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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Название: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Авторы: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 278

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Cyprinus auratus      See Crucian carps
Cyprinus barbus      See Barbels
Cyprinus carpio      See Common carps
Cyprinus catostomus      See Longnose suckers
Cyprinus erythrophthalmus      See Rudds
Cyprinus gobio      See Gudgeons
Cyprinus leudscus      See Common daces
Cyprinus phoxinus      See Eurasian minnows
Cyprinus rerio      See Zebrafishes
Cyprinus tinea      See Tenches
Cyprus spiny mice      16:261t
Cypseloides cherriei      See Spot-fronted swifts
Cypseloides niger      See Black swifts
Cypseloides phelpsi      See Chestnut-collared swifts
Cypseloides rutilus      See Chestnut-collared swifts
Cypseloides senex      See Great dusky swifts
Cypseloidinae      See Swifts
Cypselus comatus      See Whiskered tree swifts
Cypsilurus spp.      5:80
Cypsiurus parvus      See African palm swifts
Cyrotreta      1:10
Cyrtocrinida      1:355
Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni      3:362 3:366—367 3:575
Cyst nematodes      1:36
Cystignathus senegalensis      See Bubbling kassina
Cystisomafabricii      2:264 2:269—270
Cystisomapellucidum      2:264
Cystodytes incrassatus      1:451
Cystodytes spp.      1:451
Cystophora cristata      See Hooded seals
Cytarabine      1:49
Cytoplasmic incompatibility      3:39
Cyttarops spp.      13:355
Cyttomimus spp.      5:123
Cyzicidae      2:147
Dabbling ducks      8:363 8:364 8:369
Dabchicks      See Little grebes
Dabelsteen, T.      8:41
Daboia russelii      See Russel’s vipers
Daboia spp.      7:445
Dacelo      See Kookaburras
Dacelo novaeguineae      See Laughing kookaburras
Daces      See Common daces
Dactylethra miilleri      See Muller’s plantanna
Dactylochirotida      1:417—421
Dactylogyrus vastator      1:216 1:219—220
Dactylomys dactylinus      See Amazon bamboo rats
Dactylomys peruanus      16:451
Dactylopodola baltica      1:270 1:271 1:272 1:273
Dactylopodolidae      1:269
Dactylopsila megalura      See Great-tailed trioks
Dactylopsila palpator      See Long-fingered trioks
Dactylopsila spp.      13:127 13:128
Dactylopsila tatei      See Tate’s trioks
Dactylopsila trivirgata      See Striped possums
Dactylopsilinae      13:125 13:126
Dactyloptena orientalis      See Oriental helmet gurnards
Dactyloptena spp.      5:157
Dactylopteridae      See Flying gurnards
Dactylopteroidei      See Flying gurnards
Dactylopterus spp.      5:157
Dactylopterus volitans      See Sea robins
Dactylopus coccus      See Cochineal insects
Dactylopus dactylopus      See Young fingered dragonets
Dactylopus spp      See Young fingered dragonets
Dactyloscopidae      5:341
Dactyloscopus tridigitatus      See Sand stargazers
Daddy longlegs spiders      See Long-bodied cellar spiders
Daector spp.      5:41—42
Dagaa      4:303 4:313 4:316—317 5:281
Dagestan turs      See East Caucasian turs
Dagetella spp.      4:209
Dagger moths      3:36
Daggertooths      4:432 4:433
Dahlella caldariensis      2:163 2:164
Dahlella spp.      2:161
Dairy cattle      See Domestic cattle
Dairy goats      See Domestic goats
Dalatias licha      See Kitefin sharks
Dalatiidae      See Kitefin sharks
Dalhousie gobies      5:375
Dallia pectoralis      See Alaska blackfishes
Dallia spp.      4:379
Dall’s porpoises      15:33—54 15:35 15:36 15:39t
Dall’s sheep      12:103 12:178
Dalmatian pelicans      8:186 8:225 8:226 8:228 8:229 8:250
Dalmatians      14:289 14:292
Dalpiazinidae      15:13
Dalyellioida      1:186
Dama dama      See Fallow deer
Dama gazelles      16:48 16:57t
Dama wallabies      See Tammar wallabies
Damaliscus hunteri      See Hunter’s hartebeests
Damaliscus lunatus      See Topis
Damaliscus lunatus jimela      16:33
Damaliscus lunatus korrigum      See Korrigums
Damaliscus lunatus lunatus      See Tsessebes
Damaliscus pygargus      See Blesboks; Bonteboks
Damara mole-rats      See Damaraland mole-rats
Damaraland dikdiks      See Kirk’s dikdiks
Damaraland mole-rats      16:124 16:542 16:344—345 16:346 16:348
Damaraland red-billed hornbills      See Red-billed hornbills
Damballah-Wed (Loa god)      7:57
Damophila spp      See Hummingbirds
Dampwood termites      3:164
Damselfishes      4:26 4:64 5:293—298 5:299 5:505 5:304—306
Damselfishes behavior      4:62 4:70 5:294—295
Damselfishes distribution      4:58 5:294
Damselfishes feeding ecology      4:50 4:67 5:295—296
Damselfishes habitats      4:42 4:47 4:48 5:294
Damselfishes physical characteristics      4:26 5:293—294
Damselfishes reproduction      4:35 5:296—298
Damselflies      3:54 3:133—139 3:135
Damselflies as bioindicators      3:82
Damselflies behavior      3:63 3:65 3:133—134
Damselflies evolution      3:8 3:133
Damselflies reproduction      3:60 3:61 3:62 3:134
Damselflies threats to      3:88
Danaines      3:388
Danaus plexippus      See Monarch butterflies
Danaus spp      See Monarch butterflies
Dance language, honeybee      3:72
Dance-flies      3:360
Dancing shrimps      See Harlequin shrimps
Danh-gbi (African god)      7:55
Daniels, M.      9:275
Danio rerio      See Zebrafishes
Danioninae      4:297
Danitmella translucida      4:298
Danube catfishes      See European wels
Daphnia magna      2:153 2:154
Daphnia pulex      See Common water fleas
Daphnids      2:36
Daphoenositta miranda      See Black sittellas
Daphoenositta spp      See Sittellas
Daptrius americanus      See Red-throated caracaras
Daptrius ater      See Black caracaras
Daptrius spp      See Caracaras
Darevskia darkorum      See Clark’s lacerta
Darevskia spp.      7:297 7:298
Darien pocket gophers      16:196t
Dark Annamite muntjacs      See Truong Son muntjacs
Dark kangaroo mice      16:201 16:209t
Dark red boobooks      See Southern boobook owls
Dark-backed weavers      11:380 11:385
Dark-billed cuckoos      9:312
Dark-capped bulbuls      See Common bulbuls
Dark-eyed juncos      11:268 11:271
Dark-handed gibbons      See Agile gibbons
Dark-throated orioles      11:428
Dark-throated thrushes      10:485
Dark-winged trumpeters      9:78 9:80 9:82
Darker chowchillas      11:69
Darkling beetles      3:316 3:317 3:319 3:321
Darters      4:62 4:340 4:342 4:347 5:195—199 5:200 5:203 5:206 8:183—186
Darwin stick insects      3:225 3:230—231
Darwin, Charles      2:7 8:42
Darwin, Charles on animal weapons      15:268
Darwin, Charles on armadillos      13:181
Darwin, Charles on Bovidae      16:2
Darwin, Charles on Calomys laucha      16:267
Darwin, Charles on domestic pigs      15:149
Darwin, Charles on mind and behavior      12:149 12:150
Darwin, Charles on ungulates      15:143; See also Evolution; Galapagos finches
Darwin’s foxes      14:273
Darwin’s frogs      6:36 6:45 6:173 6:174 6:175—176
Darwin’s rheas      See Lesser rheas
Dascyllus aruanus      See Humbug damsels
Dascyllus reticulatus      4:42
Dascyllus spp.      2:34
Dascyllus trimaculatus      See Threespot dascyllus
Dassierats      16:121 16:329—332 16:330
Dasyatidae      See Stingrays
Dasyatis americana      See Southern stingrays
Dasyatis centroura      See Roughtail stingrays
Dasycercus cristicauda      See Mulgaras
Dasydytes spp.      1:269
Dasydytidae      1:269
Dasykaluta rosamondae      See Little red kalutas
Dasyornis brachypterus      See Bristlebirds
Dasyornis broadbenti      See Rufous bristlebirds
Dasyornis longirostris      See Western bristlebirds
Dasyornis spp      See Bristlebirds
Dasypeltis scabra      See Common egg-eaters
Dasypeltis spp      See Egg-eaters
Dasypodidae      See Armadillos
Dasypodinae      13:182
Dasypogon diadema      3:362 3:364
Dasyprocta azarae      See Azara’s agoutis
Dasyprocta coibae      See Coiba Island agoutis
Dasyprocta cristata      See Crested agoutis
Dasyprocta fuliginosa      See Black agoutis
Dasyprocta guamara      See Orinoco agoutis
Dasyprocta kalinowskii      See Kalinowski’s agoutis
Dasyprocta leporina      See Red-rumped agoutis
Dasyprocta mexicana      See Mexican black agoutis
Dasyprocta prymnolopha      See Black-rumped agoutis
Dasyprocta punctata      See Central American agoutis
Dasyprocta ruatanica      See Roatan Island agoutis
Dasyprocta spp.      16:407 16:408
Dasyprocta variegata      See Brown agoutis
Dasyproctidae      See Agoutis
Dasypsyllus spp.      3:349
Dasypus hybridus      See Southern long-nosed armadillos
Dasypus kappleri      See Great long-nosed armadillos
Dasypus novemcinctus      See Nine-banded armadillos
Dasypus pilosus      See Hairy long-nosed armadillos
Dasypus sabanicola      See Llanos long-nosed armadillos
Dasypus septemcinctus      See Seven-banded armadillos
Dasypusspp.      13:152 13:183 13:185
Dasyrhynchidae      1:226
Dasyuridae      See Dasyurids
Dasyurids      12:114 12:277—284 12:287—301 12:292 12:295
Dasyuroidea      See Dasyuromorphia
Dasyuromorphia      12:137 12:277—285
Dasyurus albopunctatus      See New Guinean quolls
Dasyurus geoffroii      See Chuditches
Dasyurus hallucatus      See Northern quolls
Dasyurus maculatus      See Spotted-tailed quolls
Dasyurus spartacus      See Bronze quolls
Dasyurus viverrinus      See Eastern quolls
Data Deficient status      3:85; See also Conservation status
Daubentonia madagascariensis      See Aye-ayes
Daubentonia robusta      14:85 14:86 14:88
Daubentonia spp      See Aye-ayes
Daubentoniidae      See Aye-ayes
Daubenton’s bats      13:310—311 13:313 13:315 13:500 13:504 13:522 13:514
Daurian hedgehogs      13:208 13:211
Daurian pikas      16:484 16:488 16:492
Davainea proglottina      1:233 1:236 1:237
Davaineidae      1:226 1:231
David’s echymiperas      13:12
Davy’s naked-backed bats      13:435 13:457 13:442t
Dawn fruit bats      13:307 13:339 13:344 13:345
Dawn, bird songs and      8:37
Dawson River black flies      3:565 3:564 3:371
Dayherons      8:233
Dayton, Paul      1:48
DDT      See Pesticides
de Bary, Anton      1:31 2:31 2:33
de Pinna, Mario C.C.      4:351
De Sa Rafael      6:301
De Winton’s golden moles      13:217 13:222t
Dead leaf mimeticas      3:209 3:214—225
Dead-leaf mantids      3:48 3:181 3:182 3:183 3:185
Death adders      7:39 7:483—488 7:489 7:493—494
Death watch beetles      3:75 3:319—320
Death’s head cockroaches      3:147 3:149
Death’s head hawk moths      3:390 3:398 3:402—403
Decapoda      1:42 2:197—214 2:199 2:202 2:203 2:475—476
Decapoda behavior      2:199—200
Decapoda conservation status      2:201
Decapoda distribution      2:199
Decapoda evolution      2:197—198
Decapoda feeding ecology      2:200
Decapoda habitats      2:199
Decapoda humans and      2:201
Decapoda physical characteristics      2:198 2:299
Decapoda reproduction      2:18 2:201
Decapoda species of      2:204—214
Decapoda taxonomy      2:197—198
Decapodiformes      See Decapoda
Decapterus spp.      4:67 5:260
Deception, intentional      12:159—160; See also Cognition
Declarative memory      12:154 See also Cognition
Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force      6:60
Decomposition      2:26
Deconychura longicauda      See Long-tailed woodcreepers
Decorator urchins      See Short-spined sea urchins
Decticus verrucivorus      See Wart biter katydids
Deep slope and wall habitats      4:48; See also Habitats
Deep water giant mysids      See Giant red mysids
Deep water habitats      4:56; See also Habitats
Deep water reef corals      1:110 1:117 1:118
Deep-pitted poachers      See Rockheads
Deep-pitted sea-poachers      See Rockheads
Deep-sea fishes      4:56 4:392;
Deep-sea girdle wearers, Japanese      1:346 l:348—349
Deep-sea gulpers      See Pelican eels
Deep-sea limpets      2:435—437
Deep-sea mysids      2:215 2:216
Deep-sea perches      See Orange roughies
Deep-sea slickheads      See Slickheads
Deep-sea smelts      4:389 4:390 4:391 4:392
Deep-sea swallowers      5:331—335
Deep-sea tubeworms      See Hydrothermal vent worms
Deepscale dories      See Thorny tinselfishes
Deepwater dragonets      5:365—367 5:368
Deepwater eels      See Bobtail snipe eels
Deepwater flatheads      5:157—159
Deepwater jacks      5:166
Deepwater scorpionfishes      5:167 5:174 5:175—176
Deer      15:145—146 15:263 15:562 15:363
Deer antlers      12:40
Deer behavior      15:270 15:271
Deer digestive systems      12:14
Deer distribution      12:131 12:134 12:136 12:137
Deer evolution      15:137 15:265—266
Deer flies      3:361
Deer gigantism and      12:19—20
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