99550 |
Ìèðñêèé Ã.ß. |
Ìèêðîïðîöåññîðû â èçìåðèòåëüíûõ ïðèáîðàõ |
1984 | •• |
99549 |
Ùó÷èíñêèé Ñ, Õ. |
Ýëåêòðîìàãíèòíûå ïðèâîäû èñïîëíèòåëüíûõ ìåõàíèçìîâ |
1984 | •• |
99548 |
J. E. Sacco, A. Widom, J. B. Sokoloff |
Commensurability in one-dimensional lattices at finite temperature |
1979 | •• |
99547 |
Truesdell, C. |
A precise upper limit for the correctness of the Navier-Stokes theory with respect to the kinetic theory |
1969 | •• |
99546 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 17 ¹3 1977) |
1977 | •• |
99545 |
Daniel J. Amit, Marco Zannetti |
Field theory description of continuous phase transitions |
1973 | •• |
99544 |
Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 9 ¹1 1973) |
1973 | •• |
99543 |
J. B. Morton, S. Corrsin |
Consolidated expansions for estimating the response of a randomly driven nonlinear oscillator |
1970 | •• |
99542 |
Kazuhisa Tomita, Tohru Kai |
Chaotic response of a limit cycle |
1979 | •• |
99541 |
Chelluri C. A. Sastri |
Long-range correlations in kinetic theory |
1975 | •• |
99540 |
J. J. Vieceli, H. Reiss |
Further application of the statistical thermodynamics of curved surfaces to scaled particle theory |
1973 | •• |
99539 |
O. J. Heilmann, R. Moss, E. L. Praestgaard |
A cell model for liquids. II. Exact solution for the restricted cell model for hard, parallel squares |
1974 | •• |
99538 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 17 ¹2 1977) |
1977 | •• |
99537 |
Gary R. Dowling, H. Ted Davis |
On the Statistical Mechanics of Rigid Particles |
1972 | •• |
99536 |
Tomoji Yamada, Takao Ohta, Kyozi Kawasaki |
Field-theoretic approach to critical dynamics far from equilibrium |
1977 | •• |
99535 |
J. K. E. Tunaley |
A theory of 1/f current noise based on a random walk model |
1976 | •• |
99534 |
John M. Blatt |
A new dilute gas transport phenomenon |
1975 | •• |
99533 |
C. W. Gardiner |
A Comment on Chemical Langevin Equations |
1976 | •• |
99532 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 15 ¹6 1976) |
1976 | •• |
99531 |
Ellis, Richard S., Newman, Charles M. |
The statistics of Curie-Weiss models |
1978 | •• |
99530 |
H. Reiss |
Superposition approximations from a variation principle |
1972 | •• |
99529 |
Manuel A. Huerta, Harry S. Robertson |
Approach to equilibrium of coupled harmonic oscillator systems. II |
1971 | •• |
99528 |
Dick Bedeaux, Kurt E. Shuler, Irwin Oppenheim |
Decay of correlations. III. Relaxation of spin correlations and distribution functions in the one-dimensional ising lattice |
1970 | •• |
99527 |
Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 12 ¹1 1975) |
1975 | •• |
99526 |
Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 13 ¹1 1975) |
1975 | •• |
99525 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 21 ¹5 1979) |
1979 | •• |
99524 |
Kikuo Yamazaki, Taro Kihara |
Core potential of intermolecular forces applied to third virial coefficients and transport coefficients of polyatomic gases |
1976 | •• |
99523 |
J. L. Lebowitz, J. Sykes |
The velocity autocorrelation function of a finite model system |
1972 | •• |
99522 |
S. R. Singh, M. C. Zerner |
On the inversion of the classical second virial coefficient |
1976 | •• |
99521 |
George H. Weiss |
Some approximate solutions to the discrete master equation |
1972 | •• |
99520 |
Jean Bricmont, Joel L. Lebowitz, Charles E. Pfister |
On the equivalence of boundary conditions |
1979 | •• |
99519 |
Monchick, L. |
Asymptotic magnetic behavior of gas transport properties |
1977 | •• |
99518 |
S. K. Tsang |
Corner transfer matrices of the triangular Ising model |
1977 | •• |
99517 |
Robert H. Swendsen |
Questions and answers Irreversibility and the thermodynamic limit |
1974 | •• |
99516 |
M. J. Mandell, H. Reiss |
Scaled particle theory: Solution to the complete set of scaled particle theory conditions: Applications to surface structure and dilute mixtures |
1975 | •• |
99515 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 14 ¹2 1976) |
1976 | •• |
99514 |
Elliott W. Montroll, Harvey Scher |
Random walks on lattices. IV. Continuous-time walks and influence of absorbing boundaries |
1973 | •• |
99513 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 13 ¹5 1975) |
1975 | •• |
99512 |
Wilemski, Gerald |
On the derivation of Smoluchowski equations with corrections in the classical theory of Brownian motion |
1976 | •• |
99511 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 10 ¹1 1974) |
1974 | •• |
99510 |
Leo van Hemmen |
A generalization of Rayleigh's theorem for the infinite harmonic crystal |
1978 | •• |
99509 |
Max Dresden, Frank Feiock |
Models in nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics |
1972 | •• |
99508 |
Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 6 ¹2/3 1972) |
1972 | •• |
99507 |
N. G. van Kampen |
Book review: Statistical mechanics and statistical methods in theory and application |
1978 | •• |
99506 |
Kazuo Kitahara, Horia Metiu |
On the path integral representation of stochastic processes |
1976 | •• |
99505 |
D. B. Abraham, O. J. Heilmann |
Lattice models of hydrogen-bonded solvents. II |
1975 | •• |
99504 |
R. G. Carbonell, M. D. Kostin |
Time-dependent probability density of statistical mechanics |
1974 | •• |
99503 |
Ole J. Heilmann, Elliott H. Lieb |
Lattice Models for Liquid Crystals |
1979 | •• |
99502 |
Schlup, W. A. |
Special solutions of the Fokker-Planck transport equation for arbitrary band structures; Mobility and diffusivity in a uniform field of force |
1975 | •• |
99501 |
Eugene P. Gross |
Formal structure of kinetic theory |
1976 | •• |