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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
99500 Nobuhiko Mishima, Tomio Yamakoshi Petrosky, Ryoji Suzuki Theory of irreversible processes in nonequilibrium quantum systems. I. General formalism 1979
99499 Àíäðååâ Þ.Í. Óïðàâëåíèå êîíå÷íîìåðíûìè ëèíåéíûìè îáúåêòàìè 1976
99498 F. T. Hioe, C. Domb Group theory, Markov chains, and excluded volume effect in polymers 1974
99497 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 12 ¹3 1975) 1975
99496 Douglas W. Gage, David Hestenes Comment on the paper “Jaynes's maximum entropy prescription and probability theory” 1973
99495 Çàõîäåð Á. Îòøåëüíèê è ðîçà 1969
99494 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 14 ¹6 1976) 1976
99493 M. Cassandro, E. Olivieri A rigorous study of metastability in a continuous model 1977
99492 Áàõèëèíà Í.Á. Èñòîðèÿ öâåòîîáîçíà÷åíèÿ â ðóññêîì ÿçûêå 1975
99491 Eugene P. Gross Approximate solutions of the Liouville equation. III. Variational principles and projection operators 1973
99490 Áðîäñêîãî Ì. Ã. (ðåä.) Ëèôòû. Êàòàëîã-ñïðàâî÷íèê 1973
99489 Toshio Niwa Time correlation functions of a one-dimensional infinite system 1978
99488 Masuo Suzuki Anomalous fluctuation and relaxation in unstable systems 1977
99487 James A. Yorke, Ellen D. Yorke Metastable chaos: The transition to sustained chaotic behavior in the Lorenz model 1974
99486 Alan J. Bray Statistical mechanics of zero-dimensional ginzburglandau fields: Accuracy of the screening approximation 1974
99485 Âàí Òðèñ Ã. Òåîðèÿ îáíàðóæåíèÿ, îöåíîê è ìîäóëÿöèè. Òîì âòîðîé 1975
99484 J. K. E. Tunaley Moments of the Montroll-Weiss continuous-time random walk for arbitrary starting time 1976
99483 S. K. Tsang Square lattice variational approximations applied to the Ising model 1979
99482 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 11 ¹5 1974) 1974
99481 Ralph J. Harrison, George H. Bishop, George D. Quinn Spanning lengths of percolation clusters 1978
99480 Êèíäçèåðñêè Ý. Àëëî! Êòî ó òåëåôîíà? 1969
99479 Barry W. Ninham, V. Adrian Parsegian, George H. Weiss On the macroscopic theory of temperature-dependent van der Waals forces 1970
99478 Ëîãà÷åâ Ñ.È. Òðàíñïîðòíûå ñóäà áóäóùåãî 1976
99477 A. Vilenkin The theory of melting in heteropolymers. I. Random chains 1978
99476 Masuo Suzuki Fluctuation, relaxation, and extensivity of macrovariables in nonequilibrium systems 1976
99475 V. J. Lee A particle picture of “tunneling” and the nature of “photon”-matter interaction 1973
99474 George Mandeville, Michael Coopersmith Irreversible behavior of interacting systems. II. Fluctuations in equilibrium 1974
99473 Michael N. Barber Critical behavior of a spherical model with a free surface 1974
99472 J. Rae, R. Davidson Statistical mechanical transformation theory for quantum systems with discrete spectra 1971
99471 D. B. Abraham Block spins in the edge of an Ising ferromagnetic half-plane 1978
99470 L. S. Schulman Illustration of reversed causality with remarks on experiment 1977
99469 J. Hoshen, P. Klymko, R. Kopelman Percolation and cluster distribution. III. Algorithms for the site-bond problem 1979
99468 M. H. Ernst, J. R. Dorfman Non-analytic dispersionrelations in classicalfluids 1975
99467 H. Reiss Thermodynamic-like transformations in information theory 1969
99466 L. Blum, G. Stell Solution of Ornstein-Zernike equation for wall-particle distribution function 1976
99465 A. G. Sutugin On the dependence of the condensation coefficient on surface curvature 1971
99464 J. S. Høye, L. Blum Solution of the Yukawa closure of the Ornstein-Zernike equation 1977
99463 J. Portnow, K. Kitahara Stability and fluctuation in chemical systems 1976
99462 Feigenbaum, Mitchell J. Quantitative universality for a class of nonlinear transformations 1978
99461 Terumitsu Morita, Hazime Mori, Michio Tokuyama A scaling method for deriving kinetic equations from the BBGKY hierarchy 1978
99460 Program of the 39th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1978
99459 C. J. Myerscough Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of finite classical systems-II 1971
99458 L. C. Thomas Probabilistic calculations on the ground state of the harmonic oscillator 1973
99457 D. M. Sonechkin On bifurcations inducing a strange attractor in the system of A. M. Oboukhov 1979
99456 E. Richard Cohen The accuracy of the approximations in classical nucleation theory 1970
99455 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 21 ¹1 1979) 1979
99454 Reo Yoshitani On the detectabillity limit of coherent optical signals in thermal radiation 1970
99453 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 20 ¹1 1979) 1979
99452 Gervois A., Pomeau Y. Dynamical perturbation for classical fluids: A solvable model 1976
99451 Nenciu G. On the surface contribution to the grand-canonical pressure of free quantum gases 1972

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