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Seibel P. — Practical common Lisp
Seibel P. — Practical common Lisp

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Íàçâàíèå: Practical common Lisp

Àâòîð: Seibel P.


Lisp is often thought of an academic language, but it need not be. This is the first book that introduces Lisp as a language for the real world.
Practical Common Lisp presents a thorough introduction to the Lisp language, providing you with an overall understanding of the language features and how they work. From this foundational knowledge, you’ll move on to practical code examples centered on building a streaming MP3 server. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to serve streaming MP3s via the Shoutcast protocol to any standard MP3 client software (e.g., iTunes, XMMS, or WinAmp). Author Peter Siebel also shows you how to store metadata in both a simple home-brewed sexp database and a relational database (MySQL), demonstrates how to use threads to support multiple simultaneous client connections, and much more.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.02.2006

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ID3 parsing, which frames are needed      352—354
ID3v2 format      336
ID3v2 library      385 391
ID3v2.2 specification      343
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)      335
IF construct      285
If operator      43 48 80—82 245
IF-NOT suffix      133—134
Image file      477
In function      392 394 396 417
In-html-style macro      462
IN-PACKAGE      258—260 269—270 272—273 302 319 366
INCF      77 120 295
Indent function      440
Indenting-printer      437—438 447
Indenting-printer API      438—440
Inheritance and slots      214—215
Inheritance and tagged structures, binary file parsing      323—324
inheritance, multiple      215—217
Inherited slots, keeping track of      325—327
Initialize-instance      206—208 235
Initially keyword      287
input element      421
Input field      425
Insert-row      391
INSTALL.lisp file      366
INTEGER      203
Integer directives      223—225
Integers      116
Interation directive      228—230
INTERN      264
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)      335
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)      335
Intersection      156
INVOKE-RESTART      239—241
IP address      414
Ipaddr-to-dotted      414
IRC channel      478
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)      335
ISO 639-2      356
ISO 8859-1      314 316—317 329 336 339—341 345 354 356
Iteration control, LOOP macro      278
JavaScript      464
Kemp, Eric      335
KEYWORD package      180 264 267
keyword parameters      29 56—57
Keyword symbols      20 42 264
Kiczales, Gregor      478
Knuth, Donald      250 399 467
labels      246—247 249
LAMBDA      59 61—63 68 246
Language-oriented programming      431
Languages, interfacing with      467
last      151
LDB      312—313 338 341
LDIFF      151
Leaky abstraction      96—100
Length      125 130 331
let      44 66—68 71—73 246 261 332 421 453
let*      68 246
Lexical environment      246—248
lexical variables      65 68—69
li element      444
Link function      423
Linux operating system      466
Lisp compiler      5
Lisp control constructs      455
Lisp evaluator      117
Lisp implementation, choosing      9—11
Lisp in a Box      11—12
Lisp libraries      465—467
Lisp machines      5
Lisp printer      142 421
Lisp prompt      12
Lisp reader      99 117 123 296
Lisp-based XML processors      144
LispWorks      184—185 465—466 477—478
LIST      20 44 143 199 203 388
LISt Processing      4
List processing and con cells      142—144
List processing and functional programming      144—145
List processing, "destructive operations"      145—147
List processing, combining recycling with shared structure      147—149
List processing, list-manipulation functions      149—151
List processing, mapping      151—152
List processing, overview      141
List structure      153
LIST symbol      134
LIST* function      151
List-directory      174 182
LISTP      151
Lists element      39
Literal strings      123 129
Load      17 44 258 260 475
Load-database      430
LOAD-TIME-VALUE      260—261
Loading database (CD and record database example)      25—26
Local flow of control      248—252
Local variables, LOOP macro      282
Locally      260
LOG      122
LOGBITP      349
Long floats      118
Lookup tables, and con cells      157—161
Loop      35 80 83 87—88 101 140 219 236—237 275 283 290 302 383 394 407
Loop keywords      88
LOOP, conditional execution      285—287
LOOP, counting loops      278—280
LOOP, destructuring variables      282—283
LOOP, equals-then clause      281—282
LOOP, iteration control      278
LOOP, local variables      282
LOOP, looping over collections and packages      280—281
LOOP, overview      277
LOOP, parts of      277—278
LOOP, termination tests      288—289
LOOP, unconditional execution      285
LOOP, value accumulation      284
LOOP-FINISH      289
Looping, macros for      83
M-expressions      37
MAC project      116
MacLisp      116
MACROEXPAND-1      36 96—98
macrolet      246—247 259 463
macros      44—45 51 see
Macros for looping      83
Macros, abstraction      92
Macros, AND      103 113 115
Macros, COND      82
Macros, designing, binary file parsing      317
Macros, DO      85—87
Macros, DOLIST      84—85
Macros, DOTIMES      84—85
Macros, expansion time      91 381
Macros, FOO      459—462
Macros, forms      42
Macros, HTML macros      373
Macros, LOOP      87—88
Macros, NOT      82—83
Macros, OR      82—83
Macros, overview      79—80
Macros, parameter lists      161—162
Macros, WHEN      80—81
Macros, writing own, DEMACRO      91—92
Macros, writing own, do-primes sample macro      92—93
Macros, writing own, generating the expansion      95—96
Macros, writing own, leaky abstraction      96—100
Macros, writing own, macro expansion time vs. runtime      90—91
Macros, writing own, macro-writing macros      100—101
Macros, writing own, overview      89
Macros, writing own, parameters      93—94
MACSYMA symbolic algebra system      116
make tool      475
MAKE-ARRAY      128—129 134 385
Make-column      389
Make-instance      204—206 208—209 213—214 324 327 388 390
MAKE-LIST      151
MAKE-PATHNAME      171—173 183
Make-process-lock      413
Make-rows      385
Make-schema      389
Manipulating lexical environment      246—248
MAP      137 140 151 393
MAP-INTO      137
Map-rows      397
MAPC      152
mapcan      152
Mapcar      31 151—152 191 294 353
MAPCON      152
MAPHASH      140
Mapl      152
maplist      152
Mapping      127 151—152
Margolies, David      478
Matching function      392 394
MAX      121 199
McCarthy, John      4 37
Member      156
MEMBER-IF      156
MEMBER-IF-NOT      156
MERGE      135 137 149
Merging      135
Message passing      191
Methods and generic functions      191—193
Methods, combining      196—200
Methods, multimethods      200—202
Methods, overloaded      200—201
MIN      121 199 302
MINUSP      121
Mismatch      136
MOD      120
Modify macros      77
MP3 browser, boilerplate HTML      422—423
MP3 browser, browse page      423—426
MP3 browser, overview      411
MP3 browser, playlists      411—413 426—430
MP3 browser, playlists, as song sources      413—417
MP3 browser, playlists, manipulating      417—420
MP3 browser, query parameter types      420—422
MP3 browser, running      430
MP3 database      see also "ID3 parsing" "Shoutcast
MP3 database, defining a schema      388—390
MP3 database, getting at results      397—398
MP3 database, inserting values      390—391
MP3 database, matching functions      394—396
MP3 database, overview      385 387—388
MP3 database, querying      392—394
MPEG Audio Layer 3      335
multidimensional arrays      115
Multimethods      196 200—202
multiple inheritance      190 192 215—217 240—241
Multiple restarts      240—241
Multiple values      256—258
MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND      139 256—257
MULTIPROCESSING package      412—413
Mutschler, Michael      335
Name component      169
Named keyword      288
Namestrings      168
naming conventions      52
NBUTLAST      151
NCONC      147 152 199 284 305
NET.ASERVE package      366
NET.ASERVE.CLIENT package      366
NET.HTML.GENERATOR package      366
Newline function      440
Next-metadata      408
Nilsson, Martin      336
Nondestructive list functions      148
Nonkeyword symbols      269
Normalize-for-column      390
Normalize-row      390
NOT      82—83
NOT-LESSP      123
Not-nullable      389
NOTANY      137
NOTEVERY      137
NRECONC      151
NREVERSE      146—148 305
Nshuffle-vector      399
NSUBST      155
NSUBST-IF      155
NSUBST-IF-NOT      155
NSUBSTITUTE      147 155
NTH      150
NTHCDR      150
NULL      151
Number class      190
Numbers      115—116
Numeric comparisons      121
numeric literals      117—119
NUNION      353
Object initialization      206—208
Object reorientation      see also "Classes"
Object-Oriented Programming      189
ODDP      121
Once-only      398
One-argument      155
Op->code      452
open      163—165 167—168 172 312
OpenMCL      10 184—185 223 477
Operators      see "Names of specific operators" "Special
optimize      473
optional parameters      53—55
OR      82—83 199
Overloaded methods      200—201
P element      444
P suffix      121
Packages, common mistakes      273—275
Packages, defining own      267—270
Packages, how reader uses      263—265
Packages, importing individual names      271—272
Packages, importing other symbols into      265
Packages, looping over      280—281
Packages, organizing code that uses different packages      272—273
Packages, packaging reusable libraries      270—271
Packages, standard      266—267
Packages, symbol inheritance      265
Packages, terminology      265—266
Packages, what they do not do      267
PAIRLIS      159
Parameters      93—94
1 2 3 4 5
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