100101 |
Braun E., Flores A. |
A Convergent Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanical Theory for Dense gases. I. The Two-Body Distribution Function |
1973 | •• |
100100 |
Teresa Ree Chay |
Bead-spring model of a polymer chain: A transient solution |
1972 | •• |
100099 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol. 11, ¹4 1974) |
1974 | •• |
100098 |
A. Lenard |
Thermodynamical proof of the Gibbs formula for elementary quantum systems |
1978 | •• |
100097 |
Paul D. Fleming III, Julian H. Gibbs |
Application of Stochastic Theory to Dilute Gas Reactions |
1976 | •• |
100096 |
P. B. Visscher |
Cell hydrodynamics: An information-conserving theory |
1978 | •• |
100095 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol. 13, ¹2 1975) |
1975 | •• |
100094 |
Katja Lakatos |
On the statistics of a three-dimensional gas of long thin rods |
1970 | •• |
100093 |
Tunaley J.K.E. |
Diffusion in a Lattice of Randomly Placed Sites and Application to ac Conductivity |
1976 | •• |
100092 |
P. Resibois |
H-theorem for the (modified) nonlinear Enskog equation |
1978 | •• |
100091 |
Hosokawa, Iwao |
Ensemble mechanics for the random-forced Navier-Stokes flow |
1976 | •• |
100090 |
Cercignani C. |
Global Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation on a Lattice |
1979 | •• |
100089 |
Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 13 ¹3 1975) |
1975 | •• |
100088 |
Hagai Meirovitch, Z. Alexandrowicz |
On the zero fluctuation of the “microscopic free energy” and its potential use |
1976 | •• |
100087 |
Henri R. Leribaux |
A contribution to the equation of state of fluids at low temperatures based on thermodynamic Green's functions |
1971 | •• |
100086 |
Kalos M.H., Percus J.K., Rao M. |
Structure of a Liquid-Vapor Interface |
1977 | •• |
100085 |
Reiss H. |
Introduction (from journal of statistical physics vol. 1 ¹ 1 1969) |
1969 | •• |
100084 |
Landauer R. |
Entropy Changes for Steady-State Fluctuations |
1974 | •• |
100083 |
Robert H. Swendsen |
The interpretation of a theorem by Lebowitz |
1973 | •• |
100082 |
Kometani K. |
A Study of Self-Organizing Processes of Nonlinear Stochastic Variables |
1975 | •• |
100081 |
Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 11 ¹4 1974) |
1974 | •• |
100080 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol. 16, ¹2 1977) |
1977 | •• |
100079 |
Daniel J. Amit, Marco Zannetti |
Approach to Two Dimensions in the n-Vector Model |
1974 | •• |
100078 |
Guderley K.G. |
A Formula Related to Irreducible Diagram Expansions |
1973 | •• |
100077 |
E. N. Ivanov |
The quasicrystal model of rotational Brownian motion |
1973 | •• |
100076 |
David K. Hoffman, John S. Dahler |
The Boltzmann equation for a polyatomic gas |
1969 | •• |
100075 |
McCourt F.R., Tip A. |
Kinetic Theory of Vibrational Relaxation in a Radiation Field: The Optic-Acoustic Effect |
1973 | •• |
100074 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol. 19, ¹6 1978) |
1978 | •• |
100073 |
Myron Tribus, Hector Motroni |
Comments on the paper “Jaynes's maximum entropy prescription and probability theory” |
1973 | •• |
100072 |
Millard K. |
Metastable States in the van der Waals-Maxwell Theory |
1973 | •• |
100071 |
E. B. Davies |
A model of heat conduction |
1978 | •• |
100070 |
Tropper M.M. |
Ergodic and Quasideterministic Properties of Finite-Dimensional Stochastic Systems |
1977 | •• |
100069 |
S. Chaturvedi, C. W. Gardiner, I. S. Matheson |
Stochastic analysis of a chemical reaction with spatial and temporal structures |
1977 | •• |
100068 |
Dale A. Huckaby |
Phase transitions in lattice gases of hard-core molecules having two orientations |
1977 | •• |
100067 |
Runnels L.K. |
Adsorbate Interactions and Surface Excess Entropy |
1973 | •• |
100066 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol. 8, ¹3 1973) |
1973 | •• |
100065 |
Joel E. Keizer |
A new approach for the justification of ensembles in quantum statistical mechanics — II |
1970 | •• |
100064 |
Ackasu Z.A. |
Fluctuations of Macro variables in Nonlinear Systems: Langevin Equation Approach |
1977 | •• |
100063 |
P. A. Egelstaff, C. G. Gray, K. E. Gubbins |
Theory of inelastic neutron scattering from molecular fluids |
1975 | •• |
100062 |
George H. Weiss |
The two-state random walk |
1976 | •• |
100061 |
Ernst M.H. |
Kinetic Theory of Nonlinear Viscous Flow in Two and Three Dimensions |
1978 | •• |
100060 |
Butz Arthur R. |
A theory of 1/f noise |
1972 | •• |
100059 |
Michael N. Barber, John M. Blatt, Alex H. Opie |
On the extension of the Boltzmann equation to include pair correlations |
1975 | •• |
100058 |
Simon E.M., Zimm B.H. |
A Computer Simulation of the Unwinding of a DNA-Like Helix |
1969 | •• |
100057 |
Fields of interest of board of editors (vol. 8 ¹1 1973) |
1973 | •• |
100056 |
Salma Begum, P. B. Visscher |
Discrete hydrodynamics: Numerical results for the soft-sphere viscosity |
1979 | •• |
100055 |
L. K. Runnels |
Duality relation for 32-vertex model on the triangular lattice |
1976 | •• |
100054 |
Naudts J., Pule J.V., Verbeure A. |
Linear Response and Relaxation in Quantum Lattice Systems |
1979 | •• |
100053 |
Manuel A. Huerta, Harry S. Robertson |
Entropy, information theory, and the approach to equilibrium of coupled harmonic oscillator systems |
1969 | •• |
100052 |
R. J. Baxter |
Corner transfer matrices of the eight-vertex model. I. Low-temperature expansions and conjectured properties |
1976 | •• |