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Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R. — Algebraic Geometry IV: Linear Algebraic Groups Invariant Theory
Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R. — Algebraic Geometry IV: Linear Algebraic Groups Invariant Theory

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Название: Algebraic Geometry IV: Linear Algebraic Groups Invariant Theory

Авторы: Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R.


This volume of the Encyclopaedia contains two contributions on closely related subjects: the theory of linear algebraic groups and invariant theory. The first part is written by T.A. Springer, a well-known expert in the first mentioned field. He presents a comprehensive survey, which contains numerous sketched proofs and he discusses the particular features of algebraic groups over special fields (finite, local, and global). The authors of part two, E.B. Vinberg and V.L. Popov, are among the most active researchers in invariant theory. The last 20 years have been a period of vigorous development in this field due to the influence of modern methods from algebraic geometry. The book will be very useful as a reference and research guide to graduate students and researchers in mathematics and theoretical physics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Алгебраическая геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 284

Добавлена в каталог: 12.03.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Pedoe, D.      137 138 255 260
Peter — Weyl theorem      48
Peterson, D.      273
Petrie, T.      270
Picard, E.      5
Platonov, V.P.      72
Plucker coordinates      138
Plucker relations      138
Poincare series of a graded algebra      177 179
Poincare, H.      226 261
Point, fixed      14
Point, principal      236
Point, semistable      192
Point, stable      192
Polarization, complete      251
Popov, A.M.      235
Popov, V.L.      149 170 171 181 215 234 236—238 243 247—249 261 262
Popp, H.      274
Pragacz, P.      268
Prasad, G.      73 112
Premet, A.A.      274
Procesi, C.      176 253 257
Pseudoreflection      240 242
Pyasetskij, V.S.      274
Quasisection, rational      157
Quotient      18
Quotient by a Lie algebra      54
Quotient, categorical      187
Quotient, geometric      186
Quotient, rational      156
Radical      28
Raghunathan, M.S.      73 112
Rallis, S.      249
Rapinchuk, A.S.      72
Razmysiov, Yu.P.      257
Reduction theory      112
Relations, typical      254
Replica      87
Representation, adjoint      16
Representation, rational      15
Restriction of ground field      56
Richardson, R.W.      152 220 221 229 236
Rigidity      22
Rivlin, R.S.      258
Roberts, J.      176
Roberts, P.      171
Ronan, M.      75
Root      29
Root, affine      103
Root, datum      30
Root, system      30
Root, system, affine      103
Root, system, relative      68
Root, system, small      68
Rosenlicht, M.      62 64 65 155 165
Rota, G-C.      271
Rousseau, G.      201
Rubenthaler, H.      271
Russian conjecture      247
Saltman, D.      162 164
Sampson, J.H.      148
Samuel, P.      144 176 177
Satake, I.      75 78 79
Sato, M.      214 248
Schiffmann, G.      271
Schur, I.      275
Schwarz, G.W.      215 247 254 261 262
Selbach, M.      80
Semi-simple part      20
Semiinvariant      138 164
Semiinvariant, basic      143
Serre, J-P.      50 51 55 64 90 159 178
Servedio, F.J.      275
Seshadri, C.S.      147 155 174 195
Shafarevich, I.R.      137 138 144—146 151 152 156 162 187 215 231
Sheet      219
Sheet, Dixmier      220
Sheet, regular      219
Shephard, G.C.      240
Shepherd-Barron, N.I.      164
Shioda, T.      142 238
Shpiz, G.B.      214 248
Sibirskij, K.S.      257 258
Siegel set      113
Siegel, C.L.      117
Simoniya, V.T.      254 262
Singularity of types A, D, E      144
Singularity, double rational      144
Singularity, Du Val      144
Singularity, Klein      144
Singularity, simple      144
Slice      207
Slice, etale      209
Slice, theorem      207
Slice-group      212
Slice-module      212
Slodowy, P.      48 206 207 210
Smith, G.F.      257 258
Smoke, W.      178
Space, G-      14
Spaltenstein, N.      276
Spencer, A.J.M.      276
Springer, T.A.      4 7 13 16 17 20 29 32 33 38 39 42 44 48 55 59 87 90 93 99 110 142 143 182 206 210 239 240
Stabilizer      151
Stabilizer in general position      228
Stanley, R.      177—179
Steinberg, R.      90 95 97—100 207
Sternberg, S.      227
Stratification, Luna      217
Stratum, principal      217
Strong approximation theorem      112
Structure constants      38
Subgroup, arithmetic      112
Subgroup, Borel      25
Subgroup, Cartan      26
Subgroup, closed      13
Subgroup, congruence      112
Subgroup, Grosshans      172
Subgroup, Levi      35
Subgroup, observable      172
Subgroup, parabolic      25
Subgroup, quasiparabolic      194
Subgroup, root      32 70
Subgroup, S-arithmetic      112
Subgroup, S-congruence      112
Subgroup, stationary      151
Subgroup, tamely embedded      194
Subspace, Cartan      245
Subspace, weight      199
Sukhanov, A.A.      194
Sumihiro, H.      147
Support      199
Symbolic method      256
Symmetric space      93
System of invariants, complete      129 166
System of parameters      178
System of positive roots      30
System, Tits      34 107
Syzygy      131 177
Tamagawa measure      116
Tamagawa number      116
Tensor, principal      256
Thrall, R.M.      276
Tits, J.      51 61 65 67 68 71—80 84 85 90 91 100—108
Todd, J.A.      240
Torus      22
Torus, anisotropic      58
Torus, maximal      26
Torus, split      57
Transvectant      182
Triantaphyllou, D.      162
Type, inner      76
Type, outer      76
Unipotent part      20
Unipotent radical      28
Van der Kulk, W.      215
Varchenko, A.N.      276
Variety, level      133
Variety, rational      162
Variety, Schubert      34
Variety, strongly simply connected      242
Vinberg, E.B.      152 162 184 193 214 225 234 242 244—247 261 262
Viniberghi, E.B.= Vinberg, E.B.Voskresenskij, V.E.      277
Vust, T.      147 232 250 255
Wallach, N.R.      94
Washnitzer, G.      148
Watanabe, K-i.      272
Wehlau, D.      247 248
Weight      22 199
Weight, fundamental      43
Weight, highest      43
Weight, subspace      199
Weight, vector      22
Weil, A.      6 53 88 109 116 117 147
Weitzenbock, R.      278
Weyl, H.      92 179 250 255
Weyl’s character formula      45
Weyman, J.      278
Yasukura, O.      270
Young, A.      238
Yushkevich, A.P.      270
Zariski, O.      144 176 177
Zhelobenko, D.P.      179
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