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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
144495 Muth T.G. Functional Structures in Networks: AMLn - A Language for Model Driven Development of Telecom Systems 2005
144494 Seckbach J., Oren A. Microbial Mats: Modern and Ancient Microorganisms in Stratified Systems 2010
144493 Áîðóøåê Ñ.Ñ., Âîëêîâ À.À. Åäèíàÿ ñèñòåìà êîíñòðóêòîðñêîé äîêóìåíòàöèè 1986
144492 Zurawski R. Embedded Systems Handbook 2005
144491 Parlett B. The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1987
144490 Rivasseau V., Seiringer R. Quantum Many Body Systems: Cetraro, Italy 2010 2012
144489 Cecchine G. Army Medical Support to the Army after Next: Issues and Insights from the Medical Technology Workshop 2001
144488 Tollefsbol T.O. Epigenetics Protocols 2004
144487 Bodansky O., Latner A.L. Advances in Clinical Chemistry. Volume 15 1972
144486 Ellis G.P., Luscombe D.K. Progress in Medicinal Chemistry: Volume 29 n/a
144485 Òâåðñêîé Ì.Ì. Àâòîìàòè÷åñêîå óïðàâëåíèå ðåæèìàìè îáðàáîòêè äåòàëåé íà ñòàíêàõ 1982
144484 Sigurdson J., Jiang J., Kong X. Technological Superpower China 2006
144483 Seretan V. Syntax-Based Collocation Extraction 2010
144482 Consens M., Navarro G. String Processing and Information Retrieval: 12th International Conference, SPIRE 2005, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2-4, 2005, Proceedings 2005
144481 Parker P.M. Stickler Syndrome - A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers 2007
144479 Janz S., Ctyroky J., Tanev S. Frontiers in Planar Lightwave Circuit Technology: Design, Simulation, and Fabrication 2006
144478 Leitner W. Regulated Systems for Multiphase Catalysis 2008
144477 Sandford S. The Metaphysics of Love: Gender and Transcendence in Levinas 2001
144476 Christodoulou D. Mathematical problems of general relativity 2008
144475 Öûöåíêî È.È. Ëèòåðàòóðû íàðîäîâ ÑÍÃ: Ó÷åáíî-ìåòîäè÷åñêèé êîìïëåêñ ïî ñïåöèàëüíîñòè 021700 ''Ôèëîëîãèÿ''. ×àñòü II 2006
144474 Keller H. B. Numerical Solution of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems (CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics) 1987
144473 Indulska J. Pervasive Computing: 6th International Conference 2008
144472 Brams S. J. Mathematics and Democracy: Designing Better Voting and Fair-Division Procedures 2007
144471 de Lemos R. (ed.), Gacek C.(ed.), Romanovsky A. (ed.) Architecting Dependable Systems V 2008
144470 Potegal M., Stemmler G., Spielberger C. International Handbook of Anger: Constituent and Concomitant Biological, Psychological, and Social Processes 2010
144469 Olcott M.B. Roots of Radical Islam in Central Asia 2007
144468 Moreno-Munoz A. Power Quality: Mitigation Technologies in a Distributed Environment 2007
144467 Medvegyev P. Stochastic Integration Theory 2007
144466 Èâàíîâ Â.Ê., Èâàíîâ Ê.Â. Ââåäåíèå â èíôîðìàöèîííî-ïîèñêîâûå ñèñòåìû: Ìåòîäè÷åñêèå óêàçàíèÿ ïî èçó÷åíèþ äèñöèïëèíû ''Ìèðîâûå èíôîðìàöèîíûå ðåñóðñû''. ×.1 2005
144465 Noble J. Programming Interactivity: A Designer's Guide to Processing, Arduino, and Openframeworks 2009
144464 Hierons R. M., Bowen J. P., Harman M. Formal Methods and Testing: An Outcome of the FORTEST Network 2008
144463 Garg U., Hammett-Stabler C. Clinical Applications of Mass Spectrometry: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) 2009
144462 Jain S. M., Ochatt S. J. Protocols for In Vitro Propagation of Ornamental Plants 2009
144461 Brody T. Nutritional Biochemistry 1998
144460 Park C., Chee S. Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2004: 7th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, December 2-3, 2004, Revised Selected Papers 2005
144459 Àíäðååâà Î.Â., Áåñïàëîâ Â.Ã., Âàñèëüåâ Â.Í. Îïòîèíôîðìàòèêà. ×àñòü II. Èíôîðìàöèîííûå âîçìîæíîñòè îáúåìíûõ ãîëîãðàìì: Ó÷åáíî-ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå 2003
144458 Áàáè÷ Î. Îáðàáîòêà èíôîðìàöèè â íàâèãàöèîííûõ êîìïëåêñàõ. Íàó÷íîå èçäàíèå 1991
144457 Àíäðîííèêîâ Â.Á. Ðàäèîâûñîòîìåòð ìàëûõ âûñîò: Ðóêîâîäñòâî ê ëàáîðàòîðíîé ðàáîòå 1995
144456 Khosrowpour M. Cases on the Human Side of Information Technology 2006
144455 Sriram D., Logcher R., Fukuda S. Computer-Aided Cooperative Product Development 1991
144454 Xiao S., Kaufman A. J. Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology 2006
144453 Massari U., Miranda M. Minimal Surfaces of Codimension One 1984
144452 Kuwabara K., Lee J. Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: 5th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2002, Tokyo, Japan, August 18-19, 2002. Proceedings ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2002
144451 Young N. Surveys in geometry and number theory: Reports on contemporary russian mathematics 2007
144450 Barillot C., Haynor D. R., Cunha J. Medical Image Computing And Computer-assisted Intervention 2004
144449 Lestrel P. E. Fourier Descriptors and their Applications in Biology 2008
144448 Betts D.S. An introduction to millikelvin technology 1989
144447 Bell J., Machover M. A Course in Mathematical Logic 1977
144446 Berkovich V. Spectral Theory and Analytic Geometry Over non-Archimedean Fields 1990
144445 Vladimirov A., Gavrilenko K., Michajlowski A. Assessing Information Security Strategies Tactics Logic and Framework 2010

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