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Seibel P. — Practical common Lisp
Seibel P. — Practical common Lisp

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Íàçâàíèå: Practical common Lisp

Àâòîð: Seibel P.


Lisp is often thought of an academic language, but it need not be. This is the first book that introduces Lisp as a language for the real world.
Practical Common Lisp presents a thorough introduction to the Lisp language, providing you with an overall understanding of the language features and how they work. From this foundational knowledge, you’ll move on to practical code examples centered on building a streaming MP3 server. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to serve streaming MP3s via the Shoutcast protocol to any standard MP3 client software (e.g., iTunes, XMMS, or WinAmp). Author Peter Siebel also shows you how to store metadata in both a simple home-brewed sexp database and a relational database (MySQL), demonstrates how to use threads to support multiple simultaneous client connections, and much more.

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 499

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.02.2006

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Cons      142 156 158
Cons cells      142—144
Cons cells, uses of besides lists, lookup tables      157—161
Cons cells, uses of besides lists, overview      153
Cons cells, uses of besides lists, sets      155—157
Cons cells, uses of besides lists, trees      153—155
CONSP      151
Constants      74
CONTINUE      242
CONTROL-ERROR      240 242
Controlling evaluation      245
Cookies      365 377—378
COPY-ALIST      159
COPY-LIST      149 154
COPY-SEQ      134
COPY-TREE      154—155 159
Core      477
cos      122
cosh      122
COUNT      131—132
Counting keyword      278
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)      348
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)      423 430
Current-idx slot      415—417 420
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)      348
Danish, Matthew      9
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)      5
Data structures      115
databases      see "CDs and records database (example)" "MP3
Datatypes      51
Debian Linux distribution      466
DEBUG symbol      473
DECF      77 120 194
DECLARE expression      472
Default-value slot      387
Defclass      197 203—206 210—211 214 216 235 295 318—319 321—323 328
Defense advanced research projects agency (DARPA)      5
Defgeneric      191 193 199
Define-html-macro      460 462
Define-html-special-operator      457
Define-method-combination      200
Define-url-function      379—84 405 411 420 426—427
defmacro      33 90—91 101 247 258—260
Defmethod      193—196 322
DEFPACKAGE      268—269 271—273 412 436 475
DEFPARAMETER      69—70 73—74 80 293 441
DEFUN      14 48 51—52 59 61 66 80 91 109—111 246 249 259—260 379 381 472
DEFVAR      21 69—70 72—74 293 297 441
DELETE      147—149
Delete-all-rows      418
DELETE-DUPLICATES      147 294 353
DELETE-FILE      174
DELETE-IF      147
DELETE-IF-NOT      147
Delete-rows      398 418
delivering applications      475—477
DEMACRO      91—92
Destructive functions      135
Destructive operations      145—147
Destructuring parameter lists      94
Destructuring variables, LOOP macro      282—283
DESTRUCTURING-BIND      161—162 282 304 306 321 330 382 461
Device component      169
Dictionaries      127
Dijkstra, Edsger      467
directives      221—222
Directives, character and integer directives      223—225
Directives, English-language      226—227
Directives, floating point      225
Directives, interation directive      228—230
Directives, ~* directive      230—231
Directory      174 179 182—183
Directory component      169
Directory names      173
directory trees      187
Disassemble      473
DLL (Dynamic Link Library)      476
DO construct      83 85—88 246 249
do keyword      278
DO loop      93 97—98 281
DO macro      85—87 283
Do-primes sample      92—93
Do-rows macro      397
DOCUMENTATION function      52
DOLIST      80 83—85 87 92—93 97 249 283 454
DOTIMES      83—87 92—93 97 246 249 283
Dump-db      21—22
dynamic bindings      73
Dynamic content, generating with AllegroServe      368—369
dynamic link library (DLL)      476
dynamic variables      65 69—73 103
Dynamically typed language      65
ECASE      296 306 331
ECHO-STREAM      176
ELT      125 130
EMACS      9 11
Embed-code function      440 450 454—455
Embed-value function      440 450 454—455
Emerge tool      466
Emit function      437
Emit-attributes      445—446
Emit-close-tag      445—446
Emit-element-body      445
Emit-freshline      438
Emit-html      431 455
Emit-newline      438
Emit-open-tag      445
Emit/no-newlines      437 439
Encode-form-urlencoded      423
English-language directives      226—227
Entities      366
Entity argument      405
eq      46 138 159
EQL      47 121 138 192 194—197 296 320 388—389 404 452
equal      46—47 138 385 413
Equality      45—47
Equality-predicate function      387
Equality-predicate slot      387
EQUALP      46—47 121 138
Equals-then clause, LOOP macro      281—82
Equivalence function      138
Error      235 242
eval      441—442
eval-when      258—260 326 457 462
Evaluation      245
Evaluation, controlling      245
Evaluator      38
EVENP      27 121
Every      137 396
Evins, Mikel      9
Exceptions      234
Excl:generate-application function      477
EXP      60—61 122 301
Expand-macro-form      461
Exponent markers      118
expt      122
Ext package      185
Extensible markup language (XML)      144 465
Extractor function      393
Falsehood      45—47
FASL file      17 44 477
FFI (Foreign Function Interface)      467 473
File output      165—166
File parameter      427
File system, interacting with      173—175
File->row function      390
FILE-AUTHOR      174
File-exists-p      174
FILE-LENGTH      174 306
File-position      175 408
filenames      168—170
fill      136
Finally keyword      278 287
find      131—132 156 358
FIND-IF      156
FIND-IF-NOT      156
FIND-PACKAGE      240 264 281
find-symbol      264—265
first      143 146 150
Fixed-size vectors      127—128
Fixnum object      472
FIXNUM type specifier      472
flet      246—247 249
Floating point directives      225
floating-point numbers      116 118 120—121
floats      116
FLOOR      120
Foderaro, John      366
FOO HTML generator      431
FOO HTML generator, basic evaluation rule      443—447
FOO HTML generator, character escaping      435—437
FOO HTML generator, indenting printer      437—438
FOO HTML generator, overview      431
FOO HTML generator, printer backend      439—441
FOO HTML generator, processor interface      438—439
FOO language      433—435
FOO language, compiler      423 430 440 449—454
FOO language, interpreter      446 449
FOO language, library      370—373
FOO language, macros      459—462
FOO language, public API      462—463
FOO language, special operators      454—459
FOO macro      459
for keyword      278 280
For-side-effect operation      145
FORCE-OUTPUT format      23
Foreign Function Interface (FFI)      467 473
FORMAT      13—14 22—23 55 166 176 218 252 369—370 455
Format arguments      220
FORMAT directive      104—105 109 124
Format directives      224
FORMAT, basic formatting      222—223
FORMAT, conditional formatting      227—228
FORMAT, directives      221—231
FORMAT, overview      219—221
formatting code      47—49
Formatting, basic      222—223
FORTRAN programming language      116 220 468
FORTRAN-to-Common Lisp translator      250
FRESH-LINE function      166 440 445
FUNCALL      60—62 68 252 257 396
Function      59—60 246
function calls      42—43
function parameters      67
Functional programming, and list processing      144—145
Functions      113 115
Functions as data      59—61
Functions for merging      135
Functions for sorting      135
functions, anonymous      61—63
Functions, defining new functions      51—53
Functions, generic      190—93
Functions, high-order functions      59—61
Functions, higher-order function variants      133—134
Functions, list-manipulation functions      149—151
Functions, matching, MP3 database      394—396
functions, overview      51
Functions, parameters, keyword parameters      56—57
Functions, parameters, optional parameters      53—55
Functions, parameters, parameter lists      53
Functions, parameters, rest parameters      55
Functions, parameters, types of      57—58
Functions, recycling functions      147—149
Functions, return values      58—59
Functions, sequence iterating functions      130—132
Functions, sequence mapping functions      137—138
Functions, sequence predicates      137
Functions, subsequence manipulations      136
Functions, whole sequence manipulations      134
General selector-function generator      30
General-purpose assignment operator      74
Generate-code function      449 452
Generic functions      190—193
GENSYM      99—100 265 381
Gentoo Linux distribution      466
get      160 325
Get-cookie-values      382
Get-pretty-printer      446
GETF      20 31 159—160 397
GETHASH      76 138—140 256
GO operator      248—250 253
Good object-oriented design      218
goto keyword      69
Graham, Paul      291
Graphical user interface (GUI)      465—466
Gray Streams      409
GUI (Graphical User Interface)      465—466
GUI widgets      5
HANDLER-BIND      239—240 442
HANDLER-CASE      236—239 242 347 407
Hash function      138
hash tables      115 127 138—140 281
Hello, World program example      13—14
Hexadecimal      117
High-order functions      59—63
High-performance numeric programming      116
Higher-order function variants      133—134
Host component      169
href attribute      423
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)      see also "FOO HTML generator"
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), generating with AllegroServe      370—373
Html macro      431 433 438 450 454 457 462
HTML macros      373
Html-compiler class      450
Html-macro property      459
Html-pretty-printer      446 450 452
Html-special-operator key      456
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)      364
HyperText Markup Language      see "HTML"
Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)      364
Icy-Metadata header      402
ID3 parsing, comment frames      356—357
ID3 parsing, defining a package      337—338
ID3 parsing, detecting tag padding      346—348
ID3 parsing, extracting information from ID3 tag      357—362
ID3 parsing, ID3 frames      344—346
ID3 parsing, ID3 tag header      343—344
ID3 parsing, integer types      338—339
ID3 parsing, overview      335—336
ID3 parsing, string types      339—343
ID3 parsing, structure of ID3v2 tag      336—337
ID3 parsing, supporting multiple version of ID3      348—350
ID3 parsing, text information frames      354—355
ID3 parsing, versioned concrete frame classes      351—352
ID3 parsing, versioned frame base classes      350—351
1 2 3 4 5
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