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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Название: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Авторы: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 278

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Corydon spp      See Broadbills
Corydon sumatranus      See Dusky broadbills
Corydoras aeneus      See Catfishes
Corydoras hastatus      See Dwarf corydoras
Corydoras revelatus      4:351
Corydoras spp      See Plated catfishes
Corymorpha nutans      1:127 1:132 1:134
Corynactis californica      See Jeweled anenomes
Coryne tubulosa      1:25
Coryphaena hippurus      See Common dolphinfishes
Coryphaena spp      See Dolphinfishes
Coryphaenidae      See Dolphinfishes
Coryphaenoides rupestris      See Roundnose grenadiers
Coryphaenoides spp.      5:27
Corystes cassivelaunus      See Masted crabs
Corythaeola cristata      See Great blue turacos
Corythaeola spp      See Turacos
Corythaeolinae      See Turacos
Corythaix hartlaubi      See Hartlaub’s turacos
Corythaix porphyreolophus      See Purple-crested turacos
Corythaixoides concolor      See Gray go-away-birds
Corythoichthys isigakius      5:136
Corythomantis spp.      6:226
Corytophanes percarinatus      7:246
Corytophaninae      7:243—244
Cory’s shearwaters      8:123 8:127 8:128
COSEWIC      See Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada
Cossid moths      3:81
Cossidae      3:389
Cossypha heuglini      See White-browed robin chats
Cossypha spp      See African robin chats
Costa hummingbirds      9:444
Costa Rican heliconias      9:445
Costa Rican quetzals      See Resplendent quetzals
Costa Rican worm salamanders      6:394 6:401—402
Cotinga cayana      See Spangled cotingas
Cotinga cotinga      See Purple-breasted cotingas
Cotinga maculata      See Banded cotingas
Cotinga maynana      See Plum-throated cotingas
Cotinga ridgwayi      See Turquoise cotingas
Cotingas      10:170—171 10:305—323 10:309—311
Cotingas behavior      10:306—307
Cotingas conservation status      10:308
Cotingas distribution      10:305 10:306
Cotingas feeding ecology      10:307
Cotingas habitats      10:306
Cotingas humans and      10:308
Cotingas physical characteristics      10:305—306
Cotingas reproduction      10:307
Cotingas species of      10:312—322
Cotingidae      See Cotingas
Cottidae      See Sculpins
Cottocomephoridae      See Baikal sculpins
Cottoidei      See Sculpins
Cotton bollworms      See Corn earworms
Cotton bugs      See Staining bugs
Cotton rats      16:127 16:128 16:263 16:268—270 16:275—276
Cotton stainers      See Staining bugs
Cotton-top tamarins      14:119 14:122 14:123 14:124 14:726 14:727
Cottonfishes      See Bowfins
Cottonmouths      7:55 7:37 7:57 7:447 7:450 7:452—453
Cottontails      16:507 16:510 16:514—515
Cottontails behavior      16:482
Cottontails evolution      16:505
Cottontails habitats      16:481 16:506
Cottontails humans and      16:488 16:509
Cottunculidae      5:179
Cottus bairdii      5:180
Cottus cognatus      5:180
Cottus echinatus      5:183
Cottusspp.      5:180 5:183
Cotuero toadfishes      5:42
Coturnicops noveboracensis      See Yellow rails
Coturnix chinensis      See King quails
Coturnix coturnix      See European common quail; Quails
Coturnix novaezelandiae      See New Zealandquails
Cotylorhiza tuberculata      1:40
Cotylosauria      7:4—5
Couas      9:311 9:317 9:324—325
Coucals      9:311—312 9:314 9:315 9:317 9:325
Couch’s spadefoot toads      6:121 6:123 6:124—125
Coues’ flycatchers      See Greater pewees
Cougars      See Pumas
Coumba cuneata      See Diamond doves
Coumba oenas      See Stock pigeons
Countershading      12:38; See also Physical characteristics
Counting      12:155; See also Cognition
Counting birds, amateur      See Christmas Bird
Coura caerulea      See Blue couas
Courols      10:3—4 10:51—53 10:54 10:57—58
Coursers      9:151—154 9:158—160
Courtship behavior      6:29—31 6:48—50
Courtship behavior pheromones for      6:44—45 6:45—46
Courtship behavior salamanders      6:44—45 6:49
Courtship behavior vocalizations and      6:35 6:47 6:49;
Couvalli jacks      See Crevalle jacks
Cove oysters      See Eastern American oysters
Cow-killers      See Velvet ants
Cowan, I.M.      5:353
Cowbirds      11:256 11:291 11:302 11:303 11:304 11:320 11:321;
Cownose rays      4:176 4:177
Cowries      2:41 2:447
Cows      See Cattle
Cowsharks      4:11 4:143
Coxal bone      12:41; See also Physical characteristics
Coyotes      12:136 12:143 14:258 14:265—273 14:266 14:273
Coyotes behavior      12:148 14:268
Coyotes conservation status      14:272
Coyotes evolution      14:265
Coyotes feeding ecology      14:270 14:271
Coyotes habitats      14:267
Coyotes humans and      14:262 14:273
Coyotes physical characteristics      14:266—267
Coyotes taxonomy      14:265
Coypus      16:122 16:473—478 16:474 16:475 16:476 16:478
Coypus distribution      16:123 16:475 16:474
Coypus habitats      16:124 16:474
Coypus humans and      12:184 16:126—127 16:477
Coypus physical characteristics      16:123 16:473—474
Cozumel Island coatis      14:316t
Cozumel Island raccoons      14:310 14:311 14:315t
Cozumel thrashers      10:468
Cozumel wrens      10:529
Crab hawks      8:321
Crab plovers      9:104 9:121—123 9:222
Crab spiders      1:42 2:38
Crab-eater seals      12:138 14:260 14:420 14:425 14:433—434
Crab-eating foxes      14:268 14:271 14:275 14:279 14:282—283
Crab-eating kingfishers      See Shovel-billed kookaburras
Crab-eating raccoons      14:315t
Crablice      3:249
Crabs      2:25 2:197—214 2:202 2:203
Crabs behavior      2:32 2:35 2:43 2:199—200
Crabs conservation status      2:43 2:201
Crabs distribution      2:199
Crabs evolution      2:197—198
Crabs feeding ecology      2:200
Crabs habitats      2:199
Crabs humans and      2:42 2:201
Crabs physical characteristics      2:198
Crabs reproduction      2:16 2:201
Crabs species of      2:204—214
Crabs taxonomy      2:197—198
Cracidae      8:413—423
Cracidae behavior      8:414—415
Cracidae conservation status      8:416
Cracidae distribution      8:415 8:414
Cracidae evolution      8:413
Cracidae feeding ecology      8:415—416
Cracidae habitats      8:414
Cracidae humans and      8:416
Cracidae physical characteristics      8:413—414
Cracidae reproduction      8:416
Cracidae species of      8:419—421
Cracidae taxonomy      8:416
Cracraft, Joel      9:41 10:52
Cracticidae      See Magpie-shrikes
Cracticus lonisiadensis      See Tagula butcherbirds
Cracticus mentalis      See Black-backed butcherbirds
Cracticus nigrogularis      See Black-hooded magpie-shrikes
Cracticus quoyi      See Black butcherbirds
Cracticus torquatus      See Gray butcherbirds
Crag lizards      7:319
Crag martins      10:362 10:368
Crakes      9:46—50 9:52 9:54 9:63—64
Cranchiids      2:476
Crane flies      3:357 3:358
Crane flies European marsh      3:363 3:369 3:373—374
Crane flies phantom      3:360
Cranes      8:26 9:1—4 9:23—36 9:30
Cranes behavior      9:24—26
Cranes captive breeding      9:27—28 9:29
Cranes conservation status      9:27—29
Cranes distribution      9:23 9:24
Cranes evolution      9:23
Cranes feeding ecology      9:26—27
Cranes habitats      9:24
Cranes humans and      9:29
Cranes migration      9:24 9:28—29 9:35
Cranes physical characteristics      9:24
Cranes reproduction      9:24 9:27 9:28
Cranes species of      9:31—36
Cranes taxonomy      9:23—24
Cranes vocalizations      9:24—25
Crangtm septemspinosa      See Sevenspine bay shrimps
Craniata      4:9
Craniidae      2:515 2:516
Craniiformea      See Craniidae
Cranioleuca hellmayri      See Streak-capped spinetails
Cranioleuca henricae      See Bolivian spinetails
Craniscus spp.      2:515
Craseonycteris thonglongyai      See Kitti’s hog-nosed bats
Craspedacusta sowerbyi      1:255 1:142
Crassiclitellata      2:65
Crassostrea virginica      See Eastern American oysters
Craterocephalus fluviatilis      5:70
Crateropus gutturalis      See Babbling starlings
Crateroscelis nigrorufa      See Bicolored mouse-warblers
Craterostigmomorpha      2:353 2:356
Craterostigmus tasmanianus      See Tasmanian remarkables
Cratogeomys castanops      See Yellow-faced pocket gophers
Cratogeomys fumosus      See Smoky pocket gophers
Cratogeomys merriami      See Merriam’s pocket gophers
Cratogeomys neglectus      See Queretaro pocket gophers
Cratogeomys spp.      16:185
Cratogeomys zinseri      See Zinser’s pocket gophers
Crawfish frogs      6:247
Crax daubentoni      See Yellow-knobbed curassows
Crax globulosa      See Wattled curassows
Crax rubra      See Great curassows
Crayfish      2:25 2:197 2:199 2:200 2:201
Creagus furcatus      See Swallow-tailed gulls
Cream-colored coursers      9:252
Cream-colored pratincoles      See Gray pratincoles
Creamy-bellied antwrens      See Black-capped antwrens
Creamy-bellied gnatcatchers      11:7
Creatophora spp.      11:409
Creediidae      See Sandburrowers
Creek perches      See Longear sunfishes
Creek rats      16:254 16:255 16:258—259
Creepers Australian      11:133—139 11:256
Creepers brown      11:118 11:177 11:279 11:180—181
Creepers bush      10:209
Creepers earth      10:212 10:215 10:216—217
Creepers honey      10:172
Creepers Philippine      10:505 11:183—188 11:185
Creepers wall      11:167 11:170 11:174—175
Creepers wood      10:170—171 10:229—237 10:231;
Creeping eruptions      See Dog hookworms
Creeping water bugs      3:266 3:275—276
Cremastocheilus spp.      3:321
Crematogaster scutellaris      3:62 3:69
Crenicara spp.      5:279
Crenichthys spp.      5:89
Crenicichla alta      See Millets
Crenimugil crenilabis      See Fringelip mullets
Creocele spp.      5:355
Creodonta      12:11
Crepidophryne spp.      6:184
Crepuscular activity cycle      12:55; See also Behavior
Crest-tailed marsupial mice      See Mulgaras
Crested agoutis      16:409 16:415t
Crested barbets      10:114
Crested bellbirds      11:115—117 11:119 11:124—125
Crested berrypeckers      11:189 11:190 11:191
Crested birds of paradise      11:494 11:495
Crested bulbuls      See Red-whiskered bulbuls
Crested buntings      11:268 11:276
Crested caracaras      8:313 8:348 8:349 8:350 8:353 8:354 8:417
Crested cuckoo-doves      9:253 9:257—258
Crested finchbills      10:396 10:400 10:411
Crested firebacks      8:434
Crested free-tailed bats      See Lesser-crested mastiff bats
Crested gallitos      10:259 10:261 10:263—264
Crested gardener birds      See Macgregor’s bowerbirds
Crested gibbons      14:207 14:210 14:215 14:216 14:220 14:221
Crested guans      8:417 8:429
Crested guineafowl      8:426—428
Crested honeycreepers      See Akohekohes
Crested ibises      See Japanese ibises
Crested jays      11:504
Crested larks      10:341 10:342 10:343 10:344 10:345 10:346 10:347 10:352
Crested lizards      See Desert iguanas
Crested mynas      8:24 11:412 11:418—419;
Crested oarfishes      See Crestfishes
Crested oropendolas      11:305
Crested owlet-nightjars      See Australian owlet-nightjars
Crested parrots      See Cockatiels
Crested partridges      See Crested wood-partridges
Crested penguins      See Penguins
Crested pitohuis      11:116
Crested rats      16:287 16:289 16:293
Crested scorpionfishes      5:167 5:169 5:170
Crested seriemas      See Red-legged seriemas
Crested shelducks      8:367 8:372—373
Crested shrike-tits      See Eastern shrike-tits
Crested terns      9:203
Crested tits      11:157
Crested tree swifts      9:433 9:434 9:435
Crested wood-partridges      8:434 8:440 8:448—449
Crestfishes      4:451 4:453—454
Crevalle jacks      5:264 5:266 5:267
Crevice bats      See Peruvian crevice-dwelling bats
Crex crex      See Corncrakes
Crex egregia      See African crakes
Cribinopsis fernaldi      See Crimson anemones
Cribos      See Indigo snakes
Cricetinae      See Hamsters
Cricetomyinae      16:282
Cricetomys gambianus      See Gambian rats
Cricetulus barabensis      See Striped dwarf hamsters
Cricetulus migratorius      See Gray dwarf hamsters
Cricetulus spp      See Rat-like hamsters
Cricetus cricetus      See Black-bellied hamsters
Cricetus spp      See Black-bellied hamsters
Cricket frogs      6:48 6:66 6:265—271 6:267
Crickets      3:201—208 3:210 3:211—214
Crickets behavior      3:59—60 3:204—206
Crickets education and      3:83
Crickets farming of      3:80
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