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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123513 Otnes K., Riste T. The Effect of Magnetic Field and Convective on Nematic Director Fluctuations 1994
123523 Zhan-Ning Hu, Bo-Yu Hou Remarks on the Star-Triangle Relation in the Baxter-Bazhanov Model 1994
123575 Velde K.V. A Note on the Projecton of Gibbs Measures 1994
123595 Wilson W.G., Laidlaw W.G. Microscopic-Based Fluid Flow Simulation of Invasion on a Two-Dimensional Lattice. II. Mobilization and Cohesion 1994
123608 Crisanti A., Rieger H. Random-Bond lsing Chain in a Transverse Magnetic Field: A Finite-Size Scaling Analysis 1994
123632 Baker G. The Markov Property Method Applied to lsing Model Calculations 1994
123644 Pul J.V., Verbeure A., Zagrebnov V.A. Peierls-Friihlich Instability and Kohn Anomaly 1994
123668 Krapivsky P.L. Kinetic Models of a Binary Alloy at Zero Temperature 1994
123709 Cercignani C. An Explicitly Solvable Kinetic Model for Semiconductors 1994
123731 Baeta Segundo J.A. On Quantum Stability for Systems under Quasiperiodic Perturbations 1994
123759 Janowsky S.A., Lebowitz J.L. Exact Results for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process with a Blockage 1994
123771 Figotin A., Kuchment P. Band-Gap Structure of the Spectrum of Periodic Maxwell Operators 1994
123785 Temperley H.N.V., Trevena D.H. Metastability of the Liquid-Vapor Transition and Related Effects 1994
123808 Zimmer M.F. Errata: Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Systems and Broken Supersymmetry 1994
123838 James L. Monroe Upper Bounds on T c for One-Dimensional Ising Systems 1994
123839 Carlen E.A., Carvalho M.C. Entropy Production Estimates for Boltzmann Equations with Physically Realistic Collision Kernels 1994
123900 Whittle P. Polymer Models and Generalized Potts-Kasteleyn Models 1994
123907 Shim G.M., Vinck B. Retrieval and Chaos in Extremely Diluted Q-lsing Neural Networks 1994
123933 Weinstein E., Benaroya H. The van Kampen Expansion for the Fokker-Planck Equation of a Duffing Oscillator Excited by Colored Noise 1994
123945 Martin Ph.A., Piasecki J. One-Dimensional Ballistic Aggregation: Rigorous Long-Time Estimates 1994
123948 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 70th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1994
123970 Figotin A., Klein A. Localization Phenomenon in Gaps of the Spectrum of Random Lattice Operators 1994
123993 Cahn J.W., Novick-Cohen A. Evolution Equations for Phase Separation and Ordering in Binary Alloys 1994
124035 Chiolero A., Baeriswyl D. Structural Relaxations, Phonons, and Ising Models 1994
124053 Bartelt M. C., Evans J. W. Scaling of Spatial Correlations in Cooperative Sequential Adsorption with Clustering 1994
124079 Gates D. J., Westcott M. Seven Basic Regimes of Steady Crystal Growth in Two Dimensions 1994
124102 Byung Chan Eu Response to Review of Kinetic Theory and Irreversible Thermodynamics 1994
124105 Landau L.J. Observation of Quantum Particles on a Large Space-Time Scale 1994
124121 Verbeure A., Zagrebnov V.A. Gaussian, Non-Gaussian Critical Fluctuations in the Curie-Weiss Model 1994
124139 Benyoussef A., Laanait L., Laanaiti M. More Results on the Ashkin-Teller Model 1994
124147 Poland D. Lattice Gas Activity Series from Secular Equations 1994
124160 Loviscach J. Probabilistic Models of Multidimensional Piecewise Expanding Mappings 1994
124180 Fritz J. Stationary States and Hydrodynamics of FHP Cellular Automata 1994
124219 Suchanecki Z., Antoniou I., Tasaki S. Nonlocality of the Misra-Prigogine-Courbage Semigroup 1994
124229 Kantz H., Livi R. Equipartition Thresholds in Chains of Anharmonic Oscillators 1994
124238 Lewis J.T., Pfister C.-E. The Equivalence of Ensembles for Lattice Systems: Some Examples and a Counterexample 1994
124255 Schulman L.S. Special States in the Spin-Boson Model 1994
124290 Thiran E. Integral Quadratic Forms, Kac-Moody Algebras, and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect. An ADE-O Classification 1994
124328 Angelescu N., Pulvirenti M. Derivation and Classical Limit of the Mean-Field Equation for a Quantum Coulomb System: Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics 1994
124338 den Hollander F. On Three Conjectures by K. E. Shuler 1994
124348 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1994
124358 Surda A. Incommensurate-Commensurate Phase Transitions in an Anisotropic Antiferromagnetic Model on Triangular Lattice 1994
124378 Daems D., Nicolis G. Probabilistic Approach to Homoclinic Chaos 1994
124382 Miller J., Derrida B. Weak-Disorder Expansion for the Anderson Model on a Tree 1994
124416 Ktosek M. M. Half-Range Expansion Analysis for Langevin Dynamics in the High-Friction Limit with a Singular Absorbing Boundary Condition: Noncharacteristic Case 1994
124419 Blanchard Ph., Bolz G., Cini M. Localization Stabilized by Noise 1994
124470 Book Review: Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics 1994
124488 Wolfhard Janke, Tilman Sauer Application of the Multicanonical Multigrid Monte Carlo Method to the Two-Dimensional ff4-Model: Antocorrelations and Interface Tension 1994
124501 Bleher P. M., Ruiz J., Zagrebnov V. A. On the Purity of the Limiting Gibbs State for the Ising Model on the Bethe Lattice 1994
124509 Yukhnovskii I. R., ldzyk I. M. Investigation of a Homogeneous Many-Particle System in the Vicinity of the Critical Point 1994

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