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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
137107 Áðàóí Ä.Â. Àðîìàòåðàïèÿ 2007
137106 Hinman B. Benjamin Banneker: American Mathematician and Astronomer 2000
137105 Dacey L., Eston R. Growing Mathematical Ideas in Kindergarten 1999
137104 Bug A., Haase D. Forces and Motion (Physics in Action) 2008
137103 Sobotka H. Advances in Clinical Chemistry. Volume 7 1965
137101 Nelson C. Master Guide for Glamour Photography: Digital Techniques and Images 2007
137100 Larson R. Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery 2005
137099 Eliel E., Wilen S., Allinger N. Topics in Stereochemistry, Volume 16 1986
137098 Wynne S. FTCE Middle Grades Math 5-9 2008
137097 Plaza E., Benjamins R. Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management: 10th European Workshop, EKAW'97, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Catalonia, Spain, October 15-18, 1997. Proceedings 1997
137096 Conway J., Fung F. The Sensual Form 1997
137095 Alexander D., Numbers R. Biology and Ideology from Descartes to Dawkins 2010
137094 Barnett S. Quantum Information 2009
137093 Pease M. Methods of Matrix Algebra 1965
137092 Elias U. Oscillation Theory of Two-Term Differential Equations 1997
137091 Dumont H. The Nile: Origin, environments, limnology and human use 2011
137090 Hahn S., Jackson L. Prenatal Diagnosis 2008
137089 Roy H., Wajnberg E. From Biological Control to Invasion: the Ladybird Harmonia axyridis as a Model Species 2008
137087 Âàëüíý Æ. Ïðîôèëàêòèêà è ëå÷åíèå çàáîëåâàíèé àðîìàòàìè 2003
137086 Monostori L., Vancza J., Ali M. Engineering of Intelligent Systems: 14th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 2001
137085 Manning C.D., Raghavan P. Introduction to Information Retrieval 2008
137084 Gough S. Technical and Vocational Education and Learning: An Investment-Based Approach 2010
137083 Egerstedt M., Martin C. Control theoretic splines: Optimal control, statistics, and path planning 2010
137081 Burgener F., Kormano M. Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography 1996
137080 Kamihira M., Katakura Y., Ito A. Basic and Applied Aspects 2010
137079 Gies J., Gies F. Cathedral, Forge and Waterwheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages 1995
137078 Witteman W.J. Detection and Signal Processing: Technical Realization 2006
137077 Ìèíäåëë À. Ãåîïñèõîëîãèÿ â øàìàíèçìå,ôèçèêå è äàîñèçìå n/a
137076 Gregory J. Chaitin Exploring Randomness 2001
137075 Lieberman P., Blumstein S. Speech Physiology, Speech Perception, and Acoustic Phonetics 1988
137074 Êàäûðîâà Ã.Ð. Êóðñ ëåêöèé ïî èíôîðìàòèêå: Ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå. ×àñòü 1 2008
137073 Tony Fischer-Cripps Newnes Interfacing Companion: Computers, Transducers, Instrumentation and Signal Processing 2002
137072 Margaria T., Steffen B. Services and Visualization: Towards User-Friendly Design: ACos'98, VISUAL'98, AIN'97, Selected Papers 1998
137071 Fontana M., Kabbaj S.-E., Wiegand S. Commutative Ring Theory and Applications (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics) 2002
137069 Novartis Foundation Evolutionary Developmental Biology of the Cerebral Cortex 2000
137068 Chow K., Shenoi S. Advances in Digital Forensics VI 2010
137067 Ôåäåðàëüíûé èíñòèòóò ïåäàãîãè÷åñêèõ èçìåðåíèé Äåìîíñòðàöèîííûé âàðèàíò ÅÃÝ 2011 ã. Èíôîðìàòèêà è ÈÊÒ 2010
137066 Matthieu Cord, Padraig Cunningham Machine Learning Techniques for Multimedia: Case Studies on Organization and Retrieval 2008
137065 Stefanos Kollias, Andreas Stafylopatis, Wlodzislaw Duch Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2006: 16th International Conference, Athens, Greece, September 10-14, 2006, Proceedings, Part II 2006
137064 Tony Croft Foundation Maths 2006
137063 Bernhard Thalheim Conceptual Modeling - ER '96: 15th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling 1996
137062 Arkhangel'skii A., Ponomarev V. Fundamentals of General Topology: Problems and Exercises 1983
137061 Martin Loebl Discrete Mathematics in Statistical Physics 2009
137060 Kenneth J. Knapp Cyber Security and Global Information Assurance: Threat Analysis and Response Solutions (Advances in Information Security and Privacy) 2009
137059 Peter Graf Term Indexing 1996
137058 Lowe E. J. Personal Agency: The Metaphysics of Mind and Action 2008
137057 Vladimir Maz'ya, Alexander Soloviev Boundary Integral Equations on Contours with Peaks (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications) 2009
137056 Ëåáåäåâ À.Í., Øàëüíîâ À.Â. Îñíîâû ôèçèêè è òåõíèêè óñêîðèòåëåé 1991
137055 Reeves S. Designing Interfaces in Public Settings: Understanding the Role of the Spectator in Human-Computer Interaction 2011
137054 Blackburn T. M., Lockwood J. L., Cassey P. Avian Invasions: The Ecology and Evolution of Exotic Birds 2009

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