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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
125429 Janka Petravic, Dennis J. lsbister, Gary P. Morriss Correlation Dimension of the Sheared Hard-Disk Lorentz Gas 1994
125437 Arkhipov Y., Klar A., Vedenyapin V. On the Connection of the Formulas for Entropy and Stationary Distribution 1994
125450 Merkl F., Wagner H. Recurrent Random Walks and the Absence of Continuous Symmetry Breaking on Graphs 1994
125462 D. Pines, P. Nozieres The Theory of Quantum Liquids Superfluid Bose Liquids. Volume II 1994
125470 Book Review: Creating Modern Probability 1994
125471 Brydges D.C., Keller G. Absence of Debye Screening in the Quantum Coulomb System 1994
125483 Dorfman J.R. Response to B. C. Eu 1994
125486 Book Review: Quantum Dissipative Systems 1994
125504 Shussman Y., Aharony A. Different Types of Self-Avoiding Walks on Deterministic Fractals 1994
125505 Lerner E.Yu., Missarov M.D. Fixed Points of Renormalization Group for the Hierarchical Fermionic Model 1994
125536 Book Review: Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics for Physicists 1994
125629 Andrienko Yu.A., Brilliantov N.V., Krapivsky P.L. Pattern Formation by Growing Droplets: The Touch-and-Stop Model of Growth 1994
125671 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1994
125753 Jan N. Adult Survival in Partridge-Barton model of Biological Aging 1994
125757 Lebowitz J.L., Macris N. Low-Temperature Phases of Itinerant Fermions Interacting with Classical Phonons: The Static Holstein Model 1994
125782 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1994
125788 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1994
125916 Biferale L., Blank M., Frisch U. Chaotic Cascades with Kolmogorov 1941 Scaling 1994
125924 Êîìïëåêòóþùèå èçäåëèÿ, ñîäåðæàùèå äðàãîöåííûå ìåòàëëû 1994
125937 Kenneth S. Alexander, Stanislav A. Molchanov Percolation of Level Sets for Two-Dimensional Random Fields with Lattice Symmetry 1994
125977 Di Caprio D., Badiali J.P., Russier V. Properties of the n-Body Correlation Functions near the Liquid-Gas Critical Point. Correlation Inequalities 1994
125980 CECAM Workshop on Applications of the Random Sequential Addition Process, Orsay, France, June 14-25, 1993 1994
125992 Garanin D.A. The 1/D Expansion for Low-Dimensional Classical Magnets 1994
126001 Future Contributions to Journal of Statisth:al Physics 1994
126057 Becklehimer J.L., Pandey R.B. Percolation of Chains and Jamming Coverage in Two Dimensions by Computer Simulation 1994
126065 Pastur L., Shcherbina M., Tirozzi B. The Replica-Symmetric Solution without Replica Trick for the Hopfield Model 1994
126071 Doyle M.M., Sri Namachchivaya N. Almost-Sure Asymptotic Stability of a General Four-Dimensional System Driven by Real Noise 1994
126144 David S. Dean, Kalvis M. Jansons Excursions for Polymers in Elongational Flows 1994
126228 Effat A. Saied Classification of the Similarity Solutions of Free Kramers Equation 1994
126283 R. Shankar Principles of Quantum Mechanics 1994
126302 Áàðàí÷èêîâ Â.È., Áîðîâñêèé Ã.Â. Ñïðàâî÷íèê êîíñòðóêòîðà-èíñòðóìåíòàëüùèêà 1994
126624 Ñàäâàêàñîâ Ã.Ñ. (ñîñò.) Êèòàéñêèå äîêóìåíòû è ìàòåðèàëû ïî èñòîðèè Âîñòî÷íîãî Òóðêåñòàíà, Ñðåäíåé Àçèè è Êàçàõñòàíà XIV—XIX ââ. 1994
126697 Ïàðìîí Ô.Ì. Ðóññêèé íàðîäíûé êîñòþì êàê õóäîæåñòâåííî-êîíñòðóêòîðñêèé èñòî÷íèê òâîð÷åñòâà 1994
126770 Ñêóðëàòîâ Þ.È., Äóêà Ã.Ã., Ìèçèòè À. Ââåäåíèå â ýêîëîãè÷åñêóþ õèìèþ 1994
126784 Obata N. White Noise Calculus and Fock Space 1994
126820 Ðóäèê Í.Â., Ñòåïàíÿíö Þ.À. Àíãëî-ðóññêèé ñëîâàðü ïî ãåîôèçè÷åñêîé ãèäðîäèíàìèêå 1994
126844 Adem A., Milgram R.J. Cohomology of finite groups 1994
126864 Frank I.E., Todeschini R. The data analysis handbook 1994
126871 Martinus Veltman Diagrammatica - the path to Feynman diagrams 1994
126936 William J. Thompson Angular momentum: An illustrated guide to rotational symmetries for physical systems 1994
126966 Gerloch M., Constable E.C. Transition Metal Chemistry 1994
126981 William O. B., Milojevic P.S., Stanojevic C.V. Fourier analysis. Analytic and Geometric Aspects 1994
127055 Êàðàâàí Þ.Â., Êëîñ Å.Ñ., Ëûñêîâè÷ À.Á. Ðóññêî-óêðàèíñêèé ñëîâàðü ôèçè÷åñêèõ òåðìèíîâ 1994
127065 Ronald L. Graham Harmonic sums and Feynman integrals 1994
127305 Hooft G.T. Under the spell of the gauge principle 1994
127348 Sannella D. (ed.) Programming Languages and Systems - ESOP '94 1994
127358 Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R., Popov V.L. Algebraic geometry IV 1994
127378 Liu Comparison methods and stability theory 1994
127386 Bergen J., Montgomery S. Advances in Hopf algebras 1994
127435 Tommy R. Jensen, Bjarne Toft Graph Coloring Problems 1994

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