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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
124511 Pirmin Lemberger Large-Field Versus Small-Field Expansions and Sobolev Inequalities 1994
124526 Provata A., Nicolis C. A Microscopic Aggregation Model of Droplet Dynamics in Warm Clouds 1994
124567 Dinaburg E.I., Mazel A.E. Layering Transition in SOS Model with External Magnetic Field 1994
124574 Mattis D. Electrical Resistivity of Dilute, Interacting Fermions 1994
124656 Ray T.S. Self-Organization of Aging in a Population Approaching the Steady State 1994
124658 Meester R., Roy R., Sarkar A. Nonuniversality and Continuity of the Critical Covered Volume Fraction in Continuum Percolation 1994
124659 Heintz A. In Memory of Nina Borisovna Maslova 1994
124706 Karner G. The Simplified Fermi Accelerator in Classical and Quantum Mechanics 1994
124723 Zegarlinski B. Strong Decay to Equilibrium in One-Dimensional Random Spin Systems 1994
124769 Bershadskii A. Topological and Fractal Properties of Turbulent Passive Scalar Fluctuations at Small Scales 1994
124825 Percus J.K., Samaj L. Exact Free Energy Functionals for Non-Simply-Connected Lattices 1994
124833 Koma T., Tasaki H. Symmetry Breaking and Finite-Size Effects in Quantum Many-Body Systems 1994
124856 Grimm U., Baake M. Nonperiodic lsing Quantum Chains and Conformal Invariance 1994
124858 Park Y., Yoo H.J. A Characterization of Gibbs States of Lattice Boson Systems 1994
124873 Peter Fratzl Statistical Model of the Habit and Arrangement of Mineral Crystals in the Collagen of Bone 1994
124938 Bolle D., Shim G.M., Vinck B. Retrieval and Chaos in Layered Q-Ising Neural Networks 1994
124952 Esposito R., Marra R. On the Derivation of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation for Hamiltonian Particle Systems 1994
124959 Ala-Nissila T. Scaling Exponents for Driven Two-Dimensional Surface Growth 1994
124960 Grimmett G. Potts Models and Random-Cluster Processes with Many-Body Interactions 1994
125009 Bos S., Kiihn R. Multiplicity of Metastable Retrieval Phases in Networks of Muitistate Neurons 1994
125020 Schlijper A. G. On Some Variational Approximations in Two-Dimensional Classical Lattice Systems 1994
125047 Nhndor Simanyi, Domokos Szasz The K-Property of 4D Billiards with Nonorthogonal Cylindric Scatterers 1994
125051 Burkhard Nobbe Classical Motion in Two-Dimensional Crystals 1994
125067 Matthias Hoilschneider More on the Analysis of Local Regularity Through Wavelets 1994
125081 Alberto S. Cattaneo, Andrea Gamba, Igor V. Kolokolov Statistics of the One-Electron Current in a One-Dimensional Mesoscopic Ring at Arbitrary Magnetic Fields 1994
125090 Sanjay Puri, Kurt Binder Surface-Directed Spinodal Decomposition in a Thin-Film Geometry: A Computer Simulation 1994
125092 Herr6 Kunz Surface Orbital Magnetism 1994
125140 Gaveau B., Schuiman L.S. Fluctuations in Mean-Field Self-Organized Criticality 1994
125215 Streater R.F. Convection in a Gravitational Field 1994
125234 Stauffer D. Evolution by Damage Spreading in Kauffman Model 1994
125238 Stauffer D. Ising Droplets in Five Dimensions 1994
125275 Goncalves N.J.A.P. Two-Dimensional Lattice Tree Exponents and Amplitudes: Simulation Algorithms Versus Series 1994
125313 Rust H. A Note on Inherent Replication Properties of Local Cellular Automata Transition Functions 1994
125322 Stratonovich R.L. Nonlinear Nonequlibrium Thermodynamics 1994
125344 Book Review: Nonlinear Nonequilibrium Thermody- namics L Linear and Nonlinear Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorems 1994
125346 Fontes L. R. G., Jordio Neves E. Phase Uniqueness and Correlation Length in Diluted-Field Ising Models 1994
125379 Dieter Wolf-Gladrow A Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Diffusion 1994
125419 Borgs C., Kotecky R. Surface-Induced Finite-Size Effects for First-Order Phase Transitions 1994
125429 Janka Petravic, Dennis J. lsbister, Gary P. Morriss Correlation Dimension of the Sheared Hard-Disk Lorentz Gas 1994
125437 Arkhipov Y., Klar A., Vedenyapin V. On the Connection of the Formulas for Entropy and Stationary Distribution 1994
125450 Merkl F., Wagner H. Recurrent Random Walks and the Absence of Continuous Symmetry Breaking on Graphs 1994
125462 D. Pines, P. Nozieres The Theory of Quantum Liquids Superfluid Bose Liquids. Volume II 1994
125470 Book Review: Creating Modern Probability 1994
125471 Brydges D.C., Keller G. Absence of Debye Screening in the Quantum Coulomb System 1994
125483 Dorfman J.R. Response to B. C. Eu 1994
125486 Book Review: Quantum Dissipative Systems 1994
125504 Shussman Y., Aharony A. Different Types of Self-Avoiding Walks on Deterministic Fractals 1994
125505 Lerner E.Yu., Missarov M.D. Fixed Points of Renormalization Group for the Hierarchical Fermionic Model 1994
125536 Book Review: Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics for Physicists 1994
125629 Andrienko Yu.A., Brilliantov N.V., Krapivsky P.L. Pattern Formation by Growing Droplets: The Touch-and-Stop Model of Growth 1994

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