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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
179521 Arino O., Axelrod D., Kimmel M. Mathematical Population Dynamics (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics) 1991
141489 Arino O., Axelrod D.E., Kimmel M. Mathematical population dynamics 1991
127279 Hosberger R. Mathematical Plums. Volume 4 1979
152221 Hosberger R. Mathematical Plums 1979
195842 Keener J., Sneyd J. Mathematical Physiology: Systems Physiology 2008
110359 Keener J., Sneyd J. Mathematical Physiology 1998
128892 Keener J., Sneyd J. Mathematical physiology 2008
141274 Aslam M., Hussain F., Qadir A. Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the 12th Regional Conference: Islamabab, Pakistan 27 March-1 April 2006 2007
143566 Aslam M., Hussain F., Qadir A. Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the 12th Regional Conference: Islamabab, Pakistan 27 March-1 April 2006 2007
37361 Aslam M.J. Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the 12th Regional Conference 2007
146553 Kusse B.R., Westwig E.A. Mathematical Physics: Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers 2006
165365 Kusse B., Westwig E. Mathematical Physics: Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers 2006
34968 Hassani S. Mathematical Physics: A Modern Introduction to Its Foundations 1998
187616 Hassani S. Mathematical Physics: A Modern Introduction to Its Foundations 2013
116072 Marchenko V. A., Boutet de Monvel A., McKean H. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry - Volume 6 2003
113756 Marchenko V.A., Boutet de Monvel A., McKean H. (Editors) Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry - Volume 14 2011
146798 Rahvar S., Sadooghi N., Shojai F. Mathematical physics proceedings Tehran 2005
59385 Asch J., Joye A. Mathematical Physics of Quantum Mechanics: Selected and Refereed Lectures from QMath9 2006
147211 Asch J., Joye A. Mathematical physics of quantum mechanics (sel. lect. QMath9) 2006
139528 Asch J., Joye A. Mathematical physics of quantum mechanics 2006
145721 de la Llave R., Koch H., Radin C. Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal. Print Version. Volume 5, 1999. Volume 6, 2000 2002
32328 Rahvar S. Mathematical Physics - Proceedings Of The XI Regional Conference 2005
2712 Geroch R. Mathematical physics 1985
32746 Menzel D.H. Mathematical Physics 1953
110075 Butkov E. Mathematical Physics 1973
126589 Geroch R. Mathematical physics 1985
127628 Butkov E. Mathematical Physics 1968
128493 Geroch R. Mathematical physics 1985
129973 Carroll R.W. Mathematical physics 1988
140191 Rahvar S., Sadooghi N., Shojai F. Mathematical Physics 2005
148616 Robert Wayne Carroll Mathematical Physics 1988
153084 Geroch R. Mathematical physics 1985
154173 Sadri Hassani Mathematical Physics 1999
154419 Menzel D. Mathematical physics 1953
164073 Geroch R. Mathematical physics 1985
166140 Brewster H. Mathematical physics 2009
170768 Butkov E. Mathematical physics 1968
178419 Freeman E. Mathematical physics 2009
189332 Hassani S. Mathematical Physics 1999
155088 Nirmala Prakash Mathematical Perspectives on Theoretical Physics: A Journey from Black Holes to Superstrings 2003
165862 Prakash N. Mathematical perspectives on theoretical physics 2003
143733 Albers D., Alexanderson G. Mathematical people: Profiles and interviews 2008
54044 Cayley A. Mathematical Papers. Vol. III 1895
180201 Cayley A. MATHEMATICAL PAPERS. The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley.Vol. 8 1889
162511 Sylvester J.J. Mathematical papers, Volume 1. 1837-1853 (Chelsea 1973) n/a
114765 Mathematical papers, ICM-1893 1896
147020 Clifford W. Mathematical papers, by William Kingdon Clifford 1882
166675 Ferrers N. Mathematical papers of the late George Green 1871
184930 Clifford W. Mathematical papers 1882
146327 Velho L., Carvalho P., Gomes J. Mathematical optimization in computer graphics and vision 2008

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