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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
139273 Hermenegildo M., Penjam J. Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming: 6th International Symposium, PLILP '94, Madrid, Spain, September 14 - 16, 1994. Proceedings 1994
139486 Fogarty T. Evolutionary Computing. 1994: AISB Workshop, Leeds, U. K., April 11 - 13, 1994. Selected Papers 1994
139514 Ernster L. Molecular mechanisms in bioenergetics 1994
139529 DeLaubenfels R. Existence families, functional calculi and evolution equations 1994
139610 Huguenard J., McCormick D., Shepherd G. Electrophysiology of the Neuron: An Interactive Tutorial 1994
139627 Harris L., Sofianos G., Shapiro J.E. Program Trading And Intraday Volatility 1994
141563 Tokoro M., Pareschi R. ECOOP '94 - Object-Oriented Programming: 8th European Conference, Bologna, Italy, July 4-8, 1994. Proceedings 1994
141590 Warboys B.C. Software Process Technology 1994
141662 Nison S. Beyond Candlesticks : New Japanese Charting Techniques Revealed (Wiley Finance) 1994
141750 Reinelt G. The Traveling Salesman. Computational Solutions fpr TSP Applications: Computational Solutions for TSP Applications 1994
141872 Ellis G.P. Progress in Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 31 1994
141877 Wilson S., Haber C.J., Freeman J. Handbook of Multilevel Metallization for Integrated Circuits 1994
141982 Ïîòàïîâ À.À. Ìîëåêóëÿðíàÿ äèýëüêîìåòðèÿ 1994
142014 Êîëëåêòèâ àâòîðîâ Êîìïüþòåðíûå òåñòû ïî ýêîíîìèêå. "Ïðîôåññîð Á.À. Ðàéçáåðã ñïðàøèâàåò..." 1994
142029 Ýåíüêîâñêàÿ Ñ.Ì., Ìîðøíåâà È.Â., Öûâåíêîâà Î.À. Ìåòîäè÷åñêèå óêàçàíèÿ ïî êóðñó "Ìåòîäû âû÷èñëåíèÿ" äëÿ ñòóäåíòîâ ìåõàíèêî-ìàòåìàòè÷åñêîãî ôàêóëüòåòà. ×àñòü 1. Èíòåðïîëèðîâàíèå. ×èñëåííîå èíòåãðèðîâàíèå 1994
142040 Glendinning P. Stability, instability and chaos. An introduction to the theory of nonlinear differential equations 1994
142147 Graham J., Higgins J. Biomembrane Protocols: II. Architecture and Function(Methods in Molecular Biology, ¹27 ) 1994
199548 J. C. Kaimal, J. J. Finnigan Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows 1994
142258 Salamon D. (ed.) Symplectic geometry 1994
142383 Ahuja H., Dozzi S., AbouRizk S. Project Management: Techniques in Planning and Controlling Construction Projects, 2nd Edition 1994
142600 Pfenning F. Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning: 5th International Conference, LPAR '94, Kiev, Ukraine, July 16 - 22, 1994. Proceedings 1994
142679 Veloso M.M. Planning and Learning by Analogical Reasoning 1994
142681 Samarskii A.A., Galaktionov V.A., Kurdyumov S.P. Blow-Up in Quasilinear Parabolic Equations 1994
142698 Jennings S. The Handbook of Dramatherapy 1994
142726 Bowers D.S. Directions in Databases 1994
142832 Poland J. Physicalism: The Philosophical Foundations 1994
142851 Houze Jr.R. Cloud dynamics 1994
143008 Íåôåäîâ À.Ì., Ìñòèñëàâñêèé À.Ë. Ëó÷øèå êîíñòðóêöèè ïîñëåäíèõ ëåò. Ñáîðíèê 1994
143034 Knaurs kulturfuhrer in farbe deutschland 1994
143072 Stoll M. Invariant Potential Theory in the Unit Ball of Cn 1994
139947 Dunham W. The mathematical universe: An alphabetical journey through the great proofs, problems, and persons 1994
139954 Havin V., Joricke B. The Uncertainty Principle in Harmonic Analysis 1994
139957 Marks D. Biochemistry (Board Review Series) 1994
140004 Dyson A., Harris J. Ethics & Biotechnology 1994
140148 Gurari E.M. Writing With Tex (Mcgraw-Hill Programming Tools for Scientists and Engineers) 1994
140263 Galati G. (ed.) Advanced radar techniques and systems 1994
140377 Tauber A. The Immune Self: Theory or Metaphor? 1994
140496 Tomas G., Ueberhuber C.W. Visualization of Scientific Parallel Programs 1994
140567 Davis M., Sigal R., Weyuker E. Computability, complexity, and languages: Fundamentals of theoretical computer science 1994
140885 Viswanath V., Muller G., Mueller G. The Recursion Method (Lecture Notes in Physics monographs) 1994
140974 Dowling D.N., Boesten B., O'Gara F. Molecular Ecology of Rhizosphere Microorganisms: Biotechnology and the Release of GMOs 1994
141007 Michaels E., Langton M., Hebdige D. Bad Aboriginal Art : Tradition, Media, and Technological Horizons (Theory Out of Bounds, Vol 3) 1994
141072 Arden Y.R. Dictionnaire technique anglais. French Technical Dictionary. Volume 2 1994
141091 Price T. Introduction to Vlsi Technology 1994
141387 Nomizu K., Sasaki T. Affine Differential Geometry: Geometry of Affine Immersions (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics) 1994
136312 Bender H., Glauberman G. Local analysis for the odd order theorem 1994
136328 Terence C. Fogarty Evolutionary Computing. 1994: AISB Workshop, Leeds, U. K., April 11 - 13, 1994. Selected Papers 1994
136383 Gulliver T., Secord N. Information Theory and Applications: Third Canadian Workshop, Rockland, Ontario, Canada, May 30 - June 2, 1993. Proceedings 1994
136567 Stepanov S.A. Arithmetic of algebraic curves 1994
198658 Winston W. L., Albright S. C. Practical Management Science 1994

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