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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
44370 St.John C.E. The Situation in Regard to Rowlands Preliminary Table of Solar Spectrum Wave-Lengths 1916
44369 Rosa E.B., Vinal G.W. The Silver Voltameter as an International Standard for the Measurement of Electric Current 1916
44368 Clark G.L. The Significance of the Experimentally Determined Crystal Structures of the Alkali Polyhalides 1926
44367 Langmuir I. The Shapes of Group Molecules Forming the Surfaces of Liquids 1917
44366 Kendall J., Crittenden E.D. The Separation of Isotopes 1923
44365 Clark G.L., Duane W., Stifler W.W. The Secondary and Tertiary Rays from Chemical Elements of Small Atomic Number Due to Primary X-Rays from a Molybdenum Target 1924
44364 Dresden A. The Second Derivatives of the Extremal Integral for a General Class of Problems of the Calculus of Variations 1915
44363 Jauncey G.E.M. The Scattering of X-Rays and Braggs Law 1923
44362 Michelson A.A. The Ruling and Performance of a Ten-Inch Diffraction Grating 1915
44361 Pease F.G. The Rotation and Radial Velocity of the Spiral Nebula N. G. C. 4594 1916
44360 Pease F.G. The Rotation and Radial Velocity of the Central Part of the Andromeda Nebula 1917
44359 Eisenhart L.P., Veblen O. The Riemann Geometry and Its Generalization 1922
44358 Dershem E. The Resolving Powers of X-Ray Spectrometers and the Tungsten X-Ray Spectrum 1918
44357 Bridgman P.W. The Resistance of Metals Under Pressure 1916
44356 Lemon H.B., Blodgett K. The Relative Adsorption of Mixtures of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Cocoanut Shell Charcoal 1919
44355 Washburn E.W., Navias L. The Relation of Chalcedony to the Other Forms of Silica 1921
44354 Cohn E.J. The Relation Between the Iso-Electric Point of a Globulin and Its Solubility and Acid Combining Capacity in Salt Solution 1920
44353 Davis B., Terrill H.M. The Refraction of X-Rays in Calcite 1922
44352 Clark G.L., Duane W. The Reflection by a Crystal of X-Rays Characteristic of Chemical Elements in It 1923
44351 Barus C. The Rectangular Interferometer with Achromatic Displacement Fringes in Connection with the Horizontal Pendulum 1918
44350 Adams W.S. The Radial Velocities of the More Distant Stars 1915
44349 Hall E.H. The Quasi Equation P = TdV/dT 1923
44348 Epstein P.S., Ehrenfest P. The Quantum Theory of the Fraunhofer Diffraction 1924
44347 Compton A.H. The Quantum Integral and Diffraction by a Crystal 1923
44346 Abbot C.G., Aldrich L.B. The Pyranometer An Instrument for Measuring Sky Radiation 1916
44345 Richards T.W., Boyer T.S. The Purification of Gallium by Electrolysis, and the Compressibility and Density of Gallium 1918
44344 Richards T.W., Craig W.M., Sameshima J. The Purification by Sublimation and the Analysis of Gallium Chloride 1918
44343 Sherman H.C. The Protein Requirement of Maintenance in Man 1919
44342 Sheldon H.H., Geiger P.H. The Production of an E. M. F. on Closed Circuit by a Light Effect on Argentite 1922
44341 Washington H.S. The Problems of Volcanology 1920
44340 Reid H.F. The Problems of Seismology 1920
44339 Littlehales G.W. The Problems and Functions of the Section of Physical Oceanography of the American Geophysical Union 1930
44338 Miner J.R. The Probable Error of the Vital Index of a Population 1922
44337 Hale G.E., Ellerman F. The Minute Structure of the Solar Atmosphere 1916
44336 van Maanen A. The Parallax of the Planetary Nebulae 1916
44335 Watson F. Why is Uranus Upside Down 2007
44334 Hovgaard W. The Principle of Minimum Energy and the Motion of Fluids 1923
44333 Raymond H. The Principal Axes of Stellar Motion 1917
44332 MacInnes D.A. The Potentials at the Junctions of Salt Solutions 1915
44331 Bunge M. Philosophy of Physics 1972
44330 Goddard R.H. The Possibilities of the Rocket in Weather Forecasting 1920
44329 Wegel R.L. The Physical Examination of Hearing and Binaural Aids for the Deaf 1922
44328 Eisenhart L.P. The Permanent Gravitational Field in the Einstein Theory 1920
44327 Hall E.H. The Pelter Effect 1921
44326 Wendt G.L. The Ozone Form of Hydrogen 1919
44325 Harger R.N. The Oxidation of Hydroquinol in the Presence of Aliphatic Amines 1922
44324 Barus C. The Open Mercury Manometer Read by Displacement Interferometry 1921
44323 Harkins W.D., Hall R.E., Roberts W.A. The Osmotic Pressure and Lowering of the Freezing-Point of Mixtures of Salts with One Another and with Non-Electrolytes in Aqueous Solutions 1916
44322 Nicholson S.B. The Ninth Satellite of Jupiter 1917
44321 Dutcher R.A. The Nature and Function of the Antineuritic Vitamine 1919

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