44320 |
Adams W.S., Joy A.H . |
The Motions in Space of Some Stars of High Radial Velocity |
1919 | •• |
44319 |
Farinacci J.A. |
Guide to Observing Deep-Sky Objects: A Complete Global Resource for Astronomers |
2007 | •• |
44318 |
Crowell B. |
The Modern Revolution in Physics |
2005 • | •• |
44317 |
Gilbert J.S., Sparks R.S. |
Physics of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions |
1998 | •• |
44316 |
Lockwood M. |
The Labyrinth of Time: Introducing the Universe |
2004 | •• |
44315 |
Papantonopoulos L. |
The Invisible Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy |
2007 | •• |
44314 |
Jorgensen S.E. |
Principles of Pollution Abatement at the Beginning of the 21st Century |
2000 | •• |
44313 |
Harland D.M. |
First Men on the Moon: The Story of Apollo 11 |
2006 | •• |
44312 |
Beniston M., Innes J.L. |
The Impacts of climate variability on forests |
1999 | •• |
44311 |
Seares F.H., van Maanen A., Ellerman F. |
The location of the sun's magnetic axis |
1918 | •• |
44310 |
Milne E.A. |
Relativity Gravitation and World-Structure; the International Series of Monographs on Physics |
1935 | •• |
44309 |
Voigt H.-J., Knodel K., Lange G. |
Environmental Geology: Handbook of Field Methods and Case Studies |
2007 | •• |
44308 |
Brinkley D. |
Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast |
2007 | •• |
44307 |
Bunge M. |
A Ghost - Free Axiomatization of Quantum Mechanics |
1967 | •• |
44306 |
Thompson L. |
The Motion of a Falling Chronograph Projectile |
1923 | •• |
44305 |
Gomerg M., Schoepfle C.S. |
The Molecular Weights of the Triarylmethyls |
1917 | •• |
44304 |
Loeb L.B. |
The Mobilities of Electrons in Air |
1921 | •• |
44303 |
Loeb L.B. |
The Mobilities of Electrons in Air |
1923 | •• |
44302 |
Olivier C.P. |
The Meteor System of Pons Winnecke's Comet |
1916 | •• |
44301 |
Paige S. |
The Mechanics of Intrusion of the Black Hills (S. D.) Precambrian Granite |
1916 | •• |
44300 |
Thompson L.T.E., Hickman C.N., Riffolt N. |
The Measurement of Small Time Intervals and Some Applications, Principally Ballistic |
1920 | •• |
44299 |
Franklin P. |
The Meaning of Rotation in the Special Theory of Relativity |
1922 | •• |
44298 |
Huntington E.V. |
The Mathematical Theory of the Apportionment of Representatives |
1921 | •• |
44297 |
Tolman R.C., Stewart T.D. |
The Mass of the Electric Carrier in Copper, Silver and Aluminium |
1916 | •• |
44296 |
Barnett S.J. |
The Magnetization of Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt by Rotation and the Nature of the Magnetic Molecule |
1917 | •• |
44295 |
Dempster A.J. |
The Light Excitation by Slow Positive and Neutral Particles |
1916 | •• |
44294 |
Michelson A.A. |
The Laws of Elastico-Viscous Flow |
1917 | •• |
44293 |
Abbot C G. |
The Larger Opportunities for Research on the Relations of Solar and Terrestrial Radiation |
1920 | •• |
44292 |
Michelson A.A. |
The Laws of Elastico-Viscous Flow II |
1920 | •• |
44291 |
Hate G.E. |
The Law of Sun-Spot Polarity |
1924 | •• |
44290 |
Abbot C G., Fowle F.E., Aldrich L.B. |
The Larger Results of 20 Years of Solar Radiation Observations |
1922 | •• |
44289 |
Johnson B., Brown E.B. |
The Isolation of Pyrimidines from the Nucleic Acid of Tubercle Bacillus |
1922 | •• |
44288 |
Harkins W.D. |
The Ionization of Strong Electrolytes |
1920 | •• |
44287 |
Noyes A.A., MacInnes B.A. |
The Ionization and Activity of Largely Ionized Substances |
1920 | •• |
44286 |
Barus C. |
The Interferometry of Vibrating Systems |
1918 | •• |
44285 |
Barus C. |
The Interferometry of Small Angles, etc. Methods by Direct and Reversed Superposed Spectra |
1917 | •• |
44284 |
Barus C. |
The Interferometry of Rapid Vibrations Chiefly in Relation to Telephone Currents |
1919 | •• |
44283 |
Barus C. |
The Interferences of Spectra Both Reversed and Inverted |
1917 | •• |
44282 |
Breit G. |
The Interference of Light and the Quantum Theory |
1923 | •• |
44281 |
Hoyt F.C. |
The Intensities of X-Rays of the L-Series III. Critical Potentials of the Platinum and Tungsten Lines |
1920 | •• |
44280 |
Websrer D.L., Clark H. |
The Intensities of X-Rays of the L Series |
1917 | •• |
44279 |
Webster D.L. |
The Intensities of X-Rays of the L Series II. The Critical Potentials of the Platinum Lines |
1920 | •• |
44278 |
Arnold H.D., Ives H.E. |
The Growth and Decay of Photo-thermionic Currents from Oxide Coated Filaments |
1921 | •• |
44277 |
Loeb J. |
The Influence of Ions on the Osmotic Pressure of Solutions |
1920 | •• |
44276 |
Fletcher H., Wegel R.L. |
The Frequency-sensitivity of Normal Ears |
1922 | •• |
44275 |
Hull A.W., Rice M. |
The High Frequency Spectrum of Tungsten |
1916 | •• |
44274 |
Lewis N., Eastman E.D., Rodebush W.H. |
The Heat Capacity of Electro-Positive Metals and the Thermal Energy of Free Electrons |
1918 | •• |
44273 |
Terrill H.M. |
The Grating Space of Mica and the Intensities of the Spectral Orders |
1922 | •• |
44272 |
Lehmer D.N. |
The General Solution of the Indeterminate Equation Ax + By + Cz +... = r |
1919 | •• |
44271 |
White W.P. |
The General Character of Specific Heats at High Temperatures |
1918 | •• |