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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121702 Giuseppe Albertini Direction-Dependent Free Energy Singularity of the Antiferroelectric Asymmetric Six-Verte Model 1997
121748 Mezincescu G.A. Distribution of Roots of Random Real Generalized Polynomials 1997
121776 Destainville N., Mosseri R., Bailly F. Configurational Entropy of Codimension-One Tilings and Directed Membranes 1997
121843 Garrido P . L . Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy , Lyapunov Exponents , and Mean Free Time in Billiard Systems 1997
121863 Szamel G. Statistical Mechanics of Dissipative Transport in Crystals 1997
121872 Gruber C., Macris N., Messager A. Ground States and Flux Configurations of the Two-Dimensional Falicov-Kimball Model 1997
121895 Katsoulakis M.A., Souganidis P.E. Stochastic Ising Models and Anisotropic Front Propagation 1997
121985 R. Koteeky, S. Miracle-Sole Roughening Transition for the Ising Model on a BCC Lattice. A Case in the Theory of Ground States 1997
121988 A . Baumgartner, U . Ebert Segmen t Motio n i n th e Reptatio n Mode l o f Polyme r Dynamics . II . Simulations 1997
122044 Brandt A., Galun M. Optimal Multigrid Algorithms for Variable-Coupling Isotropic Gaussian Models 1997
122082 Prakash S., Nicolis G. Dynamics of the Schlogl Models on Lattices of Low Spatial Dimension 1997
122143 Bobylev A.V., Maao F.A., Hansen A. There Is More to Be Learned from the Lorentz Model 1997
122165 Machta J., Moriarty K. The Computational Complexity of the Lorentz Lattice Gas 1997
122235 Daumer M., Durr D., Goldstein S. On the Quantum Probability Flux Through Surfaces 1997
122264 Toroczkai Z., Zia R.K.P. Periodic One-Dimensional Hopping Model with One Mobile Directional Impurity 1997
122267 Guerin C.-A., Holschneider M. On Equivalent Definitions of the Correlation Dimension for a Probability Measure 1997
122334 Program of the 75th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1997
122359 Carol Bezuidenhout, Geoffrey Grimmett Percolation and Minimal Spanning Trees 1997
122414 Price H. Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point 1997
122482 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1997
122512 Dermoune A. The Inviscid Burgers Equation with Initial Value of Poissonian Type 1997
122640 Wehr J. A Strong Law of Large Numbers for Iterated Functions of Independent Random Variables 1997
122660 Madras N., van Rensburg E.J.J. Monte Carlo Study of the O-Point for Collapsing Trees 1997
122662 Suzuki M. Coherent Anomaly Method 1997
122702 Bocquet L., Piasecki J. Microscopic Derivation of Non-Markovian Thermalization of a Brownian Particle 1997
122838 Holschneider M. Wavelets: An Analysis Tool 1997
122933 Joel L. Lebowitz, Mazel A . E . Improved Peierls Argument for High-Dimensional Ising Models 1997
122938 Cristophe r Moore Majority-Vote Cellular Automata , Ising Dynamics , and P-Completeness 1997
122952 Bovier A., Zahradnik M. The Low-Temperature Phase of Kac-Ising Models 1997
122971 Karevski D., Lajko P., Turban L. Corner Exponents in the Two-Dimensional Potts Model 1997
123079 P. Mathieu, P. Picco Metastability and Convergence to Equilibrium for the Random Field Curie-Weiss Model 1997
123114 Book Review: Random Walks and Random Environments, Vol. 2, Random Environments 1997
123155 Kennedy T. Majority Rule at Low Temperatures on the Square and Triangular Lattices 1997
123173 Kessler D.A., Levine H., Ridgway D. Evolution on a Smooth Landscape 1997
123232 Chernov N.I., Lebowitz J.L. Stationary Nonequilibrium States in Boundary-Driven Hamiltonian Systems: Shear Flow 1997
119665 Robert R., Rosier C. The Modeling of Small Scales in Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flows: A Statistical Mechanics Approach 1997
119676 Schmidt K.E., Lee M.A. Erratum: Implementing the Fast Multipole Method in Three Dimensions 1997
119801 Domb C. Book Review: The Critical Point: A Historical Introduction to the Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena 1997
119984 Áåëàøîâ Â.Þ., ×åðíîâà Í.Ì. Ýôôåêòèâíûå àëãîðèòìû è ïðîãðàììû âû÷èñëèòåëüíîé ìàòåìàòèêè 1997
120067 Bernardes A.T. Can Males Contribute to the Genetic Improvement of a Species? 1997
120092 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1997
120124 Priezzhev V.B., Ktitarev D.V. Minimal Sandpiles on Hexagonal Lattice 1997
120158 Wu C.C. Continuity of Percolation Probability on Hyperbolic Graphs 1997
120178 Guionnet A., Zegarlinski B. Decay to Equilibrium in Random Spin Systems on a Lattice. II 1997
120239 Gouyet J.-F. Book Review: Physics and Fractal Structures 1997
120250 Ricci T.F., Scherer C. Linear Response and Stochastic Resonance of Superparamagnets 1997
120263 Program of the Statistical Physics at the 45th Parallel Meeting 1997
120326 Rondoni L., Morriss G.P. Applications of Periodic Orbit Theory to N-Particle Systems 1997
120365 Klar A., Wegener R. Enskog-Like Kinetic Models for Vehicular Traffic 1997
120415 Meyer-Ortmanns H., Reisz T. Critical Phenomena with Convergent Series Expansions in a Finite Volume 1997

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