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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
43617 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 81 2001
43616 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 80 2001
43615 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 79 2001
43614 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 78 2001
43613 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 77 2000
43612 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 76 2000
43611 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 4 1964
43610 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 3 1964
43609 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 2 1963
43608 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Volume 1 1963
43607 Ding S.S., Gai Y.Y. Ar-Weighted Poincare-Type Inequalities for Differential Forms in Some Domains 2001
43606 Ding S. A_r(omega)-Weighted Imbedding Inequalities for A-Harmonic Tensors 2003
43605 Adamyan V.M., Arov D.Z., Krein M.G. Approximation of functions of class L by functions of the class H+C n/a
43604 Hibben J.H. An Investigation of Intermediate Compound Formation by Means of the Raman Effect 1932
43603 Duane W. An Instrument for the Photometering of the New X-Ray Lines 1932
43602 Huntington E.V. An Improved Equal-Frequency Map of the Normal Correlation Surface, Using Circles Instead of Ellipses 1932
43601 Michal A.D., Botsford J.L. An Extension of the New Einstein Geometry 1932
43600 Walsh J.L. An Expansion of Meromorphic Functions 1932
43599 Menzies A.W.C., Lacoss D.A. Allotropy of Liquid Benzene 1931
43598 Gorin E.A. Algebraic equations in commutative Banach algebras and related questions n/a
43597 Compton K.T. Accommodation Coefficient of Gaseous Ions at Cathodes 1932
43596 Stebbins J. Absorption and Space Reddening in the Galaxy as Shown by the Colors of Globular Clusters 1932
43595 A-stable block implicit one-step methods 1972
43594 Chipman F.H. A-stable Runge-Kutta processes 1971
43593 Ladoshkin M.V. A-modules over A-algebras and Hochschild cohomology for modules over algebras 2005
43592 Novikov S.Y. A-Systems, Independent Functions, and Sets Bounded in Spaces of Measurable Functions 2003
43591 Matthys J. A-Stable linear multistep methods for Volterra Integro-Differential Equations 1976
43590 Verma R.U. A-Monotonicity and Its Role in Nonlinear Variational Inclusions 2006
43589 Hairer E. A- and B-stability for Runge-Kutta methods-characterizations and equivalence 1986
43588 Josefson B. A banach space containing non-trivial limited sets but no non-trivial bounding sets 1990
43587 Szankowski A. A banach lattice without the approximation property 1976
43586 Traizet M. A balancing condition for weak limits of families of minimal surfaces 2004
43585 Alessandrini L., Bassanelli G. A balanced proper modification of P_3 1991
43584 Zadeh N. A bad network problem for the simplex method and other minimum cost flow algorithms 1973
43583 Zhonghua Z., Yaohong S., Juan Z. A bacteria-immunity system with delayed quorum sensing 2008
43582 Xu H. A backward stable hyperbolic QR factorization method for solving indefinite least squares problem 2004
43581 Yang W.P., Du M.W. A backtracking method for constructing perfect hash functions from a set of mapping functions 1985
43580 Cai M., Li Y. A [ k , k +1]-factor containing given Hamiltonian cycle 1998
43579 Fabian M., Troyanski S. A Banach space admits a locally uniformly rotund norm if its dual is a Vasak space 1990
43578 Dupre M.J., Glazebrook J.F., Prevlato E. A Banach Algebra Version of the Sato Grassmannian and Commutative Rings of Differential Operators 2006
43577 Ichim I., Molnar I. A Bairstows type method for trigonometric polynomials 1994
43576 Pianigiani G. A Baire category approach in existence theory of differential equations 1998
43575 Bercovier M., Livne E. A 4 CST quadrilateral element for incompressible materials and nearly incompressible materials 1977
43574 Volkodavov V.F., Radionova I.N., Bushkov S.V. A 3D analog of problem M for a third-order hyperbolic equation 2002
43573 Steele J.M. A 3405: An Unusual Astronomical Text from Uruk 2000
43572 Ageev A.A., Baburin A.E., Gimandi E.K. A 3/4-Approximation Algorithm for Multiple Subset Sum 2006
43571 Caprara A. A 3/4-Approximation Algorithm for Multiple Subset Sum 2003
43570 Ageev A.A. A 3/2-approximation algorithm for the jump number of interval orders 2008
43569 Felsner S. A 32-Approximation for the proportionate two-machine flow shop scheduling with minimum delays 1990
43568 Nicoletti G., Ritelli D., Silimbani M. A 3-dimensional Eulerian array 2006

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