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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
44320 Adams W.S., Joy A.H . The Motions in Space of Some Stars of High Radial Velocity 1919
44319 Farinacci J.A. Guide to Observing Deep-Sky Objects: A Complete Global Resource for Astronomers 2007
44318 Crowell B. The Modern Revolution in Physics 2005
44317 Gilbert J.S., Sparks R.S. Physics of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions 1998
44316 Lockwood M. The Labyrinth of Time: Introducing the Universe 2004
44315 Papantonopoulos L. The Invisible Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy 2007
44314 Jorgensen S.E. Principles of Pollution Abatement at the Beginning of the 21st Century 2000
44313 Harland D.M. First Men on the Moon: The Story of Apollo 11 2006
44312 Beniston M., Innes J.L. The Impacts of climate variability on forests 1999
44311 Seares F.H., van Maanen A., Ellerman F. The location of the sun's magnetic axis 1918
44310 Milne E.A. Relativity Gravitation and World-Structure; the International Series of Monographs on Physics 1935
44309 Voigt H.-J., Knodel K., Lange G. Environmental Geology: Handbook of Field Methods and Case Studies 2007
44308 Brinkley D. Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast 2007
44307 Bunge M. A Ghost - Free Axiomatization of Quantum Mechanics 1967
44306 Thompson L. The Motion of a Falling Chronograph Projectile 1923
44305 Gomerg M., Schoepfle C.S. The Molecular Weights of the Triarylmethyls 1917
44304 Loeb L.B. The Mobilities of Electrons in Air 1921
44303 Loeb L.B. The Mobilities of Electrons in Air 1923
44302 Olivier C.P. The Meteor System of Pons Winnecke's Comet 1916
44301 Paige S. The Mechanics of Intrusion of the Black Hills (S. D.) Precambrian Granite 1916
44300 Thompson L.T.E., Hickman C.N., Riffolt N. The Measurement of Small Time Intervals and Some Applications, Principally Ballistic 1920
44299 Franklin P. The Meaning of Rotation in the Special Theory of Relativity 1922
44298 Huntington E.V. The Mathematical Theory of the Apportionment of Representatives 1921
44297 Tolman R.C., Stewart T.D. The Mass of the Electric Carrier in Copper, Silver and Aluminium 1916
44296 Barnett S.J. The Magnetization of Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt by Rotation and the Nature of the Magnetic Molecule 1917
44295 Dempster A.J. The Light Excitation by Slow Positive and Neutral Particles 1916
44294 Michelson A.A. The Laws of Elastico-Viscous Flow 1917
44293 Abbot C G. The Larger Opportunities for Research on the Relations of Solar and Terrestrial Radiation 1920
44292 Michelson A.A. The Laws of Elastico-Viscous Flow II 1920
44291 Hate G.E. The Law of Sun-Spot Polarity 1924
44290 Abbot C G., Fowle F.E., Aldrich L.B. The Larger Results of 20 Years of Solar Radiation Observations 1922
44289 Johnson B., Brown E.B. The Isolation of Pyrimidines from the Nucleic Acid of Tubercle Bacillus 1922
44288 Harkins W.D. The Ionization of Strong Electrolytes 1920
44287 Noyes A.A., MacInnes B.A. The Ionization and Activity of Largely Ionized Substances 1920
44286 Barus C. The Interferometry of Vibrating Systems 1918
44285 Barus C. The Interferometry of Small Angles, etc. Methods by Direct and Reversed Superposed Spectra 1917
44284 Barus C. The Interferometry of Rapid Vibrations Chiefly in Relation to Telephone Currents 1919
44283 Barus C. The Interferences of Spectra Both Reversed and Inverted 1917
44282 Breit G. The Interference of Light and the Quantum Theory 1923
44281 Hoyt F.C. The Intensities of X-Rays of the L-Series III. Critical Potentials of the Platinum and Tungsten Lines 1920
44280 Websrer D.L., Clark H. The Intensities of X-Rays of the L Series 1917
44279 Webster D.L. The Intensities of X-Rays of the L Series II. The Critical Potentials of the Platinum Lines 1920
44278 Arnold H.D., Ives H.E. The Growth and Decay of Photo-thermionic Currents from Oxide Coated Filaments 1921
44277 Loeb J. The Influence of Ions on the Osmotic Pressure of Solutions 1920
44276 Fletcher H., Wegel R.L. The Frequency-sensitivity of Normal Ears 1922
44275 Hull A.W., Rice M. The High Frequency Spectrum of Tungsten 1916
44274 Lewis N., Eastman E.D., Rodebush W.H. The Heat Capacity of Electro-Positive Metals and the Thermal Energy of Free Electrons 1918
44273 Terrill H.M. The Grating Space of Mica and the Intensities of the Spectral Orders 1922
44272 Lehmer D.N. The General Solution of the Indeterminate Equation Ax + By + Cz +... = r 1919
44271 White W.P. The General Character of Specific Heats at High Temperatures 1918

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