheme, finite      62
Scheme, Fitting      220
Scheme, general definition of      21
Scheme, group      258
Scheme, Hilbert      120 129 266
Scheme, irreducible      25
Scheme, length of      66
Scheme, local      50
Scheme, multiplicity of      65 66
Scheme, Noetherian      26 28 183 210
Scheme, nonaffine      22 33
Scheme, nonreduced      57 180
Scheme, nonsingular      28
Scheme, over      5 40
Scheme, over something      39 40
Scheme, primary      68
Scheme, projective      91 95
Scheme, reduced      25 47 53 68
Scheme, regular      28
Scheme, relative      35
Scheme, representable      252
Schemes: The language of modern algebraic geometry      4
Section      117
Section global      12
Section of      13
Section of a continuous map      13
Section of sheaf over open set      12
Segre, Beniamino      205
Segre, embedding      103 188
Segre, map      266
Separated      34 93
Separated scheme      34 93
Serre, Jean — Pierre      2 18 82 206
Set-theoretic image      209 222
Shafarevich, Igor R.      5 162
Sheaf in the Zariski topology      259
Sheaf of continuous functions      13
Sheaf of graded algebras      101
Sheaf of regular functions      9 11 19
Sheaf of regulars      9 11 19
Sheaf of sections      13
Sheaf, axiom      12 16
Sheaf, coherent      24 25
Sheaf, definition of      12
Sheaf, graded      118
Sheaf, ideal      24
Sheaf, invertible      112 116 117
Sheaf, normal      268
Sheaf, projectivization of      103
Sheaf, quasicoherent      24 25 40
Sheafification      16
Silverman, Joseph H.      275
singular      28 230 231
Singular, curve      155 242
Singular, point      230
Singularity      110 156 162 179 190 203 239 242 249 265 272 274
Small resolutions      179
Smith, Gregory      5
Smooth point      230
Smoothness      71
Space to Fano schemes      271
Space to Hilbert schemes      267
Space, affine      104 105
Space, projective      104 105
Space, Zariski      73 78 88 104 105 107 108 256 260 271
Spanier, Edwin H.      261
Spectrum      9
Spectrum of Noetherian ring      26
Spectrum of quotient ring      23
Stalk      13
Starr, Jason      5
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