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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
30165 Fenichel G. Clinical Pediatric Neurology: A Signs and Symptoms Approach 2005
30164 Greene B., Smith Ph. Cisco ISP Essentials 2002
30163 Velte T.J., Hanson A.T. Cisco Internetworking with Windows NT and 2000 2000
30162 Odom W. Cisco CCNA: Exam #640-507 Certification Guide 2000
30161 Olukotun K. Chip Multiprocessor Architecture: Techniques to Improve Throughput and Latency 2007
30160 Toedt J., Koza D., Van Cleef-Toedt K. Chemical Composition of Everyday Products 2005
30159 Carpenter Ch.C., Andreoli T.E., Griggs R.C. Cecil Essentials of Medicine: With Student Consult Access 2003
30158 Netcare K. CCIE Prep Kit 350-001 Routing and Switching 2000
30157 Payne R., Manweiler K. CCIE: Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Study Guide (Exam# 350-001) 2003
30156 Hart Ch. Cartoon Cool: How to Draw the New Retro Characters of Today's Cartoons 2005
30155 Rao V.B., Farrell P. (Ed) C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 1995
30154 Marcus E., Stern H. Blueprints for High Availability 2003
30153 Metcalf D. Blended E-Learning 2002
30152 Setton K.M. (Ed), Baldwin M.W. A History of the Crusades, Volume I: The First Hundred Years 1969
30151 Wellington C.A. Refactoring to Agility 2006
30150 Pohlmann K.C. The Compact Disc Handbook 1992
30149 Pour P.M. Toxicology of the Pancreas 2005
30148 IBM Redbooks Websphere Studio Asset Analyzer 2004
30147 Injey F. (Ed) Introduction to a Service-Oriented Architecture 2003
30146 Davies J. The Definitive Guide to SOA: BEA AquaLogic Service Bus 2007
30145 Goldfarb Ch.F., Walmsley P. XML in Office 2003: Information Sharing with Desktop XML 2003
30144 Znati T., Minoli D. Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Protocols, and Applications 2007
30143 Maatta B. Websphere J2ee Application Development for the IBM @ Server Iseries Server 2002
30142 Al-Hakim L. (Ed) Web Mobile-Based Applications for Healthcare Management 2007
30141 Holma H. (Ed), Toskala A. (Ed) WCDMA for UMTS 2007
30140 Stephens R. Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference 2007
30139 Herman T., Jones A., MacDonald M. Visual Basic 2005 Recipes 2007
30138 Park J.E. Understanding 3-D Animation Using Maya 2004
30137 Codd E.F. Relational Model for Database Management 1990
30136 Kendall G., Yao X., Chong S.Y. Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma: 20 Years On 2007
30135 Sachs J. The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time 2005
30134 Danciu T., Chirita L. The Definitive Guide to JasperReports 2007
30133 Angell D. The Filmmaker's Guide to Final Cut Pro Workflow 2007
30132 Rosen K.H., Host D.A., Klee R. UNIX: The Complete Reference 2006
30131 Chaudhuri P. View-Dependent Character Animation 2007
30130 Winkler I. Zen and the Art of Information Security 2007
30129 Cavuto N. Your Money or Your Life 2005
30128 Franklin C. Visual Basic 6.0 Internet Programming 1999
30127 Pirrung M.C. Synthetic Organic Chemists Companion 2007
30126 Broek D. Practical Use of Fracture Mechanics 1988
30125 Keogh J. XML Demystified 2005
30124 Vandersluis K. XML-Based Integration with XAware: Unifying Appplications and Data in Today's e-business World 2004
30123 Laurent S., DeLong B.K. XHTML: Moving Toward XML 2000
30122 Hunter R. World Without Secrets: Business, Crime, and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing 2002
30121 Fischer L. (Ed) Workflow Handbook 2002: Published in Association with the Workflow Management Coalition (Wfmc) 2002
30120 Langer M., Jordan M. WordPress 2: Visual QuickStart Guide 2006
30119 Low J. Word 2003 Visual Basic Programming 2005
30118 Engels M. (Ed) Wireless OFDM Systems: How to Make Them Work? 2002
30117 Brady N., Riley T., Short H. Geometry of the Word Problem for Finitely Generated Groups 2007
30116 Cardoso J. (Ed), Lytras M. (Ed), Hepp M. (Ed) Semantic Web: Real World Applications from Industry 2007

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