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Gruber M.H.J. — Regression Estimators: A Comparative Study
Gruber M.H.J. — Regression Estimators: A Comparative Study

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Название: Regression Estimators: A Comparative Study

Автор: Gruber M.H.J.


An examination of mathematical formulations of ridge-regression-type estimators points to a curious observation: estimators can be derived by both Bayesian and Frequentist methods. In this updated and expanded edition of his 1990 treatise on the subject, Marvin H. J. Gruber presents, compares, and contrasts the development and properties of ridge-type estimators from these two philosophically different points of view. The book is organized into five sections. Part I gives a historical survey of the literature and summarizes basic ideas in matrix theory and statistical decision theory. Part II explores the mathematical relationships between estimators from both Bayesian and Frequentist points of view. Part III considers the efficiency of estimators with and without averaging over a prior distribution. Part IV applies the methods and results discussed in the previous two sections to the Kalman Filter, analysis of variance models, and penalized splines. Part V surveys recent developments in the field. These include efficiencies of ridge-type estimators for loss functions other than squared error loss functions and applications to information geometry. Gruber also includes an updated historical survey and bibliography. With more than 150 exercises, Regression Estimators is a valuable resource for graduate students and professional statisticians.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 2010

Количество страниц: 424

Добавлена в каталог: 02.10.2012

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Sum of squares, treatment      264 270
Sum of squares, within      110 258 275
Sun, D.      26
Swamy, P.V.A.B.      14 95
Swindel, B.E.      12 15
System dynamics      246
System equation      232 244 245 388
Terasvirta, T.      13 14 17 61 196
Test of hypothesis      219 258
Test statistic      29 258 271 298
Theil, H.      10 14 95 108
Theobald 1974 result      32 35 57—59 70 138 196
Theobald, C.M.      32 35 57 58 70 138 196
Thurber, C.H.      11
Thurman, S.S.      14 95
Tibshirani, R.A.      29
Tikhonov, A.N.      11
Time-varying linear model      224 251
Toro-Vizcarrondo, C.      18
Total variance      5 6 7 9
Toutenburg, H.      14 15 16 18 20 22 25 31 70 85 96
Treatment mean      266
Trenkler, D.      12 15
Trenkler, G.      12 15 16 21 192
Troskie, C.G.      29
Tsoskos, C.P.      27 325 326 328 331 332 336 340 342 351 352 353
Two-way classification      252 267—273
Ullah, A.      16 23
Unbiased estimator      23 25 55 71 74—76 87 89 92 116 140 264 278 291 308 323 330 336 343
United States Government Printing Office      6
Unknown prior mean      70
Updated prior information      224 225 227 251
Varian, H.R.      15 135 325
Variance components      24 257 259—264 272 275
Variance components model      24 257 263
Variance of posterior distribution      50—52 57 138 151 158 333 336
Variance of prior distribution      151 369 372
Variance, average variance of BE      147 151—152
Vector, column      35 41 58 60 61 74 92 145 198 285
Vinod, H.D.      12 13 23
Wahba, G.      13 25
Wallace, T.D.      18
Wan, A.T.K.      22 23
Wand, M.P.      24 283 289 298
Wang, P.      24 26
Wang, S.P.      13
Watts, D.G.      17
Wax, T.      13
Webster, J.T.      20
Wegman, E.J.      14
Weighted distance      76 237
Weighted least square estimator      82 105 192 228
Weighted mixed regression      15 25 85
Wen, D.      27 325
Wenchecko, E.      21 27
Wermuth, N.      9 13
Werner, J.      28
Wijekoon, P.      28
Wilczynski, M.      30
Willan, A.R.      17
Willke, T.A.      11 23 28 110 165 207 310 376 377 382 383
Wood, F.      17
Woods, H.      31
Wright, I.W.      14
Yanagimoto, T.      23
Yang, H.      30 31
Zellner's balanced loss function (ZBLF)      4 23 25 31—33 135 136 141—143 146 303—324
Zellner, A.      4 15 19 25 31 32 33 49 135 136 141 142 146 154 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 312 315 317 319 320 323 324
Zero prior mean      24 165 180
Zhang, C.      30 31
Zhang, J.      28
Zhang, P.      28
Zhu, H.      31
Zontek, S.      12
1 2 3
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