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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Название: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Авторы: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 278

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) dugongs      15:201
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) Fea’s muntjacs      15:351
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) flatwoods salamanders      6:358
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) flycatchers      10:275
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) gray whales      15:99
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) gray wolves      14:277
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) gray-backed sportive lemurs      14:79
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) Idaho ground squirrels      16:158
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) insects      3:83
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) island foxes      12:192
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) lesser Malay mouse deer      15:332
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) manatees      15:209
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) Milne-Edwards’s sportive lemurs      14:81
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) northern sportive lemurs      14:83
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) pythons      7:421
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) red mouse lemurs      14:43
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) red-tailed sportive lemurs      14:80
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) salmons      4:414
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) Sirenia      15:195
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) small-toothed sportive lemurs      14:83
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) sperm whales      15:78
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) sportive lemurs      14:76
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) spruce-fir moss spiders      2:343
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) tiger salamanders      6:360
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) tree squirrels      16:167
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) vernal pool tadpole shrimps      2:146
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) Vespertilioninae      13:502
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) weasel sportive lemurs      14:82
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) white-footed sportive lemurs      14:82
Endangered Species Act (U.S.) woodpeckers      10:150 10:160
Endangered species, in zoos      12:204 12:208 12:212;
Endeiolepis      4:9
Endemic species      1:49—50; See also Conservation status
Endoconidae      2:446
Endocoprids      3:322
Endocrine disrupters, amphibians and      6:56
Endocrine system      3:28 6:18—20
Endocytobiosis      1:32
Endoderm      2:15 2:20 2:35;
Endodontoid snails, Pacific      2:414
Endogeic worms      2:66
Endometrium      12:106; See also Physical characteristics
Endomyzostomatidae      2:59
Endoparasites      3:64
Endopterygota      3:27 3:315—316
Endosymbiosis      1:32 2:8 2:11 2:31
Endotheliodothelium placentation      12:93—94
Endothermy      12:3 12:40—41 12:50 12:113
Endoxocrinus parrae      See West Atlantic stalked crinoids
Endracht hardyheads      See Eendracht land silversides
Eneoptera spp.      3:203
Eneoptera surinamensis      See Suriname clicking crickets
Energy      7:10 7:28 7:43—45 12:59 12:71—72 12:120;
Energy conservation Apodiformes      9:416—417 9:422
Energy conservation Caprimulgiformes      9:370
Energy conservation Ciconiiformes      8:235
Energy conservation common poorwills      9:403
Energy conservation hummingbirds      9:416 9:440—442 9:445—446
Energy conservation in migration      8:32
Energy conservation nightjars      9:403
Engleman’s lizardfishes      4:452
English dippers      See Eurasian dippers
English sparrows      See House sparrows
English starlings      See European starlings
Engraulidae      See Anchovies
Engraulis mordax      See Northern anchovies
Engraulis ringens      See Anchoveta
Engystoma carolinense      See Eastern narrow-mouthed toads
Engystoma ornatum      See Ornate narrow-mouthed frogs
Enhydra lutris      See Sea otters
Enhydris spp.      7:468
Eniairus leschenaulti      See White-crowned forktails
Enicocephalomorpha      3:259
Enicognathus ferrugineus      See Austral conures
Enicurinae      See Forktails
Enigmonia spp.      2:452
Enneabatrachus spp.      6:12
Enneacanthus gloriosus      See Blue-spotted sunfishes
Enneacanthus spp.      5:195
Enneapterygius mirabilis      See Miracle triplefins
Enoicylapusilla      3:376
Enophrys bison      See Buffalo sculpins
Enophrys spp.      5:183
Enoplans      1:11 1:253—257 1:254
Enoplia      1:283
Enoplosidae      See Oldwives
Enoplosus armatus      See Oldwives
Enrichment programs, in zoos      12:209—210
Ensatina eschscholtzii      See Ensatina spp
Ensatina spp.      6:35 6:390 6:391 6:393 6:398—399
Ensifera      See Long-horned grasshoppers
Ensifera ensifera      See Sword-billed hummingbirds
Ensifera spp      See Hummingbirds
Entedononecremnus krauteri      3:62
Entelodontidae      15:264 15:275
Enterobius vermicularis      See Pinworms
Enterocoely      2:3 2:21
Enterogona      1:452
Enteropneusta      See Acorn worms
Entertainment birds and      8:22
Entertainment zoos and      12:203—204
Entobdella soleae      1:213 1:214 1:216 1:218—219
Entoconchidae      2:445
Entocytherids      2:312
Entognatha      3:4
Entomacrodus cadenati      5:343
Entomology      1:37—38 3:74 3:77—78;
Entomophagy      3:80—81
Entomophila albogularis      See Rufous-banded honeyeaters
Entomophobia      3:77
Entoprocts      1:9—10 1:13 1:319—325 1:321 1:322
Entotheonella palauensis      1:45
Enulius spp.      7:469
Environment      See Habitats
Environment Australia, on Southern gastric brooding frogs      6:153
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth of Australia)      13:76
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.), on fertilizers      6:57
Eoacanthocephala      1:311
Eobatrachus spp.      6:12
Eobothus minimus      5:449
Eobuglossus eocenicus      5:449
Eocacecilia spp.      6:8 6:11 6:13
Eochanna chorlakkiensis      5:437
Eodendrogale spp.      13:291
Eodiscoglossus spp.      6:11—12 6:89
Eogaleus spp.      4:113
Eohypsibius nadjae      2:116
Eolophus roseicapillus      See Galahs
Eomeropidae      3:341 3:342
Eonycteris spelaea      See Dawn fruit bats
Eonycteris spp      See Dawn fruit bats
Eopelobatinae      6:119
Eopsaltria australis      See Eastern yellow robins
Eopterum devonicum      3:12
Eorhinophrynus septentrionalis      6:95
Eosentomidae      3:93 3:94
Eosentomoidea      3:93
Eosentomon palustre      3:95 3:96
Eosimias spp.      14:2
Eosuchia      7:5
Eosynanceja brabantica      5:164
Eotragus spp.      15:265 16:1
Eoxenopoides reuingi      6:99
Eoxenos laboulbenei      3:337 3:338—339
Eozapus setchuanus      See Chinese jumping mice
Eozapus spp.      16:212
Eparctocyon      15:343
Epauletted fruit bats      13:312
Epauletted fruit bats dwarf      13:338 13:343—344
Epauletted fruit bats Wahlberg’s      13:313 13:338 13:343
Epeira spp      See Web-spinning spiders
Ephemera danica      3:126
Ephemera vulgata      See Brown mayflies
Ephemeroptera      See Mayflies
Ephippidae      4:69 5:391
Ephippigerinae      3:205
Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis      See Saddle bills
Ephydra brucei      3:359
Ephydra cinera      See Brine flies
Ephydrids      3:358
Epibatidine      6:208
Epibulus insidiator      See Slingjaw wrasses
Epicaridea      2:249 2:250
Epicrates angulifer      See Cuban boas
Epicrates cenchria      See Rainbow boas
Epicrates exsul      See Abaco boas
Epicrates gracilis      See Haitian vine boas
Epicrates inornatus      See Puerto Rican boas
Epicrates monensis      See Mona boas
Epicrates spp.      7:410 7:411
Epicrates subflavus      See Jamaican boas
Epicrionops marmoratus      See Marbled caecilians
Epicrionops spp.      6:416
Epicuticle      3:18—19
Epidermis      3:19 12:36;
Epigeic worms      2:66
Epigonichthys cultellus      1:489 1:495—496
Epigonichthys lucayanus      See Bahama lancelets
Epigonichthys spp.      1:485 1:487
Epilamprinae      3:148
Epimachus fastuosus      See Black sicklebills
Epimachus spp      See Birds of paradise
Epimenia australis      2:380 2:381 2:382—383
Epimyrma spp.      3:69
Epinephelinae      5:255 5:261 5:262
Epinephelini      5:255
Epinephelus lanceoletus      See Brindlebasses
Epinephelus spp.      5:262
Epinephelus striatus      See Nassau groupers
Epineuralia      2:4
Epiophlebia laidlawi      See Living fossils
Epipedobates spp.      6:66 6:197—200 6:199
Epipedobates tricolor      See Phantasmal poison frogs
Epipelagic species      1:24
Epipelagic zone      4:49 4:56
Epiperipatus biolleyi      2:112 2:113
Epiplatys bifasciatus      5:93
Epiplatys spp.      5:93
Epipyropids      3:389
Episcada salvinia rufocincta      See South American butterflies
Episodic memory      12:154—155; See also Cognition
Epitheliochorial placentation      12:93—94
Epitrachys rugosus      2:75
Epixerus ebii      16:167
Epixerus spp.      16:163
Epixerus wilsoni      16:167
Epomophorus gambianus      See Gambian epauletted fruit bats
Epomophorus spp      See Epauletted fruit bats
Epomophorus wahlbergi      See Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bats
Epomops franqueti      See Singing fruit bats
Epomops spp      See African epauletted bats
Eponymous bat falcons      8:314
Eptatretinae      4:78
Eptatretus burgeri      See Japanese hagfishes
Eptatretus spp.      4:77
Eptatretus stoutii      See Pacific hagfishes
Eptesicus fuscus      See Big brown bats
Eptesicus nilssoni      See Northern bats
Eptesicus serotinus      See Serotine bats
Eptesicus spp.      13:497 13:498
Epthianura albifrons      See White-fronted chats
Epthianura aurifrons      See Orange chats
Epthianura crocea      See Yellow chats
Epthianura lovensis      See Gibberbirds
Epthianura tricolor      See Crimson chats
Epthianuridae      See Australian chats
EQ (encephalization quotient)      12:149
Equal holoblastic cleavage      2:20; See also Reproduction
Equetus spp.      5:258
Equidae      15:225—236 15:231
Equidae behavior      15:142 15:219 15:226—228
Equidae conservation status      15:221 15:222 15:229—230
Equidae distribution      12:130—131 12:134 15:217 15:225 15:226
Equidae evolution      15:136 15:137 15:215 15:216 15:225
Equidae feeding ecology      12:118—119 15:220 15:228
Equidae habitats      15:218 15:226
Equidae humans and      15:222 15:223 15:230
Equidae physical characteristics      15:139 15:140 15:216 15:217 15:225—226
Equidae reproduction      15:221 15:228—229
Equidae species of      15:232—235 15:236t
Equidae taxonomy      15:225; See also Asses; Horses; Zebras
Equilibrium theory of island biogeography      3:56
Equus africanus      See African wild asses
Equus africanus africanus      See Nubian wild asses
Equus africanus somaliensis      See Somali wild asses
Equus asinus      See Domestic donkeys
Equus burchellii      See Plains zebras
Equus burchellii burchelli      See True plains zebras
Equus caballus      See Tarpans
Equus caballus caballus      See Domestic horses
Equus caballus przewalskii      See Przewalski’s horses
Equus caballus silvestris      See Forest tarpans
Equus grevyi      See Grevy’s zebras
Equus hemionus      See Asiatic wild asses
Equus hemionus hemippus      See Syrian onagers
Equus hemionus khur      See Khurs
Equus hemionus kulan      See Kulans
Equus hemionus onager      See Persian onagers
Equus kiang      See Kiangs
Equus quagga      See Quaggas
Equus spp      See Equidae
Equus zebra      See Mountain zebras
Equus zebra hartmanni      See Hartmann’s mountain zebras
Equus zebra zebra      See Cape mountain zebras
Erdmann, M.V.      4:189
Erect-crested penguins      8:148 8:150
Eremalauda starki      See Stark’s larks
Eremiainae      7:297
Eremiaphilidae      3:177
Eremiascincus richardsanii      See Broad-banded sand swimmers
Eremiascincus spp.      7:329
Eremitalpa granti      See Grant’s desert golden moles
Eremitalpa spp      See Grant’s desert golden moles
Eremobius phoeniaims      See Band-tailed earthcreepers
Eremodipus lichtensteini      See Lichtenstein’s jerboas
Eremomela icteropygialis      See Yellow-bellied eremomelas
Eremomela spp.      11:4 11:7
Eremophila alpestris      See Horned larks
Eremophila bilopha      See Temminck’s larks
Eremopterix australis      See Black-eared sparrow-larks
Eremopterix grisea      See Ashy-crowned finch-larks
Eremopterix leucotis      See Chestnut-backed sparrow-larks
Eremopterix nigriceps      See Black-crowned sparrow-larks
Eremopterix spp      See Sparrow-larks
Eremopterix verticalis      See Gray-backed sparrow-larks
Eremotheres      13:148
Erethistidae      4:353
Erethizon dorsatum      See North American porcupines
Erethizon spp.      16:366
Erethizontidae      See New World porcupines
Eretmochelys imbricata      See Hawksbills
Ereuniidae      5:179
Ergasilus sieboldi      2:302 2:307
Ergaticus versicolor      See Pink-headed warblers
Ericabatrachus spp.      6:247
Eridacnis radcliffei      4:114
Erignathus barbaus      See Bearded seals
Erilepis zonifer      See Skilfishes
Erinaceidae      13:193 13:194 13:203—214 13:211 13:212t—213t
Erinaceinae      13:203 13:204
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