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Seibel P. — Practical common Lisp
Seibel P. — Practical common Lisp

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Íàçâàíèå: Practical common Lisp

Àâòîð: Seibel P.


Lisp is often thought of an academic language, but it need not be. This is the first book that introduces Lisp as a language for the real world.
Practical Common Lisp presents a thorough introduction to the Lisp language, providing you with an overall understanding of the language features and how they work. From this foundational knowledge, you’ll move on to practical code examples centered on building a streaming MP3 server. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to serve streaming MP3s via the Shoutcast protocol to any standard MP3 client software (e.g., iTunes, XMMS, or WinAmp). Author Peter Siebel also shows you how to store metadata in both a simple home-brewed sexp database and a relational database (MySQL), demonstrates how to use threads to support multiple simultaneous client connections, and much more.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.02.2006

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Parameters, keyword parameters      56—57
Parameters, optional parameters      53—55
Parameters, parameter lists      53
Parameters, rest parameters      55
Parameters, specializers      196—197
Parameters, types of      57—58
Parentheses      37
Parse-cons-form      445
PARSE-INTEGER      24 377 391
Parsing binary files      see "Binary file parsing"
Partial abstractions      110
Pathname      169
Pathname designators      168
Pathname library, *FEATURES*      180—181
Pathname library, API      179
Pathname library, listing directories      182—185
Pathname library, overview      179
Pathname library, testing file's existence      185—186
Pathname library, walking a directory tree      187
Pathname-as-directory      173
pathnames      163
Pathnames, constructing new pathnames      171—173
Pathnames, file representation by      169—170
Pitman, Kent      478
Planet Lisp      478
Playlists, MP3 browser      411—412 426—430
Playlists, MP3 browser as song sources      413—417
Playlists, MP3 browser, manipulating      417—420
Plists (property lists)      20 157
PLUSP      121
Polymorphism      190
pop      77
Portable pathnames library      391
PortableAllegroServe      366
POSITION      131—132 136
PPRINT      166
Practical Common Lisp Web site      478
Prefix parameters      221
Prepare-icy-response      405
Pretty-printing format      220
Primary methods      197
PRINC      166 453
PRINC-TO-STRING      433 444
print      26 165—166 176
Print-object      205 294—95
Probe-directory      185
PROBE-FILE      174 179 185
Process function      446 449—451 453—454 456 461
Process-cons-sexp-html      444
Process-sexp-html      443
Process-special-form      457
PROGN      81 91 106—107 199 245 259 322 324 330 381 458 463
PROGV      260—261
Prompt-for-cd      24—25
property lists (plists)      20 157
Public API, FOO      462—63
push      21 77 148
PUSHNEW      77 156
query parameters      365
Query parameters, AllegroServe      374—377
Query parameters, MP3 browser      420—422
Querying, database (CD and record database example)      27—31
Querying, MP3 database      392—394
quote      43—44 46 245
Random      97 250 376
Random argument      426
Random-sample      399
RASSOC      158
RASSOC-IF      158
RASSOC-IF-NOT      158
Rational numbers      117—118
Raw-string      439 449
READ      163—166 175 222 475
READ-*      163
READ-BYTE      165 312 409
READ-CHAR      163—165 175
Read-eval-print-loop      see "REPL"
READ-LINE      23 163—164 175
READ-SEQUENCE      165—166 306 409
Read-time conditionalization      180
Reading, binary data      165
Reading, binary objects      320—322
Reading, bulk reads      165
Reading, file data      163—165
Records and CDs database      see "CDs and records database (example)"
Recycling functions      147—149
Recycling operation      145
Reduce      138 301
Refactoring      105—106
Relative keyword      169—170
rem      120 160
REMHASH      139—140
Remote-host      414
Remove      131—134 147—149
REMOVE-IF      32
REMOVE-IF-NOT      27—28
REMPROP      160
RENAME-FILE      174
REPL (read-eval-print-loop)      40 42 96 101 103 112 117 124 266—267 269 273 275 292 295 302 319 348 352 367 404 473
REPL (read-eval-print-loop), experimenting in      12—13
REPL (read-eval-print-loop), Hello, World example      13—14
REPL (read-eval-print-loop), overview      12
Reply-header-slot-value      406
Request argument      405
Request parameter      427
Request-reply-protocol-string      406
Request-socket      414
Request-uri      406
Resizable vectors      127
Rest      143 150
Rest parameters      55
Restarts      238—241
RETURN      84—85 87 249 285 288
Return values      58—59
RETURN-FROM      52 58—59 248—249 252—255 285 288
Reusable libraries, packaging      270—271
REVAPPEND      151
reverse      33 134 144 146
Ripped keyword parameter      30
Robinson, Gary      297
ROTATEF      77—78
round      120
Row-comparator      393—394
Row-equality-tester      393—394
Rows vector      397
Runtime vs. macro expansion time      90—91
S-expressions      38—42 80 163 166 170 220
SAFETY symbol      473
Save-buffer command      16
Save-db      25—26
Saving database (CD and record database example)      25—26
SBCL      10 184—185
Schema slot      387
Schemas, defining (MP3 database)      388—390
Search      136
second      150
Select      392
select function      392—394 397—398 424
Self-evaluating forms      444
Self-evaluating objects      12 42
Self-evaluating-p function      433
send      191
Sequence functions      130—132 137—138
Sequence predicates      137
Sequences, vectors as      130
Server-side Web programming      363—365 see
Set-cookie-code      383
Set-cookie-header      377
setf      26 31 74—78 140 146—147 159 194 205 209—211 312—313 321 325 397 457
SETQ      74 246
Sets      155—157
Sexp->ops      449 452
Shadowing symbol      265
Shared structure, and recycling functions      147—149
SHIFTF      77—78
Shoutcast server      411 414—415
Shoutcast server, implementing      405—410
Shoutcast server, protocol      401—402 405
Shoutcast server, song sources      402—404
Show-timing-data      471
Shuffle-vector      305—306
signal      236 241—242
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)      465
sin      122
Singleton symbol      404
Singly linked list      142
sinh      122
Slime      9 11 15—17 47 94 96 224 270 273 275 292 302
Slime-close-parens-at-point      15
Slime-compile-defun      15
Slime-macroexpand-1      96
Slot-value      205—206 209 212—213 235
Slots and inheritance      214—215
Slots, class-allocated      213—214
Slots, specifiers      205
Slots, WITH-SLOTS      212—213
Smalltalk-80      479
SOAP (simple object access protocol)      465
SOME      137
sort      135 149
Sort-rows      419
Sorting      135
Source parameter      414
SPACE symbol      473
Spam filters of inverse-chi-square      301—302
Spam filters, analyze results generated by test-classifier      306—309
Spam filters, combining probabilities      299—301
Spam filters, creating      291—295
Spam filters, overview      291
Spam filters, per-word statistics      298
Spam filters, shuffle-vector function      305—306
Spam filters, start-of-file function      306
Spam filters, testing      303—305
Spam filters, training      295—297 302
SpamAssassin      303
special forms      42
Special operators      43—44 454
Special operators, behavior of call stack, control over      252—256
Special operators, controlling evaluation      245
Special operators, EVAL-WHEN      258—260
Special operators, FOO      454—459
Special operators, local flow of control      248—252
Special operators, manipulating lexical environment      246—248
Special operators, multiple values      256—258
Special operators, overview      245
special variables      see "Dynamic variables"
Specialized vectors      129
SPEED symbol      473
Spolsky, Joel      96
SQL (Structured Query Language)      392
STABLE-SORT function      135 149
STANDARD-OBJECT class      204—205 207 215 235
Start-of-file function      306
Steele, Guy      5
Still-current-p function      415
String      124 134 190 203 387—389
string comparisons      124—125
String data type      389
String designators      268
String->type      420
STRING=      125 387—389
strings      115 123—124 129 314—316
strongly typed language      65
Structured Query Language (SQL)      392
SUBSEQ      136
Subsequence manipulations      136
SUBSETP      157
subst      155
SUBST-IF      155
SUBST-IF-NOT      155
Substitute      131—133 147 155
Summing keyword      278
Supplied-p      30
Switch-to-buffer      11
Symbol macro      246
Symbol-macrolet      246 248 259
SYMBOL-PLIST      160 325
Symbolics Lisp Machines GUI framework      467
symbols      40
Symbols, accessibility of      265
Symbols, importing into other packages      265
Symbols, nonkeyword symbols      269
Symbols, shadowing symbols      265
Symbols, terminology      265—266
Symbols, uninterned symbols      266
Syntax and semantics, equality      45—47
Syntax and semantics, formatting code      47—49
Syntax and semantics, function calls      42—43
Syntax and semantics, how defined      38—39
Syntax and semantics, macros      44—45
Syntax and semantics, overview      37
Syntax and semantics, parentheses      37
Syntax and semantics, s-expressions      39—42
Syntax and semantics, special operators      43—44
Syntax and semantics, truth and falsehood      45—47
System definition facilities      475
T class      203—204 215
Tables, lookup      157—161
Tagbody      248—250 252—254
Tagged structures      323—324 327—328
TAILP      151
tan      122
tanh      122
TENTH      150
Termination tests, LOOP macro      288—289
TERPRI      166
Test function      434
Test-classifier      306—309
Test-from-corpus      305
Testing-fraction parameter      304
Textual strings      314
THE operator      260 472
throw      254—255
Time      469—470
Toggle-indenting      440
Train-from-corpus      304—335
Tree structure      153—155
tree-equal      155
TRUNCATE      120
Truth      45—47
Tuples      127
Type component      169
type parameter      403
1 2 3 4 5
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