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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122994 Cladis P.E. A Dynamical Test of Phase Transition Order: New Things in Old Places or Old Wine in New Bottles 1991
123029 D. Walgraef Temporal Forcing of Wave Patterns 1991
123031 Williams G. O., Frisch H. L. Diffusion from Sessile Dro Through Membranes 1991
123034 Pablo A. Ferrari, Servet Martinez, Pierre Picco A Lower Bound for the Memory Capacity in the Potts-Hopfield Model 1991
123091 Kohyama T. Cluster Growth in Particle-Conserving Cellular Automata 1991
123142 Powell R.L. Rheology of Suspensions of Rodlike Particles 1991
123224 Roux S., Hansen A., da Silva L.R. Minimal Path on the Hierarchical Diamond Lattice 1991
119666 Clement E., Kopelman R., Sander L.M. The Diffusion-Limited Reaction A + B -> 0 on a Fractal Substrate 1991
119669 Chavez A.E., de Haro M.L., Manero O. Hydrodynamic Interactions of Dilute Polymer Solutions in Elongational Flow 1991
119671 Bardos C., Golse F., Levermore D. Fluid Dynamic Limits of Kinetic Equations. I. Formal Derivations 1991
119674 Zhang M.Q. The Nonuniform Hard-Rod Fluid Revisited 1991
119677 Sehonmann R.H., Tanaka N.I. Errata: One-Dimensional Caricature of Phase Transition Roberto H. Sehonmann and Nelson I. Tanaka 1991
119691 Greven A., den Hollander F. Population Growth in Random Media. II. Wavefront Propagation 1991
119700 Weiss G.H., Havlin S. Some Properties of a Fractal-Time Continuous-Time Random Walk in the Presence of Traps 1991
119707 Redner S., Leyvraz F. Spatial Organization in Two-Species Annihilation 1991
119722 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1991
119726 Nasilowski R. A Cellular-Automaton Fluid Model with Simple Rules in Arbitrarily Many Dimensions 1991
119751 Kong X.P., Cohen G.D. Lorentz Lattice Gases, Abnormal Diffusion, and Polymer Statistics 1991
119791 Kholodenko A.L. Ports Model, Dirac Propagator, and Conformational Statistics of Semiflexible Polymers 1991
119793 Family F., Amar J.G. Diffusion-Annihilation and the Kinetics of the Ising Model in One Dimension 1991
119812 Niu Q. Quantum Coherence of a Narrow-Band Particle Interacting with Phonons and Static Disorder 1991
119820 Parris P.E. Quantum and Stochastic Aspects of Low-Temperature Trapping and Reaction Dynamics 1991
119821 Polewczak J., Stell G. New Properties of a Class of Generalized Kinetic Equations 1991
119830 Mendes J.F.F., Lage E.J.S. Dynamics of the Infinite-Ranged Potts Model 1991
119834 Blumen A., Luding S., Sokolov I.M. Fluctuation-Dominated Kinetics in the A+B->0 Reaction Between Immobile Particles 1991
119864 Manna S.S., Vicsek T. Multifractality of Space-Filling Bearings and Apollonian Packings 1991
119917 Pollicott M. A Note on the Artuso-Aurell-Cvitanovic Approach to the Feigenbaum Tangent Operator 1991
119960 Huber D.L., Ching W.Y. Effect of Disorder on the Trapping of Frenkel Excitons in Three-Dimensional Systems 1991
119980 Êðûìîâ Â.Ã., Ôèøêèí Þ.Å. Èçãîòîâëåíèå ëèòåéíûõ ñòåðæíåé 1991
120002 Áàðèíîâ Ñ. Ì., Áîðêîâñêèé À. Á., Âëàäèìèðîâ Â. À. Áîëüøîé àíãëî-ðóññêèé ïîëèòåõíè÷åñêèé ñëîâàðü. Òîì 2 1991
120068 Enter A.C.D., Adler J., Duarte J.A.M.S. Addendum: Finite Size Effects for Some Bootstrap Percolation Models 1991
120072 Lubachevsky B.D., Stillinger F.H., Pinson E.N. Disks vs. Spheres: Contrasting Properties of Random Packings 1991
120089 Tarjus G., Schaaf P., Talbot J. Random Sequential Addition: A Distribution Function Approach 1991
120119 Celletti A., Chierchia L. Invariant Curves for Area-Preserving Twist Maps far from Integrable 1991
120161 Baxter R.J. Corner Transfer Matrices of the Chiral Potts Model 1991
120177 Brenner H. Macrotransport Processes: Brownian Tracers as Stochastic Averagers in Effective-medium Theories of Heterogeneous Media 1991
120247 Bagarello F., Trapani C. "Almost" Mean-Field Ising Model: An Algebraic Approach 1991
120285 Berry G.C., Srinivasarao M. Rheology of Nematic Solutions of Rodlike Chains: Comparison of Theory and Experiment 1991
120347 Jansons K.M., Rogers L.C.G. Probability Theory and Polymer Physics 1991
120350 Brito R., Ernst M.H., Kirkpatrick T.R. Staggered Diffusivities in Lattice Gas Cellular Automata 1991
120393 John D. Weeks Comment on the Capillary Wave Model in Three Dimensions 1991
120406 Mukamel S. Book Review: The Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Open and Closed Systems 1991
120410 Clement E., Leroux-Hugon P., Sander L.M. Analytical Solution of an Irreversible Surface Reaction Model 1991
120457 Berezhkovskii A. M., Makhnovskii Yu. A. Many-Body Effects in Diffusion-Limited Kinetics 1991
120508 Giambattista Giacomin Van der Waals Limit and Phase Separation in a Particle Model with Kawasaki Dynamics 1991
120545 Weyersberg A., Holey T. Critical Behavior of the Specific Heat for Pure and Site-Diluted Simple Cubic Ising Systems 1991
120546 Corrado Falcolini, Rafael de la Llave Numerical Calculation of Domains of Analyticity for Perturbation Theories in the Presence of Small Divisors 1991
120619 Poenaru V. Cours elementaire de K-theorie 1991
120635 Êàëìûêîâ Á., Ôðèäêèí Ã. Ñîëüôåäæèî. ×àñòü ïåðâàÿ. Îäíîãîëîñèå 1991
120667 Ëåôåâð Â.À. Ôîðìóëà ÷åëîâåêà. Êîíòóðû ôóíäàìåíòàëüíîé ïñèõîëîãèè 1991

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