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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
161755 Meroz E. Mathematical, philosophical, religious and spontaneous students' explanations of the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise 1997
106955 Bovier À., Picco Ð. Mathematical àspects of spin glasses and neural networks 1997
3071 Knuth D.E., Larrabee T., Roberts P.M. Mathematical writing 1987
107588 Knuth D.E., Larrabee T., Roberts P.M. Mathematical writing 2009
198742 Kenji Ueno (ed), Koji Sgiga (ed), Shigeyuki Morita (ed) Mathematical World. Vol 20 2004
131976 Cockburn A. Mathematical Understanding. 5-11. A Practical Guide to Creative Communication in Maths 2007
158340 Ma S., Xia Y. Mathematical Understanding of Infectious Disease Dynamics (Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University O) 2009
147135 Ma S., Xia Y. Mathematical Understanding of Infectious Disease Dynamics 2008
154999 Airy G. Mathematical tracts on the lunar and planetary theories etc. (1842) 1842
156848 Lions P. Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics: Volume 2: Compressible Models (Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications , Vol 2, No 10) 1998
148048 Lions P.-L. Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics: Volume 1: Incompressible Models 1996
171934 Lions P. Mathematical topics in fluid mechanics. Volume 2. Compressible models 1998
5206 Landsman N.P. Mathematical topics between classical and quantum mechanics 1998
173373 Landsman N. Mathematical Topics Between Classical and Quantum Mechanics 1998
105827 Nearing J. Mathematical tools for physics 2003
106616 Nearing J. Mathematical Tools for Physics 2008
115451 Nearing J. Mathematical tools for physics 2010
142144 Nearing J. Mathematical tools for physics 2010
144001 Nearing J. Mathematical Tools for Physics 2003
167063 Trigg G. Mathematical Tools for Physicists 2005
180299 Trigg G. Mathematical tools for physicists 2005
140205 de Faria E., de Melo W. Mathematical Tools for One-Dimensional Dynamics 2008
180926 Faria E., Melo W. Mathematical Tools for One-Dimensional Dynamics 2008
74316 Simovici D. A., Djeraba C. Mathematical tools for data mining: set theory, partial orders, combinatorics 2008
181907 Simovici D., Djeraba C. Mathematical tools for data mining. Set theory, partial orders, combinatorics 2008
131011 Carroll J.D., Green P.E. Mathematical Tools for Applied Multivariate Analysis 1997
150998 Schoenberg I.J. Mathematical Time Exposures 1982
32847 Kline M. Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 3 1990
32846 Kline M. Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 2 1990
32845 Kline M. Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 1 1990
130231 Kline M. Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times 1990
37915 Parsons C. Mathematical Thought and Its Objects 2008
165038 Parsons C. Mathematical Thought and Its Objects 2008
33051 D'Angelo J.P., West D.B. Mathematical Thinking: Problem-Solving and Proofs 1999
127210 D'Angelo J.P., West D.B. Mathematical thinking: problem-solving and proofs 1999
35498 Maddox R. Mathematical Thinking and Writing: A Transition to Higher Mathematics 2001
142893 Maddox R. Mathematical Thinking and Writing: A Transition to Higher Mathematics 2002
194009 Maddox R. Mathematical thinking and writing: a transition to abstract mathematics 2002
4923 Ladyzhenskaya O.A. Mathematical theory of viscous incompressible flow 1969
194624 Ferziger J.H., Kaper H.G. Mathematical theory of transport processes in gases 1972
167590 Bradley C., Cracknell A. Mathematical Theory of Symmetry in Solids: Representation Theory for Point Groups and Space Groups 1972
178296 Bradley C ., Cracknell A. Mathematical Theory of Symmetry in Solids 1972
35571 Rosser J.B., Newton R.R., Gross G.L. Mathematical Theory of Rocket Flight 1947
177459 Kovalenko I., Kuznetzov N., Pegg P. Mathematical theory of reliability of time dependent systems with practical applications 1997
61342 Barlow R.E., Proschan F. Mathematical Theory of Reliability 1996
143351 Barlow R.E., Proschan F. Mathematical Theory of Reliability 1987
185975 Barlow R., Proschan F. Mathematical theory of reliability 1996
41282 Eddington A.S. Mathematical Theory of Relativity 1930
34507 Araki H. Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields 2000
179726 Araki H. Mathematical theory of quantum fields 1999

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