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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
99550 Ìèðñêèé Ã.ß. Ìèêðîïðîöåññîðû â èçìåðèòåëüíûõ ïðèáîðàõ 1984
99549 Ùó÷èíñêèé Ñ, Õ. Ýëåêòðîìàãíèòíûå ïðèâîäû èñïîëíèòåëüíûõ ìåõàíèçìîâ 1984
99548 J. E. Sacco, A. Widom, J. B. Sokoloff Commensurability in one-dimensional lattices at finite temperature 1979
99547 Truesdell, C. A precise upper limit for the correctness of the Navier-Stokes theory with respect to the kinetic theory 1969
99546 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 17 ¹3 1977) 1977
99545 Daniel J. Amit, Marco Zannetti Field theory description of continuous phase transitions 1973
99544 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 9 ¹1 1973) 1973
99543 J. B. Morton, S. Corrsin Consolidated expansions for estimating the response of a randomly driven nonlinear oscillator 1970
99542 Kazuhisa Tomita, Tohru Kai Chaotic response of a limit cycle 1979
99541 Chelluri C. A. Sastri Long-range correlations in kinetic theory 1975
99540 J. J. Vieceli, H. Reiss Further application of the statistical thermodynamics of curved surfaces to scaled particle theory 1973
99539 O. J. Heilmann, R. Moss, E. L. Praestgaard A cell model for liquids. II. Exact solution for the restricted cell model for hard, parallel squares 1974
99538 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 17 ¹2 1977) 1977
99537 Gary R. Dowling, H. Ted Davis On the Statistical Mechanics of Rigid Particles 1972
99536 Tomoji Yamada, Takao Ohta, Kyozi Kawasaki Field-theoretic approach to critical dynamics far from equilibrium 1977
99535 J. K. E. Tunaley A theory of 1/f current noise based on a random walk model 1976
99534 John M. Blatt A new dilute gas transport phenomenon 1975
99533 C. W. Gardiner A Comment on Chemical Langevin Equations 1976
99532 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 15 ¹6 1976) 1976
99531 Ellis, Richard S., Newman, Charles M. The statistics of Curie-Weiss models 1978
99530 H. Reiss Superposition approximations from a variation principle 1972
99529 Manuel A. Huerta, Harry S. Robertson Approach to equilibrium of coupled harmonic oscillator systems. II 1971
99528 Dick Bedeaux, Kurt E. Shuler, Irwin Oppenheim Decay of correlations. III. Relaxation of spin correlations and distribution functions in the one-dimensional ising lattice 1970
99527 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 12 ¹1 1975) 1975
99526 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 13 ¹1 1975) 1975
99525 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 21 ¹5 1979) 1979
99524 Kikuo Yamazaki, Taro Kihara Core potential of intermolecular forces applied to third virial coefficients and transport coefficients of polyatomic gases 1976
99523 J. L. Lebowitz, J. Sykes The velocity autocorrelation function of a finite model system 1972
99522 S. R. Singh, M. C. Zerner On the inversion of the classical second virial coefficient 1976
99521 George H. Weiss Some approximate solutions to the discrete master equation 1972
99520 Jean Bricmont, Joel L. Lebowitz, Charles E. Pfister On the equivalence of boundary conditions 1979
99519 Monchick, L. Asymptotic magnetic behavior of gas transport properties 1977
99518 S. K. Tsang Corner transfer matrices of the triangular Ising model 1977
99517 Robert H. Swendsen Questions and answers Irreversibility and the thermodynamic limit 1974
99516 M. J. Mandell, H. Reiss Scaled particle theory: Solution to the complete set of scaled particle theory conditions: Applications to surface structure and dilute mixtures 1975
99515 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 14 ¹2 1976) 1976
99514 Elliott W. Montroll, Harvey Scher Random walks on lattices. IV. Continuous-time walks and influence of absorbing boundaries 1973
99513 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 13 ¹5 1975) 1975
99512 Wilemski, Gerald On the derivation of Smoluchowski equations with corrections in the classical theory of Brownian motion 1976
99511 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 10 ¹1 1974) 1974
99510 Leo van Hemmen A generalization of Rayleigh's theorem for the infinite harmonic crystal 1978
99509 Max Dresden, Frank Feiock Models in nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics 1972
99508 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 6 ¹2/3 1972) 1972
99507 N. G. van Kampen Book review: Statistical mechanics and statistical methods in theory and application 1978
99506 Kazuo Kitahara, Horia Metiu On the path integral representation of stochastic processes 1976
99505 D. B. Abraham, O. J. Heilmann Lattice models of hydrogen-bonded solvents. II 1975
99504 R. G. Carbonell, M. D. Kostin Time-dependent probability density of statistical mechanics 1974
99503 Ole J. Heilmann, Elliott H. Lieb Lattice Models for Liquid Crystals 1979
99502 Schlup, W. A. Special solutions of the Fokker-Planck transport equation for arbitrary band structures; Mobility and diffusivity in a uniform field of force 1975
99501 Eugene P. Gross Formal structure of kinetic theory 1976

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