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Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R. — Algebraic Geometry IV: Linear Algebraic Groups Invariant Theory |
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Abels, H. 115
Action, good rational 147
Action, locally transitive 217
Action, rational 146
Action, regular 146
Action, stable 156
Action, triangular 162 Algebra algebraic
Adamovich, O.M. 247 258 260
Adams, J.F. 179
Affine group scheme 12
Akhiezer, D.N. 264
Aleksandrov, P.S. 171
Alekseev, V.G. 264
Alekseevskij, A.V. 246
Algebra, algebraic Lie 86
Algebra, Cohen — Macaulay 178
Algebra, Lie 16
Algebra, Lie of covariants 184
Algebra, Lie of distributions 18
Algebra, Lie of invariants 131 164
Andreev, E.M. 234
Antonyan, L.V. 246 261 262
Apartment 101
Apolar 141
Armstrong, M.A. 242
Arnol’d, V.I. 145 218 227
A’Campo, A. 171
Bardsley, P. 265
Basis of a root system 31
Beklemishev, N.D. 216 238
Bialynicki-Birula, A. 172 215 221
Birkes, D. 199 215
Bogomolov, F.A. 163 164 194 201
Borel, A. 4 6 23 28 29 39 48—50 54 55 57—59 61 62 64 65 67 68 71 73 84 87 90 91 112 114—116 118
Borel’s fixed point theorem 24
Borho, W. 197 198 219 220 221
Bourbaki, N. 30 31 34 36 40 47 71 72 79 87 88 92 97 98 103 107 239 240 255
Boutot, J-F. 176
Bredon, G.E. 207 214 216 228
Brion, M. 227 232
Brouwer, A.E. 180
Browder, F.E. 171
Bruhat, F. 51 101 102 104 105 107 108
Bruhat’s lemma 33
Bui Viet Kha 216
Building, affine 104
Building, spherical Tits 74
Carrell, J.B. 250
Cartan decomposition 93 107
Carter, R.W. 59 97 99 100
Cernousov, V.I. 118
Chanler, J.H. 276
Characteristic of a nilpotent element 201
Chevalley, C. 5 6 39 87 152 187 214 240
Class number 115
Cocharacter 21
Cohen, A.M. 180
Cone, asymptotic 197
Congruence Subgroup Problem 112
Covariant 181
Criterion, Hilbert — Mumford 198
Criterion, Igusa’s 190
Criterion, Kempf — Ness 223
Criterion, Luna’s 222
Criterion, Matsushima’s 194
Cross-ratio 138
Curtis, C.W. 74 75 100
Dadok, J. 224 246 248
de Concini, C. 266
Demazure, M. 6 12 16 18 39 51 54 59 63 64
Dickson, L.E. 266
Dieudonne, J.A. 250
Differential equations for invariants 167
Direct product 13
Discriminant of a binary form 141
Dixmier, J. 142 219 238 266
Djokovic, D.Z. 246
Doan Quynh 266
Dolgachev, I.V. 163
Donaldson, S. 227
Donkin, S. 267
Dynkin diagram 40
Dynkin diagram, affine 103
Dynkin, E.B. 201 204 233 245
Egorov, G.V 258 261
Ehlashvili, A.G. 221 234 246 261 262
Element, nilpotent 197
Element, rational semisimple 201
Element, reduced 202
Element, semisimple 214
Elliot, E.B. 267
Erdos, P. 266
F-rank 68
F-rank, semi-simple 68
Fiber space, homogeneous 194
Fiber space, locally isotrivial 195
Fibering, locally isotrivial 195
Field of invariants of an action 153
Flag manifold 25
Fogarty, J. 193
Fossum, R.M. 267
Freudenthal, H. 42
Frobenius kernels 12
Frobenius morphism 12
Full reducibility 92
Function, additive 63
Function, elliptic 130
Gabriel, P. 12 16 18 51 54 63 64
Gantmakher, F.R. 249 260
Gatti, V see “Kac V.G.”
Genghis Khan lemma 242
Gieseker, D. 193
Givental’, A.B. 227
Golovina, E.O. 247 258 260
Gorbatsevich, V.V. 207
Gordeev, N.L. 267
Grace, J.H. 267
Graph of an action 154
Grosshans, F. 172
Grothendieck, A. 6 39 59 192 195
Group, 246
Group, additive 10
Group, adele 110
Group, adjoint 244
Group, affine Weyl 103
Group, anisotropic reductive 66
Group, binary polyhedral 143
Group, cofree 239 240
Group, coregular 239
Group, diagonalizable 21
Group, elementary unipotent 63
Group, equidimensional 239
Group, F- 52
Group, general linear 10
Group, isotropic reductive 66
Group, isotropy 14
Group, linear algebraic 9 11
Group, multiplicative 10
Group, nice reductive linear 242
Group, orthogonal 10
Group, polar 246
Group, quantum 13
Group, quasi-simple 37
Group, quasi-split 76
Group, reduced 246
Group, reduced adjoint 245
Group, reductive 28
Group, relative Weyl 68
Group, semi-simple 28
| Group, slice- 212
Group, special 159
Group, special linear 10
Group, special orthogonal 10
Group, split reductive 65
Group, split solvable F- 62
Group, symplectic 10
Group, trigonalizable 62
Group, unipotent 20
Group, visible 239
Group, Weyl 27 174 245
Guillemin, V. 227
Gurevich, G.B. 250 258 261
Haboush W. 268
Hajja, M. 268
Hankel determinant 141
Harder, G. 112 117
Harish-Chandra 112 115 116 174 237
Hartshorne, R. 7 140 192 209 217
Hasse principle 118
Helgason, S. 246
Hesselink, W.H. 201
Hessian of a form 146
Hilbert — Mumford criterion 198
Hilbert, D 132 168 169 177 178 181 196—198
Hilbert’s 14th problem 171
Hilbert’s theorem on invariants 168
Hochschild, G. 172
Hochster, M. 176
Hodge, W.V.D. 137 138 255 260
Homogeneous space 14
Homogeneous space, principal 56
Homological dimension of a graded algebra 177
Homomorphism of algebraic groups 13
Humphreys, J.E. 2 23 43 86 87 268
Huneke, C 176
Identity component 13
Igusa, J-i. 190 261 262
Igusa’s criterion 190
INDEX 76 233
Inheritable property 240
Inner form 78
Invariant of a binary form 141
Invariant of a binary polyhedral group 142
Invariant of a group 129
Invariant of a linear operator 134
Invariant of a system of vectors 136
Invariant of a ternary cubic form 145
Invariant of an equivalence relation 129
Invariant of the symmetric group 133
Invariant, basic 143 166
Invariant, integral 130 164
Invariant, j-(of an elliptic curve) 140
Invariant, orthogonal 131 134 136
Invariant, primitive 252
Invariant, rational 130 153
Invariant, regular 164
Invariant, relative 164
Invariant, symplectic 131
Invariant, typical 252
Invariant, unimodular 131 135
Involution, Cartan 92
Isogeny, central 55
Iwasawa decomposition 93 107
Jantzen.J.C. 12 39 45—47
Ja’ja’, J. 268
Jordan decomposition 20
Josefiak, T. 268
Kac, V.G. 224 245—248 262
Kambayashi, T. 149 215
Kasai, S-i. 270
Kats, V.G. see “Kac V.G.”
Katsylo, P.I. 160—164 220
Kawanaka, N. 246
Kempf — Ness criterion 223
Kempf, G.R. 170 176 180 201 222 243
Kempf’s vanishing theorem 44
Kempken, G. 221
Kernel, semi-simple anisotropic 76
Khadzhiev, D. 173 233
Kimel’fel’d, B.N. 277
Kimura, T. 214 248
Klein, F. 132 142
Kneser-Tits problem 73
Knop, F. 180 181 210 248 250
Kolchin, E.R. 5
Kolmogorov, A.N. 270
Komiya, K. 271
Kostant, B. 222 249 255
Kottwitz, R. 117
Kraft, H. 48 144 146 176 197 198 210 215 219 220 255 261
Kramer, M. 270
Kung, J.P.S. 271
Kunz, E. 176 184 271
Kuribayashi, A. 271
Lang, S. 95 154 158
Lang’s theorem 95
Lascoux, A. 271
Lazard, D. 142 238
Lehrer, G.I. 74 75 100
Lin Tan 171
Littelmann, P. 181 247
Luna, D. 147 194 208—211 213 221 222 229 232 236
MacDonald, I.G. 45
Margulis, G.A. 7 116
Matrix, Cartan 40
Matrix, semisimple 135
Matsushima, Y. 194
Matsushima’s criterion 194
Merzlyakov, Yu.I. 147
Mikityuk, I.V 271
Milne, J.S. 184 217
Miyata, T. 162
Modality of an action 198
Module of covariants 181
Module of covariants, global 183
Module, algebraic A-G- 183
Module, algebraic G- 168
Module, locally strongly efficient 233
Module, slice- 212
Molien, T. 179
Moment mapping 227
Morphism, affine 191
Morphism, etale 209
Morphism, excellent 209
Morphism, finite 191
Mostow, G.D. 176
Muller, I. 271
Mumford, D. 189 192 193 198 243
Mumford’s conjecture 47
Murthy, M. 176
Nagata, M. 170 191
Nakajima, H. 271
Ness, L. 222 227 228
Newstead, P.E. 185 192
Nicolas, J-L. 266
Noether, E. 170 178
Normal form, Weierstrass 145
Null-cone 196
Observable hull 172
Onishchik, A.L. 152 184 193 194 207 246
Operator, averaging 169
Operator, Casimir 47
Operator, polarization 251
Operator, Reynolds 168
Orbit 14 149 151
Orbits, separation of 154
Panyushev, D.I. 215 216 241 243 249
Parshin, A.N. 273
Pauer, F. 273
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