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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
30266 Marshall K., Pytel Ch., Yurek J. Pro Active Record: Databuses with Ruby and Rails 2007
30265 Bernstein Ph.A., Newcomer E. Principles of Transaction Processing for the Systems Professional 1996
30264 Galloway A.C. Principles of Surgery, Companion Handbook 1998
30263 Graupe D. Principles of Artificial Neural 2007
30262 Marcovitz D.M. Powerful PowerPoint for Educators: Using Visual Basic for Applications to Make PowerPoint Interactive 2004
30261 Olson K.R. Poisoning & Drug Overdose 1998
30260 Jelen B., Alexander M. Pivot Table Data Crunching for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 2007
30259 Lam C.F. Passive Optical Networks 2007
30258 Hoffmann K.- H., Meyer A. (Ed) Parallel Algorithms and Cluster Computing: Implementations, Algorithms and Applications 2006
30257 Goldman A. (Ed), Hain R., Liben S. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care for Children 2006
30256 Camacho P.M., Miller P.D. Osteoporosis: A Guide for Clinicians 2007
30255 Moskowitz R.W., Goldberg V.M., Hochberg M.C. Osteoarthritis: Diagnosis and Medical/Surgical Management 2007
30254 Bloch D.R. Organic Chemistry Demystified 2006
30253 Fujita H., Saito N. Operator Theory and Numerical Methods 2001
30252 Madsen O.L., Nygaard K., Miller B.P. Object-Oriented Programming in the Beta Programming Language 1993
30251 Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing 2007
30250 Hitchcock J.A., Page L. (Ed) Net Crimes & Misdemeanors: Outmaneuvering Web Spammers, Stalkers, and Con Artists 2006
30249 Schauberger V., Coats C. Nature as Teacher: How I discovered New Principles in the working of Nature, Vol. 2 1998
30248 DuBois P. MySQL Cookbook 2006
30247 Berquist Th.H. Musculoskeletal Imaging Companion 2006
30246 Gow G., Smith R.K. Mobile and Wireless Communications: An Introduction 2006
30245 Fishel C., Finke G.D. Minimal Graphics 2000
30244 Chan R.H. (Ed), Greif Ch. (Ed), O'Leary D. Milestones in Matrix Computation: The Selected Works of Gene H. Golub with Commentaries 2007
30243 Brown M., Patadia S. Mike Meyers' Comptia RFID+ Certification Passport 2007
30242 Meyers M. Mike Meyers' A+ Guide: PC Technician (Exams 220-602, 220-603, & 220-604) 2007
30241 Meyers M., Jernigan S. Mike Meyers' A+ Certification Passport 2007
30240 Andersen V. Microsoft Office Access 2007: The Complete Reference 2007
30239 Trauth M.H. MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences 2007
30238 McMahon D. MATLAB Demystified 2007
30237 Felici G. (Ed), Vercellis C. Mathematical Methods for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2007
30236 Scacco M., Hickey J., Wedding J. Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 2007
30235 Paget S.A., Beary J.F., Pellicci P.M. Manual of Rheumatology and Outpatient Orthopedic Disorders (LB Spiral Manuals) 2000
30234 Rasmussen S., Iversen M. Managing Microsoft's Remote Installation Services (Communications Series) 2005
30233 Lewis L., Malek M. (Ed) Managing Business and Service Networks ( Ntework And Systems Management Series) 2001
30232 Cassis Y., Bussiere E. London and Paris as International Finance Centres, 1890-2000 2005
30231 Coats C. Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger 2002
30230 Weaver J. JavaFX Script: Dynamic Java Scripting for Rich Internet/Client-side Applications 2007
30229 Liberty J., Hurwitz D., MacDonald B. Learning Asp.Net 2.0 with Ajax: A Practical Hands-On Guide 2007
30228 Freitas R.A. Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines 2004
30227 Sadock B.J., Sadock V.A., Pipino L .L. Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry 2007
30226 Lee Y.W., Wang R.Y., Pipino L.L. Journey to Data Quality 2006
30225 Silver T.B. Joomla! Template Design: Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide 2007
30224 Rahmel D. Beginning Joomla!: From Novice to Professional 2007
30223 Diaz K.R., O'Hanlon N. IssueWeb: A Guide and Sourcebook for Researching Controversial Issues on the Web 2004
30222 Evans D.S., Schmalensee R. Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform Industries 2006
30221 Lafortune S. Introduction to Discrete Event Systems 2006
30220 Somersalo E., Calvetti D. An Introduction to Bayesian Scientific Computing: Ten Lectures on Subjective Computing 2007
30219 Zurada J.M., Gordon R.J. (Ed) Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems 1992
30218 Dedieu H., Golden Ph., Jacobsen K. Implementation and Applications of xDSL Technology 2007
30217 Rittinghouse J.W. IM Instant Messaging Security 2005

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